Illegally pass a school bus............get your picture taken and a fine.

I think the bus drivers should be armed with pistols as well as cameras for this. Anyone driving past a stopped school bus unloading kids should be shot on site and have their corpse arrested.
Says the guy who supports murdering 800,000 children a year. Meantime, public school bus drivers are fascist assholes---- I've had them put their lights on then just keep driving buy after everyone stopped, I've had them cut across the road into my lane in front of me with no warning like they were trying to force a collision making me swerve to avoid hitting the idiot, I had another pull into a school bus drop off location in front of me to drop off kids and stop short of where he should have been, then when he wanted to leave, waving his arms wildly making the whole line of cars stopped for him have to back up 20 feet because he stopped short of where he needed to be to leave, I had another stop on another street behind me and on the other side of an intersection yell at me because I stopped at the stop sign on my street then keep going, and I've even had one drive up a one lane road where I had the right of way and was already half way through the construction forcing me to either back way up or drive over a wall to get around the asshole.

School bus drivers are asshole dickhead drivers because they know they can be and will get away with it and still get the protection and preference of the police, the public and courts.
I bet it's you that sucks as a driver.
I watch bad drivers tailgate and cut off buses on the freeway. But on surface streets the bus has flashing lights and the stop sign. People just can't wait. The cameras will hopefully make a difference.
Can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen fucking scumbags SPEED around buses with flashing lights and the stop sign out. Fucking assholes.
Says the guy who supports murdering 800,000 children a year. Meantime, public school bus drivers are fascist assholes---- I've had them put their lights on then just keep driving buy after everyone stopped, I've had them cut across the road into my lane in front of me with no warning like they were trying to force a collision making me swerve to avoid hitting the idiot, I had another pull into a school bus drop off location in front of me to drop off kids and stop short of where he should have been, then when he wanted to leave, waving his arms wildly making the whole line of cars stopped for him have to back up 20 feet because he stopped short of where he needed to be to leave, I had another stop on another street behind me and on the other side of an intersection yell at me because I stopped at the stop sign on my street then keep going, and I've even had one drive up a one lane road where I had the right of way and was already half way through the construction forcing me to either back way up or drive over a wall to get around the asshole.

School bus drivers are asshole dickhead drivers because they know they can be and will get away with it and still get the protection and preference of the police, the public and courts.
EVERY person reading that post KNOWS that YOU are the fucking asshole in those scenarios.
I'd like to see EVERY school bus with cameras so that the impatient asshats who think their time is more important than the lives of kids gets nailed to a wall.

With that, they should have cameras on the drivers as well who often make outrageous and dangerous moves, and then they might try actually teaching kids to WATCH FOR THE FUCKING TRAFFIC instead of just jumping off the bus and running around all over oblivious that they are on public streets with cars around! And teach them to walk on the right side of the road facing traffic. Or heaven forbid, they do the intelligent thing and create pull off spaces for buses to pull into to load and unload the kids with an adult there to supervise the kids and keep them there until the street is safe and clear with good visibility!

Instead of teaching kids to walk streets DEFENSIVELY, which would avoid most accidents, they teach kids to expect the whole world is going to jump and look out for them, then they get hit or grow up expecting the same unrealistic expectations in life!
With that, they should have cameras on the drivers as well who often make outrageous and dangerous moves, and then they might try actually teaching kids to WATCH FOR THE FUCKING TRAFFIC instead of just jumping off the bus and running around all over oblivious that they are on public streets with cars around! And teach them to walk on the right side of the road facing traffic. Or heaven forbid, they do the intelligent thing and create pull off spaces for buses to pull into to load and unload the kids with an adult there to supervise the kids and keep them there until the street is safe and clear with good visibility!

Instead of teaching kids to walk streets DEFENSIVELY, which would avoid most accidents, they teach kids to expect the whole world is going to jump and look out for them, then they get hit or grow up expecting the same unrealistic expectations in life!
What a fucking asshole ^^^^^
With that, they should have cameras on the drivers as well who often make outrageous and dangerous moves, and then they might try actually teaching kids to WATCH FOR THE FUCKING TRAFFIC instead of just jumping off the bus and running around all over oblivious that they are on public streets with cars around! And teach them to walk on the right side of the road facing traffic. Or heaven forbid, they do the intelligent thing and create pull off spaces for buses to pull into to load and unload the kids with an adult there to supervise the kids and keep them there until the street is safe and clear with good visibility!

Instead of teaching kids to walk streets DEFENSIVELY, which would avoid most accidents, they teach kids to expect the whole world is going to jump and look out for them, then they get hit or grow up expecting the same unrealistic expectations in life! appear to not really care about kids being safe. Yes, most of the time kids DO look out for traffic, but sometimes they don't, they're kids and still learning about how things work. As adults with a license and a car, the adults should be more cognizant about what is going on, as they are the ones operating the vehicle.

As far as making pull off lanes for the buses? Not practical. Not only would it cost a lot of money, but what happens when the home that previously had kids and had a pull off lane put in front of it is bought by people who don't have school kids? Do we then remove the pull off and put it somewhere else? They might be able to do what was done when I was a kid and have a central bus stop for lots of kids, but that is only practical for places out in the country, not in the city.
I am against passing stopped school busses with flashing lights ect. I support fining, and possibly suspension of drivers license for this crime.
I do not support fining someone based solely on a photo. It is a bus, there should be witnesses. The driver is always there. The photo should be used as evidence, but shouldn't be allowed as the only evidence to allow a penalty. That sets a bad precedent that will spread to other enforcement actions.
A photo with a statement from the bus driver that he witnessed the crime? Then send them a summons to either defend themselves in court, or send in the fine.

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