Illegals In Mexico Begin Hunger Stike - 'We Are Fighting For 'OUR RIGHTS'?!

how long are we going to gas people seeking liberty and freedom from the violence and lousy government they have to deal with now?

let's upgrade Ellis Island to solve this problem on our borders.
You should stick to groveling for a happy ending.
i know i just need Gold under capitalism to find "hard working women of morals".
and IKE and his 'Operation WETBACK worked fine for my generation of kids n school and later on as we looked for jobs . Just a comment showing that my parents Greatest Generation new how to fix things .
maybe, in right wing fantasy;

we have alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror and twenty-one billion in debt.
------------------------------ hey , Operation Wetback worked fine for my Generation DPalos .
and IKE and his 'Operation WETBACK worked fine for my generation of kids n school and later on as we looked for jobs . Just a comment showing that my parents Greatest Generation new how to fix things .
maybe, in right wing fantasy;

we have alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror and twenty-one billion in debt.
------------------------------ hey , Operation Wetback worked fine for my Generation DPalos .
it was unconstitutional. The right wing doesn't care about natural rights.
Well if they are hunger striking then the libbies need to chew up some food and spit it into the invaders mouths just like the good little momma birds that they are
No more Beans for the Beanies???????

Oh noes, how long will that last, before the Taco-Panic attacks, begin?
let's upgrade Ellis Island and increase the minimum wage; the right wing complains there are not enough white people in our republic.

That's not true at all. It isn't that there isn't enough white people is
about having too many N^%%#@$ here. I'd take a s-p-I-c over a Coon anyday.
The Beaners will work.
Operation Wetback was the law and worked good for my generation DPalos .
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective.

My God you are retarded. Why on Earth would immigrants who are in fucking Mexico travel to Ellis Island, which is in New York, to try to gain entry into the US? Do you fucking understand that we have ports of entry along our southern border and that they perform the same function as Ellis Island did?

If we spent $1T on Ellis Island , exactly NONE of these immigrants would be there now trying to gain entry into the US because it wouldn't make fucking sense. What makes sense is they go to the port of entry in say San Diego which is like right fucking where they are already at.

Rookie he has said it a half dozen time
Libbies are convinced if they share their feelings in the form of fake or impossible and say it over and over that is will become factual and true.
Any stupid Libtard that bitches about Trump protecting the border should be required to take an Illegal family into their home.
and IKE and his 'Operation WETBACK worked fine for my generation of kids n school and later on as we looked for jobs . Just a comment showing that my parents Greatest Generation new how to fix things .
maybe, in right wing fantasy;

we have alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror and twenty-one billion in debt.

...and half of that debt thanks to that worthless affirmative action piece of shit Obama that you stupid uneducated Moon Bats elected.
let's upgrade Ellis Island and increase the minimum wage; the right wing complains there are not enough white people in our republic.

Interesting plan - easy to just throw out the idea of 'Upgrade Ellis Island and process all of the illegals trying to come to the US there'....the 'devil is in the details', as they say. Let's hear them....

How much will it cost to 'upgrade Ellis Island'?

How do you transport approx. 1,500 Illegals PER DAY to Ellis Island...and that's not counting the approximately 6,000 at Tijuana now?

How much would it cost to transport approx. 1,500 Illegals PER DAY to Ellis Island...and that's not counting the approximately 6,000 at Tijuana now? Where does that money come from?

How do you FORCE illegals who do not want to even walk a couple hundred feet to the nearest legal port of entry and who would rather just illegally hop a fence and slip into the US board whatever transportation you choose and be brought to Ellis Island for 'processing'?

You said the US could process thousands of Illegals through Ellis Island per day - I find it hard to believe considering DHS has said they KNOW / have evidence there are criminals mixed in with the non-criminal illegals in the caravan. Are you suggesting the US govt would be able to do thorough background checks on thousands of illegals brought to Ellis Island for processing every day in enough time to successfully process the thousands of illegals per day as you say could happen?

You said the US could process thousands of Illegals through Ellis Island per day - I find it hard to believe considering how Tijuana officials have reported that an extremely large number of illegals arriving at the Mexican-US border are riddled with illness and diseases. Do you plan to have a medical facility there at Ellis Island to treat / quarantine / separate the sick from the healthy or just process al of the sick ones through with everyone else and turn them loos on NYC for New York to have to worry about?

Once processed, after they are done going through the line, what do you do with them then? Just release them into New York or do you suggest at that point the US tax payers pay for more transportation to send them wherever they want to go in the US?

Does New York City even WANT several thousand illegals PER DAY brought to NYC, processed, and then released into NYC to deal with / financially support them?

Where are the Processors, Security, Intel Background checkers, Medical personnel, administrative, etc... personnel going to come from and where is the money for all of this going to come from?

Once the thousands of illegals are processed through Ellis Island and released on NYC, how do you propose to solve the BUSTED system / process of giving them a court date for their Asylum hearing (which, statistically, most - who show up - will be denied) and HOPE they show back up for their hearing months/ a year+ later?
we can charge a capital and market friendly fee. upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure should pay for itself, at bare minimum.

any additional revenue could be used to lower our tax burden.

Simply getting to the Island operates under capitalism, not socialism on a national basis. It is a potential market, waiting to happen. We really could say, our Statue of Liberty is over there.

All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. It is both unnecessary and less proper for States to issue their own State id. to foreign nationals in the US.

Son you might possibly be retarded. Do you REALLY contend that this caravan of aliens would have went to Ellis Island if it were open?

Do you really not understand that Ellis Island was simply a port of entry no different than the hundreds of other ports of entry we have now?

The dudes a broken record.
He spouts the same inane bullshit over and over,you'll learn to ignore him in short order.
and IKE and his 'Operation WETBACK worked fine for my generation of kids n school and later on as we looked for jobs . Just a comment showing that my parents Greatest Generation new how to fix things .
maybe, in right wing fantasy;

we have alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror and twenty-one billion in debt.

...and half of that debt thanks to that worthless affirmative action piece of shit Obama that you stupid uneducated Moon Bats elected.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about, Tax Cut Economics.
let's upgrade Ellis Island and increase the minimum wage; the right wing complains there are not enough white people in our republic.

Interesting plan - easy to just throw out the idea of 'Upgrade Ellis Island and process all of the illegals trying to come to the US there'....the 'devil is in the details', as they say. Let's hear them....

How much will it cost to 'upgrade Ellis Island'?

How do you transport approx. 1,500 Illegals PER DAY to Ellis Island...and that's not counting the approximately 6,000 at Tijuana now?

How much would it cost to transport approx. 1,500 Illegals PER DAY to Ellis Island...and that's not counting the approximately 6,000 at Tijuana now? Where does that money come from?

How do you FORCE illegals who do not want to even walk a couple hundred feet to the nearest legal port of entry and who would rather just illegally hop a fence and slip into the US board whatever transportation you choose and be brought to Ellis Island for 'processing'?

You said the US could process thousands of Illegals through Ellis Island per day - I find it hard to believe considering DHS has said they KNOW / have evidence there are criminals mixed in with the non-criminal illegals in the caravan. Are you suggesting the US govt would be able to do thorough background checks on thousands of illegals brought to Ellis Island for processing every day in enough time to successfully process the thousands of illegals per day as you say could happen?

You said the US could process thousands of Illegals through Ellis Island per day - I find it hard to believe considering how Tijuana officials have reported that an extremely large number of illegals arriving at the Mexican-US border are riddled with illness and diseases. Do you plan to have a medical facility there at Ellis Island to treat / quarantine / separate the sick from the healthy or just process al of the sick ones through with everyone else and turn them loos on NYC for New York to have to worry about?

Once processed, after they are done going through the line, what do you do with them then? Just release them into New York or do you suggest at that point the US tax payers pay for more transportation to send them wherever they want to go in the US?

Does New York City even WANT several thousand illegals PER DAY brought to NYC, processed, and then released into NYC to deal with / financially support them?

Where are the Processors, Security, Intel Background checkers, Medical personnel, administrative, etc... personnel going to come from and where is the money for all of this going to come from?

Once the thousands of illegals are processed through Ellis Island and released on NYC, how do you propose to solve the BUSTED system / process of giving them a court date for their Asylum hearing (which, statistically, most - who show up - will be denied) and HOPE they show back up for their hearing months/ a year+ later?
we can charge a capital and market friendly fee. upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure should pay for itself, at bare minimum.

any additional revenue could be used to lower our tax burden.

Simply getting to the Island operates under capitalism, not socialism on a national basis. It is a potential market, waiting to happen. We really could say, our Statue of Liberty is over there.

All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. It is both unnecessary and less proper for States to issue their own State id. to foreign nationals in the US.

Son you might possibly be retarded. Do you REALLY contend that this caravan of aliens would have went to Ellis Island if it were open?

Do you really not understand that Ellis Island was simply a port of entry no different than the hundreds of other ports of entry we have now?

The dudes a broken record.
He spouts the same inane bullshit over and over,you'll learn to ignore him in short order.
a vacuum of special pleading is worthless, right wingers.
let's upgrade Ellis Island and increase the minimum wage; the right wing complains there are not enough white people in our republic.

Interesting plan - easy to just throw out the idea of 'Upgrade Ellis Island and process all of the illegals trying to come to the US there'....the 'devil is in the details', as they say. Let's hear them....

How much will it cost to 'upgrade Ellis Island'?

How do you transport approx. 1,500 Illegals PER DAY to Ellis Island...and that's not counting the approximately 6,000 at Tijuana now?

How much would it cost to transport approx. 1,500 Illegals PER DAY to Ellis Island...and that's not counting the approximately 6,000 at Tijuana now? Where does that money come from?

How do you FORCE illegals who do not want to even walk a couple hundred feet to the nearest legal port of entry and who would rather just illegally hop a fence and slip into the US board whatever transportation you choose and be brought to Ellis Island for 'processing'?

You said the US could process thousands of Illegals through Ellis Island per day - I find it hard to believe considering DHS has said they KNOW / have evidence there are criminals mixed in with the non-criminal illegals in the caravan. Are you suggesting the US govt would be able to do thorough background checks on thousands of illegals brought to Ellis Island for processing every day in enough time to successfully process the thousands of illegals per day as you say could happen?

You said the US could process thousands of Illegals through Ellis Island per day - I find it hard to believe considering how Tijuana officials have reported that an extremely large number of illegals arriving at the Mexican-US border are riddled with illness and diseases. Do you plan to have a medical facility there at Ellis Island to treat / quarantine / separate the sick from the healthy or just process al of the sick ones through with everyone else and turn them loos on NYC for New York to have to worry about?

Once processed, after they are done going through the line, what do you do with them then? Just release them into New York or do you suggest at that point the US tax payers pay for more transportation to send them wherever they want to go in the US?

Does New York City even WANT several thousand illegals PER DAY brought to NYC, processed, and then released into NYC to deal with / financially support them?

Where are the Processors, Security, Intel Background checkers, Medical personnel, administrative, etc... personnel going to come from and where is the money for all of this going to come from?

Once the thousands of illegals are processed through Ellis Island and released on NYC, how do you propose to solve the BUSTED system / process of giving them a court date for their Asylum hearing (which, statistically, most - who show up - will be denied) and HOPE they show back up for their hearing months/ a year+ later?
we can charge a capital and market friendly fee. upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure should pay for itself, at bare minimum.

any additional revenue could be used to lower our tax burden.

Simply getting to the Island operates under capitalism, not socialism on a national basis. It is a potential market, waiting to happen. We really could say, our Statue of Liberty is over there.

All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. It is both unnecessary and less proper for States to issue their own State id. to foreign nationals in the US.

Son you might possibly be retarded. Do you REALLY contend that this caravan of aliens would have went to Ellis Island if it were open?

Do you really not understand that Ellis Island was simply a port of entry no different than the hundreds of other ports of entry we have now?

The dudes a broken record.
He spouts the same inane bullshit over and over,you'll learn to ignore him in short order.
a vacuum of special pleading is worthless, right wingers.

.....and there you have it.
and IKE and his 'Operation WETBACK worked fine for my generation of kids n school and later on as we looked for jobs . Just a comment showing that my parents Greatest Generation new how to fix things .
maybe, in right wing fantasy;

we have alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror and twenty-one billion in debt.
------------------------------ hey , Operation Wetback worked fine for my Generation DPalos .
it was unconstitutional. The right wing doesn't care about natural rights.
Are you saying everyone in the world has a “natural right” to come to this country and live on welfare? Man that’s just screwed up. The only “natural right” they have is to die of starvation if they don’t want to support themselves. I sure don’t want them being a drain on our society. The 50’s was a differnt time and we weren’t $20,000,000,000,000 in debt. Excuse me for stating the obvious but we can’t afford and more leaches.
and IKE and his 'Operation WETBACK worked fine for my generation of kids n school and later on as we looked for jobs . Just a comment showing that my parents Greatest Generation new how to fix things .
maybe, in right wing fantasy;

we have alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror and twenty-one billion in debt.
------------------------------ hey , Operation Wetback worked fine for my Generation DPalos .
it was unconstitutional. The right wing doesn't care about natural rights.
Are you saying everyone in the world has a “natural right” to come to this country and live on welfare? Man that’s just screwed up. The only “natural right” they have is to die of starvation if they don’t want to support themselves. I sure don’t want them being a drain on our society. The 50’s was a differnt time and we weren’t $20,000,000,000,000 in debt. Excuse me for stating the obvious but we can’t afford and more leaches.
Natural right is a made up, feel good euphemism from libbies
Illegals do have humanitarian rights but no American citizen granted rights. We can’t just shoot them but as far as being legally, morally obligated to fulfill their “natural rights”, there is no such thing and we have no such obligation.

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