I'm a teacher. Here's why I am cheering my new freedom from unions

Perhaps union's are outdated. But they did help attain better working conditions, paid vacations, sick leave, those things that are essential for workers to survive against awful employers which are numerous.

Get rid of Unions as a whole and you’ll be right back in the 1890’s again almost overnight.
How, I've worked in industries (namely IT) that does not have unions. money and benefits have been great.
So are the layoffs..
Unions are so awesome, people have to be FORCED to join and pay dues?? There's your clue right there.
No problem now...those who don't want to be in unions don't have to be forced to reap the benefits of collective bargaining and union protections.

I'm sure a dumb ass like yourself needs a union.
Once you get a job....then you can talk.

Guess what Dip Shit.

I have been working for the same company since 1981…

I have had a Company car for about 30 years or so..

They pay for all my clothes.

We don’t have vending machines because everything is free….

Every time I turn around the Company is catering in a meal

from a fantastic restaurant….

PS: I bet I could buy and sell your ass.

I forgot, I also get free cable, internet and they pay for my cell phone.
Yeah I worked for Comcast at one point, I got free cable, good pay and benefits, I really don't know where people work who have shitty jobs. McDonalds? Are they doing teenager jobs?
I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...
Yet you never have been in a union so you don't really know what it's like to be unionized compared to working non-union.
Yeah when I was a teenager I was applying to Kroger but said no when I had to join the union (it was in Ohio). I have never worked for one, and my pay and benefits have always been fine. Once I finished school, they went from fine to really good (but I got a real degree not a humanties one)
Perhaps union's are outdated. But they did help attain better working conditions, paid vacations, sick leave, those things that are essential for workers to survive against awful employers which are numerous.

Get rid of Unions as a whole and you’ll be right back in the 1890’s again almost overnight.
How, I've worked in industries (namely IT) that does not have unions. money and benefits have been great.
So are the layoffs..
It happens, you just find a new job. I've been laid off like 3 times, but those were phone support type jobs, I finished my degree and do Business Analysis now, much better job and better job security......but even in the phone support, you just find another one. Life isn't that hard.
Perhaps union's are outdated. But they did help attain better working conditions, paid vacations, sick leave, those things that are essential for workers to survive against awful employers which are numerous.

Get rid of Unions as a whole and you’ll be right back in the 1890’s again almost overnight.
How, I've worked in industries (namely IT) that does not have unions. money and benefits have been great.
So are the layoffs..
It happens, you just find a new job. I've been laid off like 3 times, but those were phone support type jobs, I finished my degree and do Business Analysis now, much better job and better job security......but even in the phone support, you just find another one. Life isn't that hard.
I know it happens in all fields of the slave trade. One reason I have multiple trades and degrees...and now at my age they ignore all of it to offer me a job as a dishwasher...or trash collector...Which is why I have and will stay to this day, self-employed. I would hire myself in an instant...Yet I would trust myself..
I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...
Yet you never have been in a union so you don't really know what it's like to be unionized compared to working non-union.
Yeah when I was a teenager I was applying to Kroger but said no when I had to join the union (it was in Ohio). I have never worked for one, and my pay and benefits have always been fine. Once I finished school, they went from fine to really good (but I got a real degree not a humanties one)
I have a humanities degree, mass communication and electronics..What is wrong with the humanities, I enjoy the world of art...
yeah, that is true, but so what? If you want good teachers you should have to pay for them, this govt teir system based on seniority is an abomination. It should be about performance, not how many years you've been there.

You missed my point. Pay and benefits for the non union teachers will go DOWN, not up. They will have no Seniority or protection from being forced to do more, for less, or lose their job completely.
I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...
Yet you never have been in a union so you don't really know what it's like to be unionized compared to working non-union.
Yeah when I was a teenager I was applying to Kroger but said no when I had to join the union (it was in Ohio). I have never worked for one, and my pay and benefits have always been fine. Once I finished school, they went from fine to really good (but I got a real degree not a humanties one)
I have a humanities degree, mass communication and electronics..What is wrong with the humanities, I enjoy the world of art...
The problem is it's not marketable. A lot of people go to college to try and get ahead and get a good job, humanities degrees are horrible at that. Yes you can get a job with one, but the ratio is very low. If you're going for one and not care about job prospects, it's ok, but don't bitch about not getting a job.
How, I've worked in industries (namely IT) that does not have unions. money and benefits have been great.

High need for workers and low availability helped you out. That’s not the situation with teachers.
Wait, phone tech support is an entry level job, it's not hard to do. there are plenty of people who do it.
Teachers require a degree, so I would say that's low availability, more so than a phone tech, which requires zero degrees
and we always here about how we need more teachers
so would you're scenario include them?
yeah, that is true, but so what? If you want good teachers you should have to pay for them, this govt teir system based on seniority is an abomination. It should be about performance, not how many years you've been there.

You missed my point. Pay and benefits for the non union teachers will go DOWN, not up. They will have no Seniority or protection from being forced to do more, for less, or lose their job completely.

You're assuming that being an effective teacher is irrelevant.
You're assuming that being an effective teacher is irrelevant.

Considering the curriculum I’ve seen in most schools these days, it is irrelevant.
What does that mean? I've had some good teachers and some bad ones, but I remember the great ones like my 7th Grade social Studies teacher, she was fantastic. If you have no incentive to perform, then you get shitty results. Which is why the school system sucks like it does. The unions control everything. teachers cant do anything without their approval. They cant innovate, they cant discipline, they cant do anything to make a subject fun and exciting.
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What does that mean?

It means the best teacher in the world will not be able to teach a grizzly bear to fly. Our curriculums in most schools are so screwed up that the teachers are essentially irrelevant. Our entire education system has failed on a foundational level. We need to rip it down and start over from scratch.... at a Lical level with private institutions.
What does that mean?

It means the best teacher in the world will not be able to teach a grizzly bear to fly. Our curriculums in most schools are so screwed up that the teachers are essentially irrelevant. Our entire education system has failed on a foundational level. We need to rip it down and start over from scratch.... at a Lical level with private institutions.
Ok, now I would agree with that
The curriculum has been overtaken by social justice, climate change, and social promotion.
I think that standardized tests are good (many don't), but they should be about basic skills.
When was the Declaration of Indepenace signed and who wrote it
find the derivative of 2x^3
there are only 2 genders
Law of Gravity
how many state
how many branches of govt and what do they do.

just basic stuff, we have lost that...we're now trying to solve racial problems and other bullshit. I live in Memphis, which has a lot or racial problems, but almost none of them are between co workers or people who know each other, it's usually politicians starting shit.
I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...
Bullshit. And if she was a teacher for 15 years why wasn’t she well paid?

Plenty of workers in America go above and beyond and aren’t paid more because of supply and demand. That job they have only pays so much.

At least she had a union protecting her. Did she quit or get fired?

Here’s a typical conservative hypocrite who doesn’t appreciate what the union did for them

Yeah, if nothing else, protecting her union dues by donating it to Democrats?
The rich and corporations will do away with unions and democrats and what you consider the middle class today will become the working poor.

We already see trump and republicans have really only enriched the rich and slowly are chipping away at your social security and Medicare

I’m above it. I’ve got no debt, low bills, make good money. I should be alright. Will you? Are you already retired? What makes you buy in to republican bs? Money, god, gays, guns, racism?

You have no clue how important unions are. As union membership went from 35% to 10% of our workforce, wages have gone down. No coincidence.
You guys say this all the time, it never happens
And people are different than in the 1890s. It's not like people can't get better wages through competition. They do. I work in IT, it has a good track record of salary and no unions........I don't need to pay some greaser to siphon my money to his bank account or to some political cause I don't like.

No IT is an industry that has come and gone. Remember when companies had IT departments? Now they outsource that shit to small IT companies who don't pay their employees shit. Those guys aren't making a good living. YOU aren't making a good living I bet. Your job is now in the CLOUD.

IT jobs have no job security. I don't know one person in IT today who has a steady job for more than 5 years or who is making a good living.
I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...
Bullshit. And if she was a teacher for 15 years why wasn’t she well paid?

Plenty of workers in America go above and beyond and aren’t paid more because of supply and demand. That job they have only pays so much.

At least she had a union protecting her. Did she quit or get fired?

Here’s a typical conservative hypocrite who doesn’t appreciate what the union did for them

Yeah, if nothing else, protecting her union dues by donating it to Democrats?
The rich and corporations will do away with unions and democrats and what you consider the middle class today will become the working poor.

We already see trump and republicans have really only enriched the rich and slowly are chipping away at your social security and Medicare

I’m above it. I’ve got no debt, low bills, make good money. I should be alright. Will you? Are you already retired? What makes you buy in to republican bs? Money, god, gays, guns, racism?

You have no clue how important unions are. As union membership went from 35% to 10% of our workforce, wages have gone down. No coincidence.
You guys say this all the time, it never happens
And people are different than in the 1890s. It's not like people can't get better wages through competition. They do. I work in IT, it has a good track record of salary and no unions........I don't need to pay some greaser to siphon my money to his bank account or to some political cause I don't like.

No IT is an industry that has come and gone. Remember when companies had IT departments? Now they outsource that shit to small IT companies who don't pay their employees shit. Those guys aren't making a good living. YOU aren't making a good living I bet. Your job is now in the CLOUD.

IT jobs have no job security. I don't know one person in IT today who has a steady job for more than 5 years or who is making a good living.

Then obviously you don't know anyone in IT...dumbass.
I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...
Bullshit. And if she was a teacher for 15 years why wasn’t she well paid?

Plenty of workers in America go above and beyond and aren’t paid more because of supply and demand. That job they have only pays so much.

At least she had a union protecting her. Did she quit or get fired?

Here’s a typical conservative hypocrite who doesn’t appreciate what the union did for them

Yeah, if nothing else, protecting her union dues by donating it to Democrats?
The rich and corporations will do away with unions and democrats and what you consider the middle class today will become the working poor.

We already see trump and republicans have really only enriched the rich and slowly are chipping away at your social security and Medicare

I’m above it. I’ve got no debt, low bills, make good money. I should be alright. Will you? Are you already retired? What makes you buy in to republican bs? Money, god, gays, guns, racism?

You have no clue how important unions are. As union membership went from 35% to 10% of our workforce, wages have gone down. No coincidence.
You guys say this all the time, it never happens
And people are different than in the 1890s. It's not like people can't get better wages through competition. They do. I work in IT, it has a good track record of salary and no unions........I don't need to pay some greaser to siphon my money to his bank account or to some political cause I don't like.

No IT is an industry that has come and gone. Remember when companies had IT departments? Now they outsource that shit to small IT companies who don't pay their employees shit. Those guys aren't making a good living. YOU aren't making a good living I bet. Your job is now in the CLOUD.

IT jobs have no job security. I don't know one person in IT today who has a steady job for more than 5 years or who is making a good living.

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You're assuming that being an effective teacher is irrelevant.

Considering the curriculum I’ve seen in most schools these days, it is irrelevant.
What does that mean? I've had some good teachers and some bad ones, but I remember the great ones like my 7th Grade social Studies teacher, she was fantastic. If you have no incentive to perform, then you get shitty results. Which is why the school system sucks like it does. The unions control everything. teachers cant do anything without their approval. They cant innovate, they cant discipline, they cant do anything to make a subject fun and exciting.

I'm don't know about the union stuff affecting what a teacher can do in a classroom, but I do know all the geniuses at the dept. of education do everything they can to prevent teachers from teaching. Over a month a year, they force teachers to teach students to take a test that does nothing for college admissions.
Bullshit. And if she was a teacher for 15 years why wasn’t she well paid?

Plenty of workers in America go above and beyond and aren’t paid more because of supply and demand. That job they have only pays so much.

At least she had a union protecting her. Did she quit or get fired?

Here’s a typical conservative hypocrite who doesn’t appreciate what the union did for them

Yeah, if nothing else, protecting her union dues by donating it to Democrats?
The rich and corporations will do away with unions and democrats and what you consider the middle class today will become the working poor.

We already see trump and republicans have really only enriched the rich and slowly are chipping away at your social security and Medicare

I’m above it. I’ve got no debt, low bills, make good money. I should be alright. Will you? Are you already retired? What makes you buy in to republican bs? Money, god, gays, guns, racism?

You have no clue how important unions are. As union membership went from 35% to 10% of our workforce, wages have gone down. No coincidence.
You guys say this all the time, it never happens
And people are different than in the 1890s. It's not like people can't get better wages through competition. They do. I work in IT, it has a good track record of salary and no unions........I don't need to pay some greaser to siphon my money to his bank account or to some political cause I don't like.

No IT is an industry that has come and gone. Remember when companies had IT departments? Now they outsource that shit to small IT companies who don't pay their employees shit. Those guys aren't making a good living. YOU aren't making a good living I bet. Your job is now in the CLOUD.

IT jobs have no job security. I don't know one person in IT today who has a steady job for more than 5 years or who is making a good living.

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Are you a high end computer programmer/developer or are you just a grunt?

"50% (Median)" indicates that 50% of workers earned less and 50% earned more

Because I bet you are in the 50% who makes less than $79,000.

How much less? Do they make $50K a year? Not that good of a profession then huh?

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