I'm a teacher. Here's why I am cheering my new freedom from unions

Why didn’t she get the union to change that in the contract?

But hey, go see how awesome things aren’t union schools . Good luck having everything being decided by politics and connections .
Ignorance is not bliss. Stop embarrassing yourself.

Have you ever been in a union?
Yes. I was 18 smoking my ass off. The union saved my job. I should have been fired.

Sounds like you are still smoking .

How bout some details ?

Years ago when I got my first driving job, I delivered goods from one part of our company to another. There was a gun who unloaded me, and he was a nice fellow, but he was only there half of the time.

The curiosity got the best of me, so I asked his replacement one time why the regular receiver was only there part of the time?

He told me that the guy was an alcoholic. At lunch time, he would run to the bar and get plowed. Of course the company didn't allow him to drive a tow motor, so every time the got drunk they sent him home for the other half of the day.

I asked why our company just didn't fire the guy? He answered because he was in the union, and the union forbade the firing of a union worker for getting drunk on the job provided he was a member of AA which this guy was.

I only worked that job for a year, but that drunk was still with the company when I left. Today, if you get drunk on the job (non union) you are rightfully discharged from your duties.

The idiots were the management who negotiated that little tidbit in the contract and let it stay. They are the ones responsible for not saying no.
Are you a high end computer programmer/developer or are you just a grunt?

"50% (Median)" indicates that 50% of workers earned less and 50% earned more

Because I bet you are in the 50% who makes less than $79,000.

How much less? Do they make $50K a year? Not that good of a profession then huh?

Yeah, don't bet what you can't afford to lose...dumbass.
You can't win with me. If you make $50K, you're an idiot. If you make $100K then I get why you vote GOP. Just don't tell people who make $50K they should be voting GOP because they are in a different tax bracket than you.
Why should people who make $50k vote democrat?
Social security and medicare

You mean if they vote Republican, they won't get SS and Medicare?
You know it's the GOP's dream to do away with these socialist programs. You know you believe they are unconstitutional. You guys deny your real motives while you slowly chip away at things like ss, medicare and roe v wade.

Admit you believe you'd do better if they did away with those programs and you invest that money yourself, which you wouldn't. You're already having a tough time making ends meet. You would just spend that money and we'd have to take care of you if you could no longer work.

SS is a great program. I may die at 66 and never take a penny out. But I may also live to be 100 and then I'll collect for the rest of my life. What a great program that you guys want to destroy.

And we are waiting for Republicans to make healthcare more affordable.

They polled 100 Republicans. They all like the Affordable Care Act but they hate Obamacare. Dumb fucks.
You can't win with me. If you make $50K, you're an idiot. If you make $100K then I get why you vote GOP. Just don't tell people who make $50K they should be voting GOP because they are in a different tax bracket than you.
First of all, you are pretentious. $50000 is more than average. I do make more than that, but so what? I just finished school and have started in this profession.
That's how you get ahead, you don't stay in the same job for 30 years expecting raises......you gain new skills and get a new job or promotion.
But I vote GOP, because I have certain policy and principal positions that they espouse.
Pro Life
Pro Gun
Small Govt
Lower Taxes ( I want the income tax gone, but i'll take lower taxes for now)
Traditional Values
Fair Trade (I used to be Free trade, but I didn't know people were lying when they talked about it)
Pro immigration, very anti illegal immigration
Build the Wall
Strong military
No hate
no harassing people for political views

these are just a few things. Some in the GOP don't agree with me on all those issues, but atleast we don't try and harass each other like the left.....what a collection of tards they are.

I can tell by your list you are a lost cause. Good luck. You'll need it.
Lost cause? what does that mean?
The right has you with every wedge issue

And the left has you with every wedgie issue.
I'll never cross over to the dark side.
First of all, you are pretentious. $50000 is more than average. I do make more than that, but so what? I just finished school and have started in this profession.
That's how you get ahead, you don't stay in the same job for 30 years expecting raises......you gain new skills and get a new job or promotion.
But I vote GOP, because I have certain policy and principal positions that they espouse.
Pro Life
Pro Gun
Small Govt
Lower Taxes ( I want the income tax gone, but i'll take lower taxes for now)
Traditional Values
Fair Trade (I used to be Free trade, but I didn't know people were lying when they talked about it)
Pro immigration, very anti illegal immigration
Build the Wall
Strong military
No hate
no harassing people for political views

these are just a few things. Some in the GOP don't agree with me on all those issues, but atleast we don't try and harass each other like the left.....what a collection of tards they are.

I can tell by your list you are a lost cause. Good luck. You'll need it.
Lost cause? what does that mean?
The right has you with every wedge issue

And the left has you with every wedgie issue.
I'll never cross over to the dark side.

Good to know, not everyone enjoys wedgies.
Yeah, don't bet what you can't afford to lose...dumbass.
You can't win with me. If you make $50K, you're an idiot. If you make $100K then I get why you vote GOP. Just don't tell people who make $50K they should be voting GOP because they are in a different tax bracket than you.
Why should people who make $50k vote democrat?
Social security and medicare

You mean if they vote Republican, they won't get SS and Medicare?
You know it's the GOP's dream to do away with these socialist programs. You know you believe they are unconstitutional. You guys deny your real motives while you slowly chip away at things like ss, medicare and roe v wade.

Listen, I've been following politics for a long time and those aren't Republican goals. If they were, I might have voted Republican.

They polled 100 Republicans. They all like the Affordable Care Act but they hate Obamacare. Dumb fucks.

Gotta link? You might wanna check snopes first.
I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...
I get it. You non union free loaders are the only teachers that go above & beyond. If not for unions you;d be busting your ass & making half of what you do now and few benefits. When go got older, yopu would be fired & a newer cheaper teacher take your place.

Unions fight for their teachers & the students.

Feel free to go & teach at a non union private school & let me know how that goes.
Yeah, don't bet what you can't afford to lose...dumbass.
You can't win with me. If you make $50K, you're an idiot. If you make $100K then I get why you vote GOP. Just don't tell people who make $50K they should be voting GOP because they are in a different tax bracket than you.
Why should people who make $50k vote democrat?
Social security and medicare

You mean if they vote Republican, they won't get SS and Medicare?
You know it's the GOP's dream to do away with these socialist programs. You know you believe they are unconstitutional. You guys deny your real motives while you slowly chip away at things like ss, medicare and roe v wade.

Admit you believe you'd do better if they did away with those programs and you invest that money yourself, which you wouldn't. You're already having a tough time making ends meet. You would just spend that money and we'd have to take care of you if you could no longer work.

SS is a great program. I may die at 66 and never take a penny out. But I may also live to be 100 and then I'll collect for the rest of my life. What a great program that you guys want to destroy.

And we are waiting for Republicans to make healthcare more affordable.

They polled 100 Republicans. They all like the Affordable Care Act but they hate Obamacare. Dumb fucks.

I don't know that social programs are unconstitutional, but without a doubt it was not what our founders intended, in fact most were against federal government dependency.

Yes, those were different times, but certainly if they wanted government dependents, they could have created similar programs to what we have today: Government log cabins instead of HUD. Cash for Carriages instead of Cash for Clunkers. Government farms instead of Food Stamps. A national tax to support lazy people instead of welfare. Government firewood instead of utility assistance.

The thing is our founders wrote (in the Constitution) what the federal government is to be responsible for. All other things outside of those obligations were left up to the states.

Would I like to have all my SS money so I could have invested it personally? You bet. And I'd be retiring earlier with more money than I'd ever get from SS. But what about the irresponsible? Well.......you leftists have been manufacturing irresponsible people for decades, now you're surprised??????

But don't worry about social programs. If we wanted to end them, we would have done so this past year, or even during the Bush years when WE HAD CONTROL over the entire federal government.

You see, social programs can be compared to what I call Ray from Cleveland's Raccoon Theory. You see a hungry raccoon digging through your garbage can. So you go inside the house and fetch him that half ham you were going to throw away at the end of the week. The animal eats in delight. Now give it about 20 seconds and try to take that ham back and see what happens.

Politicians (especially Democrats) are well aware of my raccoon theory. Once you give something to people, it's virtually impossible to take it back; at least not without getting your hand bitten off. So Democrats try to hand out more half-hams and Republicans are afraid to take them away even with full support of the voters.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
Ignorance is not bliss. Stop embarrassing yourself.

Have you ever been in a union?
Yes. I was 18 smoking my ass off. The union saved my job. I should have been fired.

Sounds like you are still smoking .

How bout some details ?

Years ago when I got my first driving job, I delivered goods from one part of our company to another. There was a gun who unloaded me, and he was a nice fellow, but he was only there half of the time.

The curiosity got the best of me, so I asked his replacement one time why the regular receiver was only there part of the time?

He told me that the guy was an alcoholic. At lunch time, he would run to the bar and get plowed. Of course the company didn't allow him to drive a tow motor, so every time the got drunk they sent him home for the other half of the day.

I asked why our company just didn't fire the guy? He answered because he was in the union, and the union forbade the firing of a union worker for getting drunk on the job provided he was a member of AA which this guy was.

I only worked that job for a year, but that drunk was still with the company when I left. Today, if you get drunk on the job (non union) you are rightfully discharged from your duties.

The idiots were the management who negotiated that little tidbit in the contract and let it stay. They are the ones responsible for not saying no.

They could have said no, and the union could have went on strike. Back then (later 70's) companies were scared to death of unions. I have first hand seen several of our customers either forced out of business, or out of state or country because of unions. That's how much power and influence they had.

I could write a book on my union experiences.
I get it. You non union free loaders ...

I love the hypocrisy of liberals blustering about 'free-loaders'. When did stingy and uptight become liberal values?

To a liberal, a freeloader is one that doesn't want to be extorted for money.
This coming from a person who thinks the government is stealing from him when he pays taxes.

I guess that would depend on how much they take.

Theft is the act of somebody taking another persons property against their will, or leaving them with no reasonable alternative.

If I'm walking down the street one night, and a guy pulls a gun and says hand over your money, I have two choices: give him my money and hope I don't get shot, or not give him my money, he shoots me and takes it anyway: no reasonable alternative.
Have you ever been in a union?
Yes. I was 18 smoking my ass off. The union saved my job. I should have been fired.

Sounds like you are still smoking .

How bout some details ?

Years ago when I got my first driving job, I delivered goods from one part of our company to another. There was a gun who unloaded me, and he was a nice fellow, but he was only there half of the time.

The curiosity got the best of me, so I asked his replacement one time why the regular receiver was only there part of the time?

He told me that the guy was an alcoholic. At lunch time, he would run to the bar and get plowed. Of course the company didn't allow him to drive a tow motor, so every time the got drunk they sent him home for the other half of the day.

I asked why our company just didn't fire the guy? He answered because he was in the union, and the union forbade the firing of a union worker for getting drunk on the job provided he was a member of AA which this guy was.

I only worked that job for a year, but that drunk was still with the company when I left. Today, if you get drunk on the job (non union) you are rightfully discharged from your duties.

The idiots were the management who negotiated that little tidbit in the contract and let it stay. They are the ones responsible for not saying no.

They could have said no, and the union could have went on strike. Back then (later 70's) companies were scared to death of unions. I have first hand seen several of our customers either forced out of business, or out of state or country because of unions. That's how much power and influence they had.

I could write a book on my union experiences.

For about the hundredth time it has been posted on this thread, the vast majority of schools are barred from striking. Catch a clue man!

The reason you anti-union know-it-alls can't seem to get anything right is you like to ignore facts.
Yeah, don't bet what you can't afford to lose...dumbass.
You can't win with me. If you make $50K, you're an idiot. If you make $100K then I get why you vote GOP. Just don't tell people who make $50K they should be voting GOP because they are in a different tax bracket than you.
Why should people who make $50k vote democrat?
Social security and medicare

You mean if they vote Republican, they won't get SS and Medicare?
You know it's the GOP's dream to do away with these socialist programs. You know you believe they are unconstitutional. You guys deny your real motives while you slowly chip away at things like ss, medicare and roe v wade.

Admit you believe you'd do better if they did away with those programs and you invest that money yourself, which you wouldn't. You're already having a tough time making ends meet. You would just spend that money and we'd have to take care of you if you could no longer work.

SS is a great program. I may die at 66 and never take a penny out. But I may also live to be 100 and then I'll collect for the rest of my life. What a great program that you guys want to destroy.

And we are waiting for Republicans to make healthcare more affordable.

They polled 100 Republicans. They all like the Affordable Care Act but they hate Obamacare. Dumb fucks.

So you admit SS is a Ponzi scheme

democrats understand dependency. They count on it; always have.
Funny chit. Democrats realize that an advanced society takes care of their poor , sick & elderly.

A trumpette society says fuck the poor, sick & elderly & give money to the corporations & wealthy people.

This is how much you stupid fucks have been duped
You can't win with me. If you make $50K, you're an idiot. If you make $100K then I get why you vote GOP. Just don't tell people who make $50K they should be voting GOP because they are in a different tax bracket than you.
Why should people who make $50k vote democrat?
Social security and medicare

You mean if they vote Republican, they won't get SS and Medicare?
You know it's the GOP's dream to do away with these socialist programs. You know you believe they are unconstitutional. You guys deny your real motives while you slowly chip away at things like ss, medicare and roe v wade.

Admit you believe you'd do better if they did away with those programs and you invest that money yourself, which you wouldn't. You're already having a tough time making ends meet. You would just spend that money and we'd have to take care of you if you could no longer work.

SS is a great program. I may die at 66 and never take a penny out. But I may also live to be 100 and then I'll collect for the rest of my life. What a great program that you guys want to destroy.

And we are waiting for Republicans to make healthcare more affordable.

They polled 100 Republicans. They all like the Affordable Care Act but they hate Obamacare. Dumb fucks.

So you admit SS is a Ponzi scheme

SS is nothing like as Ponzi scheme. Retirees get benefits as promised. There is no scam. Dumbass.
I get it. You non union free loaders ...

I love the hypocrisy of liberals blustering about 'free-loaders'. When did stingy and uptight become liberal values?

To a liberal, a freeloader is one that doesn't want to be extorted for money.
This coming from a person who thinks the government is stealing from him when he pays taxes.

I guess that would depend on how much they take.

Theft is the act of somebody taking another persons property against their will, or leaving them with no reasonable alternative.

If I'm walking down the street one night, and a guy pulls a gun and says hand over your money, I have two choices: give him my money and hope I don't get shot, or not give him my money, he shoots me and takes it anyway: no reasonable alternative.
So, you get to decide how much taxes you pay?

You bitch about supporting your country. You know it. You dipsticks cry about it here all the time.

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