Illegals already cutting through Trump's multi billion $ wall...

Oh My. That "Big Beautiful Impenetrable Wall" 45 like to boast about, you know the one that will totally and forever more prevent undocumented aliens from "Illegally" enter the U.S...yeah that one. Well guess all you Seig Heil Shouting, Goosestepping GroppenFans. All you need to do is a reciprocating saw and wham bam and you have made that wall about an impenetrable as a slice of Swiss Cheese.

Border agents admit smugglers are cutting through Trump’s wall with a common household power tool: report.

Yep, let's hear a a wall that does not work. A wall that suppose to be paid for by Mexico.

God you people are so fucking dead from the neck up stupid.
`WaPo source - fake news.
Raw Story....Even fakier.

Good they provided pictures and names of those agents that reported it. Otherwise, who would believe them.
...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?
And your answer is open borders for the drug cartels so they can murder and rape more Americans.

And it wasn’t a new section of wall.

Sorry, pal. They are cutting through the wall everywhere that it blocks their way.

Then why are illegal rapist killer midget Mexicans dying in the desert and you handing out water???


I hand out water because it is the right thing to do.
...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?
And your answer is open borders for the drug cartels so they can murder and rape more Americans.

And it wasn’t a new section of wall.

Sorry, pal. They are cutting through the wall everywhere that it blocks their way.

Then why are illegal rapist killer midget Mexicans dying in the desert and you handing out water???


I hand out water because it is the right thing to do.

You wouldn't need to, if your claim is true.
...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?
And your answer is open borders for the drug cartels so they can murder and rape more Americans.

And it wasn’t a new section of wall.

Sorry, pal. They are cutting through the wall everywhere that it blocks their way.
Trump cult members will never acknowledge the fact that Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate is a sham.
I'm not really that upset with all this, because it is not my money that is paying for th[s travesty. I am retired, and living off tax free Roth accounts. Those of you who are paying income tax are the real suckers. The steel industry thanks you!
...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?
And your answer is open borders for the drug cartels so they can murder and rape more Americans.

And it wasn’t a new section of wall.

Sorry, pal. They are cutting through the wall everywhere that it blocks their way.
Trump cult members will never acknowledge the fact that Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate is a sham.

And the left will never admit they said not a word of Obama's wall..
...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?
And your answer is open borders for the drug cartels so they can murder and rape more Americans.

And it wasn’t a new section of wall.

Sorry, pal. They are cutting through the wall everywhere that it blocks their way.
Trump cult members will never acknowledge the fact that Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate is a sham.

Likewise, the walls in your own home are of fear, bigotry, and hatred. Why are you so afraid that you need walls, doors, and locks?

Please tear them down so I can help myself to your shit. Do you have anything of value?

Anything I'd be interested in?
...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?
And your answer is open borders for the drug cartels so they can murder and rape more Americans.

And it wasn’t a new section of wall.

Sorry, pal. They are cutting through the wall everywhere that it blocks their way.
Trump cult members will never acknowledge the fact that Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate is a sham.
Trump cult members will never acknowledge the fact that Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate is a sham.

Trump just needs to give you dumbass American hating freaks the mic to lock in his landslide victory.
I'm not really that upset with all this, because it is not my money that is paying for th[s travesty. I am retired, and living off tax free Roth accounts. Those of you who are paying income tax are the real suckers. The steel industry thanks you!

What travesty?

Borders upset you that much?
...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?
And your answer is open borders for the drug cartels so they can murder and rape more Americans.

And it wasn’t a new section of wall.

Sorry, pal. They are cutting through the wall everywhere that it blocks their way.
Trump cult members will never acknowledge the fact that Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate is a sham.

Likewise, the walls in your own home are of fear, bigotry, and hatred. Why are you so afraid that you need walls, doors, and locks?

Please tear them down so I can help myself to your shit. Do you have anything of value?

Anything I'd be interested in?

I know why do we have banks?
...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?
And your answer is open borders for the drug cartels so they can murder and rape more Americans.

And it wasn’t a new section of wall.

Sorry, pal. They are cutting through the wall everywhere that it blocks their way.

Then why are illegal rapist killer midget Mexicans dying in the desert and you handing out water???


I hand out water because it is the right thing to do.

Aiding and abetting criminals is never the right thing to do. You should be prosecuted.

We need to send some crazy motherfuckers down there with nothing to lose to just waste some wetbacks trying to invade...I’ve said it for years, some real crazy, real horrific shit is going to have to happen to stop this lunacy...Unfortunately the American government doesn't have the balls to do the right things for the American people so lets hand it off to crazy motherfuckers with AR's and 308's with amazing glass and let them have at it...They'll stop coming...I guarantee it.
Open the border to hunting. We won't need a wall.
...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?
And your answer is open borders for the drug cartels so they can murder and rape more Americans.

And it wasn’t a new section of wall.

Sorry, pal. They are cutting through the wall everywhere that it blocks their way.

Then why are illegal rapist killer midget Mexicans dying in the desert and you handing out water???


I hand out water because it is the right thing to do.

Aiding and abetting criminals is never the right thing to do. You should be prosecuted.


To be fair to him, I read ranchers do it all the time on the border.
And your answer is open borders for the drug cartels so they can murder and rape more Americans.

And it wasn’t a new section of wall.

Sorry, pal. They are cutting through the wall everywhere that it blocks their way.

Then why are illegal rapist killer midget Mexicans dying in the desert and you handing out water???


I hand out water because it is the right thing to do.

Aiding and abetting criminals is never the right thing to do. You should be prosecuted.


To be fair to him, I read ranchers do it all the time on the border.

Yep and they usually call border patrol.


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