Illegals In Mexico Begin Hunger Stike - 'We Are Fighting For 'OUR RIGHTS'?!

how long are we going to gas people seeking liberty and freedom from the violence and lousy government they have to deal with now?

let's upgrade Ellis Island to solve this problem on our borders.
The Mexican facility has 6000 illegals packed into a space meant for 1000.
So what? It’s not our problem. These are not American Citizens trapped in a foreign country, these are people that decided to storm our borders and enter illegally. They knew what they were doing. Let them starve.
how long are we going to gas people seeking liberty and freedom from the violence and lousy government they have to deal with now?

let's upgrade Ellis Island to solve this problem on our borders.
how long are we going to gas people seeking liberty and freedom from the violence and lousy government they have to deal with now?

let's upgrade Ellis Island to solve this problem on our borders.
ask obamaturd!
The Mexican facility has 6000 illegals packed into a space meant for 1000.
So what? It’s not our problem. These are not American Citizens trapped in a foreign country, these are people that decided to storm our borders and enter illegally. They knew what they were doing. Let them starve.
------------------------------------------- I imagine that the 'catholic church and lutherans ' and other churches n USA will send food to these diseased invaders and that should be stopped .
The Mexican facility has 6000 illegals packed into a space meant for 1000.
So what? It’s not our problem. These are not American Citizens trapped in a foreign country, these are people that decided to storm our borders and enter illegally. They knew what they were doing. Let them starve.
we know the right wing doesn't care about natural rights; why should we take them seriously in abortion threads.
As it concerns the USA the illegal invaders are not afforded the rights of American citizens
Well, they don't have a right to enter a place illegally. As far as I'm concerned they can starve to death. It's that or they need to wise up to the realization progressives lied to them.
in the beginning the reports were that the 'venezuelans' were doing the funding W53
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective.

My God you are retarded. Why on Earth would immigrants who are in fucking Mexico travel to Ellis Island, which is in New York, to try to gain entry into the US? Do you fucking understand that we have ports of entry along our southern border and that they perform the same function as Ellis Island did?

If we spent $1T on Ellis Island , exactly NONE of these immigrants would be there now trying to gain entry into the US because it wouldn't make fucking sense. What makes sense is they go to the port of entry in say San Diego which is like right fucking where they are already at.

After being denied their "RIGHT' to tear down US border fencing, assault US agents with rocks and bottles, and physically forcing their way into the US, Illegals now find themselves instead sitting in Tijuana being blocked from the border by Mexico and having to comply with US law.

This is obviously too much to bear for some of the illegals denied immediate illegal entry into the US - some of the Illegals from the caravan have begun a 'Hunger Strike'.

Tijuana officials stated yesterday that Mexican funds to care for and feed the approx. 6,000 illegals are starting to dry it isn't known at this time if the 'Hunger Strike' is a voluntary decision to protest their being denied to illegally enter the US or if Tijuana's funds have dried up and they can no longer feed the 6k illegals.


Who's To Blame For The Growing 'Humanitarian Crisis'

1. Democrats
The Democrats under Obama encouraged / facilitated Illegal immigration by refusing to enforce existing Immigration Law, sending US teams into Mexico to teach Illegals how to apply for social ('tax-payer funded 'Free' stuff) programs once they illegally cross, helped / protected illegals, helped / protected hums traffickers, fought to keep the US borders open,, etc.... We have an existing US Immigration system and a path to legal US citizenship - refusing to enforce existing US law, allowing illegals to skip that process, and encouraging to ignore US law and come anyway was / is cruel and only encourages more and more illegal immigration.

2. Mexico
Believing everything would remain the same - the illegals would be allowed to go straight into the US - they facilitated the 'Illegal Pipeline' through their country to our border. Mexico let the illegals in, they are still there in Mexico, thus it is THEIR problem. Welcome to our world, and good luck with that! :p

3. The Illegals
Knowing you would be breaking the laws of several nations (breaking both Mexican and US Law) to attempt to make it into America you made the trek anyway. You were told not to come. You were made aware that you would not be let did not believe it. You came anyway. Now you're stuck in Tijuana or being bussed to other locations in Mexico.

MOST people have to actually face the consequences of their actions. With Obama gone, more and more would-be illegals are finding that out now the hard way.

Handful of caravan migrants launch hunger strike at U.S. border | Reuters

Why do you insist on calling them "illegals" when they are not jumping the border and are WAITING for their asylum claims to be processed?
Once they refused the offer of asylum in Mexico they became ineligible to ask for adylum here.
So they're all waiting for nothing? I question that.
Yes. They are waiting for nothing unless they have a credible fear of harm in Mexico. Or unless we simply decide to ignore the law.
Some say the drug cartels (had you heard Mexico also has that problem?) in Mexico are also a danger to them. Who knows why. Most of them are coming to make a better living. Why can't we up the immigration caps and let them in as workers seeking citizenship?
Because that would be the wrong direction. We need to close America to ALL immigration for the next 10 to 25 years.
USA law should be so severe and strict that they stay in their ZHITHOLES DDon .
and IKE and his 'Operation WETBACK worked fine for my generation of kids in school and later on as we looked for jobs . Just a comment showing that my parents Greatest Generation new how to fix things . And things could be fixed again if there was a WILL to do the fixing .
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how long are we going to gas people seeking liberty and freedom from the violence and lousy government they have to deal with now?

let's upgrade Ellis Island to solve this problem on our borders.
You should stick to groveling for a happy ending.
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective.

My God you are retarded. Why on Earth would immigrants who are in fucking Mexico travel to Ellis Island, which is in New York, to try to gain entry into the US? Do you fucking understand that we have ports of entry along our southern border and that they perform the same function as Ellis Island did?

If we spent $1T on Ellis Island , exactly NONE of these immigrants would be there now trying to gain entry into the US because it wouldn't make fucking sense. What makes sense is they go to the port of entry in say San Diego which is like right fucking where they are already at.

It would be a place to go. Market based economics. Only the right wing, never gets it.

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