Illegally pass a school bus............get your picture taken and a fine.

Does anybody else see why it's hard to take this poster seriously?

And yes, anything that can be done to cut down on drivers not obeying the law regarding safety in the area of school buses is A GOOD THING!

I have two relatives who drive school buses and assholes disregarding the safety of the kids is the worst part of their job.

Reminds me of time in college when a lady passed my school bus while I was unloading. She challenged it and the court dismissed her violation!

A camera would have been a nice thing to have.
That is what they are now seriously working towards. Just a few states started to do it, and now it looks like it's gonna become nationwide policy.

I'm hoping it does, I'd like to see EVERY school bus with cameras so that the impatient asshats who think their time is more important than the lives of kids gets nailed to a wall.

SC (the state where I now live) has increased the fine to 1,000 and includes jail time or community service as well.

That's a little silly.

I drove a tractor-trailer before retiring. What people do to us is worse than what they do to school bus drivers. I finally got sick of it. I didn't wait for my employer to buy a camera for my truck, I spent the hundred bucks myself. Crystal clear picture, night vision turn the sound on or off. It was great.

If somebody falsely accused me of causing an accident and I got cited for it, sure, my employers insurance would cover it, but it's my license and my points. That's why the hundred or so bucks I spent was the best insurance policy I ever had.

When I left work I took the camera and put it in my car. I wouldn't dream of driving without it.
I don't mind if they do it, as long as it doesn't take them five minutes. I've been behind school buses like that.
I drove a special needs bus for a while. I had to unstrap a kid and walk him off the bus. A cop waiting behind me, not on a call, pulled up to my window and asked why I was taking so long. I just said, "Sorry, Sir. The boy needs some time."
Yep.......which is why so many skate when they run those stop signs...

Yes but it is for the protection of the innocent. You wouldn't want to get a ticket in the mail because of some guy you got into an argument with at the bar made claim you went past a school bus with the warning lights on when you were nowhere near any school bus.
That's a little silly.

I drove a tractor-trailer before retiring. What people do to us is worse than what they do to school bus drivers. I finally got sick of it. I didn't wait for my employer to buy a camera for my truck, I spent the hundred bucks myself. Crystal clear picture, night vision turn the sound on or off. It was great.

If somebody falsely accused me of causing an accident and I got cited for it, sure, my employers insurance would cover it, but it's my license and my points. That's why the hundred or so bucks I spent was the best insurance policy I ever had.

When I left work I took the camera and put it in my car. I wouldn't dream of driving without it.

Wish I had had such a thing a few months ago. I was pulling into a diagonal parking space in a parking lot, and someone was backing out of a spot one or two spaces to the left of me, and backed into me. I've had all the damage to my car repaired for a month or more and my insurance company paid for it, but I still haven't heard what the investigation showed about who was at fault. Everyone I've talked to, including the great guy who owns the body shop I used, agrees that it was the other guy's fault. I hope so.

Does anybody else see why it's hard to take this poster seriously?

And yes, anything that can be done to cut down on drivers not obeying the law regarding safety in the area of school buses is A GOOD THING!

I have two relatives who drive school buses and assholes disregarding the safety of the kids is the worst part of their job.

Why do you say "it's hard to take this poster seriously"...............while agreeing with them?
Says the guy who supports murdering 800,000 children a year. Meantime, public school bus drivers are fascist assholes---- I've had them put their lights on then just keep driving buy after everyone stopped, I've had them cut across the road into my lane in front of me with no warning like they were trying to force a collision making me swerve to avoid hitting the idiot, I had another pull into a school bus drop off location in front of me to drop off kids and stop short of where he should have been, then when he wanted to leave, waving his arms wildly making the whole line of cars stopped for him have to back up 20 feet because he stopped short of where he needed to be to leave, I had another stop on another street behind me and on the other side of an intersection yell at me because I stopped at the stop sign on my street then keep going, and I've even had one drive up a one lane road where I had the right of way and was already half way through the construction forcing me to either back way up or drive over a wall to get around the asshole.

School bus drivers are asshole dickhead drivers because they know they can be and will get away with it and still get the protection and preference of the police, the public and courts.
Well, now we know who objects to this..........a MAGAt.
Wish I had had such a thing a few months ago. I was pulling into a diagonal parking space in a parking lot, and someone was backing out of a spot one or two spaces to the left of me, and backed into me. I've had all the damage to my car repaired for a month or more and my insurance company paid for it, but I still haven't heard what the investigation showed about who was at fault. Everyone I've talked to, including the great guy who owns the body shop I used, agrees that it was the other guy's fault. I hope so.

They're easy to get. I have a portable that I just plug into any cigarette lighter outlet. The camera has a suction cup on it you can put on any window. You can get the cheap ones for $30.00 or $40.00 bucks, or spend a few more dollars and get a better quality one. For cars they come with double cameras: one facing forward and another facing the back window. If your accident was the other persons fault, the camera would have paid for itself many times over depending on the damage.

I highly recommend it. You'll feel safer having one than not. Besides, it's Christmas, and it's hell to think of things you'd like as a present

With that, they should have cameras on the drivers as well who often make outrageous and dangerous moves, and then they might try actually teaching kids to WATCH FOR THE FUCKING TRAFFIC instead of just jumping off the bus and running around all over oblivious that they are on public streets with cars around! And teach them to walk on the right side of the road facing traffic. Or heaven forbid, they do the intelligent thing and create pull off spaces for buses to pull into to load and unload the kids with an adult there to supervise the kids and keep them there until the street is safe and clear with good visibility!

Instead of teaching kids to walk streets DEFENSIVELY, which would avoid most accidents, they teach kids to expect the whole world is going to jump and look out for them, then they get hit or grow up expecting the same unrealistic expectations in life!
Someone has gotten a justifiable ticket or two.........................
I know...................but for some strange reason, it makes those who believe they are "entitled" to do whatever they wish, feel a bit more important, or like they are somehow getting over on the system.
Same scum who don't slow down in school zones.
They're easy to get. I have a portable that I just plug into any cigarette lighter outlet. The camera has a suction cup on it you can put on any window. You can get the cheap ones for $30.00 or $40.00 bucks, or spend a few more dollars and get a better quality one. For cars they come with double cameras: one facing forward and another facing the back window. If your accident was the other persons fault, the camera would have paid for itself many times over depending on the damage.

I highly recommend it. You'll feel safer having one than not. Besides, it's Christmas, and it's hell to think of things you'd like as a present

Cool! Thank you for the link! What a great Christmas present to give myself.
Wow, you really appear to be an idiot. Yes, of course I want kids to be safe, that is my whole POINT. When I was a kid, my mother told me to WATCH THE FUCK OUT FOR TRAFFIC! I always watched for cars, gave them the right of way, walked facing them so I could see them coming and never assumed a car wasn't there or would stop! If YOU cared for kids, you'd be angry that schools and parents now are not doing that and putting all the onus on drivers operating 4500 pounds of steel.

I've seen kids completely OBLIVIOUS to the dangers around them, that's why they get hit. Once again, kids PUT into danger by liberal thinking when the ultimate responsibility lays with the kids to watch out for themselves because you can never guarantee that every car will stop, see or be able to avoid them.

I've seen kids walking up the street actually bang into cars which were trying to get around them passing slowly on THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROAD completely oblivious to the cars even being there because the kids are not being taught responsibility for themselves.

Ever stop to think what will happen to these people as they get older? Or do you ever stop to think what would happen to any animal species in nature if they acted so oblivious to the danger around them?
FREEDUMB! To run kids down because they don't cross safely.......even tho they are just kids.

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