Illegals already cutting through Trump's multi billion $ wall...

...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trumpā€™s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?
And your answer is open borders for the drug cartels so they can murder and rape more Americans.

And it wasnā€™t a new section of wall.

Sorry, pal. They are cutting through the wall everywhere that it blocks their way.

Then why are illegal rapist killer midget Mexicans dying in the desert and you handing out water???


I hand out water because it is the right thing to do.

They probably want tequila more than water. I used to keep a bottle of vodka in my truck when I lived in Dallas, just for the bums. Whenever I was at a red light and some homeless bum would come up to the truck begging for money, I'd let him have a big swig out of the bottle.
No pics of these holes?

If you follow links from Yahoo to Wapo, you will find short manual of how to beat the wall.

View attachment 287731

People are that stupid, they need a manual on how to breach a wall?

Except, it's not manual.

That's WaPo reporting on how illegals are cutting thru the fence, with no actual photos of them cutting thru the fence, so they "explain" it to us how it's done.

We just suppose to take it for granted and say" Yes, that's how they do it, great reporting"
No pics of these holes?

If you follow links from Yahoo to Wapo, you will find short manual of how to beat the wall.

View attachment 287731

People are that stupid, they need a manual on how to breach a wall?

Except, it's not manual.

That's WaPo reporting on how illegals are cutting thru the fence, with no actual photos of them cutting thru the fence, so they "explain" it to us how it's done.

We just suppose to take it for granted and say" Yes, that's how they do it, great reporting"

Thanks for the clarification..

I cant believe a stupid wall is causing this much uproar.

It's just code.
...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trumpā€™s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?
WaPo source obviously fake news.

Try again.
Every time Trump says we are building the new border wall WaPo says he's lying. Over 190 times.

It makes one wonder, how can they be cutting holes in the wall with common household butter knives if it doesn't even exist?

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...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trumpā€™s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?
And your answer is open borders for the drug cartels so they can murder and rape more Americans.

And it wasnā€™t a new section of wall.

Sorry, pal. They are cutting through the wall everywhere that it blocks their way.

Then why are illegal rapist killer midget Mexicans dying in the desert and you handing out water???


I hand out water because it is the right thing to do.

So we can clearly understand your motive...tell us...what part of that disgusting shithole Mehico are you from and how long have you been fucking real Americans over?
...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trumpā€™s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?
And your answer is open borders for the drug cartels so they can murder and rape more Americans.

And it wasnā€™t a new section of wall.

Sorry, pal. They are cutting through the wall everywhere that it blocks their way.

Then why are illegal rapist killer midget Mexicans dying in the desert and you handing out water???


I hand out water because it is the right thing to do.

So we can clearly understand your motive...tell us...what part of that disgusting shithole Mehico are you from and how long have you been fucking real Americans over?

He is ok, a retired legal Mexican..
...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trumpā€™s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?

"One factor of deterrent is electronic sensors that are yet to be added but could sense where and when the wall was damaged, triggering repairs."

They haven't finished adding all of the security measures, Dumbass! Leave it to the Washington Post to publish that garbage!

You know that it is dangerous to be in the Nile. There ae crocodiles in there.

And it's Trump's fault those crocodiles are there, Vandal! Just ask The Washington Post! :113:
As I have said before, I live 35 miles from the border, and hundreds, if not thousands of Mexican cross through the gate there every day. Nobody checks to see if they go back. But, Trump is building a wall! THAT will stop them!
As I have said before, I live 35 miles from the border, and hundreds, if not thousands of Mexican cross through the gate there every day. Nobody checks to see if they go back. But, Trump is building a wall! THAT will stop them!

Is that where you crossed back in the day?
Also from the above link:

"In addition to cutting through the walls, officials told the Post that smugglers have also repeatedly scaled and climbed over the walls with makeshift ladders, particularly in areas near San Diego."

I guess that, Mexicans have learned to use ladders. Who could have known?

Put up a 30 foot wall and 31 foot ladders go on sale.

If man made it, man can break it. I believe most of us realize that a wall itself isn't all that is needed. A bipartisan comprehensive reform of immigration by Congress is needed as well. Hell, if it was good it is likely no wall would be needed possibly. Alas, Congress will never come together to reform immigration laws.

Here is the vocabulary problem

When I say that we need a barrier along with a wall in some places, electronic sensors, more border guards here is what the Rumpsters hear.

"We need a Wall along a Wall in some places, Wall, more wall". And we are going to build it in Colorado and make New Mexico pay for it.

The ā€œvocabulary problemā€ is with the ignorant twisted Leftists which we know you profess not to be..,haha
Anyhoo...when I say MITIGATION effort the dumbmotherfuckers say ā€œhuh, whatā€™s mitigation...a wall wonā€™t / canā€™t act as a functional mitigation measure.ā€
The dumbmotherfuckers honestly believe that the trillions of linear feet of wall built worldwide doesnā€™t function as intended...the dumbmotherfuckers honestly believe that wall / fence manufacturers / contractors never should have existed.

The Dems have always suggested alternative methods like Security Fencing (look up what one is), electronic measures and more boots on the ground. The funds for finishing the projected 1000 miles of Security Fencing/Wall was already allocated. Bush Jr built over 140 miles of it. The rest of the 733 miles was done under Obama. And that is new construction, not repair or replacement. In the last 3 years, are you aware that there has been between 1.3 and 1.43 billion a year allocated for repair, replacement and new construction and there has been zero inches of new construction. The other Presidents did an average of 74 miles a year of new construction on top of repair and replacement using the allocated 1.3 billion. Rump has barely been doing the repair and replacement. But he has done zero miles of new construction. Every time one of you fruitcakes claim that it's new construction it turns out that it was a repair and/or replacement of an existing structure. That leaves a few hundred million dollars unaccounted for. The only question comes up, where did the money go? The answer is, yes, Rump is running the Nation like he ran his businesses. Rump Steaks, Rump Airlines, Rump ......... He doesn't need any money stolen from the Military, what he needs is a good audit.

The problem with those alternatives is they don't slow anybody down. And, in the electronic ones, they can be jammed for huge sections so that there is no way to even know where the breach has occurred. In other words, they would be expensive, do nothing effective alternatives. But I am positive the democrats supporting them would make tons of money from their investments in those companies.

So we build nothing. Rump throws a big bash at his Golf Resorts, invites all his supporters and spends it then. The money had to go somewhere. It didn't go to boots on the ground. It didn't go to Judges, courts and Support Lawyers. It didn't go to surveillance equipment. It didn't go to new construction. Maybe it went to new solid gold muffler bearings for the Presidential Limos. When Rump finally leaves the Whitehouse, I suggest the Secret Service check his baggage closely for gold bars.

Ummmm, those were cut with a cutting torch. You can see the slag. Are you that ignorant that you can't understand what you are looking at?

You cut the metal with a torch which weakens the cement and rebarring. The Rebarring isn't in the middle. It's near the outside so the torch can easily cut those as well. Then you take a 20lb sledge and finish the job. Time to take out a 3 by 3 sized hole would be less than a minute. Have a 5 gallon container of water to cool it down before you crawl through it or pass your drugs. If you have 30 minutes, drive a friggin van though the hole.
Electricity.....the greatest defender of our borders....without killing them, only HURTING them for say half an hour!....;)
Electricity.....the greatest defender of our borders....without killing them, only HURTING them for say half an hour!....;)

I used to play a game on the other kids. I would take ahold of a fence and tell them, "See, it's not electric". They would believe me the first few times. I have a higher capacity than most and while it doesn't feel that good, it's not really that bad. My body absorbs the charge instead of running straight to ground. Of course, at some point, it will hurt like hell when my capacity charge is reached. Here, touch my finger.........
Electricity.....the greatest defender of our borders....without killing them, only HURTING them for say half an hour!....;)

I used to play a game on the other kids. I would take ahold of a fence and tell them, "See, it's not electric". They would believe me the first few times. I have a higher capacity than most and while it doesn't feel that good, it's not really that bad. My body absorbs the charge instead of running straight to ground. Of course, at some point, it will hurt like hell when my capacity charge is reached. Here, touch my finger.........
As a young man fixing a water pipe under the sink accidentally touched a hot outlet wire at the same time...knocked 6 fillings out of my teeth and one hell of a headache.....a lifes lesson learned!
Please show us how you can dig underneath the wall. Please!
Electricity.....the greatest defender of our borders....without killing them, only HURTING them for say half an hour!....;)

I used to play a game on the other kids. I would take ahold of a fence and tell them, "See, it's not electric". They would believe me the first few times. I have a higher capacity than most and while it doesn't feel that good, it's not really that bad. My body absorbs the charge instead of running straight to ground. Of course, at some point, it will hurt like hell when my capacity charge is reached. Here, touch my finger.........
As a young man fixing a water pipe under the sink accidentally touched a hot outlet wire at the same time...knocked 6 fillings out of my teeth and one hell of a headache.....a lifes lesson learned!

I do 110 volt house wiring without shutting off the power. It tingles. It's mothers natures way of saying, "Turn loose of that, stupid".

The worst I have even been hit was repairing a Professional 240 volt Power Amp. I cut the power and thought it was safe. I had one finger on the metal shaft of the screw driver and touch one of the capacitors (these things are about the size of a large thermas jug with my right hand while my left hand was on the chassis. Power is weird. It didn't affect my right hand or my finger but my left arm went numb and hurt like hell. It blasted me back and I landed on my kiester. The Amp was converted internally to DC for amplifying purposes and DC can be some really nasty stuff at that power level. Not a lot of amps but the voltage was about 40K. What did I learn that day? Discharge the Capacitors, stupid. Or you can stupidly discharge the capacitors the hard way.

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