Illinois Democrats are protecting gay porn in public schools

It can't be fixed because people like you won't allow it. You endorse sexual perverts like drag queens and transsexual propaganda on children, then blame Christian conservatives for the outcomes. You're sick.
You're just another victim of republican tranny fever. No interest in looking at the people you trust to dump your kids off with.
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Have you ever noticed in the New Testament that demons refer to themselves as "They, Them, We". They aren't a threat, they're just lost and confused, and you want us to take children seriously who believe they're another gender. You're nuts.

That you actually think Demons are a real thing is your issue, buddy.

This is the 21st Century. We have space shuttles and computers now.
You're just another victim of republican tranny fever. No interest in looking at the people you trust to dump your kids off with.
Funny. I nailed it and all you can do is point your fickle finger of fate and whine.
Funny. I nailed it and all you can do is point your fickle finger of fate and whine.
You idiots just found the worst thing you can call someone and just started slapping that pedophile label on everything you don't like. It's retarded and obvious to anyone not swept up in this latest moral panic.
You idiots just found the worst thing you can call someone and just started slapping that pedophile label on everything you don't like. It's retarded and obvious to anyone not swept up in this latest moral panic.

No no, you loons want to call them minor attracted persons

Why do you think that is?
You idiots just found the worst thing you can call someone and just started slapping that pedophile label on everything you don't like. It's retarded and obvious to anyone not swept up in this latest moral panic.
There it is again...You're the propaganda parrots endorsing the perversion in society, then blaming conservative Christians for the result. You're sick.
There it is again...You're the propaganda parrots endorsing the perversion in society, then blaming conservative Christians for the result. You're sick.
Get this straight you dense fuck. Disagreement with you does not mean I support anything you are having a moral panic about. I tried having a real conversation on this subject and look what it got me. Just another whackadoodle with child sex on the brain. Fuck you. Eat shit and die.
When I see you people looking in your churches for the astounding number of pedophiles hiding there in plain sight I'll believe you care about something other than partisan attacks.

Most of those are apostate churches.
Get this straight you dense fuck. Disagreement with you does not mean I support anything you are having a moral panic about. I tried having a real conversation on this subject and look what it got me. Just another whackadoodle with child sex on the brain. Fuck you. Eat shit and die.
Triggered. Truth meltdown.
The Illinois Senate has passed a measure that would help to prevent the practice of banning books, which Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias says is in response to efforts in other states to restrict access to reading materials for political and personal reasons.

HB 2789 had previously passed the House earlier this year, and will now head to Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s desk for signature, according to a press release from Giannoulias’ office.

“The concept of banning books contradicts the very essence of what our country stands for,” Giannoulias said in a statement. “It also defies what education is all about: teaching our children to think for themselves.”

The terms of the bill authorize the secretary of state’s office to restrict funding from libraries that don’t adhere to the American Library Association’s Bill of Rights, according to the press release, which says that reading materials should not be removed or restricted because of partisan or personal reasons.

The Democrats and the Left-Wing Media are proudly crowing about preventing "book bans".
But as usual the Left is being dishonest.
They are not free speech advocates or free Press advocates.
The Illinois Democrats are protecting gay porn from being banned in public schools.
Progressive Culture is circling the toilet.

You right wing Nazis are in the toilet. You want to check a child's genitals. That is pretty much in the toilet.
I never thought that Democrats would be supporting freedom while Republicans embrace fascism.
They are free speech advocates. You are the ones who want to cancel culture.
Libs demand inner city schools teach children how to sodomize each other, yet refuse to allow a discussion of the Holy Bible.

And then they wonder why society is going to heck in a hand basket.

Back in the day, Almighty God sent two of His angels down to Sodom and they seached but couldn't find even 10 Heterosexuals in the whole metropolis. America is heading toward that end.

You filthy right wing Nazis are the ones who are driving this country into the gutter. You are the ones trying to end this country.
You are the loons.

I'm sorry but its the liberals who have been behind this whole transmania fad that has taken hold, particularly among little children even in pre-school.

I don't have a problem with Bruce Jenner deciding to transition. He's lived life, had accomplishment, if he wants to identify as a pervert, so what.

But its quite something else when lib school teachers put it on their pupils.
Get this straight you dense fuck. Disagreement with you does not mean I support anything you are having a moral panic about. I tried having a real conversation on this subject and look what it got me. Just another whackadoodle with child sex on the brain. Fuck you. Eat shit and die.
NO asshole. YOU can eat shit and die for defending this shit being in elementary school libraries. It’s YOUR side using “terms with less stigma” like minor attracted persons. YOUR side who wants this shut out in front of children. So fuck you. You never have a “real conversation”. Just spout Dim talking points.

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