I'm a teacher. Here's why I am cheering my new freedom from unions

I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...
Bullshit. And if she was a teacher for 15 years why wasn’t she well paid?

Plenty of workers in America go above and beyond and aren’t paid more because of supply and demand. That job they have only pays so much.

At least she had a union protecting her. Did she quit or get fired?

Here’s a typical conservative hypocrite who doesn’t appreciate what the union did for them

Yeah, if nothing else, protecting her union dues by donating it to Democrats?
The rich and corporations will do away with unions and democrats and what you consider the middle class today will become the working poor.

We already see trump and republicans have really only enriched the rich and slowly are chipping away at your social security and Medicare

I’m above it. I’ve got no debt, low bills, make good money. I should be alright. Will you? Are you already retired? What makes you buy in to republican bs? Money, god, gays, guns, racism?

You have no clue how important unions are. As union membership went from 35% to 10% of our workforce, wages have gone down. No coincidence.

Union membership going from 35% to 10% had certainly affected the "wages" of the Democrat party.

Did you get upset when police unions back conservatives?
It’s wrong. Using others money for one personal view is wrong
How does a union help with education, when they protect bad teachers? Seriously. Many districts pay for bad teachers sitting in empty rooms because they can’t fire them!
Go see how the union less charter school teachers are doing . Many leave for unionized schools . Because they get paid crap and have to suffer the whims of management.

Wait a minute....aren't you one of those social welfare demanding Socialists?

Yeah, like under your socialism their pay would be better. :rolleyes:

View attachment 203386

The face of Socialism...the face of poverty

Venezuela today....under Socialism but was once one of the worlds wealthiest nations

View attachment 203388

Public schools are socialism . You want to get rid of that?
They do. They prefer that the next generation be as ignorant or more so than today's trumpanzees voluntarily are.
I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...
Bullshit. And if she was a teacher for 15 years why wasn’t she well paid?

Plenty of workers in America go above and beyond and aren’t paid more because of supply and demand. That job they have only pays so much.

At least she had a union protecting her. Did she quit or get fired?

Here’s a typical conservative hypocrite who doesn’t appreciate what the union did for them

Yeah, if nothing else, protecting her union dues by donating it to Democrats?
The rich and corporations will do away with unions and democrats and what you consider the middle class today will become the working poor.

We already see trump and republicans have really only enriched the rich and slowly are chipping away at your social security and Medicare

I’m above it. I’ve got no debt, low bills, make good money. I should be alright. Will you? Are you already retired? What makes you buy in to republican bs? Money, god, gays, guns, racism?

You have no clue how important unions are. As union membership went from 35% to 10% of our workforce, wages have gone down. No coincidence.

Nor is it a coincidence that unions drove many jobs out of the country. You can't force a company to pay you what you want. They will take action by trying to get rid of the problem. They will either move out of state, out of the country, or somehow try to get rid of the union.

People don't start businesses as a social obligation.
I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...
Bullshit. And if she was a teacher for 15 years why wasn’t she well paid?

Plenty of workers in America go above and beyond and aren’t paid more because of supply and demand. That job they have only pays so much.

At least she had a union protecting her. Did she quit or get fired?

Here’s a typical conservative hypocrite who doesn’t appreciate what the union did for them

Yeah, if nothing else, protecting her union dues by donating it to Democrats?
The rich and corporations will do away with unions and democrats and what you consider the middle class today will become the working poor.

We already see trump and republicans have really only enriched the rich and slowly are chipping away at your social security and Medicare

I’m above it. I’ve got no debt, low bills, make good money. I should be alright. Will you? Are you already retired? What makes you buy in to republican bs? Money, god, gays, guns, racism?

You have no clue how important unions are. As union membership went from 35% to 10% of our workforce, wages have gone down. No coincidence.

Union membership going from 35% to 10% had certainly affected the "wages" of the Democrat party.

Did you get upset when police unions back conservatives?
Yes my cop buddy pisses me off. He’s running for office as a republican and I pledged $100 god damn it but it’s good to have cop friends
I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...
Bullshit. And if she was a teacher for 15 years why wasn’t she well paid?

Plenty of workers in America go above and beyond and aren’t paid more because of supply and demand. That job they have only pays so much.

At least she had a union protecting her. Did she quit or get fired?

Here’s a typical conservative hypocrite who doesn’t appreciate what the union did for them

Yeah, if nothing else, protecting her union dues by donating it to Democrats?
The rich and corporations will do away with unions and democrats and what you consider the middle class today will become the working poor.

We already see trump and republicans have really only enriched the rich and slowly are chipping away at your social security and Medicare

I’m above it. I’ve got no debt, low bills, make good money. I should be alright. Will you? Are you already retired? What makes you buy in to republican bs? Money, god, gays, guns, racism?

You have no clue how important unions are. As union membership went from 35% to 10% of our workforce, wages have gone down. No coincidence.

Union membership going from 35% to 10% had certainly affected the "wages" of the Democrat party.

Did you get upset when police unions back conservatives?

No, I leave the "getting upset" to you loons.
That’s why they have clear contracts wh pay grades and seniority . To avoid all the politics of the workplace .

Is that why?

A few years ago I made a delivery to a regular customer. He was swamped with work, so I asked him to have his new helper load my truck. He refused. As he was loading I asked him about his decision. He stated his new helper was afraid to drive a tow motor, so he still had to do everything himself. So I asked him why they gave him the job if he couldn't do it? He said the guy had seniority with the union and they had to give him the job.

Confused, I asked why he didn't go to his union and tell them the guy is worthless? He shut off the tow motor, had a half-smile with a defeated look on his face, and said "If I drove this tow motor through the front of your trailer, I would still have a job tomorrow because of the union. But if I even hinted that a union man is not doing his job, they would throw my ass out into the street in two minutes flat." He restarted his tow motor and continued to load my truck.

Y’all talk about getting rid of “bad teachers “. Well school admin sees “bad teachers “ as those who speak up when admin is screwing up .

Of course. It couldn't be because of the teachers record, parental or student complaints.
I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...
God I’m glad to see the republicans fucking teachers, women, blacks, unions, etc. all the people who took a chance on trump and republicans

I thought Republican voters were uneducated rich old white people dying off!
The politics of the work place? Lol. They know they better carry the party line or else they are ostracized.
Why didn’t she get the union to change that in the contract?

But hey, go see how awesome things aren’t union schools . Good luck having everything being decided by politics and connections .

Unions aren’t political? Give me a break! They are all about politics, they are part of a political machine.

That’s why they have clear contracts wh pay grades and seniority . To avoid all the politics of the workplace .

Y’all talk about getting rid of “bad teachers “. Well school admin sees “bad teachers “ as those who speak up when admin is screwing up .
I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...
Good for you. Negotiated benefits have always been a bad thing. I long for the good old days before child labor laws, weekends, vacations and 40 hour work weeks.

Hopefully, you'll finally be able to pay for your own healthcare and buy your own school supplies.

It wasn't the benefits that were the issue, it was the money laundering for the democrat party that was the issue...taking money and giving it to the democrats....that was the issue.

You mean donations to the party that supports your view ? Which will benefit the union? What a shock!

That's not a shock, the shock is they force money from people that may not support their political view. Imagine the outrage if somebody was able to force Democrats to pay into a system that supported the Republican party.
My wife was a school teacher for 30 years.

She joined the Teacher's union in 1969 mostly because they provided professional liability insurance.

However, in the mid 1970s the union started to get political and endorsing those filthy Democrats.

She quit after her union endorsed that dipshit Jimmy Carter for President and gave the Democrats her money. I was very proud of her.

Thank god Florida is a right to work state and the friggin government was not forcing her to give her money to the union pukes.

Talk about freeloaders but when you have to get the government to force people to give you their money that is big time freeloading.
What’s that, you say?

NAEP Studies - 2006461: Comparing Private Schools and Public Schools Using Hierarchical Linear Modeling
I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...
That's fine...don't be in a union. Don't get the benefits of collective bargaining either.
The best schools in the country have union teachers

Take away collective bargaining and you get West Virginia and Mississippi
I like the idea of a union, and the teacher's union did help my dad, but as a whole, they seem to be a failed idea. I hadn't heard much about unions protecting terrible teachers. I'm sure it happens, and there are fewer 'good' teachers every year. Ray, I'm sure trucking companies do some stupid, and possibly dangerous crap to their drivers. It would nice to think there would be a way for drivers to band together to protect themselves, but as you have pointed out, that isn't how it goes. The evil, dilbert like bosses and industries are a fact of life. Crap floats to the top. But every time workers band together they are just abused by union bosses as well as their boss. It is sad, but even custodians are treated so bad that they are not allowed to do their jobs. Industry is not kind to workers, and you can't just quit without having to leave the industry you specialized in. I wish the idea of a union was true, 99% of the time it is just a failed idea.
If a company treats you poorly, you negotiate. If they don’t negotiate you quit. Your destiny is your own.
I like the idea of a union, and the teacher's union did help my dad, but as a whole, they seem to be a failed idea. I hadn't heard much about unions protecting terrible teachers. I'm sure it happens, and there are fewer 'good' teachers every year. Ray, I'm sure trucking companies do some stupid, and possibly dangerous crap to their drivers. It would nice to think there would be a way for drivers to band together to protect themselves, but as you have pointed out, that isn't how it goes. The evil, dilbert like bosses and industries are a fact of life. Crap floats to the top. But every time workers band together they are just abused by union bosses as well as their boss. It is sad, but even custodians are treated so bad that they are not allowed to do their jobs. Industry is not kind to workers, and you can't just quit without having to leave the industry you specialized in. I wish the idea of a union was true, 99% of the time it is just a failed idea.
No problem now...those who don't want to be in unions don't have to be forced to reap the benefits of collective bargaining and union protections.

Right, that's why we had to litigate FORCED union dues to the SCOTUS, because you scum allowed people to opt out of unions :itsok:
Hello? Are you ok? As I said and will repeat...No problem now.

I'll be okay when liberals are CRUSHED once and for all.
Said the King of England and the colonial Tories......

Move to Canada or communist China go live your dream.

There are no unions in China. It's a totalitarian state.
The Department of Education is a complete failure. A waste of money. It's unconstitutional. And it's a detriment to the quality of education in America.

Abolish it.

No disrespect intended toward you're mother, op.

How does the Education Department (it's real name BTW) have any impact on the quality of education in your schools?

It has sucked 3+ Trillion dollars form the economy over the last 30+ years, ate a huge chunk of that money in administrative costs, then doled out what's left to the schools with big time strings attached. The result has been higher dropout rates and lower test scores.


But also in that 30 years was the increase of single-parent families, so I wouldn't lay the blame totally on the unions or teachers.

The real solution is to have parents pay more into the school system per student than taxpayers like myself who have no children in the schools; say at least $1,000 per year per student.

I had a kid living next door that got a portable basketball hoop. Before you knew it, I had the entire neighborhood of kids here. They would play well past dark until I told them to cut it out or called the police. But my second thought was "WTF are these kids parents? This is a school night!:"

Parents lack of involvement in their children's education is a much larger problem from what I've seen. My niece was having some major problems in school, and as soon as my sister found out, that girl was grounded. She helped her daughter catch up on homework every night. She contacted the school every week to see if there were improvements or any additional problems.

But both her children attended private school, and when you're forking out 20K per year for your kids, you bet your ass you're going to make sure they pass with flying colors.

Public school parents have a different attitude than my sister. School is free so just make sure they get on the bus and that's the end of your involvement in their education.

Maybe if parents had more of stake in the game, they would be more likely to be proactive in their kids learning experience.

While I agree about parents, that has little to do with the Ed Dept. Reagan actually hired William Bennett to shutter the agency, of course the commiecrat congress wouldn't allow it. The country would be much better off if they had.

Why didn’t she get the union to change that in the contract?

But hey, go see how awesome things aren’t union schools . Good luck having everything being decided by politics and connections .

Unions aren’t political? Give me a break! They are all about politics, they are part of a political machine.

That’s why they have clear contracts wh pay grades and seniority . To avoid all the politics of the workplace .

Y’all talk about getting rid of “bad teachers “. Well school admin sees “bad teachers “ as those who speak up when admin is screwing up .

Every union donates to political parties, they are very political.

As far as pay grades, seniority and the like, our company operates the same way however we don’t take our workers pay to donate to political campaigns that people may or may not be in favor of.

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