I'm a teacher. Here's why I am cheering my new freedom from unions

Yep! I work for the U.S. Army Recruiting Command as a civilian contractor.

Did it for 5.5 years, we always said USARC didn't invent micromanaging, but they damn sure perfected it. That was a life time ago, 82-88.


Now, we do the prospecting for you. They love having me as I did Navy recruiting and I show them what they are doing wrong.:D

I enjoyed it, for the most part. Never had a recruit accuse me of lying, never had an investigation and only had one trainee discharge. A Cat 4 that couldn't qualify with a weapon. He was the only one that told he wish he hadn't enlisted out of more than 100.


Sounds like you were an outstanding recruiter! I told my recruiters if I ever caught them lying they would back in the fleet on the lousiest duty I could find for them within days. Never had an allegation substantiated against any of them. Honestly, I think they were more scared of my Chief Recruiter who was 6 foot 4 and about 250 killing them and disposing of the body in the pine trees of western Alabama where it would never be found.
My brother would have done that in a second. Recruiting duty turned him from wanting to make the Marines a career to counting the days until he was out. He would rather have been back in Afghanistan and would have happily taken a DEMOTION to do it.

It's not a job everyone is cut out to do. I was ready to leave it behind. The micromanagement got really old.

How, I've worked in industries (namely IT) that does not have unions. money and benefits have been great.

High need for workers and low availability helped you out. That’s not the situation with teachers.

Indeed it's not for teachers. Get to the point here. Which is -- THEY are almost exclusively GOVT workers. It's simple. They need protection from GOVERNMENT insanity and abuse. When your "boss" can change at each election, you wouldn't have a great job in IT.

When I worked at Kennedy Space Center, my office mate was on food stamps. BECAUSE the govt would come in every year or two and find a lower bidder. And after 4 or 6 years of that -- YOU'D be thinking Union as well.

In my best JAmes Carville -- "It's the GOVERNMENT stupid"...
My brother would have done that in a second. Recruiting duty turned him from wanting to make the Marines a career to counting the days until he was out. He would rather have been back in Afghanistan and would have happily taken a DEMOTION to do it.

It's not a job everyone is cut out to do. I was ready to leave it behind. The micromanagement got really old.

He was absolutely miserable. He is a terrible salesman (and the first to say so), the polar opposite of anyone's mental image of a Marine (5'3" and ~115lbs), he was in an area that was not just unsupportive but actively HOSTILE to recruiting, and the jackass running the recruiting station was miserable to work under-as in, 14-16 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year for 3 years. His father came in once to say hello (he was in the area on business), and the asshole in charge told him that he'd call the police if he didn't leave.

He wasn't the only one...one of his fellow recruiters basically crawled into a bottle.
Are you a high end computer programmer/developer or are you just a grunt?

"50% (Median)" indicates that 50% of workers earned less and 50% earned more

Because I bet you are in the 50% who makes less than $79,000.

How much less? Do they make $50K a year? Not that good of a profession then huh?

Yeah, don't bet what you can't afford to lose...dumbass.
You can't win with me. If you make $50K, you're an idiot. If you make $100K then I get why you vote GOP. Just don't tell people who make $50K they should be voting GOP because they are in a different tax bracket than you.
First of all, you are pretentious. $50000 is more than average. I do make more than that, but so what? I just finished school and have started in this profession.
That's how you get ahead, you don't stay in the same job for 30 years expecting raises......you gain new skills and get a new job or promotion.
But I vote GOP, because I have certain policy and principal positions that they espouse.
Pro Life
Pro Gun
Small Govt
Lower Taxes ( I want the income tax gone, but i'll take lower taxes for now)
Traditional Values
Fair Trade (I used to be Free trade, but I didn't know people were lying when they talked about it)
Pro immigration, very anti illegal immigration
Build the Wall
Strong military
No hate
no harassing people for political views

these are just a few things. Some in the GOP don't agree with me on all those issues, but atleast we don't try and harass each other like the left.....what a collection of tards they are.

I can tell by your list you are a lost cause. Good luck. You'll need it.
Lost cause? what does that mean?
The right has you with every wedge issue
No IT is an industry that has come and gone. Remember when companies had IT departments? Now they outsource that shit to small IT companies who don't pay their employees shit. Those guys aren't making a good living. YOU aren't making a good living I bet. Your job is now in the CLOUD.

IT jobs have no job security. I don't know one person in IT today who has a steady job for more than 5 years or who is making a good living.

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Are you a high end computer programmer/developer or are you just a grunt?

"50% (Median)" indicates that 50% of workers earned less and 50% earned more

Because I bet you are in the 50% who makes less than $79,000.

How much less? Do they make $50K a year? Not that good of a profession then huh?

Yeah, don't bet what you can't afford to lose...dumbass.
You can't win with me. If you make $50K, you're an idiot. If you make $100K then I get why you vote GOP. Just don't tell people who make $50K they should be voting GOP because they are in a different tax bracket than you.
Why should people who make $50k vote democrat?
Social security and medicare
Unions gave us the 40 hour work week, child labor laws, vacations, healthcare and over time.

At one time horseshoe makers gave us the ability to ride our horses for hours. The iceman gave us the ability to store food in our containers for days. But the car made the horseshoe maker obsolete as refrigerators made the iceman.

So government took over where unions left off and like the coal man, they no longer provide us with any valuable service. Yes, they were good at one time providing us with ideas for a better life, but now they are nothing more than a Democrat party scavenger relying on their members to fund their political point of view.
You mean they will get paid by their performance instead? What a crazy system that is.

No. They will now get paid by what the local School Department wants to pay them. I gonna be interested to see how the Union teachers vote in public elections for school board members who give non-Union teachers ANY additional benefit or pay. I can guess, but we’ll see.
yeah, that is true, but so what? If you want good teachers you should have to pay for them, this govt teir system based on seniority is an abomination. It should be about performance, not how many years you've been there.

How do you measure performance? It’s not a used car lot, it’s a classroom . There’s so many variables.
Why didn’t she get the union to change that in the contract?

But hey, go see how awesome things aren’t union schools . Good luck having everything being decided by politics and connections .
How do you think unions work? you just described it........you are so naive

I’ve worked union and non.

The union is barely an issue . They only time you even hear from them is during contract negotiations or when there’s a dispute .

Are they perfect ? No . But at least you have a contract and clear job descriptions .
How, I've worked in industries (namely IT) that does not have unions. money and benefits have been great.

High need for workers and low availability helped you out. That’s not the situation with teachers.

Maybe that depends on where you live. At least here, there are lines of teachers trying to get their foot in the door of some school. I rented an apartment to a teacher. After he got laid off due to a tax levy failure, it took him a couple of years to get another decent job. He had to work back in manufacturing for a while, then got a job teaching troubled students, and finally into a vocational school.

Are you a high end computer programmer/developer or are you just a grunt?

"50% (Median)" indicates that 50% of workers earned less and 50% earned more

Because I bet you are in the 50% who makes less than $79,000.

How much less? Do they make $50K a year? Not that good of a profession then huh?

Yeah, don't bet what you can't afford to lose...dumbass.
You can't win with me. If you make $50K, you're an idiot. If you make $100K then I get why you vote GOP. Just don't tell people who make $50K they should be voting GOP because they are in a different tax bracket than you.
Why should people who make $50k vote democrat?
Social security and medicare

You mean if they vote Republican, they won't get SS and Medicare?
Why didn’t she get the union to change that in the contract?

But hey, go see how awesome things aren’t union schools . Good luck having everything being decided by politics and connections .
Ignorance is not bliss. Stop embarrassing yourself.
Yeah, don't bet what you can't afford to lose...dumbass.
You can't win with me. If you make $50K, you're an idiot. If you make $100K then I get why you vote GOP. Just don't tell people who make $50K they should be voting GOP because they are in a different tax bracket than you.
First of all, you are pretentious. $50000 is more than average. I do make more than that, but so what? I just finished school and have started in this profession.
That's how you get ahead, you don't stay in the same job for 30 years expecting raises......you gain new skills and get a new job or promotion.
But I vote GOP, because I have certain policy and principal positions that they espouse.
Pro Life
Pro Gun
Small Govt
Lower Taxes ( I want the income tax gone, but i'll take lower taxes for now)
Traditional Values
Fair Trade (I used to be Free trade, but I didn't know people were lying when they talked about it)
Pro immigration, very anti illegal immigration
Build the Wall
Strong military
No hate
no harassing people for political views

these are just a few things. Some in the GOP don't agree with me on all those issues, but atleast we don't try and harass each other like the left.....what a collection of tards they are.

I can tell by your list you are a lost cause. Good luck. You'll need it.
Lost cause? what does that mean?
The right has you with every wedge issue

And the left has you with every wedgie issue.
Are you a high end computer programmer/developer or are you just a grunt?

"50% (Median)" indicates that 50% of workers earned less and 50% earned more

Because I bet you are in the 50% who makes less than $79,000.

How much less? Do they make $50K a year? Not that good of a profession then huh?

Yeah, don't bet what you can't afford to lose...dumbass.
You can't win with me. If you make $50K, you're an idiot. If you make $100K then I get why you vote GOP. Just don't tell people who make $50K they should be voting GOP because they are in a different tax bracket than you.
Why should people who make $50k vote democrat?
Social security and medicare

You mean if they vote Republican, they won't get SS and Medicare?

More like if they vote Republican, Democrats won't get their hands on SS and Medicare.
Why didn’t she get the union to change that in the contract?

But hey, go see how awesome things aren’t union schools . Good luck having everything being decided by politics and connections .
Ignorance is not bliss. Stop embarrassing yourself.

Have you ever been in a union?
Yes. I was 18 smoking my ass off. The union saved my job. I should have been fired.
Why didn’t she get the union to change that in the contract?

But hey, go see how awesome things aren’t union schools . Good luck having everything being decided by politics and connections .
Ignorance is not bliss. Stop embarrassing yourself.

Have you ever been in a union?
Yes. I was 18 smoking my ass off. The union saved my job. I should have been fired.

Sounds like you are still smoking .

How bout some details ?
Why didn’t she get the union to change that in the contract?

But hey, go see how awesome things aren’t union schools . Good luck having everything being decided by politics and connections .
Ignorance is not bliss. Stop embarrassing yourself.

Have you ever been in a union?
Yes. I was 18 smoking my ass off. The union saved my job. I should have been fired.

Sounds like you are still smoking .

How bout some details ?
I took too many smoke breaks. Marlboro cigs. Should have focused on the task, unloading trucks. I learned from that experience. Now explain how you became retarded.
Why didn’t she get the union to change that in the contract?

But hey, go see how awesome things aren’t union schools . Good luck having everything being decided by politics and connections .
Ignorance is not bliss. Stop embarrassing yourself.

Have you ever been in a union?
Yes. I was 18 smoking my ass off. The union saved my job. I should have been fired.

Sounds like you are still smoking .

How bout some details ?

Years ago when I got my first driving job, I delivered goods from one part of our company to another. There was a gun who unloaded me, and he was a nice fellow, but he was only there half of the time.

The curiosity got the best of me, so I asked his replacement one time why the regular receiver was only there part of the time?

He told me that the guy was an alcoholic. At lunch time, he would run to the bar and get plowed. Of course the company didn't allow him to drive a tow motor, so every time the got drunk they sent him home for the other half of the day.

I asked why our company just didn't fire the guy? He answered because he was in the union, and the union forbade the firing of a union worker for getting drunk on the job provided he was a member of AA which this guy was.

I only worked that job for a year, but that drunk was still with the company when I left. Today, if you get drunk on the job (non union) you are rightfully discharged from your duties.
My brother would have done that in a second. Recruiting duty turned him from wanting to make the Marines a career to counting the days until he was out. He would rather have been back in Afghanistan and would have happily taken a DEMOTION to do it.

It's not a job everyone is cut out to do. I was ready to leave it behind. The micromanagement got really old.

He was absolutely miserable. He is a terrible salesman (and the first to say so), the polar opposite of anyone's mental image of a Marine (5'3" and ~115lbs), he was in an area that was not just unsupportive but actively HOSTILE to recruiting, and the jackass running the recruiting station was miserable to work under-as in, 14-16 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year for 3 years. His father came in once to say hello (he was in the area on business), and the asshole in charge told him that he'd call the police if he didn't leave.

He wasn't the only one...one of his fellow recruiters basically crawled into a bottle.

Yep, I ran into many hostiles when I was in CO, I transfered to TN and the difference was night and day. And it's not unusual for recruiters to drink, cheat on their wives and other self destructive stuff. I enjoyed the meeting and talking to people, the command was a different story.


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