I'm a teacher. Here's why I am cheering my new freedom from unions

Good teachers are not liked in America. To teach in backward sorry states like west Virginia or Oklahoma would be a stupid choice. One could make more working, i mean a slow death, working at Wal-Mart.
The Department of Education is a complete failure. A waste of money. It's unconstitutional. And it's a detriment to the quality of education in America.

Abolish it.

No disrespect intended toward you're mother, op.

How does the Education Department (it's real name BTW) have any impact on the quality of education in your schools?

It has sucked 3+ Trillion dollars form the economy over the last 30+ years, ate a huge chunk of that money in administrative costs, then doled out what's left to the schools with big time strings attached. The result has been higher dropout rates and lower test scores.


It is so sad that you have such little grasp of why dropout rates are an indicator of anything involving educational practices.
The best way for people to appreciate their freedom from having to join a union is to free them from any of those onerous "benefits" of collective bargaining.
I've worked in Union shops and believe me they ain't that great if you're not a person who wants to do the bare minimum of work required.

That has nothing to do with what was posted.
Then don't respond to my fucking posts

Better idea!

Learn to stay on topic!
How does a union help with education, when they protect bad teachers? Seriously. Many districts pay for bad teachers sitting in empty rooms because they can’t fire them!
Go see how the union less charter school teachers are doing . Many leave for unionized schools . Because they get paid crap and have to suffer the whims of management.

Wait a minute....aren't you one of those social welfare demanding Socialists?

Yeah, like under your socialism their pay would be better. :rolleyes:

View attachment 203386

The face of Socialism...the face of poverty

Venezuela today....under Socialism but was once one of the worlds wealthiest nations

View attachment 203388

Public schools are socialism . You want to get rid of that?
They do. They prefer that the next generation be as ignorant or more so than today's trumpanzees voluntarily are.

That was in NY and has more to do with bad administrators than bad teachers.
The Department of Education is a complete failure. A waste of money. It's unconstitutional. And it's a detriment to the quality of education in America.

Abolish it.

No disrespect intended toward you're mother, op.

How does the Education Department (it's real name BTW) have any impact on the quality of education in your schools?

It has sucked 3+ Trillion dollars form the economy over the last 30+ years, ate a huge chunk of that money in administrative costs, then doled out what's left to the schools with big time strings attached. The result has been higher dropout rates and lower test scores.


It is so sad that you have such little grasp of why dropout rates are an indicator of anything involving educational practices.

I have a full grasp on how useless the Ed Dept has been. I'm aware there are a wide variety of reasons kids drop out, but one of the main reasons is poor teachers. I only takes one to sour a student on school. I had a lot of teachers over the years, most were very good, however I only remember the names of the bad ones almost 50 years after I graduated form high school, they were both in Jr. High. Good teachers motivate kids to show up and learn, others make you want to stay in bed.

I have a full grasp on how useless the Ed Dept has been. I'm aware there are a wide variety of reasons kids drop out, but one of the main reasons is poor teachers. I only takes one to sour a student on school. I had a lot of teachers over the years, most were very good, however I only remember the names of the bad ones almost 50 years after I graduated form high school, they were both in Jr. High. Good teachers motivate kids to show up and learn, others make you want to stay in bed.


When my boy started bringing TERC workbooks home for math I took a look at it. Then I raised hell with the school board. Then I got myself on the school's Science Technology Engineering and Math board (actually, the science teacher asked me to join it because she agreed with me and she, too, was on the board).Then I took him out of public school and put him in a private school. And in that order.

This, of course, was the beginnings of Common Core.

Now. I will forewarn you of the way they are teaching children math today. It will likely shock you. And anyone else who reads it and who understands the value of an algorithm and critical thinking. No way these kids are even prepared for high school much less college.

TERC Hands-On Math: The Truth is in The Details .
I have a full grasp on how useless the Ed Dept has been. I'm aware there are a wide variety of reasons kids drop out, but one of the main reasons is poor teachers. I only takes one to sour a student on school. I had a lot of teachers over the years, most were very good, however I only remember the names of the bad ones almost 50 years after I graduated form high school, they were both in Jr. High. Good teachers motivate kids to show up and learn, others make you want to stay in bed.


When my boy started bringing TERC workbooks home for math I took a look at it. Then I raised hell with the school board. Then I got myself on the school's Science Technology Engineering and Math board (actually, the science teacher asked me to join it because she agreed with me and she, too, was on the board).Then I took him out of public school and put him in a private school. And in that order.

This, of course, was the beginnings of Common Core.

Now. I will forewarn you of the way they are teaching children math today. It will likely shock you. And anyone else who reads it and who understands the value of an algorithm and critical thinking. No way these kids are even prepared for high school much less college.

TERC Hands-On Math: The Truth is in The Details .

Damn, I'm glad I chose not to have any kids.

Hello? Are you ok? As I said and will repeat...No problem now.

I'll be okay when liberals are CRUSHED once and for all.
Said the King of England and the colonial Tories......

Move to Canada or communist China go live your dream.

There are no unions in China. It's a totalitarian state.

And who makes most of our products today?

I have a full grasp on how useless the Ed Dept has been. I'm aware there are a wide variety of reasons kids drop out, but one of the main reasons is poor teachers. I only takes one to sour a student on school. I had a lot of teachers over the years, most were very good, however I only remember the names of the bad ones almost 50 years after I graduated form high school, they were both in Jr. High. Good teachers motivate kids to show up and learn, others make you want to stay in bed.


When my boy started bringing TERC workbooks home for math I took a look at it. Then I raised hell with the school board. Then I got myself on the school's Science Technology Engineering and Math board (actually, the science teacher asked me to join it because she agreed with me and she, too, was on the board).Then I took him out of public school and put him in a private school. And in that order.

This, of course, was the beginnings of Common Core.

Now. I will forewarn you of the way they are teaching children math today. It will likely shock you. And anyone else who reads it and who understands the value of an algorithm and critical thinking. No way these kids are even prepared for high school much less college.

TERC Hands-On Math: The Truth is in The Details .

Damn, I'm glad I chose not to have any kids.


Yeah...you chose... :rolleyes:
Damn, I'm glad I chose not to have any kids.

Heh. Crazy stuff, huh.

Kids are great in my view. Just homeschool em if you can. Or get them into a private school of acceptable, relevant, standard to the rest of the world.

Public education only serves to leverage major social changes for the purpose of circumventing the traditional, constitutional, role of government. It's why we have students being punished by teachers for not participating in Marxist marches during what should be classroom learning time.

And what the heck ever happened to Hunter Safety class? lol.
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I'll be okay when liberals are CRUSHED once and for all.
Said the King of England and the colonial Tories......

Move to Canada or communist China go live your dream.

There are no unions in China. It's a totalitarian state.

And who makes most of our products today?


And no union places get the jobs because they can make products cheaper.
And your money will no longer be given to George Soros-funded Open Borders groups. It's so sad union members have been forced to give their money to Soros groups that only hurt American Workers. They've basically been funding their own demise for years. Hopefully that day has now passed. No one should be forced to join a Communist/Democrat organization.
You mean they will get paid by their performance instead? What a crazy system that is.

No. They will now get paid by what the local School Department wants to pay them. I gonna be interested to see how the Union teachers vote in public elections for school board members who give non-Union teachers ANY additional benefit or pay. I can guess, but we’ll see.
The Department of Education is a complete failure. A waste of money. It's unconstitutional. And it's a detriment to the quality of education in America.

Abolish it.

No disrespect intended toward you're mother, op.

How does the Education Department (it's real name BTW) have any impact on the quality of education in your schools?

It has sucked 3+ Trillion dollars form the economy over the last 30+ years, ate a huge chunk of that money in administrative costs, then doled out what's left to the schools with big time strings attached. The result has been higher dropout rates and lower test scores.


It is so sad that you have such little grasp of why dropout rates are an indicator of anything involving educational practices.

I have a full grasp on how useless the Ed Dept has been. I'm aware there are a wide variety of reasons kids drop out, but one of the main reasons is poor teachers. I only takes one to sour a student on school. I had a lot of teachers over the years, most were very good, however I only remember the names of the bad ones almost 50 years after I graduated form high school, they were both in Jr. High. Good teachers motivate kids to show up and learn, others make you want to stay in bed.


You do realize that they survey dropouts as to why they left school and bad teachers are not the cause.
Perhaps union's are outdated. But they did help attain better working conditions, paid vacations, sick leave, those things that are essential for workers to survive against awful employers which are numerous.
The best way for people to appreciate their freedom from having to join a union is to free them from any of those onerous "benefits" of collective bargaining.
I've worked in Union shops and believe me they ain't that great if you're not a person who wants to do the bare minimum of work required.

That has nothing to do with what was posted.
Then don't respond to my fucking posts

Better idea!

Learn to stay on topic!
Fuck off

Union hacks are certainly on topic

You should know since you are one
Damn, I'm glad I chose not to have any kids.

Heh. Crazy stuff, huh.

Kids are great in my view. Just homeschool em if you can. Or get them into a private school of acceptable, relevant, standard to the rest of the world.

Public education only serves to leverage major social changes for the purpose of circumventing the traditional, constitutional, role of government. It's why we have students being punished by teachers for not participating in Marxist marches during what should be classroom learning time.

And what the heck ever happened to Hunter Safety class? lol.

They're not called government halls of indoctrination for nothing. I saw this shit coming back in the late 60s and early 70s when they started suing schools for disciplining kids and jailing parents for doing it in the home. Now seeing well behaved kids public areas is pretty rare. Education starts with a healthy respect for authority, that's not taught today.


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