Illegals In Mexico Begin Hunger Stike - 'We Are Fighting For 'OUR RIGHTS'?!

Let me're a progressive so your "solution" will be to raise taxes on businesses and the wealthy? That will of course put our economy into a tail spin which means you won't raise the taxes you THOUGHT you of course you'll have to raise taxes on the Middle Class as well which will hurt the economy even more and then...gee whiz, little buddy! You'll have turned Washington into Caracas North!
We can always raise the minimum wage to raise more tax revenue.

Oh, so after raising taxes on businesses, the wealthy and the Middle're going to REALLY bring the economy to it's knees by forcing US businesses to compete with foreign competition with labor costs that are through the roof? You're a regular economic GENIOUS, Daniel! (eye roll)
Higher paid Labor can afford to pay more in Taxes and create more in demand. Only the right wing eschews not Only capitalism but also the laws of demand and supply in their special pleading.
Let me're a progressive so your "solution" will be to raise taxes on businesses and the wealthy? That will of course put our economy into a tail spin which means you won't raise the taxes you THOUGHT you of course you'll have to raise taxes on the Middle Class as well which will hurt the economy even more and then...gee whiz, little buddy! You'll have turned Washington into Caracas North!
We can always raise the minimum wage to raise more tax revenue.
business that pay more in wages would pay less in taxes.
the right wing prefers their right wing fantasy in a vacuum of special pleading.
The U.S.A is supposed to be a Pan-Europa, not a Pan-Frijole.

Especially, when they come illegally, that simply shouldn't be tolerated.
Our federal Constitution was designed to be gender and race neutral from Inception.

Ellis Island could process thousands per day.

The Founding Fathers only wanted Free Whites of good character to become U.S Citizens, this is according to the Naturalization Act of 1790.

Now, explain why Illegal Brown hordes, should be allowed in, judging those facts,eh?
a better understanding of Constitutional law?

Our federal Constitution was designed to be gender and race neutral from Inception.

Ellis Island could process thousands per day.

let's upgrade Ellis Island and increase the minimum wage; the right wing complains there are not enough white people in our republic.
Sure anything just to get them into the USA and the ACLU can start filing cases. Yep good idea Mr or Miss Progressive. Ambush Postings.
another right wing story in a vacuum of special pleading?

You're really not that bright...are you, Daniel? "Vacuum of special pleading"? Really?

I think we've finally got someone who can compete for dumbest poster on the US message board with R-Derp!
Let me're a progressive so your "solution" will be to raise taxes on businesses and the wealthy? That will of course put our economy into a tail spin which means you won't raise the taxes you THOUGHT you of course you'll have to raise taxes on the Middle Class as well which will hurt the economy even more and then...gee whiz, little buddy! You'll have turned Washington into Caracas North!
We can always raise the minimum wage to raise more tax revenue.

Oh, so after raising taxes on businesses, the wealthy and the Middle're going to REALLY bring the economy to it's knees by forcing US businesses to compete with foreign competition with labor costs that are through the roof? You're a regular economic GENIOUS, Daniel! (eye roll)
Higher paid Labor can afford to pay more in Taxes and create more in demand. Only the right wing eschews not Only capitalism but also the laws of demand and supply in their special pleading.

Explain to me how this works, Daniel!

Your entry level worker that used to make $8 an hour will now make $15. So how do you think the more skilled worker that was making $12 an hour is going to react to that? Obviously, they're going to want just as large a raise which now puts their hourly wage at $19 an hour which is more than the supervisor of that shift was making at $18 and hour. So obviously the supervisor will demand an equally large pay increase to keep pace.

All you've really done with your $15 an hour minimum wage is create a serious case of wage inflation...which of course will shortly be followed by a serious case of price inflation to try and pay for all these new higher wages! So at the end of the day what have you accomplished? When you account for inflation nobody is making any more REAL income than they were before! Their wage went from $8 an hour to $15 an hour but their electric bill went up...their rent went up...the cost of the car they wanted to buy went up...that cup of coffee they get at Starbucks went up!

Do you not understand simple economic principles?
What's pathetic is that liberals like yourself are so ignorant about subjects like support politicians that call for big wage increases because it "sounds good" without ever THINKING about it logically!
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Let me're a progressive so your "solution" will be to raise taxes on businesses and the wealthy? That will of course put our economy into a tail spin which means you won't raise the taxes you THOUGHT you of course you'll have to raise taxes on the Middle Class as well which will hurt the economy even more and then...gee whiz, little buddy! You'll have turned Washington into Caracas North!
We can always raise the minimum wage to raise more tax revenue.

Oh, so after raising taxes on businesses, the wealthy and the Middle're going to REALLY bring the economy to it's knees by forcing US businesses to compete with foreign competition with labor costs that are through the roof? You're a regular economic GENIOUS, Daniel! (eye roll)
Higher paid Labor can afford to pay more in Taxes and create more in demand. Only the right wing eschews not Only capitalism but also the laws of demand and supply in their special pleading.

Explain to me how this works, Daniel!

Your entry level worker that used to make $8 an hour will now make $15. So how do you think the more skilled worker that was making $12 an hour is going to react to that? Obviously, they're going to want just as large a raise which now puts their hourly wage at $19 an hour which is more than the supervisor of that shift was making at $18 and hour. So obviously the supervisor will demand an equally large pay increase to keep pace.

All you've really done with your $15 an hour minimum wage is create a serious case of wage inflation...which of course will shortly be followed by a serious case of price inflation to try and pay for all these new higher wages! So at the end of the day what have you accomplished? When you account for inflation nobody is making any more REAL income than they were before! Their wage went from $8 an hour to $15 an hour but their electric bill went up...their rent went up...the cost of the car they wanted to buy went up...that cup of coffee they get at Starbucks went up!

Do you not understand simple economic principles?
I understand we need an Institutional upward pressure on wages, not an Individual upward pressure on wages.
What's really pathetic is that liberals like yourself are so ignorant about subjects like support politicians that call for big wage increases because it "sounds good" without ever really THINKING about it logically!
Anybody can gossip, right wingers. Men have arguments, not excuses.
Let me're a progressive so your "solution" will be to raise taxes on businesses and the wealthy? That will of course put our economy into a tail spin which means you won't raise the taxes you THOUGHT you of course you'll have to raise taxes on the Middle Class as well which will hurt the economy even more and then...gee whiz, little buddy! You'll have turned Washington into Caracas North!
We can always raise the minimum wage to raise more tax revenue.

Oh, so after raising taxes on businesses, the wealthy and the Middle're going to REALLY bring the economy to it's knees by forcing US businesses to compete with foreign competition with labor costs that are through the roof? You're a regular economic GENIOUS, Daniel! (eye roll)
Higher paid Labor can afford to pay more in Taxes and create more in demand. Only the right wing eschews not Only capitalism but also the laws of demand and supply in their special pleading.

Explain to me how this works, Daniel!

Your entry level worker that used to make $8 an hour will now make $15. So how do you think the more skilled worker that was making $12 an hour is going to react to that? Obviously, they're going to want just as large a raise which now puts their hourly wage at $19 an hour which is more than the supervisor of that shift was making at $18 and hour. So obviously the supervisor will demand an equally large pay increase to keep pace.

All you've really done with your $15 an hour minimum wage is create a serious case of wage inflation...which of course will shortly be followed by a serious case of price inflation to try and pay for all these new higher wages! So at the end of the day what have you accomplished? When you account for inflation nobody is making any more REAL income than they were before! Their wage went from $8 an hour to $15 an hour but their electric bill went up...their rent went up...the cost of the car they wanted to buy went up...that cup of coffee they get at Starbucks went up!

Do you not understand simple economic principles?
I understand we need an Institutional upward pressure on wages, not an Individual upward pressure on wages.

You have upward pressure on wages whenever unemployment goes down, Daniel! It's not something you have to legislate. It happens naturally. Fewer workers for more jobs? More competition between employers for those workers. More competition means higher wages both for new hires and to retain good employees that they already have working for them.
What's really pathetic is that liberals like yourself are so ignorant about subjects like support politicians that call for big wage increases because it "sounds good" without ever really THINKING about it logically!
Anybody can gossip, right wingers. Men have arguments, not excuses.

It's "gossip" to point out that your huge minimum wage hike doesn't make sense?

You're not MAKING an're parroting positions that can't be supported logically.
There is one group that benefits from your artificially imposed wage inflation though! That would be Big Government. Why? Because higher wages mean more people in higher tax more cost that your workers will be absorbing with their new wage! So unless you rewrite the tax brackets you're actually screwing those people that you claim you'll be helping!
We can always raise the minimum wage to raise more tax revenue.

Oh, so after raising taxes on businesses, the wealthy and the Middle're going to REALLY bring the economy to it's knees by forcing US businesses to compete with foreign competition with labor costs that are through the roof? You're a regular economic GENIOUS, Daniel! (eye roll)
Higher paid Labor can afford to pay more in Taxes and create more in demand. Only the right wing eschews not Only capitalism but also the laws of demand and supply in their special pleading.

Explain to me how this works, Daniel!

Your entry level worker that used to make $8 an hour will now make $15. So how do you think the more skilled worker that was making $12 an hour is going to react to that? Obviously, they're going to want just as large a raise which now puts their hourly wage at $19 an hour which is more than the supervisor of that shift was making at $18 and hour. So obviously the supervisor will demand an equally large pay increase to keep pace.

All you've really done with your $15 an hour minimum wage is create a serious case of wage inflation...which of course will shortly be followed by a serious case of price inflation to try and pay for all these new higher wages! So at the end of the day what have you accomplished? When you account for inflation nobody is making any more REAL income than they were before! Their wage went from $8 an hour to $15 an hour but their electric bill went up...their rent went up...the cost of the car they wanted to buy went up...that cup of coffee they get at Starbucks went up!

Do you not understand simple economic principles?
I understand we need an Institutional upward pressure on wages, not an Individual upward pressure on wages.

You have upward pressure on wages whenever unemployment goes down, Daniel! It's not something you have to legislate. It happens naturally. Fewer workers for more jobs? More competition between employers for those workers. More competition means higher wages both for new hires and to retain good employees that they already have working for them.
Yes, it is. We have a fiat economy not a commodity economy. Only in right wing fantasy and special pleading, do "we have any form of free market".
What's really pathetic is that liberals like yourself are so ignorant about subjects like support politicians that call for big wage increases because it "sounds good" without ever really THINKING about it logically!
Anybody can gossip, right wingers. Men have arguments, not excuses.

It's "gossip" to point out that your huge minimum wage hike doesn't make sense?

You're not MAKING an're parroting positions that can't be supported logically.
i am sure that sounds good to you; it just sounds like you don't have a good economic argument.
There is one group that benefits from your artificially imposed wage inflation though! That would be Big Government. Why? Because higher wages mean more people in higher tax more cost that your workers will be absorbing with their new wage! So unless you rewrite the tax brackets you're actually screwing those people that you claim you'll be helping!
don't worry; higher paid labor can afford it.
Oh, so after raising taxes on businesses, the wealthy and the Middle're going to REALLY bring the economy to it's knees by forcing US businesses to compete with foreign competition with labor costs that are through the roof? You're a regular economic GENIOUS, Daniel! (eye roll)
Higher paid Labor can afford to pay more in Taxes and create more in demand. Only the right wing eschews not Only capitalism but also the laws of demand and supply in their special pleading.

Explain to me how this works, Daniel!

Your entry level worker that used to make $8 an hour will now make $15. So how do you think the more skilled worker that was making $12 an hour is going to react to that? Obviously, they're going to want just as large a raise which now puts their hourly wage at $19 an hour which is more than the supervisor of that shift was making at $18 and hour. So obviously the supervisor will demand an equally large pay increase to keep pace.

All you've really done with your $15 an hour minimum wage is create a serious case of wage inflation...which of course will shortly be followed by a serious case of price inflation to try and pay for all these new higher wages! So at the end of the day what have you accomplished? When you account for inflation nobody is making any more REAL income than they were before! Their wage went from $8 an hour to $15 an hour but their electric bill went up...their rent went up...the cost of the car they wanted to buy went up...that cup of coffee they get at Starbucks went up!

Do you not understand simple economic principles?
I understand we need an Institutional upward pressure on wages, not an Individual upward pressure on wages.

You have upward pressure on wages whenever unemployment goes down, Daniel! It's not something you have to legislate. It happens naturally. Fewer workers for more jobs? More competition between employers for those workers. More competition means higher wages both for new hires and to retain good employees that they already have working for them.
Yes, it is. We have a fiat economy not a commodity economy. Only in right wing fantasy and special pleading, do "we have any form of free market".

What does fiat economy have to do with minimum wage? Fiat refers to currency. Let me still think if you throw out some terms that you have no clue what they mean...that people will think you know what you're talking about?

As for whether we have any form of free markets? We have people like you who are constantly trying to impose restrictions on our free markets. That's all a minimum wage artificial restriction placed upon the natural ebb and flow of a free market.

If you want to look a little less foolish I'd strongly suggest taking an economics class or if you can't do that...buying Thomas Sowell's book "Basic Economics". Right now you're simply posting gibberish.
sorry; i thought you knew something about economics.

Fiat money is manufactured almost as if by magic, at a printing press, for that purpose.

Congress commands fiscal policy and the Fed commands monetary policy.

hope that helps.
sorry; i thought you knew something about economics.

Fiat money is manufactured almost as if by magic, at a printing press, for that purpose.

Congress commands fiscal policy and the Fed commands monetary policy.

hope that helps.

Unlike you, Daniel...I studied economics in college...including a class with Thomas Sowell. I know what fiat money is. I just pointed out that it was regarding currency. So what does fiat money have to do with minimum wage increases?
Let me're a progressive so your "solution" will be to raise taxes on businesses and the wealthy? That will of course put our economy into a tail spin which means you won't raise the taxes you THOUGHT you of course you'll have to raise taxes on the Middle Class as well which will hurt the economy even more and then...gee whiz, little buddy! You'll have turned Washington into Caracas North!
We can always raise the minimum wage to raise more tax revenue.

Oh, so after raising taxes on businesses, the wealthy and the Middle're going to REALLY bring the economy to it's knees by forcing US businesses to compete with foreign competition with labor costs that are through the roof? You're a regular economic GENIOUS, Daniel! (eye roll)
Higher paid Labor can afford to pay more in Taxes and create more in demand. Only the right wing eschews not Only capitalism but also the laws of demand and supply in their special pleading.

Explain to me how this works, Daniel!

Your entry level worker that used to make $8 an hour will now make $15. So how do you think the more skilled worker that was making $12 an hour is going to react to that? Obviously, they're going to want just as large a raise which now puts their hourly wage at $19 an hour which is more than the supervisor of that shift was making at $18 and hour. So obviously the supervisor will demand an equally large pay increase to keep pace.

All you've really done with your $15 an hour minimum wage is create a serious case of wage inflation...which of course will shortly be followed by a serious case of price inflation to try and pay for all these new higher wages! So at the end of the day what have you accomplished? When you account for inflation nobody is making any more REAL income than they were before! Their wage went from $8 an hour to $15 an hour but their electric bill went up...their rent went up...the cost of the car they wanted to buy went up...that cup of coffee they get at Starbucks went up!

Do you not understand simple economic principles?
Link minimum wage to cost of living. When Cost of Living goes up so does the Minimum wage.
Let me're a progressive so your "solution" will be to raise taxes on businesses and the wealthy? That will of course put our economy into a tail spin which means you won't raise the taxes you THOUGHT you of course you'll have to raise taxes on the Middle Class as well which will hurt the economy even more and then...gee whiz, little buddy! You'll have turned Washington into Caracas North!
We can always raise the minimum wage to raise more tax revenue.

Oh, so after raising taxes on businesses, the wealthy and the Middle're going to REALLY bring the economy to it's knees by forcing US businesses to compete with foreign competition with labor costs that are through the roof? You're a regular economic GENIOUS, Daniel! (eye roll)
Higher paid Labor can afford to pay more in Taxes and create more in demand. Only the right wing eschews not Only capitalism but also the laws of demand and supply in their special pleading.

Explain to me how this works, Daniel!

Your entry level worker that used to make $8 an hour will now make $15. So how do you think the more skilled worker that was making $12 an hour is going to react to that? Obviously, they're going to want just as large a raise which now puts their hourly wage at $19 an hour which is more than the supervisor of that shift was making at $18 and hour. So obviously the supervisor will demand an equally large pay increase to keep pace.

All you've really done with your $15 an hour minimum wage is create a serious case of wage inflation...which of course will shortly be followed by a serious case of price inflation to try and pay for all these new higher wages! So at the end of the day what have you accomplished? When you account for inflation nobody is making any more REAL income than they were before! Their wage went from $8 an hour to $15 an hour but their electric bill went up...their rent went up...the cost of the car they wanted to buy went up...that cup of coffee they get at Starbucks went up!

Do you not understand simple economic principles?
Link minimum wage to cost of living. When Cost of Living goes up so does the Minimum wage.

It's a fine concept until you realize that increasing the Minimum Wage is probably going to raise the Cost of Living...which in turn raises Minimum Wage...which once again is probably going to raise the Cost of Living and so on and so on. It's like rolling a snowball down a steep hill...
So, out of curiousity, did they start their hunger strike?

If so, which college held a tailgate party right up against the fence, complete with BBQ ribs and wings wafting in the breeze? :eek2yum:
We can always raise the minimum wage to raise more tax revenue.

Oh, so after raising taxes on businesses, the wealthy and the Middle're going to REALLY bring the economy to it's knees by forcing US businesses to compete with foreign competition with labor costs that are through the roof? You're a regular economic GENIOUS, Daniel! (eye roll)
Higher paid Labor can afford to pay more in Taxes and create more in demand. Only the right wing eschews not Only capitalism but also the laws of demand and supply in their special pleading.

Explain to me how this works, Daniel!

Your entry level worker that used to make $8 an hour will now make $15. So how do you think the more skilled worker that was making $12 an hour is going to react to that? Obviously, they're going to want just as large a raise which now puts their hourly wage at $19 an hour which is more than the supervisor of that shift was making at $18 and hour. So obviously the supervisor will demand an equally large pay increase to keep pace.

All you've really done with your $15 an hour minimum wage is create a serious case of wage inflation...which of course will shortly be followed by a serious case of price inflation to try and pay for all these new higher wages! So at the end of the day what have you accomplished? When you account for inflation nobody is making any more REAL income than they were before! Their wage went from $8 an hour to $15 an hour but their electric bill went up...their rent went up...the cost of the car they wanted to buy went up...that cup of coffee they get at Starbucks went up!

Do you not understand simple economic principles?
Link minimum wage to cost of living. When Cost of Living goes up so does the Minimum wage.

It's a fine concept until you realize that increasing the Minimum Wage is probably going to raise the Cost of Living...which in turn raises Minimum Wage...which once again is probably going to raise the Cost of Living and so on and so on. It's like rolling a snowball down a steep hill...
Increasing the cost of a big screen TV back to $5,000 will not raise the cost of living. Making luxury items more expensive to pay the Minimum wage is the way to go. Cost of living is not linked to how much for a Whopper or a Double Cheeseburger.

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