Illinois village bans assault weapons, to fine violators $1,000 per day

Shall we bow before our Public Masters?

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You should if you care about your safety as much as you act. But idc either way.
There is NO OTHER GUARANTEE of safety. A man can kill you with his fists. How are you going to defend against that?
I can't imagine living in a country where one had to be so fearful. Rather you than me.
Apparently the rhetoric around violence and shit is a lie, right?
Gun bans only work on the law abiding. Somehow the gun grabbers fail to comprehend that simple fact of reality.
No. They reduce the number of weapons in circulation which reduces the criminal use of them. The other developed nations demonstrate this simple fact, which admittedly is either ignored or can't be grasped.
The Rightwing choose to ignore it.
"The village defines an “assault weapon” broadly, including rifles with fixed magazines that are capable of accepting magazines holding more than ten rounds, certain pistols with detachable magazines, and certain shotguns.

The town has additionally banned so-called high capacity magazines.

“Large capacity magazine means any ammunition feeding device with the capacity to accept more than ten rounds,” the ordinance states."

how can a fixed magazine accept a magazine? you got one or the other.

we can see the village idiot wrote the law.
Gun bans only work on the law abiding. Somehow the gun grabbers fail to comprehend that simple fact of reality.
No. They reduce the number of weapons in circulation which reduces the criminal use of them. The other developed nations demonstrate this simple fact, which admittedly is either ignored or can't be grasped.
They don't, but you know that.
Wrong. You're wrong. You are wrong. Do some research.
Gun bans only work on the law abiding. Somehow the gun grabbers fail to comprehend that simple fact of reality.
No. They reduce the number of weapons in circulation which reduces the criminal use of them. The other developed nations demonstrate this simple fact, which admittedly is either ignored or can't be grasped.
The Rightwing choose to ignore it.
kinda like the left wing choosing to ignore the AR isn't the most widely used guns in crimes OR school / public shootings

funny about getting all smug on the other side is that you can easily find your side doing the same thing, just as often. how about we start fixing ourselves and not be so preoccupied with the other side?
Just as well, nobody should try to deny the right to those who choose to own guns. The right to own and carry them is guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment.
So is the responsibility to submit to the discipline of a militia, but that is conveniently ignored.
The right belongs to the people and the people are the militia
Gun bans only work on the law abiding. Somehow the gun grabbers fail to comprehend that simple fact of reality.
No. They reduce the number of weapons in circulation which reduces the criminal use of them. The other developed nations demonstrate this simple fact, which admittedly is either ignored or can't be grasped.
They don't, but you know that.
Wrong. You're wrong. You are wrong. Do some research.
pop a daddy a link, baby. you've done your research, let's see the proof. should be simple enough.

although asking for proof and links to knowledge set off oldlady the other day so i may want to be careful here as THE LEFT sure seems to say shit they get pissed if you ask them to back it up. damn THE LEFT.

seems stupid when *I* do it huh? just as stupid when *ANYONE* does it.
Gun bans only work on the law abiding. Somehow the gun grabbers fail to comprehend that simple fact of reality.
No. They reduce the number of weapons in circulation which reduces the criminal use of them. The other developed nations demonstrate this simple fact, which admittedly is either ignored or can't be grasped.
They don't, but you know that.
Wrong. You're wrong. You are wrong. Do some research.
Tell my then is the murder rate in London now higher than that of New York City.

And please don't weasel out and say stabbings don't count because getting stabbed to death isn't as bad as getting shot
Seems like useless political grandstanding given that the majority of gun violence and gun deaths are from handguns not so called assault weapons. But hey whatever makes them feel good about themselves because that's really what this is all about.
They've said they feel unsafe because of the massacres and this is to reassure the populace. Have you not read the ordinance?
Like I said it’s a feel good measure that really accomplished nothing.
Seems like useless political grandstanding given that the majority of gun violence and gun deaths are from handguns not so called assault weapons. But hey whatever makes them feel good about themselves because that's really what this is all about.
They've said they feel unsafe because of the massacres and this is to reassure the populace. Have you not read the ordinance?
Like I said it’s a feel good measure that really accomplished nothing.
Like the majority of things the morons in government do these days
Gun bans only work on the law abiding. Somehow the gun grabbers fail to comprehend that simple fact of reality.
No. They reduce the number of weapons in circulation which reduces the criminal use of them. The other developed nations demonstrate this simple fact, which admittedly is either ignored or can't be grasped.

Are the criminals turning their guns in first, are you ignoring this or maybe you can’t grasp that criminals aren’t giving up their guns!

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It is not demonstrated at all.
It is demonstrated by the rates of firearm crimes in other developed nations, which are fractions of that of the US. But you'll ignore that, your position depends on ignoring it, while wittering about 'freedom'.

They have as many murders , just not with guns. Some folks are idiots aren’t they

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In a country that bans citizen ownership of guns, only criminals and the government will have guns. Have you ever read about the Third Reich, or Mao's take over of china? The first things banned-----------------------------guns and Bibles. Think about it.
A country that allows easy access to handguns and military style semi-automatic rifles will have a high firearm homicide rate and clock work mass killings. Think about it.

statistics say otherwise. The most gun violence occurs in the places with the most strict gun laws-----------Chicago, DC, Detroit, The problem is not guns, the problem is a sick society, a society made sick by liberal policies.
Just as well, nobody should try to deny the right to those who choose to own guns. The right to own and carry them is guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment.
So is the responsibility to submit to the discipline of a militia, but that is conveniently ignored.
It is not our responsibility to submit to the militia of a totalitarian regime. That is why we will keep our firearms regardless of what nitwit gungrabbers say or do.

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