Illegals In Mexico Begin Hunger Stike - 'We Are Fighting For 'OUR RIGHTS'?!

how long are we going to gas people seeking liberty and freedom from the violence and lousy government they have to deal with now?

let's upgrade Ellis Island to solve this problem on our borders.

Why do you keep ranting about Ellis Island? It is ridiculous to think opening Ellis Island will do anything about the problem on our southern border. They aren't going to swim up the coast to Ellis Island FFS.

I'm new here, but he seems to think if her repeats something enough it magically becomes true.

LOL...I see you've met Danny....typical liberal.
how long are we going to gas people seeking liberty and freedom from the violence and lousy government they have to deal with now?

let's upgrade Ellis Island to solve this problem on our borders.

Why do you keep ranting about Ellis Island? It is ridiculous to think opening Ellis Island will do anything about the problem on our southern border. They aren't going to swim up the coast to Ellis Island FFS.

I'm new here, but he seems to think if her repeats something enough it magically becomes true.

LOL...I see you've met Danny....typical liberal.

It seems a bit odd.
how long are we going to gas people seeking liberty and freedom from the violence and lousy government they have to deal with now?

let's upgrade Ellis Island to solve this problem on our borders.

Why do you keep ranting about Ellis Island? It is ridiculous to think opening Ellis Island will do anything about the problem on our southern border. They aren't going to swim up the coast to Ellis Island FFS.

I'm new here, but he seems to think if her repeats something enough it magically becomes true.

LOL...I see you've met Danny....typical liberal.

It seems a bit odd.

Haha...every one of Danny’s posts looks like this.
“Give me free shit, give illegals free shit, give us all free shit.”
how long are we going to gas people seeking liberty and freedom from the violence and lousy government they have to deal with now?

let's upgrade Ellis Island to solve this problem on our borders.

Why do you keep ranting about Ellis Island? It is ridiculous to think opening Ellis Island will do anything about the problem on our southern border. They aren't going to swim up the coast to Ellis Island FFS.

I'm new here, but he seems to think if her repeats something enough it magically becomes true.

LOL...I see you've met Danny....typical liberal.

It seems a bit odd.

Haha...every one of Danny’s posts looks like this.
“Give me free shit, give illegals free shit, give us all free shit.”
Well he does not want everyone to have free shit, he discrimates by demanding the haves give free stuff to the have nots
how long are we going to gas people seeking liberty and freedom from the violence and lousy government they have to deal with now?

let's upgrade Ellis Island to solve this problem on our borders.

Why do you keep ranting about Ellis Island? It is ridiculous to think opening Ellis Island will do anything about the problem on our southern border. They aren't going to swim up the coast to Ellis Island FFS.
Capitalism works, right wingers. Not every Thing has to be about socialism on a national basis.

We should be upgrading Ellis Island and local infrastructure.

Foreign nationals could be paying for it in a market friendly manner.

Please address the point you keep dodging. How are they going to get to Ellis Island?
no understanding of Capitalism, right wingers?

Old Worlders could charter modern cruise liners and "have a great time" coming to the New World.

The Ellis Island express, anyone?
how long are we going to gas people seeking liberty and freedom from the violence and lousy government they have to deal with now?

let's upgrade Ellis Island to solve this problem on our borders.

Why do you keep ranting about Ellis Island? It is ridiculous to think opening Ellis Island will do anything about the problem on our southern border. They aren't going to swim up the coast to Ellis Island FFS.

I'm new here, but he seems to think if her repeats something enough it magically becomes true.

LOL...I see you've met Danny....typical liberal.

It seems a bit odd.

Haha...every one of Danny’s posts looks like this.
“Give me free shit, give illegals free shit, give us all free shit.”

Wait...where the hell is my free shit?
Why do you keep ranting about Ellis Island? It is ridiculous to think opening Ellis Island will do anything about the problem on our southern border. They aren't going to swim up the coast to Ellis Island FFS.

I'm new here, but he seems to think if her repeats something enough it magically becomes true.

LOL...I see you've met Danny....typical liberal.

It seems a bit odd.

Haha...every one of Danny’s posts looks like this.
“Give me free shit, give illegals free shit, give us all free shit.”

Wait...where the hell is my free shit?

Oh don’t qualify for any free shit....trophies are only awarded to filthy lowlifes.
how long are we going to gas people seeking liberty and freedom from the violence and lousy government they have to deal with now?

let's upgrade Ellis Island to solve this problem on our borders.

Why do you keep ranting about Ellis Island? It is ridiculous to think opening Ellis Island will do anything about the problem on our southern border. They aren't going to swim up the coast to Ellis Island FFS.
Capitalism works, right wingers. Not every Thing has to be about socialism on a national basis.

We should be upgrading Ellis Island and local infrastructure.

Foreign nationals could be paying for it in a market friendly manner.

Please address the point you keep dodging. How are they going to get to Ellis Island?
no understanding of Capitalism, right wingers?

Old Worlders could charter modern cruise liners and "have a great time" coming to the New World.

The Ellis Island express, anyone?

They have no money. Those funding the caravans will transport them to the southern border, but will not fund a cruise to Ellis Island. Surely, you understand that?
I'm new here, but he seems to think if her repeats something enough it magically becomes true.

LOL...I see you've met Danny....typical liberal.

It seems a bit odd.

Haha...every one of Danny’s posts looks like this.
“Give me free shit, give illegals free shit, give us all free shit.”

Wait...where the hell is my free shit?

Oh don’t qualify for any free shit....trophies are only awarded to filthy lowlifes.
Gilded trophies for participation deadbeats
We don’t have to deal with them.

we're already having to deal w/'em , and because Trump had to make such a big STINK about them, we can no longer ignore them

So are you saying he should have been quiet and let them in? That’s not going to happen. We finally have a President that will stand for Americans and not the criminals trying to enter our country. They’re criminals as soon as they cross our border illegally. Yes even the baby’s and toddlers.
--------------------------------------------------- agree , for the most part , maybe . According to another thread though that i just Glanced at some of these sick invaders are being treated for their disease in the USA . Whats next , a job and an apartment in 'los angeles' Cutter ??
I hadn’t heard about that. Ihope he or she it being given the necessary medical care at asecure facility, like we would treat people arrested for any other crime, and repatriated.
-------------------------------------- feck that , the sick are in mexico . Course i wouldn't treat them anyway and i only glanced at the thread i refer to Cutter . -------------- but its just another example of importing more third worlders into the USA by hook or by crook and lies . .
No more Beans for the Beanies???????

Oh noes, how long will that last, before the Taco-Panic attacks, begin?
let's upgrade Ellis Island and increase the minimum wage; the right wing complains there are not enough white people in our republic.

The U.S.A is supposed to be a Pan-Europa, not a Pan-Frijole.

Especially, when they come illegally, that simply shouldn't be tolerated.
Our federal Constitution was designed to be gender and race neutral from Inception.

Ellis Island could process thousands per day.
Anyone who can swim to Ellis Island can be processed there. How's that?
how long are we going to gas people seeking liberty and freedom from the violence and lousy government they have to deal with now?

let's upgrade Ellis Island to solve this problem on our borders.

Why do you keep ranting about Ellis Island? It is ridiculous to think opening Ellis Island will do anything about the problem on our southern border. They aren't going to swim up the coast to Ellis Island FFS.

I'm new here, but he seems to think if her repeats something enough it magically becomes true.

LOL...I see you've met Danny....typical liberal.

It seems a bit odd.

Haha...every one of Danny’s posts looks like this.
“Give me free shit, give illegals free shit, give us all free shit.”
lol. nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

Foreign nationals could be paying for the upgrade.
We had room for the immigrants that came through Ellis island. We don't have room for these.
Of course we do. Plenty of room.

How long can you ignorant fools possibly keep your heads in your asses?
$21 trillion in debt, deficit spending like nobody’s business, 29 million illegal invaders dropping taxpayer dependent litters of pet humans at a cockroaches pace, homeless Vets pissing, shitting and dying in our streets daily, a middle class that can’t save a dime or get ahead, record numbers of over qualified workers working low wage jobs, healthcare most can’t afford because too much coverage is given away free to wetbacks, a failing education system, an exploding filthy, disgusting underclass like we’ve never seen before.
Most of the aforementioned can be directly tied to the cockroach invasion...I’m curious...what indicators do you need to see to think the U.S. is in crisis with regard to illegal wetbacks?
If our economy is as big a mess as you say, it's pretty funny to blame it ALL on "wetbacks." Your disrespect for these folks is what stands out in your posts, Broke. You really do echo the Nazi's in your unthinking willingness to scapegoat a group as the reason for ALL your problems. I doubt if you, personally, are suffering all that much. We can probably turn things around, but building a wall on the southern border is not going to the answer to all your prayers. I can promise you that.

Preventing people from entering your house uninvited is not "scapegoating" anyone.
No, but preventing people from entering the country uninvited is not what "scapegoating" is. Blaming them for our economic woes and cultural problems is.

It is in part responsible. To think otherwise is ostrich behavior, or sheer malevolence towards one's own.
Of course we do. Plenty of room.

How long can you ignorant fools possibly keep your heads in your asses?
$21 trillion in debt, deficit spending like nobody’s business, 29 million illegal invaders dropping taxpayer dependent litters of pet humans at a cockroaches pace, homeless Vets pissing, shitting and dying in our streets daily, a middle class that can’t save a dime or get ahead, record numbers of over qualified workers working low wage jobs, healthcare most can’t afford because too much coverage is given away free to wetbacks, a failing education system, an exploding filthy, disgusting underclass like we’ve never seen before.
Most of the aforementioned can be directly tied to the cockroach invasion...I’m curious...what indicators do you need to see to think the U.S. is in crisis with regard to illegal wetbacks?
If our economy is as big a mess as you say, it's pretty funny to blame it ALL on "wetbacks." Your disrespect for these folks is what stands out in your posts, Broke. You really do echo the Nazi's in your unthinking willingness to scapegoat a group as the reason for ALL your problems. I doubt if you, personally, are suffering all that much. We can probably turn things around, but building a wall on the southern border is not going to the answer to all your prayers. I can promise you that.

Preventing people from entering your house uninvited is not "scapegoating" anyone.
No, but preventing people from entering the country uninvited is not what "scapegoating" is. Blaming them for our economic woes and cultural problems is.

It is in part responsible. To think otherwise is ostrich behavior, or sheer malevolence towards one's own.
Market friendly? What are you babbling about now, Daniel? Upgrading Ellis Island? Do you not know that Ellis Island hasn't been used for processing immigrants since the 1950's? You continue to prove yourself the board idiot!
lol. That is the whole and entire reason for the upgrade. Only the right wing, never gets it.

Upgrade? The processing center doesn't EXIST anymore and hasn't since the 50's! So why would anyone be STUPID enough to create a new one in New York City to handle immigrants coming into the country on our Mexican border? You've got the common sense of a Dodo bird, Daniel!
the facility still exists along with the Island. only the right wing appeals to right wing fantasy instead of reason.

The processing center still exists? Really? Some of the buildings may exist but they've long ago been converted into some other use. You really want to bring "reason" into it when you're talking about building a processing center thousands of miles from where the immigrants you need to process ARE? You're a moron, Daniel! Here's a radical concept!!! If you want to build a processing center BUILD IT ALONG OUR SOUTHERN BORDER!!!
That is the reason for the upgrade to modern times. Being able to process ten thousand per day should be Government standard.

We should not process even one we choose not to process.
Every poor person on the planet wants to come to America. We need to shut our doors to all but those who make us stronger.
After being denied their "RIGHT' to tear down US border fencing, assault US agents with rocks and bottles, and physically forcing their way into the US, Illegals now find themselves instead sitting in Tijuana being blocked from the border by Mexico and having to comply with US law.

This is obviously too much to bear for some of the illegals denied immediate illegal entry into the US - some of the Illegals from the caravan have begun a 'Hunger Strike'.

Tijuana officials stated yesterday that Mexican funds to care for and feed the approx. 6,000 illegals are starting to dry it isn't known at this time if the 'Hunger Strike' is a voluntary decision to protest their being denied to illegally enter the US or if Tijuana's funds have dried up and they can no longer feed the 6k illegals.


Who's To Blame For The Growing 'Humanitarian Crisis'

1. Democrats
The Democrats under Obama encouraged / facilitated Illegal immigration by refusing to enforce existing Immigration Law, sending US teams into Mexico to teach Illegals how to apply for social ('tax-payer funded 'Free' stuff) programs once they illegally cross, helped / protected illegals, helped / protected hums traffickers, fought to keep the US borders open,, etc.... We have an existing US Immigration system and a path to legal US citizenship - refusing to enforce existing US law, allowing illegals to skip that process, and encouraging to ignore US law and come anyway was / is cruel and only encourages more and more illegal immigration.

2. Mexico
Believing everything would remain the same - the illegals would be allowed to go straight into the US - they facilitated the 'Illegal Pipeline' through their country to our border. Mexico let the illegals in, they are still there in Mexico, thus it is THEIR problem. Welcome to our world, and good luck with that! :p

3. The Illegals
Knowing you would be breaking the laws of several nations (breaking both Mexican and US Law) to attempt to make it into America you made the trek anyway. You were told not to come. You were made aware that you would not be let did not believe it. You came anyway. Now you're stuck in Tijuana or being bussed to other locations in Mexico.

MOST people have to actually face the consequences of their actions. With Obama gone, more and more would-be illegals are finding that out now the hard way.

Handful of caravan migrants launch hunger strike at U.S. border | Reuters

Why do you insist on calling them "illegals" when they are not jumping the border and are WAITING for their asylum claims to be processed?
Calling them "illegals" is better than calling them wetbacks I guess.
lol. That is the whole and entire reason for the upgrade. Only the right wing, never gets it.

Upgrade? The processing center doesn't EXIST anymore and hasn't since the 50's! So why would anyone be STUPID enough to create a new one in New York City to handle immigrants coming into the country on our Mexican border? You've got the common sense of a Dodo bird, Daniel!
the facility still exists along with the Island. only the right wing appeals to right wing fantasy instead of reason.

The processing center still exists? Really? Some of the buildings may exist but they've long ago been converted into some other use. You really want to bring "reason" into it when you're talking about building a processing center thousands of miles from where the immigrants you need to process ARE? You're a moron, Daniel! Here's a radical concept!!! If you want to build a processing center BUILD IT ALONG OUR SOUTHERN BORDER!!!
That is the reason for the upgrade to modern times. Being able to process ten thousand per day should be Government standard.

We should not process even one we choose not to process.
why is that, right wingers? don't understand capitalism and only know how to lose money on border policy.
After being denied their "RIGHT' to tear down US border fencing, assault US agents with rocks and bottles, and physically forcing their way into the US, Illegals now find themselves instead sitting in Tijuana being blocked from the border by Mexico and having to comply with US law.

This is obviously too much to bear for some of the illegals denied immediate illegal entry into the US - some of the Illegals from the caravan have begun a 'Hunger Strike'.

Tijuana officials stated yesterday that Mexican funds to care for and feed the approx. 6,000 illegals are starting to dry it isn't known at this time if the 'Hunger Strike' is a voluntary decision to protest their being denied to illegally enter the US or if Tijuana's funds have dried up and they can no longer feed the 6k illegals.


Who's To Blame For The Growing 'Humanitarian Crisis'

1. Democrats
The Democrats under Obama encouraged / facilitated Illegal immigration by refusing to enforce existing Immigration Law, sending US teams into Mexico to teach Illegals how to apply for social ('tax-payer funded 'Free' stuff) programs once they illegally cross, helped / protected illegals, helped / protected hums traffickers, fought to keep the US borders open,, etc.... We have an existing US Immigration system and a path to legal US citizenship - refusing to enforce existing US law, allowing illegals to skip that process, and encouraging to ignore US law and come anyway was / is cruel and only encourages more and more illegal immigration.

2. Mexico
Believing everything would remain the same - the illegals would be allowed to go straight into the US - they facilitated the 'Illegal Pipeline' through their country to our border. Mexico let the illegals in, they are still there in Mexico, thus it is THEIR problem. Welcome to our world, and good luck with that! :p

3. The Illegals
Knowing you would be breaking the laws of several nations (breaking both Mexican and US Law) to attempt to make it into America you made the trek anyway. You were told not to come. You were made aware that you would not be let did not believe it. You came anyway. Now you're stuck in Tijuana or being bussed to other locations in Mexico.

MOST people have to actually face the consequences of their actions. With Obama gone, more and more would-be illegals are finding that out now the hard way.

Handful of caravan migrants launch hunger strike at U.S. border | Reuters

Why do you insist on calling them "illegals" when they are not jumping the border and are WAITING for their asylum claims to be processed?
Calling them "illegals" is better than calling them wetbacks I guess.
Asking for asylum is not illegal. The right wing doesn't care about natural rights and that is why we don't take them seriously in abortion threads.

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