Illegals already cutting through Trump's multi billion $ wall...

Get back to us when a caravan gets through.
Will do! How long, do you figure? A year? Two?

They keep finding tunnels under the walls and fences in California that the drug smugglers dig. These tunnels even have ventilation and lights. They transport small pickup trucks through them. They go from a house or building on the Mexican side to a house or building on the US side. Those aren't dug with shovels.
Also from the above link:

"In addition to cutting through the walls, officials told the Post that smugglers have also repeatedly scaled and climbed over the walls with makeshift ladders, particularly in areas near San Diego."

I guess that, Mexicans have learned to use ladders. Who could have known?

Put up a 30 foot wall and 31 foot ladders go on sale.

If man made it, man can break it. I believe most of us realize that a wall itself isn't all that is needed. A bipartisan comprehensive reform of immigration by Congress is needed as well. Hell, if it was good it is likely no wall would be needed possibly. Alas, Congress will never come together to reform immigration laws.

Here is the vocabulary problem

When I say that we need a barrier along with a wall in some places, electronic sensors, more border guards here is what the Rumpsters hear.

"We need a Wall along a Wall in some places, Wall, more wall". And we are going to build it in Colorado and make New Mexico pay for it.

The “vocabulary problem” is with the ignorant twisted Leftists which we know you profess not to be..,haha
Anyhoo...when I say MITIGATION effort the dumbmotherfuckers say “huh, what’s mitigation...a wall won’t / can’t act as a functional mitigation measure.”
The dumbmotherfuckers honestly believe that the trillions of linear feet of wall built worldwide doesn’t function as intended...the dumbmotherfuckers honestly believe that wall / fence manufacturers / contractors never should have existed.

The Dems have always suggested alternative methods like Security Fencing (look up what one is), electronic measures and more boots on the ground. The funds for finishing the projected 1000 miles of Security Fencing/Wall was already allocated. Bush Jr built over 140 miles of it. The rest of the 733 miles was done under Obama. And that is new construction, not repair or replacement. In the last 3 years, are you aware that there has been between 1.3 and 1.43 billion a year allocated for repair, replacement and new construction and there has been zero inches of new construction. The other Presidents did an average of 74 miles a year of new construction on top of repair and replacement using the allocated 1.3 billion. Rump has barely been doing the repair and replacement. But he has done zero miles of new construction. Every time one of you fruitcakes claim that it's new construction it turns out that it was a repair and/or replacement of an existing structure. That leaves a few hundred million dollars unaccounted for. The only question comes up, where did the money go? The answer is, yes, Rump is running the Nation like he ran his businesses. Rump Steaks, Rump Airlines, Rump ......... He doesn't need any money stolen from the Military, what he needs is a good audit.

The problem with those alternatives is they don't slow anybody down. And, in the electronic ones, they can be jammed for huge sections so that there is no way to even know where the breach has occurred. In other words, they would be expensive, do nothing effective alternatives. But I am positive the democrats supporting them would make tons of money from their investments in those companies.

So we build nothing. Rump throws a big bash at his Golf Resorts, invites all his supporters and spends it then. The money had to go somewhere. It didn't go to boots on the ground. It didn't go to Judges, courts and Support Lawyers. It didn't go to surveillance equipment. It didn't go to new construction. Maybe it went to new solid gold muffler bearings for the Presidential Limos. When Rump finally leaves the Whitehouse, I suggest the Secret Service check his baggage closely for gold bars.

The wall will be built, and the wholesale violation of our sovereignty will end.

Ummmm, those were cut with a cutting torch. You can see the slag. Are you that ignorant that you can't understand what you are looking at?

You cut the metal with a torch which weakens the cement and rebarring. The Rebarring isn't in the middle. It's near the outside so the torch can easily cut those as well. Then you take a 20lb sledge and finish the job. Time to take out a 3 by 3 sized hole would be less than a minute. Have a 5 gallon container of water to cool it down before you crawl through it or pass your drugs. If you have 30 minutes, drive a friggin van though the hole.

Nice fantasy. I actually weld. Clearly you don't.
Get back to us when a caravan gets through.
Will do! How long, do you figure? A year? Two?

They keep finding tunnels under the walls and fences in California that the drug smugglers dig. These tunnels even have ventilation and lights. They transport small pickup trucks through them. They go from a house or building on the Mexican side to a house or building on the US side. Those aren't dug with shovels.
Yep. And with those resources, they could have gone have gone through an "uwalled" part of the border, if they so chose. But no, they find it more efficient to just dig right through. The wall is for the people who are terrified of poor, non drug dealer people coming to america, because...reasons. None of them give two shits about the crime or drugs. That was never the real selling point.
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Get back to us when a caravan gets through.
Will do! How long, do you figure? A year? Two?

They keep finding tunnels under the walls and fences in California that the drug smugglers dig. These tunnels even have ventilation and lights. They transport small pickup trucks through them. They go from a house or building on the Mexican side to a house or building on the US side. Those aren't dug with shovels.
Yep. And with those resources, they could have gone have gone through an "uwalled" part of the border, if they so chose. But no, they find it more efficient to just dig right through. The wall is for the people who are terrified of poor, non drug dealer people coming to america, because...reasons. None of them give two shits about the crime or drugs. That was never the real selling point.

It’s much simpler than your trivial fantasies...Good real Americans have seen what wetbacks do to any community they inhabit. They really don’t give two fucks if they are drug dealers or criminals, they don’t want anymore PERIOD. In fact, we want 40 million deported and all their anchor babies on stolen citizenships to join them.
...with a power tool retailing for $100.
Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools
How could anyone be surprised about this?

This is terribly disappointing to say the least. I was never impressed with the design to begin with, I felt it fell far short of what Trump promised, and am very disappointed by whomever came up with it, tested it, vetted it and sold the design to the government. More than an embarrassment and waste of money, I'm sure Trump is more than outraged to be hearing this, but more so, I'm very disappointed that Trump let himself be talked into it! C'mon Donald, I expected more than this from you. This is one major fuck up and the blame rests solely in YOUR lap.

If there is any up side to any of this, it is that due to congressional obstinacy, not a whole lot of this wall was put in place, and now if we ever get around to doing it right, the drug gangs have shown us that it can only be one slobber-knocker of a badass wall that will take a tank to get through, over or under.

Wait a minute here. You leftards told us we didn’t need a wall because illegals and drugs were coming through the check points. And now you tell us they’re trying to get through the wall?
Wait a minute here. You leftards told us we didn’t need a wall because illegals and drugs were coming through the check points. And now you tell us they’re trying to get through the wall?

What are you confused about? It is easier to breach the wall than it is to deal with border patrol at entry ports, unless, of course, you are driving an 18 wheeler full of onions, with a load of 200 pounds of meth underneath them..
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...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?

No doubt the cartels have a lot of resources. Ok well we need to put signs up in Spanish on the other side of the wall warning them that cutting through the wall is an act of war. Fair warning. catch them doing it and take them out with extreme predjudice. This shit needs to end.


Sorry Trump supporters, but throwing up a wall on our southern border is not as simple as "The Donald" made it it? And you didn't really think Mexico was going to pay for it, did you?

2 1/2 years later and what happened to the small parts that have been built? Smuggling gangs in Mexico have repeatedly sawed through new sections of President Trump’s border wall in recent months by using commercially available power tools, opening gaps large enough for people and drug loads to pass through, according to U.S. agents and officials with knowledge of the damage. I hate to say "I told you so" but.....

Smuggling gangs have sawed through new portions of Trump border wall: report

Smugglers in Mexico are sawing through new sections of Donald Trump's border wall

"Fixed fortifications are monuments to the stupidity of man. Whatever can be built by man, can be destroyed by him"

General George Armstrong Patton - 1942

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Sorry Trump supporters, but throwing up a wall on our southern border is not as simple as "The Donald" made it it? And you didn't really think Mexico was going to pay for it, did you?

2 1/2 years later and what happened to the small parts that have been built? Smuggling gangs in Mexico have repeatedly sawed through new sections of President Trump’s border wall in recent months by using commercially available power tools, opening gaps large enough for people and drug loads to pass through, according to U.S. agents and officials with knowledge of the damage. I hate to say "I told you so" but.....

Smuggling gangs have sawed through new portions of Trump border wall: report

Smugglers in Mexico are sawing through new sections of Donald Trump's border wall

"Fixed fortifications are monuments to the stupidity of man. Whatever can be built by man, can be destroyed by him"

General George Armstrong Patton - 1942

So you would not try-you are OK with the slime oozing thru?

Sorry Trump supporters, but throwing up a wall on our southern border is not as simple as "The Donald" made it it? And you didn't really think Mexico was going to pay for it, did you?

2 1/2 years later and what happened to the small parts that have been built? Smuggling gangs in Mexico have repeatedly sawed through new sections of President Trump’s border wall in recent months by using commercially available power tools, opening gaps large enough for people and drug loads to pass through, according to U.S. agents and officials with knowledge of the damage. I hate to say "I told you so" but.....

Smuggling gangs have sawed through new portions of Trump border wall: report

Smugglers in Mexico are sawing through new sections of Donald Trump's border wall

"Fixed fortifications are monuments to the stupidity of man. Whatever can be built by man, can be destroyed by him"

General George Armstrong Patton - 1942

Ya might not need a wall if you didn't offer all of south and central america healthcare and food stamps


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