Illegals In Mexico Begin Hunger Stike - 'We Are Fighting For 'OUR RIGHTS'?!

Oh, so after raising taxes on businesses, the wealthy and the Middle're going to REALLY bring the economy to it's knees by forcing US businesses to compete with foreign competition with labor costs that are through the roof? You're a regular economic GENIOUS, Daniel! (eye roll)
Higher paid Labor can afford to pay more in Taxes and create more in demand. Only the right wing eschews not Only capitalism but also the laws of demand and supply in their special pleading.

Explain to me how this works, Daniel!

Your entry level worker that used to make $8 an hour will now make $15. So how do you think the more skilled worker that was making $12 an hour is going to react to that? Obviously, they're going to want just as large a raise which now puts their hourly wage at $19 an hour which is more than the supervisor of that shift was making at $18 and hour. So obviously the supervisor will demand an equally large pay increase to keep pace.

All you've really done with your $15 an hour minimum wage is create a serious case of wage inflation...which of course will shortly be followed by a serious case of price inflation to try and pay for all these new higher wages! So at the end of the day what have you accomplished? When you account for inflation nobody is making any more REAL income than they were before! Their wage went from $8 an hour to $15 an hour but their electric bill went up...their rent went up...the cost of the car they wanted to buy went up...that cup of coffee they get at Starbucks went up!

Do you not understand simple economic principles?
Link minimum wage to cost of living. When Cost of Living goes up so does the Minimum wage.

It's a fine concept until you realize that increasing the Minimum Wage is probably going to raise the Cost of Living...which in turn raises Minimum Wage...which once again is probably going to raise the Cost of Living and so on and so on. It's like rolling a snowball down a steep hill...
Increasing the cost of a big screen TV back to $5,000 will not raise the cost of living. Making luxury items more expensive to pay the Minimum wage is the way to go. Cost of living is not linked to how much for a Whopper or a Double Cheeseburger.

The "way to go" is to let a free market determine what a wage is worth. It always has been.

I remember when they imposed a "luxury tax" on boats, Sly because someone decided that taxing things that only rich people buy made sense! So what happened? Sales of boats plummeted and a whole bunch of regular people who made their livings making those boats got laid off. What you propose "sounds" so logical until you implement it and then you realize that making luxury items more expensive simply means people won't buy as many of those items and you haven't raised any more taxes than you did before...but you did put a lot of people out of work!
sorry; i thought you knew something about economics.

Fiat money is manufactured almost as if by magic, at a printing press, for that purpose.

Congress commands fiscal policy and the Fed commands monetary policy.

hope that helps.

Unlike you, Daniel...I studied economics in college...including a class with Thomas Sowell. I know what fiat money is. I just pointed out that it was regarding currency. So what does fiat money have to do with minimum wage increases?
this part:

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
The Mexican facility has 6000 illegals packed into a space meant for 1000.
Ellis Island could process around ten thousand per day according to some accounts. We should not have this "humanitarian" issue when our Statue of Liberty is on Ellis Island.
We don't have a humanitarian issue.

Mexico does.

Mexico opened the door to them, let Mexico deal with the problems they created.
The Mexican facility has 6000 illegals packed into a space meant for 1000.
Ellis Island could process around ten thousand per day according to some accounts. We should not have this "humanitarian" issue when our Statue of Liberty is on Ellis Island.
We don't have a humanitarian issue.

Mexico does.

Mexico opened the door to them, let Mexico deal with the problems they created.
Why is our military on the border?

Free trade and less regulation!
The Mexican facility has 6000 illegals packed into a space meant for 1000.
Ellis Island could process around ten thousand per day according to some accounts. We should not have this "humanitarian" issue when our Statue of Liberty is on Ellis Island.
We don't have a humanitarian issue.

Mexico does.

Mexico opened the door to them, let Mexico deal with the problems they created.
Why is our military on the border?

Free trade and less regulation!
Free trade yes, illegal nincompoops, no.
The Mexican facility has 6000 illegals packed into a space meant for 1000.
Ellis Island could process around ten thousand per day according to some accounts. We should not have this "humanitarian" issue when our Statue of Liberty is on Ellis Island.
We don't have a humanitarian issue.

Mexico does.

Mexico opened the door to them, let Mexico deal with the problems they created.
Why is our military on the border?

Free trade and less regulation!
Free trade yes, illegal nincompoops, no.
Only lousy capitalists don't know how to make money on public policies.
We should not have this problem on our borders.

They should be going to an upgraded Ellis Island for processing.
------------------------------------ they shouldn't be PROCESSED for any reason DPalos .
Why not? Congress is delegated the power to provide for the general welfare, and make laws that actually solve our problems concerning immigration and naturalization.
We should not have this problem on our borders.

They should be going to an upgraded Ellis Island for processing.
------------------------------------ they shouldn't be PROCESSED for any reason DPalos .
Why not? Congress is delegated the power to provide for the general welfare, and make laws that actually solve our problems concerning immigration and naturalization.
Go back and put a reasonable CAP on all immigration, do away with ANY WELFARE and only people with SPONSORS that take financial responsibility for these immigrants should even be considered. Do away with anchor babies and the ridiculous idea that if you are born in this country you are a citizen, diplomats have children here and are NOT citizens.
We should not have this problem on our borders.

They should be going to an upgraded Ellis Island for processing.
------------------------------------ they shouldn't be PROCESSED for any reason DPalos .
Why not? Congress is delegated the power to provide for the general welfare, and make laws that actually solve our problems concerning immigration and naturalization.
Go back and put a reasonable CAP on all immigration, do away with ANY WELFARE and only people with SPONSORS that take financial responsibility for these immigrants should even be considered. Do away with anchor babies and the ridiculous idea that if you are born in this country you are a citizen, diplomats have children here and are NOT citizens.
-------------------------------------- REASONABLE Cap . what is Reasonable eh ?? I say stop ALL immigration , why does the USA need more people when USA population is 320 million counted people Purge ?? [i never get an answer ]
We should not have this problem on our borders.

They should be going to an upgraded Ellis Island for processing.
------------------------------------ they shouldn't be PROCESSED for any reason DPalos .
Why not? Congress is delegated the power to provide for the general welfare, and make laws that actually solve our problems concerning immigration and naturalization.
Go back and put a reasonable CAP on all immigration, do away with ANY WELFARE and only people with SPONSORS that take financial responsibility for these immigrants should even be considered. Do away with anchor babies and the ridiculous idea that if you are born in this country you are a citizen, diplomats have children here and are NOT citizens.
-------------------------------------- REASONABLE Cap . what is Reasonable eh ?? I say stop ALL immigration , why does the USA need more people when USA population is 320 million counted people Purge ?? [i never get an answer ]
How about as one immigrant dies, he opens up a slot for another from his country of origin....a concession to our suicidal left!
our border policies are unnecessary and improper if they are not market friendly. there is no need for social crisis when upgrading Ellis Island is much more cost effective and could solve this dilemma in a more market friendly manner.

Ellis Island was designed for immigrants from Eur and Asia, not South or Central America. Why would they go in a giant circle? Daniel, you need to learn geography as well as economics it seems.

Should we give them your $15/hr living wage as you call it as soon as they step on US Soil?
We should not have this problem on our borders.

They should be going to an upgraded Ellis Island for processing.
------------------------------------ they shouldn't be PROCESSED for any reason DPalos .
Why not? Congress is delegated the power to provide for the general welfare, and make laws that actually solve our problems concerning immigration and naturalization.
Go back and put a reasonable CAP on all immigration, do away with ANY WELFARE and only people with SPONSORS that take financial responsibility for these immigrants should even be considered. Do away with anchor babies and the ridiculous idea that if you are born in this country you are a citizen, diplomats have children here and are NOT citizens.
end our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror to stop creating refugees.
We should not have this problem on our borders.

They should be going to an upgraded Ellis Island for processing.
Why, has Ellis Island been upgraded with gas chambers?
don't believe in natural rights? why should we take the right wing seriously in abortion threads.
Natural right for what? Not to come here, there's no such thing.
we have to process them. seeking refuge is a natural right.

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