Illinois Democrats are protecting gay porn in public schools

If these people really cared about pedophilia they would be going after it where it happens: Home, church, youth groups, sports etc. No sign they are even acknowledging the reality of things. Look to the people you so easily trust with your kids and you will find some pedophiles.
Agree, it's everywhere, and that includes the schools. We live in an evil dark sick world.
The entire republican party has pedophilia on the brain 24/7. It can't be good to be so obsessed with a concept most people don't even like to think about.

It appears you would like pedophilia ignored entirely. We get that. But we won’t because we know why the left want us desperately to ignore it.
Do you allow your children to read books about teenage anal sex?
I don't have any children but I played stepdad a couple of times. I found that kids will go to ridiculous lengths to satisfy their curiosity no matter how much you try to shelter them. The best you can do is to make sure they trust you to answer their questions truthfully and without judgement. If they can't trust you in that respect they will seek answers elsewhere.
It appears you would like pedophilia ignored entirely. We get that. But we won’t because we know why the left want us desperately to ignore it.
You're ignoring the pedos in your midst, the people you trust to dump your kids on.
I don't have any children but I played stepdad a couple of times. I found that kids will go to ridiculous lengths to satisfy their curiosity no matter how much you try to shelter them. The best you can do is to make sure they trust you to answer their questions truthfully and without judgement. If they can't trust you in that respect they will seek answers elsewhere.
Ok. Do you believe grade school children should be allowed to read about anal sex?
Makes you wonder why the lefties are so intent on conditioning the children for the LGBFJB+ deviants club.

Also makes you wonder about the usual suspects on this board that consistently defend the indefensible, the sexualization of kids.
It's almost like we have a bunch of groomers/pervs/peds posting here...

And you get banned or posts deleted if you make one of them cry or something.
Of course not, no one that I know of does. Show me were the grade school kids are allowed to read about anal sex.
School library. I love it when someone rejects a point by claiming "No one I know blah blah blah" as if that's a valid argument. Idiot.
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Ok. Do you believe grade school children should be allowed to read about anal sex?
It's not a matter of allowing anything. By the time someone like you thinks something is age appropriate the kids already know all about it. Only prison like confinement could possibly keep kids naive enough to satisfy the morality police.

They will find out about the world sooner than you would like but because you are judgmental and reactionary they just might be too afraid to approach you with uncomfortable questions. Because you are too unapproachable they will then rely on other sources of information. Sometimes the individual who will be frank with them will also molest them. They use the naivete and curiosity of children to victimize them. So the bottom line here is that kids grow up way sooner than we would like. There's a point where trying to keep them ignorant is only opening them up for exploitation. As for what books kids should be allowed to read I would prefer to keep that a matter between parent and child and leave the politics and politicians out of it.
It's not a matter of allowing anything. By the time someone like you thinks something is age appropriate the kids already know all about it. Only prison like confinement could possibly keep kids naive enough to satisfy the morality police.

They will find out about the world sooner than you would like but because you are judgmental and reactionary they just might be too afraid to approach you with uncomfortable questions. Because you are too unapproachable they will then rely on other sources of information. Sometimes the individual who will be frank with them will also molest them. They use the naivete and curiosity of children to victimize them. So the bottom line here is that kids grow up way sooner than we would like. There's a point where trying to keep them ignorant is only opening them up for exploitation. As for what books kids should be allowed to read I would prefer to keep that a matter between parent and child and leave the politics and politicians out of it.
Books describing anal sex don't belong in school libraries. Period.
Books describing anal sex don't belong in school libraries. Period.
Probably not but book burners never stop at just a few books. Getting bigoted politicians involved just makes matters worse. If this is an actual problem then there are reasonable solutions that do not set up politicians as the gatekeepers of knowledge.
Probably not but book burners never stop at just a few books. Getting bigoted politicians involved just makes matters worse. If this is an actual problem then there are reasonable solutions that do not set up politicians as the gatekeepers of knowledge.
Who do you want to be the final authority?
Books describing anal sex don't belong in school libraries. Period.

I don't agree with this either at that age, but Fox just skirts the truth many times.

The mom, who asked to remain anonymous, has chosen to opt her children out of the parts of updated sex ed curriculum she and her husband found alarming, but worried other parents in the state may be unaware of what is being taught.

"All I’m asking for is transparency and accountability," she said, adding she hopes other parents realize there are ways to opt out.

"I had to send quite a few emails and figure out who is in charge and teaching what to get to this point," she said, adding that it is "a lot of work for most parents."

The superintendent of the Berkeley Heights school district, Dr. Melissa Varley, told Fox News Digital the district "presented the new PE/Health Curriculum on August 11th at the Public Board meeting. The Assistant Superintendent and PE/Health Supervisor explained in detail the Opt Out Process available to all parents."

"In addition, all parents are welcome to personally review the curriculum guides and teaching materials," she added.

New Jersey​

State Information​

State Sex Education Policies and Requirements at a Glance

  • New Jersey schools are required to teach sex education.
  • Curriculum is not required to be comprehensive.
  • Curriculum must stress abstinence.
  • Curriculum must include instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • Curriculum must include instruction on consent.
  • New Jersey allows parents or guardians to remove their children from any part of the health, family life, or sex education classes if it conflicts with their beliefs. This is referred to as an “opt-out” policy.(link is external)
  • Curriculum must be medically accurate.

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