Illegally pass a school bus............get your picture taken and a fine. appear to not really care about kids being safe.

Scrape kids off their bumper

. Once again, kids PUT into danger by liberal thinking when the ultimate responsibility lays with the kids to watch out for themselves because you can never guarantee that every car will stop, see or be able to avoid them.

My question is, "What if a kid jumps out and gets hit by a passing train?"

I drove a special needs bus for a while.
Deal with a hurt little one, and get back to me.....

Says the guy who supports murdering 800,000 children a year. Meantime, public school bus drivers are fascist assholes---- I've had them put their lights on then just keep driving buy after everyone stopped, I've had them cut across the road into my lane in front of me with no warning like they were trying to force a collision making me swerve to avoid hitting the idiot, I had another pull into a school bus drop off location in front of me to drop off kids and stop short of where he should have been, then when he wanted to leave, waving his arms wildly making the whole line of cars stopped for him have to back up 20 feet because he stopped short of where he needed to be to leave, I had another stop on another street behind me and on the other side of an intersection yell at me because I stopped at the stop sign on my street then keep going, and I've even had one drive up a one lane road where I had the right of way and was already half way through the construction forcing me to either back way up or drive over a wall to get around the asshole.

School bus drivers are asshole dickhead drivers because they know they can be and will get away with it and still get the protection and preference of the police, the public and courts.
I've been driving for 45 years, and have had ZERO troublesome encounters with a school bus.

It appears that the ASSHOLE you speak of is the one in the mirror.
Ah...MAGAts don't just have sexual fantasies....they have violent fantasies too.
So you don't think pedophiles should be executed?
Your answer hell no I support Biden taking inappropriate showers with his daughter. Yes you do, you keep turning corners when asked about it. Biden is a pedophile and he represents your party. Also 5 year olds are getting taught sex by liberals.
I am trying to understand the logistics of the situation. If a non-school bus pulls over to a bus stop, people enter and leave on the right side of the bus, and no one thinks there is any problem if a car driver passes the stopped bus in the lane on the left side of the vehicle. There is no reason anybody on the bus would walk over to the bus driver's side of the bus. Why is it different with a school bus?

I could understand there could be a problem if there is a crosswalk in front of the bus but is that often the case?
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I am trying to understand the logistics of the situation. If a non-school bus pulls over to a bus stop, people enter and leave on the right side of the bus, and no one thinks there is any problem if a car driver passes the stopped bus in the lane on the left side of the vehicle. There is no reason anybody on the bus would walk over to the bus driver's side of the bus. Why is it different with a school bus?

I could understand there could be a problem if there is a crosswalk in front of the bus but is that often the case?
School buses have BIG flashing amber and RED lights, STOP signs that pop out on the driver's side of the vehicle, and a swing out arm that prevent (short) pedestrians from crossing directly in front while the driver may be distracted.
I am trying to understand the logistics of the situation. If a non-school bus pulls over to a bus stop, people enter and leave on the right side of the bus, and no one thinks there is any problem if a car driver passes the stopped bus in the lane on the left side of the vehicle. There is no reason anybody on the bus would walk over to the bus driver's side of the bus. Why is it different with a school bus?

I could understand there could be a problem if there is a crosswalk in front of the bus but is that often the case?
On a 2 lane road, when a bus pulls over and lets people off, the drivers behind the bus cannot see if a pedestrian is walking in front of the bus to cross the street. However, I agree with you, why is there a need for a school bus to drop a kid off across the street from their home? Here in CA, school buses are equipped with fold out stop signs so, if a bus is stopped, and it is letting kids off the bus, the stop sign folds out. In many cases, getting back to the two lane road or highway, the bus typically pulls over and stops but does not deploy it's stop sign at which point no kids are getting off the bus and cars are allowed to pass. I have seen, many times, a row of cars 10 or 15 cars long behind a school bus making multiple stops and most school bus drivers let the traffic pass before deploying the stop sign.
Oh dear, another left loon chimes in...

I'm curious, I should care why? I despise leftist loons and simply said respect a big yellow vehicle with flashing lights and a stop arm.

Oh wait...the grooming comment got you worked up... it's now clear
What the hell does THIS topic have to do with left/right?
Wow, you really appear to be an idiot. Yes, of course I want kids to be safe, that is my whole POINT. When I was a kid, my mother told me to WATCH THE FUCK OUT FOR TRAFFIC! I always watched for cars, gave them the right of way, walked facing them so I could see them coming and never assumed a car wasn't there or would stop! If YOU cared for kids, you'd be angry that schools and parents now are not doing that and putting all the onus on drivers operating 4500 pounds of steel.

I've seen kids completely OBLIVIOUS to the dangers around them, that's why they get hit. Once again, kids PUT into danger by liberal thinking when the ultimate responsibility lays with the kids to watch out for themselves because you can never guarantee that every car will stop, see or be able to avoid them.

I've seen kids walking up the street actually bang into cars which were trying to get around them passing slowly on THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROAD completely oblivious to the cars even being there because the kids are not being taught responsibility for themselves.

Ever stop to think what will happen to these people as they get older? Or do you ever stop to think what would happen to any animal species in nature if they acted so oblivious to the danger around them?
What a douche.

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