Illegals are Patriots?


Oct 30, 2017
  • Since when are Illegal Scumbags Patriots who came here and broke the law once, 2wice, three times or more ?
  • Really ?


  • Republican Mega-Donors, Koch Brothers, Prep for Pro-DACA Push: Illegals Are ‘Patriots’

It’s getting so it’s pretty tough to tell the difference between amnesty-loving Democrats and those who are supposed to be law and order-loving Republicans, isn’t it?

The Koch brothers, mega-donors for the Republican Party, have kicked off a new campaign aimed at pressing the GOP-controlled Congress to roll out the welcome mat for DACA recipients.

The new ad campaign outright calls illegals “patriots” of the United States.

It’s getting so it’s pretty tough to tell the difference between amnesty-loving Democrats and those who are supposed to be law and order-loving Republicans, isn’t it?

Breitbart has more:

Pro-mass immigration GOP megadonor billionaires, the Koch brothers, released a new ad campaign this week, calling illegal aliens “patriots” of the United States.

In their latest effort to push the Republican-controlled Congress to pass an amnesty for between nearly 800,000 and 3.5 million illegal aliens who are enrolled and eligible for the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, the Koch-backed LIBRE Initiative organization has released two new ads, portraying DACA illegal aliens as defenders of American patriotism.

“We love our country, our way of life, and we sacrifice and fight to defend it,” the ad begins, narrated by the voice of a DACA illegal alien. “We work hard, put food on the table, care for our families, and we pledge allegiance to this flag. We are patriots. We are DREAMers. We believe America’s best days are yet to come. And we want to be a part of it.”

The Koch brothers’ DACA amnesty push comes after the billionaire, avid free trade, low-wage-seeking, open borders defenders announced that they would oppose Trump’s popular pro-American immigration agenda that seeks to reduce legal immigration levels by ending “chain migration” to raise the wages and quality of life of America’s working and middle class.

“We cannot support arbitrary cuts to future legal immigration levels,” a spokesman for the Koch-back LIBRE Initiative said in a statement, as Breitbart News reported. “We welcome a debate about whether our current legal immigration policy properly balances family and skills-based migration. But that broad debate should not distract from the immediate goal of providing certainty to Dreamers and enhancing security.”

Chain migration is the process whereby newly naturalized citizens can currently bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the U.S. as legal immigrants.

Chain migration has imported about 9.3 million foreign nationals to the U.S. since 2005. In that same time period, a total of 13.06 million foreign nationals have entered the U.S. through the legal immigration system, as every seven out of ten new arrivals come to the country for no other purpose than to reunify with foreign relatives.

This makes chain migration the largest driver of immigration to the U.S. — making up more than 70 percent — with every two new immigrants bringing seven foreign relatives with them.

The Koch brothers and their pro-mass immigration views are deeply out-of-line with the American people, especially the country’s working and middle class who have been hit the hardest by the importation of more than a million low-skilled legal immigrants a year.

For example, as Breitbart News reported, Republican voters — even those who did not vote for Trump’s economic nationalist agenda — said they see reducing legal immigration levels as the second biggest priority, more important than destroying the Islamic State (ISIS), repealing Obamacare, and tax reform.

Every year the U.S. admits more than 1.5 million foreign nationals, with the vast majority deriving from chain migration. In 2016, the legal and illegal immigrant population reached a record high of 44 million. By 2023, the Center for Immigration Studies estimates that the legal and illegal immigrant population of the U.S. will make up nearly 15 percent of the entire U.S. population.

By opposing the end to chain migration, the Koch brothers support the current legal immigration system importing more than a million mostly low-skilled workers who compete directly with the country’s poor and working-class — especially black Americans — for blue-collar American jobs.

A recent poll found that more Americans support zero immigration to the U.S. than do the current inflow of between one to 1.5 million legal and illegal immigrants admitted every year.

The Washington-imposed cheap labor economic model of importing more than one million mostly low-skilled foreign workers has helped keep American working and middle-class wages stagnant for decades while providing cheap services for the upper middle class and wealthy. …

Article posted with permission from Pamela Geller
Liberals would not be so confused if they realized that the Koch brothers are not GOP and have never been GOP.
Liberals would not be so confused if they realized that the Koch brothers are not GOP and have never been GOP.


Bullseye You nailed it... I could say worse things about the Koch heads and their ilk but then ‘they’ would come for me.

Bunch of losers who deserve what’s coming.
  • Since when are Illegal Scumbags Patriots who came here and broke the law once, 2wice, three times or more ?
  • Really ?

  • Republican Mega-Donors, Koch Brothers, Prep for Pro-DACA Push: Illegals Are ‘Patriots’

It’s getting so it’s pretty tough to tell the difference between amnesty-loving Democrats and those who are supposed to be law and order-loving Republicans, isn’t it?

The Koch brothers, mega-donors for the Republican Party, have kicked off a new campaign aimed at pressing the GOP-controlled Congress to roll out the welcome mat for DACA recipients.

The new ad campaign outright calls illegals “patriots” of the United States.

It’s getting so it’s pretty tough to tell the difference between amnesty-loving Democrats and those who are supposed to be law and order-loving Republicans, isn’t it?

Breitbart has more:

Pro-mass immigration GOP megadonor billionaires, the Koch brothers, released a new ad campaign this week, calling illegal aliens “patriots” of the United States.

In their latest effort to push the Republican-controlled Congress to pass an amnesty for between nearly 800,000 and 3.5 million illegal aliens who are enrolled and eligible for the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, the Koch-backed LIBRE Initiative organization has released two new ads, portraying DACA illegal aliens as defenders of American patriotism.

“We love our country, our way of life, and we sacrifice and fight to defend it,” the ad begins, narrated by the voice of a DACA illegal alien. “We work hard, put food on the table, care for our families, and we pledge allegiance to this flag. We are patriots. We are DREAMers. We believe America’s best days are yet to come. And we want to be a part of it.”

The Koch brothers’ DACA amnesty push comes after the billionaire, avid free trade, low-wage-seeking, open borders defenders announced that they would oppose Trump’s popular pro-American immigration agenda that seeks to reduce legal immigration levels by ending “chain migration” to raise the wages and quality of life of America’s working and middle class.

“We cannot support arbitrary cuts to future legal immigration levels,” a spokesman for the Koch-back LIBRE Initiative said in a statement, as Breitbart News reported. “We welcome a debate about whether our current legal immigration policy properly balances family and skills-based migration. But that broad debate should not distract from the immediate goal of providing certainty to Dreamers and enhancing security.”

Chain migration is the process whereby newly naturalized citizens can currently bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the U.S. as legal immigrants.

Chain migration has imported about 9.3 million foreign nationals to the U.S. since 2005. In that same time period, a total of 13.06 million foreign nationals have entered the U.S. through the legal immigration system, as every seven out of ten new arrivals come to the country for no other purpose than to reunify with foreign relatives.

This makes chain migration the largest driver of immigration to the U.S. — making up more than 70 percent — with every two new immigrants bringing seven foreign relatives with them.

The Koch brothers and their pro-mass immigration views are deeply out-of-line with the American people, especially the country’s working and middle class who have been hit the hardest by the importation of more than a million low-skilled legal immigrants a year.

For example, as Breitbart News reported, Republican voters — even those who did not vote for Trump’s economic nationalist agenda — said they see reducing legal immigration levels as the second biggest priority, more important than destroying the Islamic State (ISIS), repealing Obamacare, and tax reform.

Every year the U.S. admits more than 1.5 million foreign nationals, with the vast majority deriving from chain migration. In 2016, the legal and illegal immigrant population reached a record high of 44 million. By 2023, the Center for Immigration Studies estimates that the legal and illegal immigrant population of the U.S. will make up nearly 15 percent of the entire U.S. population.

By opposing the end to chain migration, the Koch brothers support the current legal immigration system importing more than a million mostly low-skilled workers who compete directly with the country’s poor and working-class — especially black Americans — for blue-collar American jobs.

A recent poll found that more Americans support zero immigration to the U.S. than do the current inflow of between one to 1.5 million legal and illegal immigrants admitted every year.

The Washington-imposed cheap labor economic model of importing more than one million mostly low-skilled foreign workers has helped keep American working and middle-class wages stagnant for decades while providing cheap services for the upper middle class and wealthy. …

Article posted with permission from Pamela Geller
aztlan racisttt_8089.JPG

  • Since when are Illegal Scumbags Patriots who came here and broke the law once, 2wice, three times or more ?
  • Really ?

  • Republican Mega-Donors, Koch Brothers, Prep for Pro-DACA Push: Illegals Are ‘Patriots’

It’s getting so it’s pretty tough to tell the difference between amnesty-loving Democrats and those who are supposed to be law and order-loving Republicans, isn’t it?

The Koch brothers, mega-donors for the Republican Party, have kicked off a new campaign aimed at pressing the GOP-controlled Congress to roll out the welcome mat for DACA recipients.

The new ad campaign outright calls illegals “patriots” of the United States.

It’s getting so it’s pretty tough to tell the difference between amnesty-loving Democrats and those who are supposed to be law and order-loving Republicans, isn’t it?

Breitbart has more:

Pro-mass immigration GOP megadonor billionaires, the Koch brothers, released a new ad campaign this week, calling illegal aliens “patriots” of the United States.

In their latest effort to push the Republican-controlled Congress to pass an amnesty for between nearly 800,000 and 3.5 million illegal aliens who are enrolled and eligible for the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, the Koch-backed LIBRE Initiative organization has released two new ads, portraying DACA illegal aliens as defenders of American patriotism.

“We love our country, our way of life, and we sacrifice and fight to defend it,” the ad begins, narrated by the voice of a DACA illegal alien. “We work hard, put food on the table, care for our families, and we pledge allegiance to this flag. We are patriots. We are DREAMers. We believe America’s best days are yet to come. And we want to be a part of it.”

The Koch brothers’ DACA amnesty push comes after the billionaire, avid free trade, low-wage-seeking, open borders defenders announced that they would oppose Trump’s popular pro-American immigration agenda that seeks to reduce legal immigration levels by ending “chain migration” to raise the wages and quality of life of America’s working and middle class.

“We cannot support arbitrary cuts to future legal immigration levels,” a spokesman for the Koch-back LIBRE Initiative said in a statement, as Breitbart News reported. “We welcome a debate about whether our current legal immigration policy properly balances family and skills-based migration. But that broad debate should not distract from the immediate goal of providing certainty to Dreamers and enhancing security.”

Chain migration is the process whereby newly naturalized citizens can currently bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the U.S. as legal immigrants.

Chain migration has imported about 9.3 million foreign nationals to the U.S. since 2005. In that same time period, a total of 13.06 million foreign nationals have entered the U.S. through the legal immigration system, as every seven out of ten new arrivals come to the country for no other purpose than to reunify with foreign relatives.

This makes chain migration the largest driver of immigration to the U.S. — making up more than 70 percent — with every two new immigrants bringing seven foreign relatives with them.

The Koch brothers and their pro-mass immigration views are deeply out-of-line with the American people, especially the country’s working and middle class who have been hit the hardest by the importation of more than a million low-skilled legal immigrants a year.

For example, as Breitbart News reported, Republican voters — even those who did not vote for Trump’s economic nationalist agenda — said they see reducing legal immigration levels as the second biggest priority, more important than destroying the Islamic State (ISIS), repealing Obamacare, and tax reform.

Every year the U.S. admits more than 1.5 million foreign nationals, with the vast majority deriving from chain migration. In 2016, the legal and illegal immigrant population reached a record high of 44 million. By 2023, the Center for Immigration Studies estimates that the legal and illegal immigrant population of the U.S. will make up nearly 15 percent of the entire U.S. population.

By opposing the end to chain migration, the Koch brothers support the current legal immigration system importing more than a million mostly low-skilled workers who compete directly with the country’s poor and working-class — especially black Americans — for blue-collar American jobs.

A recent poll found that more Americans support zero immigration to the U.S. than do the current inflow of between one to 1.5 million legal and illegal immigrants admitted every year.

The Washington-imposed cheap labor economic model of importing more than one million mostly low-skilled foreign workers has helped keep American working and middle-class wages stagnant for decades while providing cheap services for the upper middle class and wealthy. …

Article posted with permission from Pamela Geller
View attachment 179490

View attachment 179493


Keep Dreaming, Fuck Aztlan, watch what comes next.
Build My Fucking WALL Already and Deport all 22million illegals
Begin MASS Deportations and then
Start Deporting all Muslim Scumbags too... enforce Rule 414
Republican rich donors don't give a shit about you, consider it a lesson learned.
  • Since when are Illegal Scumbags Patriots who came here and broke the law once, 2wice, three times or more ?
  • Really ?

  • Republican Mega-Donors, Koch Brothers, Prep for Pro-DACA Push: Illegals Are ‘Patriots’

It’s getting so it’s pretty tough to tell the difference between amnesty-loving Democrats and those who are supposed to be law and order-loving Republicans, isn’t it?

The Koch brothers, mega-donors for the Republican Party, have kicked off a new campaign aimed at pressing the GOP-controlled Congress to roll out the welcome mat for DACA recipients.

The new ad campaign outright calls illegals “patriots” of the United States.

It’s getting so it’s pretty tough to tell the difference between amnesty-loving Democrats and those who are supposed to be law and order-loving Republicans, isn’t it?

Breitbart has more:

Pro-mass immigration GOP megadonor billionaires, the Koch brothers, released a new ad campaign this week, calling illegal aliens “patriots” of the United States.

In their latest effort to push the Republican-controlled Congress to pass an amnesty for between nearly 800,000 and 3.5 million illegal aliens who are enrolled and eligible for the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, the Koch-backed LIBRE Initiative organization has released two new ads, portraying DACA illegal aliens as defenders of American patriotism.

“We love our country, our way of life, and we sacrifice and fight to defend it,” the ad begins, narrated by the voice of a DACA illegal alien. “We work hard, put food on the table, care for our families, and we pledge allegiance to this flag. We are patriots. We are DREAMers. We believe America’s best days are yet to come. And we want to be a part of it.”

The Koch brothers’ DACA amnesty push comes after the billionaire, avid free trade, low-wage-seeking, open borders defenders announced that they would oppose Trump’s popular pro-American immigration agenda that seeks to reduce legal immigration levels by ending “chain migration” to raise the wages and quality of life of America’s working and middle class.

“We cannot support arbitrary cuts to future legal immigration levels,” a spokesman for the Koch-back LIBRE Initiative said in a statement, as Breitbart News reported. “We welcome a debate about whether our current legal immigration policy properly balances family and skills-based migration. But that broad debate should not distract from the immediate goal of providing certainty to Dreamers and enhancing security.”

Chain migration is the process whereby newly naturalized citizens can currently bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the U.S. as legal immigrants.

Chain migration has imported about 9.3 million foreign nationals to the U.S. since 2005. In that same time period, a total of 13.06 million foreign nationals have entered the U.S. through the legal immigration system, as every seven out of ten new arrivals come to the country for no other purpose than to reunify with foreign relatives.

This makes chain migration the largest driver of immigration to the U.S. — making up more than 70 percent — with every two new immigrants bringing seven foreign relatives with them.

The Koch brothers and their pro-mass immigration views are deeply out-of-line with the American people, especially the country’s working and middle class who have been hit the hardest by the importation of more than a million low-skilled legal immigrants a year.

For example, as Breitbart News reported, Republican voters — even those who did not vote for Trump’s economic nationalist agenda — said they see reducing legal immigration levels as the second biggest priority, more important than destroying the Islamic State (ISIS), repealing Obamacare, and tax reform.

Every year the U.S. admits more than 1.5 million foreign nationals, with the vast majority deriving from chain migration. In 2016, the legal and illegal immigrant population reached a record high of 44 million. By 2023, the Center for Immigration Studies estimates that the legal and illegal immigrant population of the U.S. will make up nearly 15 percent of the entire U.S. population.

By opposing the end to chain migration, the Koch brothers support the current legal immigration system importing more than a million mostly low-skilled workers who compete directly with the country’s poor and working-class — especially black Americans — for blue-collar American jobs.

A recent poll found that more Americans support zero immigration to the U.S. than do the current inflow of between one to 1.5 million legal and illegal immigrants admitted every year.

The Washington-imposed cheap labor economic model of importing more than one million mostly low-skilled foreign workers has helped keep American working and middle-class wages stagnant for decades while providing cheap services for the upper middle class and wealthy. …

Article posted with permission from Pamela Geller

Oh the evolution...they went from wetbacks to illegal aliens, to undocumented immigrants, to dreamers, to guests, to Patriots.
Where do they go from here?
  • Since when are Illegal Scumbags Patriots who came here and broke the law once, 2wice, three times or more ?
  • Really ?

  • Republican Mega-Donors, Koch Brothers, Prep for Pro-DACA Push: Illegals Are ‘Patriots’

It’s getting so it’s pretty tough to tell the difference between amnesty-loving Democrats and those who are supposed to be law and order-loving Republicans, isn’t it?

The Koch brothers, mega-donors for the Republican Party, have kicked off a new campaign aimed at pressing the GOP-controlled Congress to roll out the welcome mat for DACA recipients.

The new ad campaign outright calls illegals “patriots” of the United States.

It’s getting so it’s pretty tough to tell the difference between amnesty-loving Democrats and those who are supposed to be law and order-loving Republicans, isn’t it?

Breitbart has more:

Pro-mass immigration GOP megadonor billionaires, the Koch brothers, released a new ad campaign this week, calling illegal aliens “patriots” of the United States.

In their latest effort to push the Republican-controlled Congress to pass an amnesty for between nearly 800,000 and 3.5 million illegal aliens who are enrolled and eligible for the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, the Koch-backed LIBRE Initiative organization has released two new ads, portraying DACA illegal aliens as defenders of American patriotism.

“We love our country, our way of life, and we sacrifice and fight to defend it,” the ad begins, narrated by the voice of a DACA illegal alien. “We work hard, put food on the table, care for our families, and we pledge allegiance to this flag. We are patriots. We are DREAMers. We believe America’s best days are yet to come. And we want to be a part of it.”

The Koch brothers’ DACA amnesty push comes after the billionaire, avid free trade, low-wage-seeking, open borders defenders announced that they would oppose Trump’s popular pro-American immigration agenda that seeks to reduce legal immigration levels by ending “chain migration” to raise the wages and quality of life of America’s working and middle class.

“We cannot support arbitrary cuts to future legal immigration levels,” a spokesman for the Koch-back LIBRE Initiative said in a statement, as Breitbart News reported. “We welcome a debate about whether our current legal immigration policy properly balances family and skills-based migration. But that broad debate should not distract from the immediate goal of providing certainty to Dreamers and enhancing security.”

Chain migration is the process whereby newly naturalized citizens can currently bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the U.S. as legal immigrants.

Chain migration has imported about 9.3 million foreign nationals to the U.S. since 2005. In that same time period, a total of 13.06 million foreign nationals have entered the U.S. through the legal immigration system, as every seven out of ten new arrivals come to the country for no other purpose than to reunify with foreign relatives.

This makes chain migration the largest driver of immigration to the U.S. — making up more than 70 percent — with every two new immigrants bringing seven foreign relatives with them.

The Koch brothers and their pro-mass immigration views are deeply out-of-line with the American people, especially the country’s working and middle class who have been hit the hardest by the importation of more than a million low-skilled legal immigrants a year.

For example, as Breitbart News reported, Republican voters — even those who did not vote for Trump’s economic nationalist agenda — said they see reducing legal immigration levels as the second biggest priority, more important than destroying the Islamic State (ISIS), repealing Obamacare, and tax reform.

Every year the U.S. admits more than 1.5 million foreign nationals, with the vast majority deriving from chain migration. In 2016, the legal and illegal immigrant population reached a record high of 44 million. By 2023, the Center for Immigration Studies estimates that the legal and illegal immigrant population of the U.S. will make up nearly 15 percent of the entire U.S. population.

By opposing the end to chain migration, the Koch brothers support the current legal immigration system importing more than a million mostly low-skilled workers who compete directly with the country’s poor and working-class — especially black Americans — for blue-collar American jobs.

A recent poll found that more Americans support zero immigration to the U.S. than do the current inflow of between one to 1.5 million legal and illegal immigrants admitted every year.

The Washington-imposed cheap labor economic model of importing more than one million mostly low-skilled foreign workers has helped keep American working and middle-class wages stagnant for decades while providing cheap services for the upper middle class and wealthy. …

Article posted with permission from Pamela Geller

Oh the evolution...they went from wetbacks to illegal aliens, to undocumented immigrants, to dreamers, to guests, to Patriots.
Where do they go from here?


They get Deported and get the FUCK OUTTA My Country because Trump will not get re elected if these scumbags stay here and keep fucking up our communities and crime.

Trump and his Asshole Loser Representatives have all been put on notice.

This is a multiflank War for Civilization and the Preservation/restoration of our Republic, things will start moving real fast, escalate, divide this summer as it should be.
Republican rich donors don't give a shit about you, consider it a lesson learned.


That’s about to end too and you have no clue what’s coming either.

Cool, maybe you should force Republicans to stop taking their money.


I’m doing everything I can so far without getting arrested or firing a shot.
This will only go on for so long before Patriots realize they’ve been duped again by Trump and the Republican Clowns/ Democrats... or whoever else.

They can’t have it both ways...

We either reverse course now before 2020 or things escalate.
This is a multiflank War for Civilization and the Preservation/restoration of our Republic, things will start moving real fast, escalate, divide this summer as it should be.

Just a little whiny there, snowflake, just a bit.
Republican rich donors don't give a shit about you, consider it a lesson learned.


That’s about to end too and you have no clue what’s coming either.

Cool, maybe you should force Republicans to stop taking their money.


I’m doing everything I can so far without getting arrested or firing a shot.
This will only go on for so long before Patriots realize they’ve been duped again by Trump and the Republican Clowns/ Democrats... or whoever else.

They can’t have it both ways...

We either reverse course now before 2020 or things escalate.

I see, you sound like the next mass shooter.
This is a multiflank War for Civilization and the Preservation/restoration of our Republic, things will start moving real fast, escalate, divide this summer as it should be.

Just a little whiny there, snowflake, just a bit.


Snowflake ? How can I be that when I”m extreme Hard Right Conservative Constitutionalist ?
WTF are talking about ?
This is a multiflank War for Civilization and the Preservation/restoration of our Republic, things will start moving real fast, escalate, divide this summer as it should be.

Just a little whiny there, snowflake, just a bit.


Snowflake ? How can I be that when I”m extreme Hard Right Conservative Constitutionalist ?
WTF are talking about ?

Let's face it, you're a weak little boy on the internet.

Also, originally snowflake was a term for people who were opposed to abolishing slavery. The right never was original, hell at this point the alt-right is just quoting Brad Pitt from Fight Club.
This is a multiflank War for Civilization and the Preservation/restoration of our Republic, things will start moving real fast, escalate, divide this summer as it should be.

Just a little whiny there, snowflake, just a bit.


Snowflake ? How can I be that when I”m extreme Hard Right Conservative Constitutionalist ?
WTF are talking about ?

Let's face it, you're a weak little boy on the internet.

Also, originally snowflake was a term for people who were opposed to abolishing slavery. The right never was original, hell at this point the alt-right is just quoting Brad Pitt from Fight Club.


You’re another Clown...

How old do you think I am ?
And I could careless where the term snoflake came from wtf is your point anyway ?
This is a multiflank War for Civilization and the Preservation/restoration of our Republic, things will start moving real fast, escalate, divide this summer as it should be.

Just a little whiny there, snowflake, just a bit.


Snowflake ? How can I be that when I”m extreme Hard Right Conservative Constitutionalist ?
WTF are talking about ?

Let's face it, you're a weak little boy on the internet.

Also, originally snowflake was a term for people who were opposed to abolishing slavery. The right never was original, hell at this point the alt-right is just quoting Brad Pitt from Fight Club.


You’re another Clown...

How old do you think I am ?
And I could careless where the term snoflake came from wtf is your point anyway ?

I don't care how old you are, you're a scared little boy just the same, snowflake.
This is a multiflank War for Civilization and the Preservation/restoration of our Republic, things will start moving real fast, escalate, divide this summer as it should be.

Just a little whiny there, snowflake, just a bit.


Snowflake ? How can I be that when I”m extreme Hard Right Conservative Constitutionalist ?
WTF are talking about ?

Let's face it, you're a weak little boy on the internet.

Also, originally snowflake was a term for people who were opposed to abolishing slavery. The right never was original, hell at this point the alt-right is just quoting Brad Pitt from Fight Club.


You’re another Clown...

How old do you think I am ?
And I could careless where the term snoflake came from wtf is your point anyway ?

I don't care how old you are, you're a scared little boy just the same, snowflake.


You’re just another ignorant misled bitter **** C?NT if you’re a Bitch otherwise you’re a snowflake pansy liberal or Democrap and you need to be put in your place, which is it Slappy ?
Just a little whiny there, snowflake, just a bit.


Snowflake ? How can I be that when I”m extreme Hard Right Conservative Constitutionalist ?
WTF are talking about ?

Let's face it, you're a weak little boy on the internet.

Also, originally snowflake was a term for people who were opposed to abolishing slavery. The right never was original, hell at this point the alt-right is just quoting Brad Pitt from Fight Club.


You’re another Clown...

How old do you think I am ?
And I could careless where the term snoflake came from wtf is your point anyway ?

I don't care how old you are, you're a scared little boy just the same, snowflake.


You’re just another ignorant misled bitter **** C?NT if you’re a Bitch otherwise you’re a snowflake pansy liberal or Democrap and you need to be put in your place, which is it Slappy ?

You're melting.
  • Since when are Illegal Scumbags Patriots who came here and broke the law once, 2wice, three times or more ?
  • Really ?

  • Republican Mega-Donors, Koch Brothers, Prep for Pro-DACA Push: Illegals Are ‘Patriots’

It’s getting so it’s pretty tough to tell the difference between amnesty-loving Democrats and those who are supposed to be law and order-loving Republicans, isn’t it?

The Koch brothers, mega-donors for the Republican Party, have kicked off a new campaign aimed at pressing the GOP-controlled Congress to roll out the welcome mat for DACA recipients.

The new ad campaign outright calls illegals “patriots” of the United States.

It’s getting so it’s pretty tough to tell the difference between amnesty-loving Democrats and those who are supposed to be law and order-loving Republicans, isn’t it?

Breitbart has more:

Pro-mass immigration GOP megadonor billionaires, the Koch brothers, released a new ad campaign this week, calling illegal aliens “patriots” of the United States.

In their latest effort to push the Republican-controlled Congress to pass an amnesty for between nearly 800,000 and 3.5 million illegal aliens who are enrolled and eligible for the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, the Koch-backed LIBRE Initiative organization has released two new ads, portraying DACA illegal aliens as defenders of American patriotism.

“We love our country, our way of life, and we sacrifice and fight to defend it,” the ad begins, narrated by the voice of a DACA illegal alien. “We work hard, put food on the table, care for our families, and we pledge allegiance to this flag. We are patriots. We are DREAMers. We believe America’s best days are yet to come. And we want to be a part of it.”

The Koch brothers’ DACA amnesty push comes after the billionaire, avid free trade, low-wage-seeking, open borders defenders announced that they would oppose Trump’s popular pro-American immigration agenda that seeks to reduce legal immigration levels by ending “chain migration” to raise the wages and quality of life of America’s working and middle class.

“We cannot support arbitrary cuts to future legal immigration levels,” a spokesman for the Koch-back LIBRE Initiative said in a statement, as Breitbart News reported. “We welcome a debate about whether our current legal immigration policy properly balances family and skills-based migration. But that broad debate should not distract from the immediate goal of providing certainty to Dreamers and enhancing security.”

Chain migration is the process whereby newly naturalized citizens can currently bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the U.S. as legal immigrants.

Chain migration has imported about 9.3 million foreign nationals to the U.S. since 2005. In that same time period, a total of 13.06 million foreign nationals have entered the U.S. through the legal immigration system, as every seven out of ten new arrivals come to the country for no other purpose than to reunify with foreign relatives.

This makes chain migration the largest driver of immigration to the U.S. — making up more than 70 percent — with every two new immigrants bringing seven foreign relatives with them.

The Koch brothers and their pro-mass immigration views are deeply out-of-line with the American people, especially the country’s working and middle class who have been hit the hardest by the importation of more than a million low-skilled legal immigrants a year.

For example, as Breitbart News reported, Republican voters — even those who did not vote for Trump’s economic nationalist agenda — said they see reducing legal immigration levels as the second biggest priority, more important than destroying the Islamic State (ISIS), repealing Obamacare, and tax reform.

Every year the U.S. admits more than 1.5 million foreign nationals, with the vast majority deriving from chain migration. In 2016, the legal and illegal immigrant population reached a record high of 44 million. By 2023, the Center for Immigration Studies estimates that the legal and illegal immigrant population of the U.S. will make up nearly 15 percent of the entire U.S. population.

By opposing the end to chain migration, the Koch brothers support the current legal immigration system importing more than a million mostly low-skilled workers who compete directly with the country’s poor and working-class — especially black Americans — for blue-collar American jobs.

A recent poll found that more Americans support zero immigration to the U.S. than do the current inflow of between one to 1.5 million legal and illegal immigrants admitted every year.

The Washington-imposed cheap labor economic model of importing more than one million mostly low-skilled foreign workers has helped keep American working and middle-class wages stagnant for decades while providing cheap services for the upper middle class and wealthy. …

Article posted with permission from Pamela Geller

Nothing new the Koch brothers have always supported DACA, why do you think nothing is getting done?

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