Illegal MayB deported because of dogs yapping


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
Illegal Alien May Be Deported For Owning Yapping Dogs!

February 28, 2013

BAKERFIED, CALIFORNIA – IMO, Ruth Montaño, 39 is an illegal alien and was arrested and charged with one misdemeanor count of resisting arrest and one infraction of maintaining an animal that makes excessive noise. “Police claim she became agitated when they confronted her and she kicked a police officer.” She pled guilty to resisting arrest.

Upon her arrest it was found out she was also an illegal alien and Immigration, Customs and Enforcement ICE, was alerted and she now faces being deported to her country of origin. She served 10 days in jail and was “released on her own recognizance”. Montaño immigration trial begins in September.

“Montaño said she can’t believe all she is going through because of her barking dogs.” On New Year’s Eve she went to the store to buy food for her Jackpot Babies and when she came back the coppers were at her door and of course she claims harassment and police brutality.

She was upset that the police dragged her away from her trailer in front of her three Anchor Babies (Jackpot Babies) and disrespected her, so she kicked one of police offices. Her yapping Chihuahua and poodle annoyed the neighbors one too many times and now she’s paying the price.


Barking Dogs May Lead to Woman's Deportation


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