Illegals In Mexico Begin Hunger Stike - 'We Are Fighting For 'OUR RIGHTS'?!

We had room for the immigrants that came through Ellis island. We don't have room for these.
Of course we do. Plenty of room.

How long can you ignorant fools possibly keep your heads in your asses?
$21 trillion in debt, deficit spending like nobody’s business, 29 million illegal invaders dropping taxpayer dependent litters of pet humans at a cockroaches pace, homeless Vets pissing, shitting and dying in our streets daily, a middle class that can’t save a dime or get ahead, record numbers of over qualified workers working low wage jobs, healthcare most can’t afford because too much coverage is given away free to wetbacks, a failing education system, an exploding filthy, disgusting underclass like we’ve never seen before.
Most of the aforementioned can be directly tied to the cockroach invasion...I’m curious...what indicators do you need to see to think the U.S. is in crisis with regard to illegal wetbacks?
I’d save another Labrador before lifting a finger for any of those filthy wetbacks...LET THEM ALL DIE!
no way; do we need to "import Swedish women to make sure" there is no excuse to "fuck with Tradition"?
I don't have a clue what you're talking about. All I meant was that a prepared facility to handle all these folks efficiently would be a good idea.


To what end? To what benefit?
by upgrading Ellis Island, we really could process ten thousand per day.

Ellis Island is a tourist attraction, ya nit.

As to your proposal, what benefit to the United States would result from processing ten thousand indigent, unskilled, and uneducated per day into our home ?
only lousy capitalists lose money on public policies. we should not have the problems we do have at the border, now.

Indeed we should not, and we are taking care of it now.
Except we would need to move it to San Diego. But the idea is good.
The problem seems to be that this is all people looking to file new asylum claims. I don't think that was the case with the immigrants who came through Ellis Island. Things seem to have changed.
no way; do we need to "import Swedish women to make sure" there is no excuse to "fuck with Tradition"?
I don't have a clue what you're talking about. All I meant was that a prepared facility to handle all these folks efficiently would be a good idea.


To what end? To what benefit?
It costs a lot of money to have an inefficient system where people are detained, their children are detained while an overwhelmed court system tries to process them all.

You do realize the system is overwhelmed simply because of the fact that those who sneak into the country are given court hearings as well , if they choose to attend, right? IF the only people who were given hearings were those who chose to come in legally, there would be no overwhelmed court system.

So , if you TRULY cared about the overwhelmed court system you would support not allowing those who sneak into the country to take part in said system. They should simply be kicked out of the country.

Because you're right, our system is inefficient and broken.
I do support that, but Congress has to change the laws. I'm all for it.
Except we would need to move it to San Diego. But the idea is good.
The problem seems to be that this is all people looking to file new asylum claims. I don't think that was the case with the immigrants who came through Ellis Island. Things seem to have changed.
no way; do we need to "import Swedish women to make sure" there is no excuse to "fuck with Tradition"?
I don't have a clue what you're talking about. All I meant was that a prepared facility to handle all these folks efficiently would be a good idea.


To what end? To what benefit?
It costs a lot of money to have an inefficient system where people are detained, their children are detained while an overwhelmed court system tries to process them all.

So stop doing it. Tell them no from the outset, and enforce it
We CAN'T. There are laws. Write to your Congress critters. Every one of them. Now.
We had room for the immigrants that came through Ellis island. We don't have room for these.
Of course we do. Plenty of room.

How long can you ignorant fools possibly keep your heads in your asses?
$21 trillion in debt, deficit spending like nobody’s business, 29 million illegal invaders dropping taxpayer dependent litters of pet humans at a cockroaches pace, homeless Vets pissing, shitting and dying in our streets daily, a middle class that can’t save a dime or get ahead, record numbers of over qualified workers working low wage jobs, healthcare most can’t afford because too much coverage is given away free to wetbacks, a failing education system, an exploding filthy, disgusting underclass like we’ve never seen before.
Most of the aforementioned can be directly tied to the cockroach invasion...I’m curious...what indicators do you need to see to think the U.S. is in crisis with regard to illegal wetbacks?
If our economy is as big a mess as you say, it's pretty funny to blame it ALL on "wetbacks." Your disrespect for these folks is what stands out in your posts, Broke. You really do echo the Nazi's in your unthinking willingness to scapegoat a group as the reason for ALL your problems. I doubt if you, personally, are suffering all that much. We can probably turn things around, but building a wall on the southern border is not going to the answer to all your prayers. I can promise you that.
no way; do we need to "import Swedish women to make sure" there is no excuse to "fuck with Tradition"?
I don't have a clue what you're talking about. All I meant was that a prepared facility to handle all these folks efficiently would be a good idea.


To what end? To what benefit?
It costs a lot of money to have an inefficient system where people are detained, their children are detained while an overwhelmed court system tries to process them all.

So stop doing it. Tell them no from the outset, and enforce it
We CAN'T. There are laws. Write to your Congress critters. Every one of them. Now.

We can, and are.

My Senators are Tim Kaine and Mark Warner. They are as useless as they come.
We had room for the immigrants that came through Ellis island. We don't have room for these.
Of course we do. Plenty of room.

How long can you ignorant fools possibly keep your heads in your asses?
$21 trillion in debt, deficit spending like nobody’s business, 29 million illegal invaders dropping taxpayer dependent litters of pet humans at a cockroaches pace, homeless Vets pissing, shitting and dying in our streets daily, a middle class that can’t save a dime or get ahead, record numbers of over qualified workers working low wage jobs, healthcare most can’t afford because too much coverage is given away free to wetbacks, a failing education system, an exploding filthy, disgusting underclass like we’ve never seen before.
Most of the aforementioned can be directly tied to the cockroach invasion...I’m curious...what indicators do you need to see to think the U.S. is in crisis with regard to illegal wetbacks?
If our economy is as big a mess as you say, it's pretty funny to blame it ALL on "wetbacks." Your disrespect for these folks is what stands out in your posts, Broke. You really do echo the Nazi's in your unthinking willingness to scapegoat a group as the reason for ALL your problems. I doubt if you, personally, are suffering all that much. We can probably turn things around, but building a wall on the southern border is not going to the answer to all your prayers. I can promise you that.
You cannot Promise jack shit!
We had room for the immigrants that came through Ellis island. We don't have room for these.
Of course we do. Plenty of room.

How long can you ignorant fools possibly keep your heads in your asses?
$21 trillion in debt, deficit spending like nobody’s business, 29 million illegal invaders dropping taxpayer dependent litters of pet humans at a cockroaches pace, homeless Vets pissing, shitting and dying in our streets daily, a middle class that can’t save a dime or get ahead, record numbers of over qualified workers working low wage jobs, healthcare most can’t afford because too much coverage is given away free to wetbacks, a failing education system, an exploding filthy, disgusting underclass like we’ve never seen before.
Most of the aforementioned can be directly tied to the cockroach invasion...I’m curious...what indicators do you need to see to think the U.S. is in crisis with regard to illegal wetbacks?
If our economy is as big a mess as you say, it's pretty funny to blame it ALL on "wetbacks." Your disrespect for these folks is what stands out in your posts, Broke. You really do echo the Nazi's in your unthinking willingness to scapegoat a group as the reason for ALL your problems. I doubt if you, personally, are suffering all that much. We can probably turn things around, but building a wall on the southern border is not going to the answer to all your prayers. I can promise you that.

Of course it can't all be blamed on "wet backs" but at the same time, those who try to argue and claim that illegal aliens actually add money to the coffers are straight up lying. They do not. Multiple multiple studies have shown that local, state, and the federal governments all lose money due to illegal immigrants using way more resources than they pay for.
We had room for the immigrants that came through Ellis island. We don't have room for these.
Of course we do. Plenty of room.

How long can you ignorant fools possibly keep your heads in your asses?
$21 trillion in debt, deficit spending like nobody’s business, 29 million illegal invaders dropping taxpayer dependent litters of pet humans at a cockroaches pace, homeless Vets pissing, shitting and dying in our streets daily, a middle class that can’t save a dime or get ahead, record numbers of over qualified workers working low wage jobs, healthcare most can’t afford because too much coverage is given away free to wetbacks, a failing education system, an exploding filthy, disgusting underclass like we’ve never seen before.
Most of the aforementioned can be directly tied to the cockroach invasion...I’m curious...what indicators do you need to see to think the U.S. is in crisis with regard to illegal wetbacks?
If our economy is as big a mess as you say, it's pretty funny to blame it ALL on "wetbacks." Your disrespect for these folks is what stands out in your posts, Broke. You really do echo the Nazi's in your unthinking willingness to scapegoat a group as the reason for ALL your problems. I doubt if you, personally, are suffering all that much. We can probably turn things around, but building a wall on the southern border is not going to the answer to all your prayers. I can promise you that.

Hey look, I make none of this up, the data is there for all to see....the problem is; bleeding heart fools don’t want to believe it, they honestly believe the U.S. has an infinite supply of everything. These wackos are noble as fuck when armed with my checkbook, they think that taking economics into consideration and protecting real Americans fiscally is an act of inhumanity.
All one has to do is look to Mexifornia to see the mass devastation caused by wetbacks....LA literally looks and feels like a war zone in a thirdworld nation.
We had room for the immigrants that came through Ellis island. We don't have room for these.
Of course we do. Plenty of room.

How long can you ignorant fools possibly keep your heads in your asses?
$21 trillion in debt, deficit spending like nobody’s business, 29 million illegal invaders dropping taxpayer dependent litters of pet humans at a cockroaches pace, homeless Vets pissing, shitting and dying in our streets daily, a middle class that can’t save a dime or get ahead, record numbers of over qualified workers working low wage jobs, healthcare most can’t afford because too much coverage is given away free to wetbacks, a failing education system, an exploding filthy, disgusting underclass like we’ve never seen before.
Most of the aforementioned can be directly tied to the cockroach invasion...I’m curious...what indicators do you need to see to think the U.S. is in crisis with regard to illegal wetbacks?
If our economy is as big a mess as you say, it's pretty funny to blame it ALL on "wetbacks." Your disrespect for these folks is what stands out in your posts, Broke. You really do echo the Nazi's in your unthinking willingness to scapegoat a group as the reason for ALL your problems. I doubt if you, personally, are suffering all that much. We can probably turn things around, but building a wall on the southern border is not going to the answer to all your prayers. I can promise you that.

Sure, and we all know how trustworthy Democrats are....especially when they promise.
We had room for the immigrants that came through Ellis island. We don't have room for these.
Of course we do. Plenty of room.

How long can you ignorant fools possibly keep your heads in your asses?
$21 trillion in debt, deficit spending like nobody’s business, 29 million illegal invaders dropping taxpayer dependent litters of pet humans at a cockroaches pace, homeless Vets pissing, shitting and dying in our streets daily, a middle class that can’t save a dime or get ahead, record numbers of over qualified workers working low wage jobs, healthcare most can’t afford because too much coverage is given away free to wetbacks, a failing education system, an exploding filthy, disgusting underclass like we’ve never seen before.
Most of the aforementioned can be directly tied to the cockroach invasion...I’m curious...what indicators do you need to see to think the U.S. is in crisis with regard to illegal wetbacks?
If our economy is as big a mess as you say, it's pretty funny to blame it ALL on "wetbacks." Your disrespect for these folks is what stands out in your posts, Broke. You really do echo the Nazi's in your unthinking willingness to scapegoat a group as the reason for ALL your problems. I doubt if you, personally, are suffering all that much. We can probably turn things around, but building a wall on the southern border is not going to the answer to all your prayers. I can promise you that.

Preventing people from entering your house uninvited is not "scapegoating" anyone.
After being denied their "RIGHT' to tear down US border fencing, assault US agents with rocks and bottles, and physically forcing their way into the US, Illegals now find themselves instead sitting in Tijuana being blocked from the border by Mexico and having to comply with US law.

This is obviously too much to bear for some of the illegals denied immediate illegal entry into the US - some of the Illegals from the caravan have begun a 'Hunger Strike'.

Tijuana officials stated yesterday that Mexican funds to care for and feed the approx. 6,000 illegals are starting to dry it isn't known at this time if the 'Hunger Strike' is a voluntary decision to protest their being denied to illegally enter the US or if Tijuana's funds have dried up and they can no longer feed the 6k illegals.


Who's To Blame For The Growing 'Humanitarian Crisis'

1. Democrats
The Democrats under Obama encouraged / facilitated Illegal immigration by refusing to enforce existing Immigration Law, sending US teams into Mexico to teach Illegals how to apply for social ('tax-payer funded 'Free' stuff) programs once they illegally cross, helped / protected illegals, helped / protected hums traffickers, fought to keep the US borders open,, etc.... We have an existing US Immigration system and a path to legal US citizenship - refusing to enforce existing US law, allowing illegals to skip that process, and encouraging to ignore US law and come anyway was / is cruel and only encourages more and more illegal immigration.

2. Mexico
Believing everything would remain the same - the illegals would be allowed to go straight into the US - they facilitated the 'Illegal Pipeline' through their country to our border. Mexico let the illegals in, they are still there in Mexico, thus it is THEIR problem. Welcome to our world, and good luck with that! :p

3. The Illegals
Knowing you would be breaking the laws of several nations (breaking both Mexican and US Law) to attempt to make it into America you made the trek anyway. You were told not to come. You were made aware that you would not be let did not believe it. You came anyway. Now you're stuck in Tijuana or being bussed to other locations in Mexico.

MOST people have to actually face the consequences of their actions. With Obama gone, more and more would-be illegals are finding that out now the hard way.

Handful of caravan migrants launch hunger strike at U.S. border | Reuters

Geez, after all we`ve done for those people turning their countries into shitholes.
A Century of U.S. Intervention Created the Immigration Crisis
our border policies are unnecessary and improper if they are not market friendly. there is no need for social crisis when upgrading Ellis Island is much more cost effective and could solve this dilemma in a more market friendly manner.

All countries control their borders and immigration.
There is a not a right to illegal immigration.
Millions of Democrat Voters are backwards racist cretins who do not accept that America is a sovereign country.
No more Beans for the Beanies???????

Oh noes, how long will that last, before the Taco-Panic attacks, begin?
let's upgrade Ellis Island and increase the minimum wage; the right wing complains there are not enough white people in our republic.

The U.S.A is supposed to be a Pan-Europa, not a Pan-Frijole.

Especially, when they come illegally, that simply shouldn't be tolerated.
Our federal Constitution was designed to be gender and race neutral from Inception.

Ellis Island could process thousands per day.
So how would the illegals get to Ellis Island?
The fault is with these leftist open borders advocacy groups that are lying to these people. They are told that they have a right to come here under the protection of international law. They are told that they will all be given permiso slips that will entitle them to work here. They were told that hundreds of American employers were waiting for them in Tijuana. The employers would take them across the border to waiting jobs. Those who were previously deported are coming back expecting a presidential pardon.

None of this is true. Those caravan organizers should be arrested and prosecuted. Put some in prison for a few years. Maybe it will stop.
the truth is, only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
You wouldn’t know truth if it bit you on the ass!
you wouldn't know how to apply capitalism even if you could make a profit.
our border policies are unnecessary and improper if they are not market friendly. there is no need for social crisis when upgrading Ellis Island is much more cost effective and could solve this dilemma in a more market friendly manner.

All countries control their borders and immigration.
There is a not a right to illegal immigration.
Millions of Democrat Voters are backwards racist cretins who do not accept that America is a sovereign country.
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lol. free trade and less regulation!

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