Illegal Unaccompanied Minors Being Held For Placement

And refugees fleeing a violent, torn country are not undocumented immigrants sneaking over the border to steal lettuce picking jobs from you.

They are not "refugees" until an immigration judge determines that they are. They are not entitled to protections as asylum-seekers unless it can be proven that they will be persecuted and/or killed if they return to their country of origin. Lots and lots of people live in El Salvador, for example, without fear of elimination by their government for political ideology or religious belief. There are wealthy Salvadorans not involved in drug trade or organized crime - legitimate business people - who spend their days luxuriating on their yachts because they have been successful. They may or may not support the current government (mostly not), and they may or may not hold any particular religious affiliation (mostly yes, but entirely by choice). There are middle-to-upper middle class kids who walk to school everyday, play soccer, do their homework, try to find a girlfriend, etc. - all that normal kid stuff without the need to race north until they cross the US border to save their skin. The existence of poverty and crime is not by itself sufficient grounds for asylum. If it were, then anyone from Detroit could demand to be taken in by any country with similar protections for refugees and asylum-seekers.

Vulnerable children must and will be taken care of while they are in US custody, but that is not a determination of status, and immigration policy cannot be set by the maudlin pulling of heartstrings.
These kids should never have been allowed into this country at all.

Good God. We taxpayers are now stuck ponying up for kids from another country.

Where the hell are all those members of Congress? They should be working to return these kids to wherever the hell they came from.

If there's a law allowing them in then they need to reverse it and get these freeloaders out of the US.

Rocket science? Nope. Just common sense.

I think this was the exact same sentiment conservatives Americans had about Jews fleeing the Holocaust.


Are you really comparing these tattooed up gang banging killers to Jews fleeing the Holocaust?
I also noticed that most of the libs on USMB are avoiding this topic like the plague. I started threads about it and the only thing I get is a few snarky remarks about how nobody cares.

Well, we can tell that nobody on the left gives a flying fuck about what Obama is doing with those children. He's human trafficking on a massive scale.

Avoiding what topic?

You guys are in La La land about it.

First off, this has been going on for years. Where do you think the "Dreamers" came from, eh?

Now? Because Obama, yes..OBAMA, has put more RESOURCES at the BORDER, more migrants are getting caught.

Secondly, the economic conditions in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are a DIRECT consequence of American intervention in those countries.

You guys come up with the most ridiculous assumptions about what is going on.

Additionally, the politicians you've sent to the congress CREATE THESE PROBLEMS.


To sum up.

You folks create a mess. Starve the people charged with cleaning up the mess the resources to do it. Then yell, "IT'S A MESS!!!".


Yeap. They are going to blame republicans for starting the mess folks. That is what they are reading on Moveon and watching on MSNBC.

This is all the republicans fault, and that will be their narrative.

:eusa_clap:Oh course. They have to defend their dear leader no matter what. If they don't they just might lose their freebies he has promised them.
Avoiding what topic?

You guys are in La La land about it.

First off, this has been going on for years. Where do you think the "Dreamers" came from, eh?

Now? Because Obama, yes..OBAMA, has put more RESOURCES at the BORDER, more migrants are getting caught.

Secondly, the economic conditions in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are a DIRECT consequence of American intervention in those countries.

You guys come up with the most ridiculous assumptions about what is going on.

Additionally, the politicians you've sent to the congress CREATE THESE PROBLEMS.


To sum up.

You folks create a mess. Starve the people charged with cleaning up the mess the resources to do it. Then yell, "IT'S A MESS!!!".


There was two sides to the war that went on in the 80s in Central America.

You claim that what we did 30 years ago has all of the sudden caused this?

Are you sniffing glue????

Just how fucken stupid can you get?????

History has no impact on the present?

That what you are saying???

And you are accusing me of sniffing glue??????


:DWell a lefty finally saying it. Wooo. History has nothing to do with the present? Then why do you lefties keep bringing up Bush every time Ubama screws up? Guess you lie just like your dear leader does.
Avoiding what topic?

You guys are in La La land about it.

First off, this has been going on for years. Where do you think the "Dreamers" came from, eh?

Now? Because Obama, yes..OBAMA, has put more RESOURCES at the BORDER, more migrants are getting caught.

Secondly, the economic conditions in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are a DIRECT consequence of American intervention in those countries.

You guys come up with the most ridiculous assumptions about what is going on.

Additionally, the politicians you've sent to the congress CREATE THESE PROBLEMS.


To sum up.

You folks create a mess. Starve the people charged with cleaning up the mess the resources to do it. Then yell, "IT'S A MESS!!!".


There was two sides to the war that went on in the 80s in Central America.

You claim that what we did 30 years ago has all of the sudden caused this?

Are you sniffing glue????

Just how fucken stupid can you get?????

History has no impact on the present?

That what you are saying???

And you are accusing me of sniffing glue??????


History does have an effect but over time it becomes less.

The history you want to ignore on a consistent basis is more recent history.

Obama telling the world that he refuses to obey our immigration laws anymore. For some who don't live here life sucks. They pay attention when some dickhead Democrap tells them we have open borders now.
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Yeap. They are going to blame republicans for starting the mess folks. That is what they are reading on Moveon and watching on MSNBC.

This is all the republicans fault, and that will be their narrative.

I will say that Bush's immigration bill would have solved a good deal of it.

To bad conservatives balked.

Obama blew it up. He showed everyone exactly why we can't pass a comprehensive bill because this president refuses to enforce our laws anyway. All it will do is give him carte blanch to usher in millions more and declare them legal citizens.....and new Democrat voters, to be bused all over the country during the next few elections. He'll use them to stuff ballot boxes in dozens of swing states. This is all about stealing elections. Nothing more.

That's such bullshit.

President Obama's been deporting more migrants then Bush, Clinton, Bush and Reagan.

I don't agree with that policy by the way.

We have a REALLY FUCKED UP immigration policy.

Some people, like Cubans, can just make it here and become citizens.

Some people, like wealthy Chinese, can promise to build something and become citizens.

But if you are one of the poor, tired huddled masses yearning to be free?

You're screwed.

And it isn't like this country hasn't caused the shitty economic conditions in a lot of the places that people are fleeing from, because it has..

And just recently? It completely screwed Iraq. So much so, millions of Iraqis fled in to Jordan, Turkey and many other countries.

How many wound up here?


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