Illinois village bans assault weapons, to fine violators $1,000 per day

Shall we bow before our Public Masters?

  • Yes Mi'lord

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  • Nay!

    Votes: 16 100.0%

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I was disappointed to read in the morning paper that my favorite Dem for the governor's race in Maine is running on a BAN ASSAULT WEAPONS. ALL OF THEM. platform.
He'll never get primaried in this state. Too bad we lost him.
thank gawd ;)
Oh, mind your business. After 8 years of the Trumpian LePage, who knows what will happen. The legislature has tied up the referendum we passed for Ranked Choice Voting and it has been battling in court for over a year. They SAY we will have it by the primaries, but it is going to court again. Maine has a LOT of Independents and we are perfectly comfortable electing them. That is why Ranked Choice Voting is so important here.
I laughed when you said "oh, mind your business"
Sorry for thinking you made a funny. Maybe i should shove a corncob up my ass like you
I figured that for the mind your business post, but the next one wasn't "funny." You can stick that corncob right in your EAR.
No you don't, or you would respect my right to be safe on my sidewalk.
That was funny because you make it sound like you are entitled to it...
thank gawd ;)
Oh, mind your business. After 8 years of the Trumpian LePage, who knows what will happen. The legislature has tied up the referendum we passed for Ranked Choice Voting and it has been battling in court for over a year. They SAY we will have it by the primaries, but it is going to court again. Maine has a LOT of Independents and we are perfectly comfortable electing them. That is why Ranked Choice Voting is so important here.
I laughed when you said "oh, mind your business"
Sorry for thinking you made a funny. Maybe i should shove a corncob up my ass like you
I figured that for the mind your business post, but the next one wasn't "funny." You can stick that corncob right in your EAR.
No you don't, or you would respect my right to be safe on my sidewalk.
That was funny because you make it sound like you are entitled to it...
Why on earth would you argue otherwise? Do you have any idea how cold that sounds? I never thought you were like that.
Oh, mind your business. After 8 years of the Trumpian LePage, who knows what will happen. The legislature has tied up the referendum we passed for Ranked Choice Voting and it has been battling in court for over a year. They SAY we will have it by the primaries, but it is going to court again. Maine has a LOT of Independents and we are perfectly comfortable electing them. That is why Ranked Choice Voting is so important here.
I laughed when you said "oh, mind your business"
Sorry for thinking you made a funny. Maybe i should shove a corncob up my ass like you
I figured that for the mind your business post, but the next one wasn't "funny." You can stick that corncob right in your EAR.
No you don't, or you would respect my right to be safe on my sidewalk.
That was funny because you make it sound like you are entitled to it...
Why on earth would you argue otherwise? Do you have any idea how cold that sounds? I never thought you were like that.
Ummm i didnt argue with it... you need more coffee.
Gun bans only work on the law abiding. Somehow the gun grabbers fail to comprehend that simple fact of reality.
So, do laws against bank robbery work?
They do for honest, law abiding people.
Do you think honest people would rob a bank if there were no written laws against it?
Stealing isnt GREAT argument. Contradictions always work :lol:
So then that would be no, they wouldn't?
Gun bans only work on the law abiding. Somehow the gun grabbers fail to comprehend that simple fact of reality.
So, do laws against bank robbery work?
They do for honest, law abiding people.
Do you think honest people would rob a bank if there were no written laws against it?
Stealing isnt GREAT argument. Contradictions always work :lol:
So then that would be no, they wouldn't?
If you steal you arent honest to begin with. Your question is a fallacy in itself.
Did you honestly think that was some sort of "gotcha?" lol
Gun bans only work on the law abiding. Somehow the gun grabbers fail to comprehend that simple fact of reality.
So, do laws against bank robbery work?
They do for honest, law abiding people.
Do you think honest people would rob a bank if there were no written laws against it?
An honest man person would not steal anything. A law against stealing does not affect an honest person. I dishonest person may steal regardless of the law.
Gun bans only work on the law abiding. Somehow the gun grabbers fail to comprehend that simple fact of reality.
No. They reduce the number of weapons in circulation which reduces the criminal use of them. The other developed nations demonstrate this simple fact, which admittedly is either ignored or can't be grasped.

Oh, the laughable 'bans' you have in the US may not work, where a locality 'bans' guns while surrounded by an ocean of them. Yeah, that's ludicrous. It has to be done nationally.

It is not demonstrated at all.
It is demonstrated by the rates of firearm crimes in other developed nations, which are fractions of that of the US. But you'll ignore that, your position depends on ignoring it, while wittering about 'freedom'.

But..but..guns are banned in the UK. :eek:

"A teenager died in her mother’s arms as she become the latest victim in a deadly crime spree which has gripped the capital and claimed 47 lives."

"The innocent teenager was reportedly caught in the crossfire in a gang war and Scotland Yard told MailOnline her killer was still on the loose.

In a separate incident, a 16-year-old boy was left fighting for his life after being shot minutes later less than two miles away in Walthamstow, east London.

A 17-year-old boy was also stabbed and left critically injured.

The streets of London are now more deadly than New York, with the capital recording a higher murder rate for the first time in modern history in February."

Yeah, stuff it with your "other countries banned guns" bullshit. :fu:

AS Mr KHAN busy with HATE SPEECH CRIMES: London bloodbath continues as Girl, 17 becomes 37th murder in 2 months - This Is England
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So, do laws against bank robbery work?
They do for honest, law abiding people.
Do you think honest people would rob a bank if there were no written laws against it?
Stealing isnt GREAT argument. Contradictions always work :lol:
So then that would be no, they wouldn't?
If you steal you arent honest to begin with. Your question is a fallacy in itself.
Did you honestly think that was some sort of "gotcha?" lol
Why will you not answer the question directly?
Gun bans only work on the law abiding. Somehow the gun grabbers fail to comprehend that simple fact of reality.
So, do laws against bank robbery work?
They do for honest, law abiding people.
Do you think honest people would rob a bank if there were no written laws against it?
An honest man person would not steal anything. A law against stealing does not affect an honest person. I dishonest person may steal regardless of the law.
So we can agree that laws are not directed at honest folks who wouldn't do bad things anyway.
They do for honest, law abiding people.
Do you think honest people would rob a bank if there were no written laws against it?
Stealing isnt GREAT argument. Contradictions always work :lol:
So then that would be no, they wouldn't?
If you steal you arent honest to begin with. Your question is a fallacy in itself.
Did you honestly think that was some sort of "gotcha?" lol
Why will you not answer the question directly?
No they wouldnt or they wouldnt be honest to begin with. Good gawd man...
They do for honest, law abiding people.
Do you think honest people would rob a bank if there were no written laws against it?
Stealing isnt GREAT argument. Contradictions always work :lol:
So then that would be no, they wouldn't?
If you steal you arent honest to begin with. Your question is a fallacy in itself.
Did you honestly think that was some sort of "gotcha?" lol
Why will you not answer the question directly?
He answered the question, dufus.
Gun bans only work on the law abiding. Somehow the gun grabbers fail to comprehend that simple fact of reality.
So, do laws against bank robbery work?
They do for honest, law abiding people.
Do you think honest people would rob a bank if there were no written laws against it?
An honest man person would not steal anything. A law against stealing does not affect an honest person. I dishonest person may steal regardless of the law.
So we can agree that laws are not directed at honest folks who wouldn't do bad things anyway.
Laws are directed to all people within the jurisdiction of the law enforcement. Many are common sense laws that would be obeyed without instruction by honest people. They are published to remind everyone of what laws apply in the jurisdiction.

Using profane language to a person under 14 in person or by telephone is considered disorderly conduct in Georgia. But if that kid's 15, say whatever the fuck you want.

The Weirdest Law in Every State in America
Shall we comply with laws passed by our elected officials?


Don't like the law?

Vote against those officials, next time, who passed the law.

Vote for those candidates, next time, who will repeal the law.

Hell, challenge the law in a lawsuit within the court system, if you like...

But, in the meantime...

You will obey the law.


Essay Just and Unjust Laws: Should the Unjust Laws be Obeyed? | Bartleby

"One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws."
- Martin Luther King
Gun bans only work on the law abiding. Somehow the gun grabbers fail to comprehend that simple fact of reality.
So, do laws against bank robbery work?
They do for honest, law abiding people.
Do you think honest people would rob a bank if there were no written laws against it?
You probably should consider the fact that laws do not prevent people from doing anything.

A law banning guns won't prevent criminals from using them to kill people. It won't even make them less available, s evidenced by the drug bans that have failed in this and other countries.

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