Illegals In Mexico Begin Hunger Stike - 'We Are Fighting For 'OUR RIGHTS'?!

We had room for the immigrants that came through Ellis island. We don't have room for these.
The entire population of the US could fit in the State of Texas.

We really do need new Cities in more optimal locations. And, to create new, "manufacturing" jobs.

But there would be no water. No way to grow food. They can eat each other.
only story tellers say that.
our border policies are unnecessary and improper if they are not market friendly. there is no need for social crisis when upgrading Ellis Island is much more cost effective and could solve this dilemma in a more market friendly manner.
Except we would need to move it to San Diego. But the idea is good.
The problem seems to be that this is all people looking to file new asylum claims. I don't think that was the case with the immigrants who came through Ellis Island. Things seem to have changed.
no way; do we need to "import Swedish women to make sure" there is no excuse to "fuck with Tradition"?
I don't have a clue what you're talking about. All I meant was that a prepared facility to handle all these folks efficiently would be a good idea.


To what end? To what benefit?
It costs a lot of money to have an inefficient system where people are detained, their children are detained while an overwhelmed court system tries to process them all.
That's true. The system is inefficient. They should be deported immediately.
our border policies are unnecessary and improper if they are not market friendly. there is no need for social crisis when upgrading Ellis Island is much more cost effective and could solve this dilemma in a more market friendly manner.
Except we would need to move it to San Diego. But the idea is good.
The problem seems to be that this is all people looking to file new asylum claims. I don't think that was the case with the immigrants who came through Ellis Island. Things seem to have changed.
no way; do we need to "import Swedish women to make sure" there is no excuse to "fuck with Tradition"?
I don't have a clue what you're talking about. All I meant was that a prepared facility to handle all these folks efficiently would be a good idea.


To what end? To what benefit?
It costs a lot of money to have an inefficient system where people are detained, their children are detained while an overwhelmed court system tries to process them all.

So stop doing it. Tell them no from the outset, and enforce it
It costs a lot of money to have an inefficient system where people are detained, their children are detained while an overwhelmed court system tries to process them all.
So you are suggesting that it would be better for AMERICA / AMERICANS if we just pencil-whipped whatever is needed to 'process' and release the illegals into the US populace as fast as possible while HOPING they come back for their Asylum hearing months later rather than hold them as long as it takes to positively ID them, do thorough background checks on them, treat their diseases, etc?
Why do you insist on calling them "illegals" when they are not jumping the border and are WAITING for their asylum claims to be processed?

That is pretty dishonest given that we know they have tried to enter illegally and were pushed back by tear gas.
Over a hundred were arrested and immediately sent back where they came from, by Mexico. No one is rushing the border now and the vast majority of them that are waiting weren't involved in that.

And we both know that the ONLY reason they aren't sneaking across the border is because Trump increased security. The VAST majority of those people would illegally cross if they could. You know this is true just as well as I.
After being denied their "RIGHT' to tear down US border fencing, assault US agents with rocks and bottles, and physically forcing their way into the US, Illegals now find themselves instead sitting in Tijuana being blocked from the border by Mexico and having to comply with US law.

This is obviously too much to bear for some of the illegals denied immediate illegal entry into the US - some of the Illegals from the caravan have begun a 'Hunger Strike'.

Tijuana officials stated yesterday that Mexican funds to care for and feed the approx. 6,000 illegals are starting to dry it isn't known at this time if the 'Hunger Strike' is a voluntary decision to protest their being denied to illegally enter the US or if Tijuana's funds have dried up and they can no longer feed the 6k illegals.


Who's To Blame For The Growing 'Humanitarian Crisis'

1. Democrats
The Democrats under Obama encouraged / facilitated Illegal immigration by refusing to enforce existing Immigration Law, sending US teams into Mexico to teach Illegals how to apply for social ('tax-payer funded 'Free' stuff) programs once they illegally cross, helped / protected illegals, helped / protected hums traffickers, fought to keep the US borders open,, etc.... We have an existing US Immigration system and a path to legal US citizenship - refusing to enforce existing US law, allowing illegals to skip that process, and encouraging to ignore US law and come anyway was / is cruel and only encourages more and more illegal immigration.

2. Mexico
Believing everything would remain the same - the illegals would be allowed to go straight into the US - they facilitated the 'Illegal Pipeline' through their country to our border. Mexico let the illegals in, they are still there in Mexico, thus it is THEIR problem. Welcome to our world, and good luck with that! :p

3. The Illegals
Knowing you would be breaking the laws of several nations (breaking both Mexican and US Law) to attempt to make it into America you made the trek anyway. You were told not to come. You were made aware that you would not be let did not believe it. You came anyway. Now you're stuck in Tijuana or being bussed to other locations in Mexico.

MOST people have to actually face the consequences of their actions. With Obama gone, more and more would-be illegals are finding that out now the hard way.

Handful of caravan migrants launch hunger strike at U.S. border | Reuters

Why do you insist on calling them "illegals" when they are not jumping the border and are WAITING for their asylum claims to be processed?



You watch too much Tee Vee.
So what are they waiting to apply for?
They believe they are applying for asylum. They are being turned down because they have already declined an offer of asylum.

"Turned down"?

Turned down implies an application was actually made.

No. What you meant to say is, the border is not accepting asylum claims because this president and his dopey deplorables dont want these not whites in America and are willing to ignore the law to do so.
So stop doing it. Tell them no from the outset, and enforce it
...but they don't like the word 'No' - they weren't use to hearing that a whole lot from Obama, or at least weren't used to any real effort to prevent them from illegally crossing.

When Trump recently told them 'No' they attempted to tear down border fences, physically force their way into the country, and attacked the agents stopping them.

President Trump is telling them 'NO' and forcing them to do it the right way. He is also forcing Mexico to deal with the Humanitarian Crisis on Their side of the border that they helped create by allowing these illegals to violently push past them and get this far.
Once they refused the offer of asylum in Mexico they became ineligible to ask for adylum here.
So they're all waiting for nothing? I question that.
Yes. They are waiting for nothing unless they have a credible fear of harm in Mexico. Or unless we simply decide to ignore the law.
Some say the drug cartels (had you heard Mexico also has that problem?) in Mexico are also a danger to them. Who knows why. Most of them are coming to make a better living. Why can't we up the immigration caps and let them in as workers seeking citizenship?
There are many poor people over the globe who want jobs and a better life! How many is enough for ewe or dew ewe think the American taxpayer works for the rest of the world? Tell us!
Why has this President cut immigration caps as well as refugee admissions?
What is the problem with you people? As long as these folks can find work as LEGAL immigrants, they are paying taxes, can work toward citizenship. People keep whining about welfare, but if we were really that broke, where did we find the money to give the military budget a huge raise?
It's all a matter of what we choose to spend our money on, and the piddling amount spent on housing or food assistance is a drop in the bucket to what this country really spends its money on.
Why don't you admit the real reason you don't want them here, Willow? It would be a lot easier than all this nonsense you spew.
Because moron, this country already has a problem with 30 illegal aliens in the country!
Once they refused the offer of asylum in Mexico they became ineligible to ask for adylum here.
So they're all waiting for nothing? I question that.
Yes. They are waiting for nothing unless they have a credible fear of harm in Mexico. Or unless we simply decide to ignore the law.
Some say the drug cartels (had you heard Mexico also has that problem?) in Mexico are also a danger to them. Who knows why. Most of them are coming to make a better living. Why can't we up the immigration caps and let them in as workers seeking citizenship?
There are many poor people over the globe who want jobs and a better life! How many is enough for ewe or dew ewe think the American taxpayer works for the rest of the world? Tell us!
Why has this President cut immigration caps as well as refugee admissions?
What is the problem with you people? As long as these folks can find work as LEGAL immigrants, they are paying taxes, can work toward citizenship. People keep whining about welfare, but if we were really that broke, where did we find the money to give the military budget a huge raise?
It's all a matter of what we choose to spend our money on, and the piddling amount spent on housing or food assistance is a drop in the bucket to what this country really spends its money on.
Why don't you admit the real reason you don't want them here, Willow? It would be a lot easier than all this nonsense you spew.
Why do you think my children should work their asses off to feed and house thieves who break into this country illegally? Explain that to me!
After being denied their "RIGHT' to tear down US border fencing, assault US agents with rocks and bottles, and physically forcing their way into the US, Illegals now find themselves instead sitting in Tijuana being blocked from the border by Mexico and having to comply with US law.

This is obviously too much to bear for some of the illegals denied immediate illegal entry into the US - some of the Illegals from the caravan have begun a 'Hunger Strike'.

Tijuana officials stated yesterday that Mexican funds to care for and feed the approx. 6,000 illegals are starting to dry it isn't known at this time if the 'Hunger Strike' is a voluntary decision to protest their being denied to illegally enter the US or if Tijuana's funds have dried up and they can no longer feed the 6k illegals.


Who's To Blame For The Growing 'Humanitarian Crisis'

1. Democrats
The Democrats under Obama encouraged / facilitated Illegal immigration by refusing to enforce existing Immigration Law, sending US teams into Mexico to teach Illegals how to apply for social ('tax-payer funded 'Free' stuff) programs once they illegally cross, helped / protected illegals, helped / protected hums traffickers, fought to keep the US borders open,, etc.... We have an existing US Immigration system and a path to legal US citizenship - refusing to enforce existing US law, allowing illegals to skip that process, and encouraging to ignore US law and come anyway was / is cruel and only encourages more and more illegal immigration.

2. Mexico
Believing everything would remain the same - the illegals would be allowed to go straight into the US - they facilitated the 'Illegal Pipeline' through their country to our border. Mexico let the illegals in, they are still there in Mexico, thus it is THEIR problem. Welcome to our world, and good luck with that! :p

3. The Illegals
Knowing you would be breaking the laws of several nations (breaking both Mexican and US Law) to attempt to make it into America you made the trek anyway. You were told not to come. You were made aware that you would not be let did not believe it. You came anyway. Now you're stuck in Tijuana or being bussed to other locations in Mexico.

MOST people have to actually face the consequences of their actions. With Obama gone, more and more would-be illegals are finding that out now the hard way.

Handful of caravan migrants launch hunger strike at U.S. border | Reuters

Why do you insist on calling them "illegals" when they are not jumping the border and are WAITING for their asylum claims to be processed?



You watch too much Tee Vee.
So what are they waiting to apply for?
They believe they are applying for asylum. They are being turned down because they have already declined an offer of asylum.

"Turned down"?

Turned down implies an application was actually made.

No. What you meant to say is, the border is not accepting asylum claims because this president and his dopey deplorables dont want these not whites in America and are willing to ignore the law to do so.
We don't want these illiterate, unskilled , criminals in America and finally recognized that there are laws to protect us.

Thank God for a president like Donald Trump.
let's upgrade Ellis Island and increase the minimum wage; the right wing complains there are not enough white people in our republic.

Interesting plan - easy to just throw out the idea of 'Upgrade Ellis Island and process all of the illegals trying to come to the US there'....the 'devil is in the details', as they say. Let's hear them....

How much will it cost to 'upgrade Ellis Island'?

How do you transport approx. 1,500 Illegals PER DAY to Ellis Island...and that's not counting the approximately 6,000 at Tijuana now?

How much would it cost to transport approx. 1,500 Illegals PER DAY to Ellis Island...and that's not counting the approximately 6,000 at Tijuana now? Where does that money come from?

How do you FORCE illegals who do not want to even walk a couple hundred feet to the nearest legal port of entry and who would rather just illegally hop a fence and slip into the US board whatever transportation you choose and be brought to Ellis Island for 'processing'?

You said the US could process thousands of Illegals through Ellis Island per day - I find it hard to believe considering DHS has said they KNOW / have evidence there are criminals mixed in with the non-criminal illegals in the caravan. Are you suggesting the US govt would be able to do thorough background checks on thousands of illegals brought to Ellis Island for processing every day in enough time to successfully process the thousands of illegals per day as you say could happen?

You said the US could process thousands of Illegals through Ellis Island per day - I find it hard to believe considering how Tijuana officials have reported that an extremely large number of illegals arriving at the Mexican-US border are riddled with illness and diseases. Do you plan to have a medical facility there at Ellis Island to treat / quarantine / separate the sick from the healthy or just process al of the sick ones through with everyone else and turn them loos on NYC for New York to have to worry about?

Once processed, after they are done going through the line, what do you do with them then? Just release them into New York or do you suggest at that point the US tax payers pay for more transportation to send them wherever they want to go in the US?

Does New York City even WANT several thousand illegals PER DAY brought to NYC, processed, and then released into NYC to deal with / financially support them?

Where are the Processors, Security, Intel Background checkers, Medical personnel, administrative, etc... personnel going to come from and where is the money for all of this going to come from?

Once the thousands of illegals are processed through Ellis Island and released on NYC, how do you propose to solve the BUSTED system / process of giving them a court date for their Asylum hearing (which, statistically, most - who show up - will be denied) and HOPE they show back up for their hearing months/ a year+ later?
we can charge a capital and market friendly fee. upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure should pay for itself, at bare minimum.

any additional revenue could be used to lower our tax burden.

Simply getting to the Island operates under capitalism, not socialism on a national basis. It is a potential market, waiting to happen. We really could say, our Statue of Liberty is over there.

All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. It is both unnecessary and less proper for States to issue their own State id. to foreign nationals in the US.
"Turned down"? Turned down implies an application was actually made.

That's true - most of these illegals never apply for Asylum until they criminally enter the US, and even then the majority of their requests end up getting denied because - despite what Democrats / snowflakes claim - they do not meet the criteria for 'Asylum Seekers'...which is why a large number of them never show up for their Asylum Request hearings
let's upgrade Ellis Island and increase the minimum wage; the right wing complains there are not enough white people in our republic.

Interesting plan - easy to just throw out the idea of 'Upgrade Ellis Island and process all of the illegals trying to come to the US there'....the 'devil is in the details', as they say. Let's hear them....

How much will it cost to 'upgrade Ellis Island'?

How do you transport approx. 1,500 Illegals PER DAY to Ellis Island...and that's not counting the approximately 6,000 at Tijuana now?

How much would it cost to transport approx. 1,500 Illegals PER DAY to Ellis Island...and that's not counting the approximately 6,000 at Tijuana now? Where does that money come from?

How do you FORCE illegals who do not want to even walk a couple hundred feet to the nearest legal port of entry and who would rather just illegally hop a fence and slip into the US board whatever transportation you choose and be brought to Ellis Island for 'processing'?

You said the US could process thousands of Illegals through Ellis Island per day - I find it hard to believe considering DHS has said they KNOW / have evidence there are criminals mixed in with the non-criminal illegals in the caravan. Are you suggesting the US govt would be able to do thorough background checks on thousands of illegals brought to Ellis Island for processing every day in enough time to successfully process the thousands of illegals per day as you say could happen?

You said the US could process thousands of Illegals through Ellis Island per day - I find it hard to believe considering how Tijuana officials have reported that an extremely large number of illegals arriving at the Mexican-US border are riddled with illness and diseases. Do you plan to have a medical facility there at Ellis Island to treat / quarantine / separate the sick from the healthy or just process al of the sick ones through with everyone else and turn them loos on NYC for New York to have to worry about?

Once processed, after they are done going through the line, what do you do with them then? Just release them into New York or do you suggest at that point the US tax payers pay for more transportation to send them wherever they want to go in the US?

Does New York City even WANT several thousand illegals PER DAY brought to NYC, processed, and then released into NYC to deal with / financially support them?

Where are the Processors, Security, Intel Background checkers, Medical personnel, administrative, etc... personnel going to come from and where is the money for all of this going to come from?

Once the thousands of illegals are processed through Ellis Island and released on NYC, how do you propose to solve the BUSTED system / process of giving them a court date for their Asylum hearing (which, statistically, most - who show up - will be denied) and HOPE they show back up for their hearing months/ a year+ later?
we can charge a capital and market friendly fee. upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure should pay for itself, at bare minimum.

any additional revenue could be used to lower our tax burden.

Simply getting to the Island operates under capitalism, not socialism on a national basis. It is a potential market, waiting to happen. We really could say, our Statue of Liberty is over there.

All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. It is both unnecessary and less proper for States to issue their own State id. to foreign nationals in the US.
Thank you for your response, but you failed to answer any of the questions, failed to provide any specifics to your idea.....
Except we would need to move it to San Diego. But the idea is good.
The problem seems to be that this is all people looking to file new asylum claims. I don't think that was the case with the immigrants who came through Ellis Island. Things seem to have changed.
no way; do we need to "import Swedish women to make sure" there is no excuse to "fuck with Tradition"?
I don't have a clue what you're talking about. All I meant was that a prepared facility to handle all these folks efficiently would be a good idea.


To what end? To what benefit?
by upgrading Ellis Island, we really could process ten thousand per day.

Ellis Island is a tourist attraction, ya nit.

As to your proposal, what benefit to the United States would result from processing ten thousand indigent, unskilled, and uneducated per day into our home ?
only lousy capitalists lose money on public policies. we should not have the problems we do have at the border, now.
So they're all waiting for nothing? I question that.
Yes. They are waiting for nothing unless they have a credible fear of harm in Mexico. Or unless we simply decide to ignore the law.
Some say the drug cartels (had you heard Mexico also has that problem?) in Mexico are also a danger to them. Who knows why. Most of them are coming to make a better living. Why can't we up the immigration caps and let them in as workers seeking citizenship?
There are many poor people over the globe who want jobs and a better life! How many is enough for ewe or dew ewe think the American taxpayer works for the rest of the world? Tell us!
Why has this President cut immigration caps as well as refugee admissions?
What is the problem with you people? As long as these folks can find work as LEGAL immigrants, they are paying taxes, can work toward citizenship. People keep whining about welfare, but if we were really that broke, where did we find the money to give the military budget a huge raise?
It's all a matter of what we choose to spend our money on, and the piddling amount spent on housing or food assistance is a drop in the bucket to what this country really spends its money on.
Why don't you admit the real reason you don't want them here, Willow? It would be a lot easier than all this nonsense you spew.
Because moron, this country already has a problem with 30 illegal aliens in the country!
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
The fault is with these leftist open borders advocacy groups that are lying to these people. They are told that they have a right to come here under the protection of international law. They are told that they will all be given permiso slips that will entitle them to work here. They were told that hundreds of American employers were waiting for them in Tijuana. The employers would take them across the border to waiting jobs. Those who were previously deported are coming back expecting a presidential pardon.

None of this is true. Those caravan organizers should be arrested and prosecuted. Put some in prison for a few years. Maybe it will stop.
let's upgrade Ellis Island and increase the minimum wage; the right wing complains there are not enough white people in our republic.

Interesting plan - easy to just throw out the idea of 'Upgrade Ellis Island and process all of the illegals trying to come to the US there'....the 'devil is in the details', as they say. Let's hear them....

How much will it cost to 'upgrade Ellis Island'?

How do you transport approx. 1,500 Illegals PER DAY to Ellis Island...and that's not counting the approximately 6,000 at Tijuana now?

How much would it cost to transport approx. 1,500 Illegals PER DAY to Ellis Island...and that's not counting the approximately 6,000 at Tijuana now? Where does that money come from?

How do you FORCE illegals who do not want to even walk a couple hundred feet to the nearest legal port of entry and who would rather just illegally hop a fence and slip into the US board whatever transportation you choose and be brought to Ellis Island for 'processing'?

You said the US could process thousands of Illegals through Ellis Island per day - I find it hard to believe considering DHS has said they KNOW / have evidence there are criminals mixed in with the non-criminal illegals in the caravan. Are you suggesting the US govt would be able to do thorough background checks on thousands of illegals brought to Ellis Island for processing every day in enough time to successfully process the thousands of illegals per day as you say could happen?

You said the US could process thousands of Illegals through Ellis Island per day - I find it hard to believe considering how Tijuana officials have reported that an extremely large number of illegals arriving at the Mexican-US border are riddled with illness and diseases. Do you plan to have a medical facility there at Ellis Island to treat / quarantine / separate the sick from the healthy or just process al of the sick ones through with everyone else and turn them loos on NYC for New York to have to worry about?

Once processed, after they are done going through the line, what do you do with them then? Just release them into New York or do you suggest at that point the US tax payers pay for more transportation to send them wherever they want to go in the US?

Does New York City even WANT several thousand illegals PER DAY brought to NYC, processed, and then released into NYC to deal with / financially support them?

Where are the Processors, Security, Intel Background checkers, Medical personnel, administrative, etc... personnel going to come from and where is the money for all of this going to come from?

Once the thousands of illegals are processed through Ellis Island and released on NYC, how do you propose to solve the BUSTED system / process of giving them a court date for their Asylum hearing (which, statistically, most - who show up - will be denied) and HOPE they show back up for their hearing months/ a year+ later?
we can charge a capital and market friendly fee. upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure should pay for itself, at bare minimum.

any additional revenue could be used to lower our tax burden.

Simply getting to the Island operates under capitalism, not socialism on a national basis. It is a potential market, waiting to happen. We really could say, our Statue of Liberty is over there.

All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. It is both unnecessary and less proper for States to issue their own State id. to foreign nationals in the US.
Thank you for your response, but you failed to answer any of the questions, failed to provide any specifics to your idea.....
upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure should pay for itself.

Capitalism not socialism on a national basis!
The fault is with these leftist open borders advocacy groups that are lying to these people. They are told that they have a right to come here under the protection of international law. They are told that they will all be given permiso slips that will entitle them to work here. They were told that hundreds of American employers were waiting for them in Tijuana. The employers would take them across the border to waiting jobs. Those who were previously deported are coming back expecting a presidential pardon.

None of this is true. Those caravan organizers should be arrested and prosecuted. Put some in prison for a few years. Maybe it will stop.
the truth is, only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
The fault is with these leftist open borders advocacy groups that are lying to these people. They are told that they have a right to come here under the protection of international law. They are told that they will all be given permiso slips that will entitle them to work here. They were told that hundreds of American employers were waiting for them in Tijuana. The employers would take them across the border to waiting jobs. Those who were previously deported are coming back expecting a presidential pardon.

None of this is true. Those caravan organizers should be arrested and prosecuted. Put some in prison for a few years. Maybe it will stop.
the truth is, only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
You wouldn’t know truth if it bit you on the ass!
let's upgrade Ellis Island and increase the minimum wage; the right wing complains there are not enough white people in our republic.

Interesting plan - easy to just throw out the idea of 'Upgrade Ellis Island and process all of the illegals trying to come to the US there'....the 'devil is in the details', as they say. Let's hear them....

How much will it cost to 'upgrade Ellis Island'?

How do you transport approx. 1,500 Illegals PER DAY to Ellis Island...and that's not counting the approximately 6,000 at Tijuana now?

How much would it cost to transport approx. 1,500 Illegals PER DAY to Ellis Island...and that's not counting the approximately 6,000 at Tijuana now? Where does that money come from?

How do you FORCE illegals who do not want to even walk a couple hundred feet to the nearest legal port of entry and who would rather just illegally hop a fence and slip into the US board whatever transportation you choose and be brought to Ellis Island for 'processing'?

You said the US could process thousands of Illegals through Ellis Island per day - I find it hard to believe considering DHS has said they KNOW / have evidence there are criminals mixed in with the non-criminal illegals in the caravan. Are you suggesting the US govt would be able to do thorough background checks on thousands of illegals brought to Ellis Island for processing every day in enough time to successfully process the thousands of illegals per day as you say could happen?

You said the US could process thousands of Illegals through Ellis Island per day - I find it hard to believe considering how Tijuana officials have reported that an extremely large number of illegals arriving at the Mexican-US border are riddled with illness and diseases. Do you plan to have a medical facility there at Ellis Island to treat / quarantine / separate the sick from the healthy or just process al of the sick ones through with everyone else and turn them loos on NYC for New York to have to worry about?

Once processed, after they are done going through the line, what do you do with them then? Just release them into New York or do you suggest at that point the US tax payers pay for more transportation to send them wherever they want to go in the US?

Does New York City even WANT several thousand illegals PER DAY brought to NYC, processed, and then released into NYC to deal with / financially support them?

Where are the Processors, Security, Intel Background checkers, Medical personnel, administrative, etc... personnel going to come from and where is the money for all of this going to come from?

Once the thousands of illegals are processed through Ellis Island and released on NYC, how do you propose to solve the BUSTED system / process of giving them a court date for their Asylum hearing (which, statistically, most - who show up - will be denied) and HOPE they show back up for their hearing months/ a year+ later?
we can charge a capital and market friendly fee. upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure should pay for itself, at bare minimum.

any additional revenue could be used to lower our tax burden.

Simply getting to the Island operates under capitalism, not socialism on a national basis. It is a potential market, waiting to happen. We really could say, our Statue of Liberty is over there.

All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. It is both unnecessary and less proper for States to issue their own State id. to foreign nationals in the US.

Son you might possibly be retarded. Do you REALLY contend that this caravan of aliens would have went to Ellis Island if it were open?

Do you really not understand that Ellis Island was simply a port of entry no different than the hundreds of other ports of entry we have now?
It's called "Come in here the right way, the legally way" No??????
Ellis Island could process thousands per day.

Have you seen current pictures of Ellis Island??

Its a dump with falling down building. No way could they process those useless fucks.

They all need to go back to Honduras.

Those that are on a hunger strike can starve to death for all I care.

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