Illegals and vote-buyers win again as CO goes to all-mail elections

If I lived in Colorado I 'd say just giving me $20.00's the ballot...fill it out yourself. Why not?

Enjoy many years of being someone's cum dumpster in prison for committing a felony.

It's disgusting to see how far right wing trash like you enjoy shitting all over the constitution and the electoral process.

You are so butch. I bet you're one of those liberals with real big muscles. :lol:

Illegals and vote-buyers win again as CO goes to all-mail elections

That’s unsurprisingly idiotic.

Voting is a fundamental right.

There’s no evidence non-citizens are ‘voting’ or votes are being ‘bought.’

Consequently, citizens have a right to vote unimpeded, including by mail if they so desire in accordance with their state’s laws.

Do they also have a right to vote on the internet like college students can sign up for loans????
If I lived in Colorado I 'd say just giving me $20.00's the ballot...fill it out yourself. Why not?

Enjoy many years of being someone's cum dumpster in prison for committing a felony.

It's disgusting to see how far right wing trash like you enjoy shitting all over the constitution and the electoral process.

You are so butch. I bet you're one of those liberals with real big muscles. :lol:


This is all you will be seeing for many years you fascist piece of shit :lol:

Enjoy many years of being someone's cum dumpster in prison for committing a felony.

It's disgusting to see how far right wing trash like you enjoy shitting all over the constitution and the electoral process.

You are so butch. I bet you're one of those liberals with real big muscles. :lol:


This is all you will be seeing for many years you fascist piece of shit :lol:


So, so, butch. You must be one of the real power bottoms at your local bathhouse :(
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There’s no evidence non-citizens are ‘voting’ or votes are being ‘bought.’


HAHAHA. With 40 million illegals in america, the burden of proof is on you to show illegals are not voting. Let's see it.

You’re a liar and a coward, one of many reasons why no one believes you.

Consequently, it’s incumbent upon you to provide evidence to support your claim.

And the same requirement applies to any state seeking to infringe upon the voting rights of any citizen.
There’s no evidence non-citizens are ‘voting’ or votes are being ‘bought.’


HAHAHA. With 40 million illegals in america, the burden of proof is on you to show illegals are not voting. Let's see it.

You’re a liar and a coward, one of many reasons why no one believes you.

Consequently, it’s incumbent upon you to provide evidence to support your claim.

And the same requirement applies to any state seeking to infringe upon the voting rights of any citizen.
We do that. Then you start complaining about infringing upon the voting rights of non-citizens.

The Threat of Non-Citizen Voting
In 2005, the U.S. Government Accountability Office found that up to 3 percent of the 30,000 individuals called for jury duty from voter registration rolls over a two-year period in just one U.S. district court were not U.S. citizens.[1] While that may not seem like many, just 3 percent of registered voters would have been more than enough to provide the winning presidential vote margin in Florida in 2000. Indeed, the Census Bureau estimates that there are over a million illegal aliens in Florida,[2] and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has prosecuted more non-citizen voting cases in Florida than in any other state.[3]


The evidence is indisputable that aliens, both legal and illegal, are registering and voting in federal, state, and local elections. Following a mayor's race in Compton, California, for example, aliens testified under oath in court that they voted in the election.[8] In that case, a candidate who was elected to the city council was permanently disqualified from holding public office in California for soliciting non-citizens to register and vote.[9] The fact that non-citizens registered and voted in the election would never have been discovered except for the fact that it was a very close election and the incumbent mayor, who lost by less than 300 votes, contested it.[10]

Similarly, a 1996 congressional race in California may have been stolen by non-citizen voting.[11] Republican incumbent Bob Dornan was defending himself against a spirited challenger, Democrat Loretta Sanchez. Sanchez won the election by just 979 votes, and Dornan contested the election in the U.S. House of Representatives. His challenge was dismissed after an investigation by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform turned up only 624 invalid votes by non-citizens who were present in the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) database because they had applied for citizenship, as well as another 124 improper absentee ballots.[12] The investigation, however, could not detect illegal aliens, who were not in the INS records.

The Oversight Committee pointed out the elephant in the room: "f there is a significant number of 'documented aliens,' aliens in INS records, on the Orange County voter registration rolls, how many illegal or undocumented aliens may be registered to vote in Orange County?"[13] There is a strong possibility that, with only about 200 votes determining the winner,[14] enough undetected aliens registered and voted to change the outcome of the election. This is particularly true since the California Secretary of State complained that the INS refused his request to check the entire Orange County voter registration file, and no complete check of all of the individuals who voted in the congressional race was ever made.[15]

Illegal aliens are voting. Period. End of story.

Why do you want that to continue?

Rhetorical question, of course. You put your party above the nation.
This same problem exists with absentee ballots. People sell them to democrat operatives and they do the voting.

And they're easily forged and/or replicated.

You idiots must single handedly keep the reynolds wrap corporation in business :cuckoo:

Try doing some research before posting such idiotic BS. Oregon and Washington state have been doing mail-in only elections for years and there hasn't been any "mass fraud"

I did in fact make that up.
Illegals and vote-buyers win again as CO goes to all-mail elections

That’s unsurprisingly idiotic.

Voting is a fundamental right.

There’s no evidence non-citizens are ‘voting’ or votes are being ‘bought.’

Consequently, citizens have a right to vote unimpeded, including by mail if they so desire in accordance with their state’s laws.

Yeah right, just like your type of people said voter fraud wasn't happening, MUCH
I guess you feel if you repeat a fib enough some fool will believe you

they don't have a right to vote, they should CONSIDER it a right enough to get off their ass and go do it...only if they have a legitimate reason, like disability, duty overseas, we already had absentee ballots for that REASON
but you people will dream up all kinds of ways to steal votes and win elections
this won't end well, mark my words
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Yelton admits there were one or two inappropriate votes cast out of 60,000.

[ame=]The Racist 'Daily Show' Interview VIDEO: North Carolina GOP Chair Loses His Job - YouTube[/ame]
one or two out 60,000

and you frikken believe it
Don't you believe Yelton, a republican?

why would you is the bigger question...I don't give a shit if the guy was an saint sent from the heavens above...doesn't mean I would believe him
wait, we know the game
you are a bigger douche than anyone on some comedy central show..
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LOL. Whatever turns you on as an excuse for the failures of the 'Conservatives'.

A woman from Switzerland, living and working in America, but not yet a citizen, used her American citizen's hubbys ballot, in Oregon, to place her vote, because he wasn't going to vote.

She told me this story with a satisfied smile on her face. She was a customer so I couldn't tell her how unimpressed I was with her dishonesty and how stupid she was to cast it for Obama. The Dems will gain ground with "vote by mail." Too bad...

And the same requirement applies to any state seeking to infringe upon the voting rights of any citizen.

Hey stupid. Voting rights does not include letting scum like you sell your ballot to the highest bidder. Vote-sellers belong in prison.

Illegal aliens are voting. Period. End of story.

Of course they are. Dems insist no one can say illegals are voting until the govt says so!!! That's the only proof they'll accept. With 40 million illegals in america, no question millions are voting and they are voting dem since they want to get citizenship and then go on welfare. Illegals love democrats.
A woman from Switzerland, living and working in America, but not yet a citizen, used her American citizen's hubbys ballot, in Oregon, to place her vote, because he wasn't going to vote.

She told me this story with a satisfied smile on her face. She was a customer so I couldn't tell her how unimpressed I was with her dishonesty and how stupid she was to cast it for Obama. The Dems will gain ground with "vote by mail." Too bad...

Vote-by-mail guarantees massive fraud.
Illegals don't vote, hater dupes...WHAT VOTE BUYERS lol- ONLY ON fox ...

You brainless jackass. Of course illegals vote. They aren't supposed to but they do and obozo welcomes it since he knows they all vote for the amnesty and welfare party.

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