Illegal Unaccompanied Minors Being Held For Placement


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Illegal Unaccompanied Minors Being Held For Placement in U.S. Admit to Engaging in Torture and Murder


Despite Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson vowing to "stem the tide" of unaccompanied illegal minors across the southern border with Mexico, thousands more are expected to enter the United States by the end of the year. With the system being overwhelmed, Border Patrol agents are concerned about minors who have admitted to being MS-13 members, a brutal street gang from El Salvador that has been successful in infiltrating American communities. Agents are also concerned about minors who have committed acts like torture and murder in their home countries before heading north to the United States.


The disaster in chief, showed up to Texas and of course ignored the "non-crisis" and attended a fundraiser held by the director of the Machete movies. $30,0000 per plate dinner.

The criminal in chief from his point of view is not making mistakes. He is doing the bidding of his constituency who think exactly like him. Bring down America, and make the US Constitution irrelevant, ushering in a new socialist regime.

That is the CHANGE, and that is what they have been LEANING towards their entire lives. The contrived socialist fraud in chief, is indeed succeeding in his plans.

No doubt.
There seems to be a huge cone of silence over this.

Imagine if this was going on when Bush was president. The media would be going nuts right about now.

Religious organizations have volunteered to help with the children that are currently in detention and the feds said no thanks. They offered simply to pray for the kids in person. The feds said absolutely no praying, or in other words God isn't allowed near these kids.

The medical personnel working with these children have been threatened with not only being fired but arrested and imprisoned if they talk to anyone about what is going at these camps.

Texas Governor Rick Perry talked for a few minutes with the president when he stopped in for another fundraiser, and asked him if he could do anything, send the National Guard to the border. Obama said that he can't do anything till the Republicans give him money. So Obama won't lift a finger to do the right thing because he's setting up a crisis and blaming it on the GOP. His claim will be they caused all of this by cutting funding.

Everyone but Fox News is totally ignoring this story. This is like Katrina, which we saw the same videos of blacks wading through waist deep water over and over till it was imprinted on the minds of everyone that it was a disaster. Not so much with this. None of the other media sources are showing anything. No videos, not still photos, almost no coverage.

What we're seeing is Obama using the federal government to facilitate an invasion of America. Even members of Congress, other than Nancy Pelosi, have been kept out so the true status cannot be ascertained. This is one big coverup happening right under our noses.......and Obama is busy fundraising, playing pool, and drinking beer. Do you think Bush would ever get away with any of this?

Fuck no!!!!!!


This is what Democraps did when Bush wasn't on the ground the moment the storm passed. Yet we've known about this crisis for weeks and Obama still refuses to see it for himself. He even claimed falsely that he doesn't do photo-ops. I almost snarfed my coffee when I heard him tell this lie.

Here's one from Tuesday night in Colorado.........

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I swear the more I look at what Obama is doing and has done, I want to vomit. Just how many got in line to kick his ass as he was growing up?

Obama is indeed one lucky dude.

I also noticed that most of the libs on USMB are avoiding this topic like the plague. I started threads about it and the only thing I get is a few snarky remarks about how nobody cares.

Well, we can tell that nobody on the left gives a flying fuck about what Obama is doing with those children. He's human trafficking on a massive scale.
I also noticed that most of the libs on USMB are avoiding this topic like the plague. I started threads about it and the only thing I get is a few snarky remarks about how nobody cares.

Well, we can tell that nobody on the left gives a flying fuck about what Obama is doing with those children. He's human trafficking on a massive scale.

Yep, sure glad I took that mandatory 'Trafficing in Persons' training years ago..

I can clearly see what Obama is doing. I recognize the signs... Better find that hotline number and report this issue :badgrin:

It took the silence of millions of Germans to allow the Nazis to come to power and I'd be willing to bet that every single one of these silent liberals would condemn the comparison, but it is very close.

The more you refuse to face up to what's going on the more Obama and his Administration will try to get away with. He's already telling you fine folks what is fit to be news. What's next. Dipping into your bank accounts and charging you for being a citizen? What are you going to do about it?

Absolutely nothing.
These kids should never have been allowed into this country at all.

Good God. We taxpayers are now stuck ponying up for kids from another country.

Where the hell are all those members of Congress? They should be working to return these kids to wherever the hell they came from.

If there's a law allowing them in then they need to reverse it and get these freeloaders out of the US.

Rocket science? Nope. Just common sense.
I also noticed that most of the libs on USMB are avoiding this topic like the plague. I started threads about it and the only thing I get is a few snarky remarks about how nobody cares.

Well, we can tell that nobody on the left gives a flying fuck about what Obama is doing with those children. He's human trafficking on a massive scale.

Avoiding what topic?

You guys are in La La land about it.

First off, this has been going on for years. Where do you think the "Dreamers" came from, eh?

Now? Because Obama, yes..OBAMA, has put more RESOURCES at the BORDER, more migrants are getting caught.

Secondly, the economic conditions in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are a DIRECT consequence of American intervention in those countries.

You guys come up with the most ridiculous assumptions about what is going on.

Additionally, the politicians you've sent to the congress CREATE THESE PROBLEMS.


To sum up.

You folks create a mess. Starve the people charged with cleaning up the mess the resources to do it. Then yell, "IT'S A MESS!!!".

These kids should never have been allowed into this country at all.

Good God. We taxpayers are now stuck ponying up for kids from another country.

Where the hell are all those members of Congress? They should be working to return these kids to wherever the hell they came from.

If there's a law allowing them in then they need to reverse it and get these freeloaders out of the US.

Rocket science? Nope. Just common sense.

I think this was the exact same sentiment conservatives Americans had about Jews fleeing the Holocaust.

I also noticed that most of the libs on USMB are avoiding this topic like the plague. I started threads about it and the only thing I get is a few snarky remarks about how nobody cares.

Well, we can tell that nobody on the left gives a flying fuck about what Obama is doing with those children. He's human trafficking on a massive scale.

Avoiding what topic?

You guys are in La La land about it.

First off, this has been going on for years. Where do you think the "Dreamers" came from, eh?

Now? Because Obama, yes..OBAMA, has put more RESOURCES at the BORDER, more migrants are getting caught.

Secondly, the economic conditions in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are a DIRECT consequence of American intervention in those countries.

You guys come up with the most ridiculous assumptions about what is going on.

Additionally, the politicians you've sent to the congress CREATE THESE PROBLEMS.


To sum up.

You folks create a mess. Starve the people charged with cleaning up the mess the resources to do it. Then yell, "IT'S A MESS!!!".


Yeap. They are going to blame republicans for starting the mess folks. That is what they are reading on Moveon and watching on MSNBC.

This is all the republicans fault, and that will be their narrative.
These kids should never have been allowed into this country at all.

Good God. We taxpayers are now stuck ponying up for kids from another country.

Where the hell are all those members of Congress? They should be working to return these kids to wherever the hell they came from.

If there's a law allowing them in then they need to reverse it and get these freeloaders out of the US.

Rocket science? Nope. Just common sense.

I think this was the exact same sentiment conservatives Americans had about Jews fleeing the Holocaust.


Oh really? FDR and Joe Kennedy were these conservatives?

We all know Winston Churchill was yelling. Wait, he was probably a liberal to a moron liberal.

Liberals are just so annoying and fucking ignorant.

John McCain is grilling the incompetent administration officials on this. It looks like they're intentionally trying to waste time. They all have a case of the "ummmmmmmmmms".

None of them seems to knows just what in the fuck is going on.

McCain ordered the director to revoke his ridiculous instructions preventing members of congress from speaking with staff at the camps. He asked if that was understood, and go no answer.

This is an overreach. It is against the law.

If I was governor I would kick their asses out of my state, revoke their permission to operate, and take over the camps personally.
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I also noticed that most of the libs on USMB are avoiding this topic like the plague. I started threads about it and the only thing I get is a few snarky remarks about how nobody cares.

Well, we can tell that nobody on the left gives a flying fuck about what Obama is doing with those children. He's human trafficking on a massive scale.

Avoiding what topic?

You guys are in La La land about it.

First off, this has been going on for years. Where do you think the "Dreamers" came from, eh?

Now? Because Obama, yes..OBAMA, has put more RESOURCES at the BORDER, more migrants are getting caught.

Secondly, the economic conditions in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are a DIRECT consequence of American intervention in those countries.

You guys come up with the most ridiculous assumptions about what is going on.

Additionally, the politicians you've sent to the congress CREATE THESE PROBLEMS.


To sum up.

You folks create a mess. Starve the people charged with cleaning up the mess the resources to do it. Then yell, "IT'S A MESS!!!".


Wow, I thought you were brighter than this.

Yes, I'm wrong on occasions

I also noticed that most of the libs on USMB are avoiding this topic like the plague. I started threads about it and the only thing I get is a few snarky remarks about how nobody cares.

Well, we can tell that nobody on the left gives a flying fuck about what Obama is doing with those children. He's human trafficking on a massive scale.

Avoiding what topic?

You guys are in La La land about it.

First off, this has been going on for years. Where do you think the "Dreamers" came from, eh?

Now? Because Obama, yes..OBAMA, has put more RESOURCES at the BORDER, more migrants are getting caught.

Secondly, the economic conditions in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are a DIRECT consequence of American intervention in those countries.

You guys come up with the most ridiculous assumptions about what is going on.

Additionally, the politicians you've sent to the congress CREATE THESE PROBLEMS.


To sum up.

You folks create a mess. Starve the people charged with cleaning up the mess the resources to do it. Then yell, "IT'S A MESS!!!".


There was two sides to the war that went on in the 80s in Central America.

You claim that what we did 30 years ago has all of the sudden caused this?

Are you sniffing glue????

Just how fucken stupid can you get?????
I also noticed that most of the libs on USMB are avoiding this topic like the plague. I started threads about it and the only thing I get is a few snarky remarks about how nobody cares.

Well, we can tell that nobody on the left gives a flying fuck about what Obama is doing with those children. He's human trafficking on a massive scale.

Avoiding what topic?

You guys are in La La land about it.

First off, this has been going on for years. Where do you think the "Dreamers" came from, eh?

Now? Because Obama, yes..OBAMA, has put more RESOURCES at the BORDER, more migrants are getting caught.

Secondly, the economic conditions in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are a DIRECT consequence of American intervention in those countries.

You guys come up with the most ridiculous assumptions about what is going on.

Additionally, the politicians you've sent to the congress CREATE THESE PROBLEMS.


To sum up.

You folks create a mess. Starve the people charged with cleaning up the mess the resources to do it. Then yell, "IT'S A MESS!!!".


The School of the Americas (SOA) is a combat training school for Latin American soldiers, located at Fort Benning, Georgia. In 2001 renamed the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC).

The School of the Americas is the biggest base for destabilization in Latin America. The SOA have left a trail of blood and suffering in every country where its graduates have returned. For this reason the School of the Americas has been historically dubbed the School of Assassins.

Since 1946, the SOA has trained over 64,000 Latin American soldiers in counterinsurgency techniques, sniper training, commando and psychological warfare, military intelligence and interrogation tactics. These graduates have consistently used their skills to wage a war against their own people. Among those targeted by SOA graduates are educators, union organizers, religious workers, student leaders, and others who work for the rights of the poor. Hundreds of thousands of Latin Americans have been tortured, raped, assassinated, “disappeared,” massacred, and forced into refugee and drug trafficking by those trained at the School of Assassins.

This is why people are desperately running to our boarder and families sending their children out of Harm

Seems like the chickens finally have come home to roost :eusa_whistle:

And the uneducated rightingwing here in the United states will continue to speak their ignorance of things they know NOTHING about
I also noticed that most of the libs on USMB are avoiding this topic like the plague. I started threads about it and the only thing I get is a few snarky remarks about how nobody cares.

Well, we can tell that nobody on the left gives a flying fuck about what Obama is doing with those children. He's human trafficking on a massive scale.

Avoiding what topic?

You guys are in La La land about it.

First off, this has been going on for years. Where do you think the "Dreamers" came from, eh?

Now? Because Obama, yes..OBAMA, has put more RESOURCES at the BORDER, more migrants are getting caught.

Secondly, the economic conditions in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are a DIRECT consequence of American intervention in those countries.

You guys come up with the most ridiculous assumptions about what is going on.

Additionally, the politicians you've sent to the congress CREATE THESE PROBLEMS.


To sum up.

You folks create a mess. Starve the people charged with cleaning up the mess the resources to do it. Then yell, "IT'S A MESS!!!".


Yeap. They are going to blame republicans for starting the mess folks. That is what they are reading on Moveon and watching on MSNBC.

This is all the republicans fault, and that will be their narrative.

I will say that Bush's immigration bill would have solved a good deal of it.

To bad conservatives balked.
I also noticed that most of the libs on USMB are avoiding this topic like the plague. I started threads about it and the only thing I get is a few snarky remarks about how nobody cares.

Well, we can tell that nobody on the left gives a flying fuck about what Obama is doing with those children. He's human trafficking on a massive scale.

Avoiding what topic?

You guys are in La La land about it.

First off, this has been going on for years. Where do you think the "Dreamers" came from, eh?

Now? Because Obama, yes..OBAMA, has put more RESOURCES at the BORDER, more migrants are getting caught.

Secondly, the economic conditions in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are a DIRECT consequence of American intervention in those countries.

You guys come up with the most ridiculous assumptions about what is going on.

Additionally, the politicians you've sent to the congress CREATE THESE PROBLEMS.


To sum up.

You folks create a mess. Starve the people charged with cleaning up the mess the resources to do it. Then yell, "IT'S A MESS!!!".


There was two sides to the war that went on in the 80s in Central America.

You claim that what we did 30 years ago has all of the sudden caused this?

Are you sniffing glue????

Just how fucken stupid can you get?????

History has no impact on the present?

That what you are saying???

And you are accusing me of sniffing glue??????

I also noticed that most of the libs on USMB are avoiding this topic like the plague. I started threads about it and the only thing I get is a few snarky remarks about how nobody cares.

Well, we can tell that nobody on the left gives a flying fuck about what Obama is doing with those children. He's human trafficking on a massive scale.

Avoiding what topic?

You guys are in La La land about it.

First off, this has been going on for years. Where do you think the "Dreamers" came from, eh?

Now? Because Obama, yes..OBAMA, has put more RESOURCES at the BORDER, more migrants are getting caught.

Secondly, the economic conditions in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are a DIRECT consequence of American intervention in those countries.

You guys come up with the most ridiculous assumptions about what is going on.

Additionally, the politicians you've sent to the congress CREATE THESE PROBLEMS.


To sum up.

You folks create a mess. Starve the people charged with cleaning up the mess the resources to do it. Then yell, "IT'S A MESS!!!".


The School of the Americas (SOA) is a combat training school for Latin American soldiers, located at Fort Benning, Georgia. In 2001 renamed the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC).

The School of the Americas is the biggest base for destabilization in Latin America. The SOA have left a trail of blood and suffering in every country where its graduates have returned. For this reason the School of the Americas has been historically dubbed the School of Assassins.

Since 1946, the SOA has trained over 64,000 Latin American soldiers in counterinsurgency techniques, sniper training, commando and psychological warfare, military intelligence and interrogation tactics. These graduates have consistently used their skills to wage a war against their own people. Among those targeted by SOA graduates are educators, union organizers, religious workers, student leaders, and others who work for the rights of the poor. Hundreds of thousands of Latin Americans have been tortured, raped, assassinated, “disappeared,” massacred, and forced into refugee and drug trafficking by those trained at the School of Assassins.

This is why people are desperately running to our boarder and families sending their children out of Harm

Seems like the chickens finally have come home to roost :eusa_whistle:

And the uneducated rightingwing here in the United states will continue to speak their ignorance of things they know NOTHING about

What utter nonsense....

School of the Americas Watch is an advocacy organization founded by former Maryknoll Father Roy Bourgeois and a small group of supporters in 1990 to protest the training of mainly Latin American military officers, by the United States Department of Defense, at the School of the Americas (SOA). Most notably, SOA Watch conducts a vigil each November at the site of the academy, located on the grounds of Fort Benning, a U.S. Army military base near Columbus, Georgia, in protest over human rights abuses committed by some graduates of the academy or under their leadership, including murders, rapes and torture and contraventions of the Geneva Conventions.[1] Military officials state that even if graduates commit war crimes after they return to their home country, the school itself should not be held accountable for their actions. Responding to "mounting protests"[2][3] spearheaded by SOA Watch, in 2000 the United States Congress renamed the School of the Americas the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC), rather than closing the academy. In addition, all students must undergo a minimum of eight hours of class on human rights and the principle of civilian control of the military.

Non-violent demonstrations

Protest demonstrations are staged by SOA Watch at the main gate of Ft. Benning in November each year, in commemoration of the anniversary of the Murdered scholars of UCA. The growing annual protest has remained a major focus for SOA Watch and the grassroots movement to close the SOA/WHINSEC, which likewise has grown throughout the Americas since the first protest in 1990. The original band of ten resisters who marched onto Ft. Benning and splashed blood upon the School of Americas to commemorate the first anniversary of the UCA massacre has grown in recent years to a community of 10,000. People come from across the country and around the globe to honor victims of the School of the Americas, as well as their survivors, with music, words, puppets and theatre. School of the Americas Watch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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LOL, yeap. Not only are they blaming republicans, they are blaming Booooooooooooosh.

I am surprised they do not blame Bush for the dinosaurs going extinct.

Well, Hugo Chavez (a liberal god) blamed capitalism on ending life on Mars. Yes, he blamed capitalism for ending life on Mars.

Yes, he is a liberal hero.

I also noticed that most of the libs on USMB are avoiding this topic like the plague. I started threads about it and the only thing I get is a few snarky remarks about how nobody cares.

Well, we can tell that nobody on the left gives a flying fuck about what Obama is doing with those children. He's human trafficking on a massive scale.

Avoiding what topic?

You guys are in La La land about it.

First off, this has been going on for years. Where do you think the "Dreamers" came from, eh?

Now? Because Obama, yes..OBAMA, has put more RESOURCES at the BORDER, more migrants are getting caught.

Secondly, the economic conditions in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are a DIRECT consequence of American intervention in those countries.

You guys come up with the most ridiculous assumptions about what is going on.

Additionally, the politicians you've sent to the congress CREATE THESE PROBLEMS.


To sum up.

You folks create a mess. Starve the people charged with cleaning up the mess the resources to do it. Then yell, "IT'S A MESS!!!".


There have always been illegals, but this new wave is obviously something much more extreme than we've seen in the past.
The word has gotten out that Obama is soft on deporting children, and that's why they are now coming as never before.

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