Illinois reporting 77.7% of its Covid deaths last week were vaccinated.

Speaking of deflection, here is what the thread is about:

Illinois reporting 77.7% of its Covid deaths last week were vaccinated.​

It also has one of the lowest rate of death from COVID in the country over the last week.
It's happening anyway; I don't know if it's being ignored, but given that the vaccines don't seem to provide protection in ANY sense, if this terrible news from Illinois is true and generalizable, we're back to our own personal immune systems, and good luck to us all.

Illinois has gone from averaging 135 deaths per day to 29 ....not really terrible news. Also, basic common sense tells you that as a higher percent of people are vaccinated, the number of those vaccinated having COVID will also rise
Illinois has gone from averaging 135 deaths per day to 29 ....not really terrible news. Also, basic common sense tells you that as a higher percent of people are vaccinated, the number of those vaccinated having COVID will also rise
No, basic common sense would tell you that if they call something a VACCINE it should protect against THE DISEASE!!!

It definitely would not tell anyone with common sense that the more people are vaccinated, the more they will get COVID!!! LISTEN to yourself, GG!
No, basic common sense would tell you that if they call something a VACCINE it should protect against THE DISEASE!!!

It definitely would not tell anyone with common sense that the more people are vaccinated, the more they will get COVID!!! LISTEN to yourself, GG!

We call the shot given yearly the Flu Vaccine and yet nobody has ever whined that it did not keep everyone from getting the flu.

I did not say that the more people are vaccinated, the more they will get COVID. Why lie about what I just posted.

This is how many vaccinate people are getting it...JUST ABOUT NONE...

60% of the country has a pre-existing condition that makes them at a higher risk.
That's unqualified fearmongering. Those dying of the Chinese Plague have specific pre-existing conditions or you couldn't have 99+% survivability. Stop fearmongering and stop spreading misinformation.
We call the shot given yearly the Flu Vaccine and yet nobody has ever whined that it did not keep everyone from getting the flu.

I did not say that the more people are vaccinated, the more they will get COVID. Why lie about what I just posted.
Yes, you did, you said "basic common sense tells you that as a higher percent of people are vaccinated, the number of those vaccinated having COVID will also rise" ----- equivalent statements. And a pretty sorry showing for a so-called vaccine. I call it fraud.
Yes, you did, you said "basic common sense tells you that as a higher percent of people are vaccinated, the number of those vaccinated having COVID will also rise" ----- equivalent statements. And a pretty sorry showing for a so-called vaccine. I call it fraud.

Sorry if you do not understand basic math. When the majority of the population is vaccinated, the chances one of them catches COVID goes up as there are more and more of them, even as their rate of catching it continues to drop. Thus we have 1/3 of one percent of vaccinated people ending up in the hospital due to COVID
We call the shot given yearly the Flu Vaccine and yet nobody has ever whined that it did not keep everyone from getting the flu.
Are you kidding? That is finally becoming well known, that flu vaccines, new every year and often not protecting more than yearly rates of 10%, 17%, 26%, HIGHEST RATE is in the 40%'s ------ a total scam, because it was sold to us as a "must-do," saves us, won't get flu, but basically, it does not work. That was the first descent into fraud medicine pushed at the people.

I believe it was a scam to get people into doctors' offices so they can be harassed mercilessly to get all sorts of dangerous procedures, proscriptions that require lots of "management" visits, diagnostic surgeries, etc., etc. --- all of them highly profitable for docs and bad for us. Probably takes six years off our lives doing all the crap docs want.

Do not trust the medical industry: it has your money at heart, not your health.
That's unqualified fearmongering. Those dying of the Chinese Plague have specific pre-existing conditions or you couldn't have 99+% survivability. Stop fearmongering and stop spreading misinformation.

What are those specific pre-existing conditions?

Having heart conditions
weakened immune system
Overweight and obesity
Smoking, current or former
Diabetes (type 1 or type 2)

So, what percent of the US population do you think has at least one of these?

According to the CDC....Nearly 40% of American adults aged 20 and over are obese. 71.6% of adults aged 20 and over are overweight.
60% of the country has a pre-existing condition that makes them at a higher risk.

Then get vaccinated, and wear your mask.

Where are you getting the 60% number? Age is the biggest risk factor. Less than 50k people under 50 have died of/with COVID. I don’t think 60% of the pop is over 50.
Vaccines do not prevent you from getting it. Vaccines do not prevent you from spreading it. Natural Immunity does both. So why is it being ignored?
Because th vaccines come without the death and destruction thing?
Do not trust the medical industry: it has your money at heart, not your health.

Hard to do when you are married to a nurse who has spent the last almost 2 years treating COVID patients. I trust her way more than I do you.
Sorry if you do not understand basic math. When the majority of the population is vaccinated, the chances one of them catches COVID goes up as there are more and more of them, even as their rate of catching it continues to drop. Thus we have 1/3 of one percent of vaccinated people ending up in the hospital due to COVID
This is nonsense, GG: Have you LOOKED at the graphs? Cases, deaths, hospitalizations? With the surges, another and another, totally unimpeded by the fake vaccines? Look at the graphs! It just plain did not work. The vaccine did not work to prevent disease and spread of disease and now isn't even preventing deaths.

We have so been lied to.
Then get vaccinated, and wear your mask.

Where are you getting the 60% number? Age is the biggest risk factor. Less than 50k people under 50 have died of/with COVID. I don’t think 60% of the pop is over 50.
There, probably. I assumed he was talking about age. Hard to correct that "risk factor," I have to tell you. I guess older people aren't supposed to matter, expendable.
Hard to do when you are married to a nurse who has spent the last almost 2 years treating COVID patients. I trust her way more than I do you.
You are buying into sick propaganda. One look at the surge graphs tells anyone that nothing we did had any impact on this virus. Nothing worked, except that the government torment made it all worse.
The only criteria I need for making my decision:

View attachment 557825
It's so true. It's all for control, control, control of the population. It can't be to control the disease: that simply didn't happen.

I guess I've gotten pretty angry about all the fraud and our lives being turned upside down, but none of it worked except to train people to be controlled.
It's so true. It's all for control, control, control of the population. It can't be to control the disease: that simply didn't happen.

I guess I've gotten pretty angry about all the fraud and our lives being turned upside down, but none of it worked except to train people to be controlled.
Well said. They weren't even smart enough to be subtle about it. It was a hammer from the beginning. Not subtle.
What are those specific pre-existing conditions?

Having heart conditions
weakened immune system
Overweight and obesity
Smoking, current or former
Diabetes (type 1 or type 2)

So, what percent of the US population do you think has at least one of these?

According to the CDC....Nearly 40% of American adults aged 20 and over are obese. 71.6% of adults aged 20 and over are overweight.
Do some research, you look foolish posting fearmongered silliness that flies in the face of the mortality rates.
Because th vaccines come without the death and destruction thing?
Of course, you can't prove that. There are no long term studies of the vaccines. You know what this means right?

I don't suppose you know of the many people who have died suddenly, after taking the vax. That's conspiracy talk to someone like you, who gets all your news from the corporate media.

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