I'm a teacher. Here's why I am cheering my new freedom from unions

The same thing happens in FL and TX, I know from family members that have been in the education system. And those are not the only places.
When Schools Pay Teachers Not to Teach - Voice of San Diego
Whether Accused or Convicted, Some Teachers Remain on Payroll
Firing tenured teachers: Our view
Study: It's Far Too Hard to Fire Bad Teachers
How does a union help with education, when they protect bad teachers? Seriously. Many districts pay for bad teachers sitting in empty rooms because they can’t fire them!
Wait a minute....aren't you one of those social welfare demanding Socialists?

Yeah, like under your socialism their pay would be better. :rolleyes:

View attachment 203386

The face of Socialism...the face of poverty

Venezuela today....under Socialism but was once one of the worlds wealthiest nations

View attachment 203388

Public schools are socialism . You want to get rid of that?
They do. They prefer that the next generation be as ignorant or more so than today's trumpanzees voluntarily are.

That was in NY and has more to do with bad administrators than bad teachers.

You didn't read your own links. One link lists 8 teachers. Out of about 3 million, I'd say that was pretty lacking in significance. These districts signed the contracts that allowed this abuse of the taxpayers by the criminals. Why do you blame teachers who have nothing to do with their incompetence? It's like firing the McDonald's worker when someone sticks up the place. They didn't do anything wrong.

Yoru links did bring out one important point. Tenure is now harder to get if at all. I spent 4 years in a district and was told rather than be given tenure, here is your letter of termination despite having been given an outstanding evaluation 2 minutes before that. The reason was never stated in writing but the fact was that the district did not want to pay my salary based on 19 years in the classroom. They could, and did by the way, go out and hire two newly graduated college students to take my place and that of another teacher who retired. About 50 years experience walked out of that school on the last day and was replaced with teachers who had yet to teach a class of their own.
Well, except for the fact that laziness has a lot to do with both of those. Lack of attendance was probably the biggest reason students failed my class and in our state you cannot drop out until 18.

Recruiting for the Army now, I find the biggest disqualifier is that these dropouts never even bothered to get a GED.

You're an Army Recruiter?


Yep! I work for the U.S. Army Recruiting Command as a civilian contractor.

Did it for 5.5 years, we always said USARC didn't invent micromanaging, but they damn sure perfected it. That was a life time ago, 82-88.


Now, we do the prospecting for you. They love having me as I did Navy recruiting and I show them what they are doing wrong.:D

I enjoyed it, for the most part. Never had a recruit accuse me of lying, never had an investigation and only had one trainee discharge. A Cat 4 that couldn't qualify with a weapon. He was the only one that told he wish he hadn't enlisted out of more than 100.


Sounds like you were an outstanding recruiter! I told my recruiters if I ever caught them lying they would back in the fleet on the lousiest duty I could find for them within days. Never had an allegation substantiated against any of them. Honestly, I think they were more scared of my Chief Recruiter who was 6 foot 4 and about 250 killing them and disposing of the body in the pine trees of western Alabama where it would never be found.
That has nothing to do with what was posted.
Then don't respond to my fucking posts

Better idea!

Learn to stay on topic!
Fuck off

Union hacks are certainly on topic

You should know since you are one

Really? I haven't been a union member since 2005. You know me so well!

Don't want to know you at all

The reason for that is I show you to be the non-thinker you are.
I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...

Well, it's not unions, it's THE unions.

In the UK they also have unions, but these unions actually care about the teaching.

But then again the UK has far less partisan politics.

Unions have no motive other than feather their own beds, sometimes called golden parachutes.

In the US this seems to be so. In the UK it certainly is not so.

What's the difference?

Partisan politics seems to be the main difference. It's made the attitude of people in the US so skewed it's ridiculous.

The other problem is that in the UK people are willing to pay for education, in the US the right seems to be anti-education, so the unions have to fight and they have to protect, otherwise teachers will suffer.

Hypnotism is easy if you accept the process with no pain and you don't have to watch a gold pocket watch swinging back and forth to put you in hypnotic state that the psychologist puts you in, been there and done that.

I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...
Bullshit. And if she was a teacher for 15 years why wasn’t she well paid?

Plenty of workers in America go above and beyond and aren’t paid more because of supply and demand. That job they have only pays so much.

At least she had a union protecting her. Did she quit or get fired?

Here’s a typical conservative hypocrite who doesn’t appreciate what the union did for them

Yeah, if nothing else, protecting her union dues by donating it to Democrats?
The rich and corporations will do away with unions and democrats and what you consider the middle class today will become the working poor.

We already see trump and republicans have really only enriched the rich and slowly are chipping away at your social security and Medicare

I’m above it. I’ve got no debt, low bills, make good money. I should be alright. Will you? Are you already retired? What makes you buy in to republican bs? Money, god, gays, guns, racism?

You have no clue how important unions are. As union membership went from 35% to 10% of our workforce, wages have gone down. No coincidence.

Unions have killed themselves off through their unholy alliance with the Democrat party. They have prioritized politics over labor/management negotiations, and the people they are supposed to represent don't like it.

Unions are highly valuable to both labor and management, if the union operates the way they are supposed to operate. I was a union official in my local, and I met with management once a week. All issues were openly discussed, and I ensured that the voices of the workers were heard. Management is just as interested in the welfare of the workers as the union is, and most issues were resolved at those meetings.
Good your company had a union
I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...
God I’m glad to see the republicans fucking teachers, women, blacks, unions, etc. all the people who took a chance on trump and republicans
Unlike the Totalitarian left the GOP isn't FORCING workers to pay for the union,they are giving them the CHANCE to join or not join and if you don't join you don't pay. The left is committing THEFT by forcing people who don't want to join to pay anyways. You gotta find some other way to rob people and fund the lefts attacks on America.
Then those workers shouldn’t be protected by those unions but they are. That needs to stop
I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...
God I’m glad to see the republicans fucking teachers, women, blacks, unions, etc. all the people who took a chance on trump and republicans
Unlike the Totalitarian left the GOP isn't FORCING workers to pay for the union,they are giving them the CHANCE to join or not join and if you don't join you don't pay. The left is committing THEFT by forcing people who don't want to join to pay anyways. You gotta find some other way to rob people and fund the lefts attacks on America.
Then those workers shouldn’t be protected by those unions but they are. That needs to stop
I agree but the Unions didn't agree to that...now they have lost it all and have to start over.
Then don't respond to my fucking posts

Better idea!

Learn to stay on topic!
Fuck off

Union hacks are certainly on topic

You should know since you are one

Really? I haven't been a union member since 2005. You know me so well!

Don't want to know you at all

The reason for that is I show you to be the non-thinker you are.
No it's because you are an odious asshole
Better idea!

Learn to stay on topic!
Fuck off

Union hacks are certainly on topic

You should know since you are one

Really? I haven't been a union member since 2005. You know me so well!

Don't want to know you at all

The reason for that is I show you to be the non-thinker you are.
No it's because you are an odious asshole

Look whose talking.
Fuck off

Union hacks are certainly on topic

You should know since you are one

Really? I haven't been a union member since 2005. You know me so well!

Don't want to know you at all

The reason for that is I show you to be the non-thinker you are.
No it's because you are an odious asshole

Look whose talking.

Says the poster child of douche bags international the one and only Ukunthair
Really? I haven't been a union member since 2005. You know me so well!

Don't want to know you at all

The reason for that is I show you to be the non-thinker you are.
No it's because you are an odious asshole

Look whose talking.

Says the poster child of douche bags international the one and only Ukunthair

Don't want to know you at all

The reason for that is I show you to be the non-thinker you are.
No it's because you are an odious asshole

Look whose talking.

Says the poster child of douche bags international the one and only Ukunthair

The one thing skull and I agree on. You’re a jackoff
The reason for that is I show you to be the non-thinker you are.
No it's because you are an odious asshole

Look whose talking.

Says the poster child of douche bags international the one and only Ukunthair

The one thing skull and I agree on. You’re a jackoff

Do you talk about it when you cuddle at night?
Why didn’t she get the union to change that in the contract?

But hey, go see how awesome things aren’t union schools . Good luck having everything being decided by politics and connections .
Quit falling down the well...
Unions don’t have people’s best interests in mind… Only a handful of people at the top benefit from unions

Total BS .

I know a lot of people who are teachers . They are the ones who care about the kids while admin cares about funding and keeping psycho parents out of their office .
I know lots of teachers as well, and no the unions don't give a fuck, now the teachers do. To teach you do have to have some passion, because it's a rough job, so I do think most teachers care, but some union rep does not. It's just a con game they run.

When I was a kid we had good teachers and bad. They all stayed no matter how much the students loved or hated them. Students don't respond well to teachers that are assholes, so keeping bad teachers around has an impact on students.
I agree, some teachers are bad, I'm talking about the majority though. I think most do care, but the rules don't allow them to have control of the classroom, the unions and bureaucrats do and they don't care about the kids....

It's kinda like the movie Lean on Me.......The principal comes in and tells the school board to pound sand while he cleans up the school.
I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...
Bullshit. And if she was a teacher for 15 years why wasn’t she well paid?

Plenty of workers in America go above and beyond and aren’t paid more because of supply and demand. That job they have only pays so much.

At least she had a union protecting her. Did she quit or get fired?

Here’s a typical conservative hypocrite who doesn’t appreciate what the union did for them

Yeah, if nothing else, protecting her union dues by donating it to Democrats?
The rich and corporations will do away with unions and democrats and what you consider the middle class today will become the working poor.

We already see trump and republicans have really only enriched the rich and slowly are chipping away at your social security and Medicare

I’m above it. I’ve got no debt, low bills, make good money. I should be alright. Will you? Are you already retired? What makes you buy in to republican bs? Money, god, gays, guns, racism?

You have no clue how important unions are. As union membership went from 35% to 10% of our workforce, wages have gone down. No coincidence.
You guys say this all the time, it never happens
And people are different than in the 1890s. It's not like people can't get better wages through competition. They do. I work in IT, it has a good track record of salary and no unions........I don't need to pay some greaser to siphon my money to his bank account or to some political cause I don't like.
Why didn’t she get the union to change that in the contract?

But hey, go see how awesome things aren’t union schools . Good luck having everything being decided by politics and connections .
How do you think unions work? you just described it........you are so naive
99.9 percent of management nowadays has no interest in the welfare of its workers.
Ho can you make that statement. I work for a large company and my managers are really cool, if I need a day off or anything like that, I get it.....where do you people work?
You mean they will get paid by their performance instead? What a crazy system that is.

No. They will now get paid by what the local School Department wants to pay them. I gonna be interested to see how the Union teachers vote in public elections for school board members who give non-Union teachers ANY additional benefit or pay. I can guess, but we’ll see.
yeah, that is true, but so what? If you want good teachers you should have to pay for them, this govt teir system based on seniority is an abomination. It should be about performance, not how many years you've been there.
Perhaps union's are outdated. But they did help attain better working conditions, paid vacations, sick leave, those things that are essential for workers to survive against awful employers which are numerous.

Get rid of Unions as a whole and you’ll be right back in the 1890’s again almost overnight.
How, I've worked in industries (namely IT) that does not have unions. money and benefits have been great.

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