I'm a teacher. Here's why I am cheering my new freedom from unions

I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...
That's fine...don't be in a union. Don't get the benefits of collective bargaining either.

They can negotiate their own deals. Many companies that aren’t unionized have great benefits without having to pay monthly fees to a group that works for a political party and not its members.
Go see how the union less charter school teachers are doing . Many leave for unionized schools . Because they get paid crap and have to suffer the whims of management.

Wait a minute....aren't you one of those social welfare demanding Socialists?

Yeah, like under your socialism their pay would be better. :rolleyes:

View attachment 203386

The face of Socialism...the face of poverty

Venezuela today....under Socialism but was once one of the worlds wealthiest nations

View attachment 203388

Pictures of the great free market America before FDR chased the capitalists and money changers out of the temple and introduced a little socialism to America. .

pictures of depression era america - Google Search

You do realize FDR did not believe that public employees could unionize but should not have the right to collective bargain.
Why didn’t she get the union to change that in the contract?

But hey, go see how awesome things aren’t union schools . Good luck having everything being decided by politics and connections .

Unions aren’t political? Give me a break! They are all about politics, they are part of a political machine.
Labor Unions Praise Trump Plan for Steel, Aluminum Tariffs

Thank you for the proof.
No prob, libtard
Why didn’t she get the union to change that in the contract?

But hey, go see how awesome things aren’t union schools . Good luck having everything being decided by politics and connections .

Everything is decided by politics and connections since the unions and the democrats coordinate to control the schools....

What is this control you speak of? Schools are controlled by their local superintendents and school boards.
Why didn’t she get the union to change that in the contract?

But hey, go see how awesome things aren’t union schools . Good luck having everything being decided by politics and connections .

Unions aren’t political? Give me a break! They are all about politics, they are part of a political machine.
Labor Unions Praise Trump Plan for Steel, Aluminum Tariffs

Thank you for the proof.
No prob, libtard

Lol! Unions are political and knowing that and not supporting public employee collective bargaining makes me a liberal? That is funny.
I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...
Good for you. Negotiated benefits have always been a bad thing. I long for the good old days before child labor laws, weekends, vacations and 40 hour work weeks.

Hopefully, you'll finally be able to pay for your own healthcare and buy your own school supplies.

It wasn't the benefits that were the issue, it was the money laundering for the democrat party that was the issue...taking money and giving it to the democrats....that was the issue.

Why didn't they just do what my union in Florida did? There were two different union dues. If you wanted the union to be active in politics you could choose to pay a higher rate and if not you paid a base amount of membership dues.
The Department of Education is a complete failure. A waste of money. It's unconstitutional. And it's a detriment to the quality of education in America.

Abolish it.

No disrespect intended toward you're mother, op.

How does the Education Department (it's real name BTW) have any impact on the quality of education in your schools?

It has sucked 3+ Trillion dollars form the economy over the last 30+ years, ate a huge chunk of that money in administrative costs, then doled out what's left to the schools with big time strings attached. The result has been higher dropout rates and lower test scores.

My dad was a high school teacher, and the teacher's union helped him a great deal. I'm a republican, but the teacher's union taught me the value of a good union. His job was complete crap, but unions made it bearable. He had meetings before and after school almost every day, and pointy headed bosses that tried to completely change everything every two years. But at least with a union he had a prep period to get things done between meetings and all the other bs. Without the union, you can be sure there would be no prep periods, and as a whole teaching would be even more unbearable. His greatest advice to me was to never, never, never be a teacher. The crapola teachers have to deal with is epic. They are not even allowed to do their jobs. Pay isn't the whole story. The Shirts would abuse the teachers every way they could with no union.

I am all for unions if you want to join one, I’m all for government agencies having unions. Collective bargaining for public employees is another story, it allows unions to hold the federal, state and local governments hostage by demands. The other issue is the unions are not what they used to be 40-50 years ago.
I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...
Good for you. Negotiated benefits have always been a bad thing. I long for the good old days before child labor laws, weekends, vacations and 40 hour work weeks.

Hopefully, you'll finally be able to pay for your own healthcare and buy your own school supplies.
I long for the good old days
When unions were good

I got hired on the spot, last summer, for a union company
As we were filling out the paperwork, and I saw the hourly wage,
I had stated...this can't be right...this is less than minimum wage

She told me, contractual, union wages,
are not bound by the minimum wage laws.
Then I asked her what top scale was....


You mean to tell me, I have to pay $50 a month,
to make less than, minimum wage, and when I reach top scale,
I'll be making $2.00 less, then someone working at McDonald's
when minimum wage levels off at $15.00?!

Thanks, but, no thanks
Yeah, it's funny that liberals always talk about their support for "choice," "freedom of choice," etc., but they turn around and argue that teachers should be forced to join unions or at least forced to pay union dues, that religious vendors should be forced to service gay weddings against their will, that doctors should be forced to perform elective abortions, that Catholic nuns should be forced to pay for health insurance that includes contraception, and that restaurant owners should be allowed to refuse service to people based solely on their political affiliation.
The best way for people to appreciate their freedom from having to join a union is to free them from any of those onerous "benefits" of collective bargaining.
I've worked in Union shops and believe me they ain't that great if you're not a person who wants to do the bare minimum of work required.

That has nothing to do with what was posted.
Then don't respond to my fucking posts
I think you nailed it. The teacher's union is unique in that it is protecting them from a government agency. I've heard the stories of auto workers being paid to play cards. I don't think it takes long for unions to ask for stupid crap, and it would stink to be forced to pay dues that get siphoned to political causes.
I think you nailed it. The teacher's union is unique in that it is protecting them from a government agency. I've heard the stories of auto workers being paid to play cards.

Oh if that was the only thing those workers did. I used to work at a company that dealt heavily with UAW plants. Trust me, playing cards on company time is nothing compared to the other things they do.
The Department of Education is a complete failure. A waste of money. It's unconstitutional. And it's a detriment to the quality of education in America.

Abolish it.

No disrespect intended toward you're mother, op.

How does the Education Department (it's real name BTW) have any impact on the quality of education in your schools?

It has sucked 3+ Trillion dollars form the economy over the last 30+ years, ate a huge chunk of that money in administrative costs, then doled out what's left to the schools with big time strings attached. The result has been higher dropout rates and lower test scores.


But also in that 30 years was the increase of single-parent families, so I wouldn't lay the blame totally on the unions or teachers.

The real solution is to have parents pay more into the school system per student than taxpayers like myself who have no children in the schools; say at least $1,000 per year per student.

I had a kid living next door that got a portable basketball hoop. Before you knew it, I had the entire neighborhood of kids here. They would play well past dark until I told them to cut it out or called the police. But my second thought was "WTF are these kids parents? This is a school night!:"

Parents lack of involvement in their children's education is a much larger problem from what I've seen. My niece was having some major problems in school, and as soon as my sister found out, that girl was grounded. She helped her daughter catch up on homework every night. She contacted the school every week to see if there were improvements or any additional problems.

But both her children attended private school, and when you're forking out 20K per year for your kids, you bet your ass you're going to make sure they pass with flying colors.

Public school parents have a different attitude than my sister. School is free so just make sure they get on the bus and that's the end of your involvement in their education.

Maybe if parents had more of stake in the game, they would be more likely to be proactive in their kids learning experience.
I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...
Good for you. Negotiated benefits have always been a bad thing. I long for the good old days before child labor laws, weekends, vacations and 40 hour work weeks.

Hopefully, you'll finally be able to pay for your own healthcare and buy your own school supplies.

It wasn't the benefits that were the issue, it was the money laundering for the democrat party that was the issue...taking money and giving it to the democrats....that was the issue.

Why didn't they just do what my union in Florida did? There were two different union dues. If you wanted the union to be active in politics you could choose to pay a higher rate and if not you paid a base amount of membership dues.
They do that in CA too....
Unions are so awesome, people have to be FORCED to join and pay dues?? There's your clue right there.
No problem now...those who don't want to be in unions don't have to be forced to reap the benefits of collective bargaining and union protections.

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