I'm a teacher. Here's why I am cheering my new freedom from unions

The politics of the work place? Lol. They know they better carry the party line or else they are ostracized.
Why didn’t she get the union to change that in the contract?

But hey, go see how awesome things aren’t union schools . Good luck having everything being decided by politics and connections .

Unions aren’t political? Give me a break! They are all about politics, they are part of a political machine.

That’s why they have clear contracts wh pay grades and seniority . To avoid all the politics of the workplace .

Y’all talk about getting rid of “bad teachers “. Well school admin sees “bad teachers “ as those who speak up when admin is screwing up .

BINGO!! My wife was in a union as a state employee and it was so politically driven. Either agree or you are a rebel to be shunned.
I like the idea of a union, and the teacher's union did help my dad, but as a whole, they seem to be a failed idea. I hadn't heard much about unions protecting terrible teachers. I'm sure it happens, and there are fewer 'good' teachers every year. Ray, I'm sure trucking companies do some stupid, and possibly dangerous crap to their drivers. It would nice to think there would be a way for drivers to band together to protect themselves, but as you have pointed out, that isn't how it goes. The evil, dilbert like bosses and industries are a fact of life. Crap floats to the top. But every time workers band together they are just abused by union bosses as well as their boss. It is sad, but even custodians are treated so bad that they are not allowed to do their jobs. Industry is not kind to workers, and you can't just quit without having to leave the industry you specialized in. I wish the idea of a union was true, 99% of the time it is just a failed idea.

All unions protect crappy workers.
Have a few family members that retired from the profession in the last few years. Yep, they hated that aspect of it.
The politics of the work place? Lol. They know they better carry the party line or else they are ostracized.
Why didn’t she get the union to change that in the contract?

But hey, go see how awesome things aren’t union schools . Good luck having everything being decided by politics and connections .

Unions aren’t political? Give me a break! They are all about politics, they are part of a political machine.

That’s why they have clear contracts wh pay grades and seniority . To avoid all the politics of the workplace .

Y’all talk about getting rid of “bad teachers “. Well school admin sees “bad teachers “ as those who speak up when admin is screwing up .

BINGO!! My wife was in a union as a state employee and it was so politically driven. Either agree or you are a rebel to be shunned.
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Unions are so awesome, people have to be FORCED to join and pay dues?? There's your clue right there.
No problem now...those who don't want to be in unions don't have to be forced to reap the benefits of collective bargaining and union protections.

If the union is the recognized bargaining unit, then the union bargains for ALL employees, and represents ALL employees in grievances against company management. This will be determined by individual state law, or by agreement in the union/management contract.

The only thing that changes is the union's right to charge non union members for non specific representation.
Why didn’t she get the union to change that in the contract?

But hey, go see how awesome things aren’t union schools . Good luck having everything being decided by politics and connections .

Oh good luck with that.

Clearly, Master Timmeh has never been a rank and file union member.
Or known anyone that is honest that was.
Why didn’t she get the union to change that in the contract?

But hey, go see how awesome things aren’t union schools . Good luck having everything being decided by politics and connections .

Oh good luck with that.

Clearly, Master Timmeh has never been a rank and file union member.
My dad owned a construction business. He only hired union carpenters because the non union ones never lasted and their work quality was Sun par. mBut that was 50 years ago. perhaps today it's different. A good worker today is generally underpaid as America is all about greed. But a good worker can find ways to stick it to a bad employer by leaving asap for a better one. Loyalty to ones employer is no longer part of the equation as union's disappear. It's the only thing a good worker has in their conflict vs their employer. 2 weeks notice and pack sand me employer. It's empowering and enlightening.
I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...
Bullshit. And if she was a teacher for 15 years why wasn’t she well paid?

Plenty of workers in America go above and beyond and aren’t paid more because of supply and demand. That job they have only pays so much.

At least she had a union protecting her. Did she quit or get fired?

Here’s a typical conservative hypocrite who doesn’t appreciate what the union did for them

Yeah, if nothing else, protecting her union dues by donating it to Democrats?
The rich and corporations will do away with unions and democrats and what you consider the middle class today will become the working poor.

We already see trump and republicans have really only enriched the rich and slowly are chipping away at your social security and Medicare

I’m above it. I’ve got no debt, low bills, make good money. I should be alright. Will you? Are you already retired? What makes you buy in to republican bs? Money, god, gays, guns, racism?

You have no clue how important unions are. As union membership went from 35% to 10% of our workforce, wages have gone down. No coincidence.

Unions have killed themselves off through their unholy alliance with the Democrat party. They have prioritized politics over labor/management negotiations, and the people they are supposed to represent don't like it.

Unions are highly valuable to both labor and management, if the union operates the way they are supposed to operate. I was a union official in my local, and I met with management once a week. All issues were openly discussed, and I ensured that the voices of the workers were heard. Management is just as interested in the welfare of the workers as the union is, and most issues were resolved at those meetings.
I like the idea of a union, and the teacher's union did help my dad, but as a whole, they seem to be a failed idea. I hadn't heard much about unions protecting terrible teachers. I'm sure it happens, and there are fewer 'good' teachers every year. Ray, I'm sure trucking companies do some stupid, and possibly dangerous crap to their drivers. It would nice to think there would be a way for drivers to band together to protect themselves, but as you have pointed out, that isn't how it goes. The evil, dilbert like bosses and industries are a fact of life. Crap floats to the top. But every time workers band together they are just abused by union bosses as well as their boss. It is sad, but even custodians are treated so bad that they are not allowed to do their jobs. Industry is not kind to workers, and you can't just quit without having to leave the industry you specialized in. I wish the idea of a union was true, 99% of the time it is just a failed idea.

All unions protect crappy workers.

And more significantly, enrich corrupt leaders and corrupt politicians.
Hubby works for a non union company and they have longevity in their employees. Loyalty and good wages for all. They beat the unions in many of their wages and benefits. And they can get rid of non-producing employees on that alone, rather than fight union rules to do so. One of their top people left the union to come work for them.
My dad owned a construction business. He only hired union carpenters because the non union ones never lasted and their work quality was Sun par. mBut that was 50 years ago. perhaps today it's different. A good worker today is generally underpaid as America is all about greed. But a good worker can find ways to stick it to a bad employer by leaving asap for a better one. Loyalty to ones employer is no longer part of the equation as union's disappear. It's the only thing a good worker has in their conflict vs their employer. 2 weeks notice and pack sand me employer. It's empowering and enlightening.
I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...
God I’m glad to see the republicans fucking teachers, women, blacks, unions, etc. all the people who took a chance on trump and republicans
Unlike the Totalitarian left the GOP isn't FORCING workers to pay for the union,they are giving them the CHANCE to join or not join and if you don't join you don't pay. The left is committing THEFT by forcing people who don't want to join to pay anyways. You gotta find some other way to rob people and fund the lefts attacks on America.
I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...
God I’m glad to see the republicans fucking teachers, women, blacks, unions, etc. all the people who took a chance on trump and republicans
Unlike the Totalitarian left the GOP isn't FORCING workers to pay for the union,they are giving them the CHANCE to join or not join and if you don't join you don't pay. The left is committing THEFT by forcing people who don't want to join to pay anyways. You gotta find some other way to rob people and fund the lefts attacks on America.

Well, there was Obamacare, the backup plan.
Right, that's why we had to litigate FORCED union dues to the SCOTUS, because you scum allowed people to opt out of unions :itsok:
Hello? Are you ok? As I said and will repeat...No problem now.

I'll be okay when liberals are CRUSHED once and for all.
Said the King of England and the colonial Tories......

Move to Canada or communist China go live your dream.

There are no unions in China. It's a totalitarian state.

And who makes most of our products today?
My wife was a school teacher for 30 years.

She joined the Teacher's union in 1969 mostly because they provided professional liability insurance.

However, in the mid 1970s the union started to get political and endorsing those filthy Democrats.

She quit after her union endorsed that dipshit Jimmy Carter for President and gave the Democrats her money. I was very proud of her.

Thank god Florida is a right to work state and the friggin government was not forcing her to give her money to the union pukes.

Talk about freeloaders but when you have to get the government to force people to give you their money that is big time freeloading.
Florida teachers get paid shit

Maybe some collective bargaining would help
China has a very poor economic model. To top that off the air is toxic. Smokestacks don't equate with progress.
Hubby works for a non union company and they have longevity in their employees. Loyalty and good wages for all. They beat the unions in many of their wages and benefits. And they can get rid of non-producing employees on that alone, rather than fight union rules to do so. One of their top people left the union to come work for them.
My dad owned a construction business. He only hired union carpenters because the non union ones never lasted and their work quality was Sun par. mBut that was 50 years ago. perhaps today it's different. A good worker today is generally underpaid as America is all about greed. But a good worker can find ways to stick it to a bad employer by leaving asap for a better one. Loyalty to ones employer is no longer part of the equation as union's disappear. It's the only thing a good worker has in their conflict vs their employer. 2 weeks notice and pack sand me employer. It's empowering and enlightening.
An example of treating workers well to keep the unions out
I like the idea of a union, and the teacher's union did help my dad, but as a whole, they seem to be a failed idea. I hadn't heard much about unions protecting terrible teachers. I'm sure it happens, and there are fewer 'good' teachers every year. Ray, I'm sure trucking companies do some stupid, and possibly dangerous crap to their drivers. It would nice to think there would be a way for drivers to band together to protect themselves, but as you have pointed out, that isn't how it goes. The evil, dilbert like bosses and industries are a fact of life. Crap floats to the top. But every time workers band together they are just abused by union bosses as well as their boss. It is sad, but even custodians are treated so bad that they are not allowed to do their jobs. Industry is not kind to workers, and you can't just quit without having to leave the industry you specialized in. I wish the idea of a union was true, 99% of the time it is just a failed idea.

Not at the beginning, it really wasn't. But like anything else, once you get too big and too powerful, you begin to get greedy.

My boss told us right up front, if we ever unionized, he's closing the company because he couldn't afford to stay in business against non-union companies that do the same kind of work we do. He'll give it a year or two and open up another one under a different name.

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