I'm about 99% convinced that the CIA and not AQ perpetrated 911


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
There's no way a bunch of cave dwelling camel fuckers came up with the idea and executed it. It's just not possible.

There's no way that Osama bin Laden was the head of AQ and yet wound up dead and dumped in the ocean. It would be like the Allies capturing Erwin Rommel or Albert Speer during WWII and immediately killing them. Sorry, makes no fucking sense. Makes less sense the more I think about it.

I don't know necessarily that Bush was in on it, maybe. His Dad was one of the most evil people in the history of the USA and I remain convinced was intimately involved in the Reagan Assassination, so maybe the apple and tree thing applies.
I think it was Da Joos.

Particularly Jerry Seinfeld.
You have to follow the steps logically. IF OBL was really a terrorist mastermind behind 911, why execute him? We're supposed to believe that the terrorist mastermind planned and carried through on the most fiendishly clever terror attack in human history and then decided to retire and post on Facebook?

He came close to killing 30,000 Americans, shut the US Capital Markets down for a week and then went for Internet porn instead of continuing to plot.

Yeah, that's believeable
I think it was the Salvation Army....I never trusted those fuckers
OBL wasn't killed in that Operation. He was already dead or was captured. 9/11 was an inside job. I don't think Bush knew anything about it. He's just a puppet like every President.
There's no way a bunch of cave dwelling camel fuckers came up with the idea and executed it. It's just not possible.

There's no way that Osama bin Laden was the head of AQ and yet wound up dead and dumped in the ocean. It would be like the Allies capturing Erwin Rommel or Albert Speer during WWII and immediately killing them. Sorry, makes no fucking sense. Makes less sense the more I think about it.

I don't know necessarily that Bush was in on it, maybe. His Dad was one of the most evil people in the history of the USA and I remain convinced was intimately involved in the Reagan Assassination, so maybe the apple and tree thing applies.

Doesn't fucking matter. The day this left the headlines any truth found after that is insignificant and at most worthy of ridicule. The American public has a very short attention span and always looking for the next shiny. You only get one chance in the present to change the future.
I've been stating that the line that separates 9/11 twoofers from the GOP has become obscured as of late...now it's even more blurry.
OK, I know better than to post this link but it is funny as Hell and I just have to share with my homies. Hopefully if I post it here no one will notice anyway.

Nothing in this video was taken out of context.

Barack Obama - 99 Problems (Explicit Parody) W/Lyrics [Extended]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEkL8KOBS2g]Barack Obama - 99 Problems (Explicit Parody) W/Lyrics [Extended] - YouTube[/ame]
We all know Oswald was the lone shooter too because the 9/11 Commission, excuse me, The Warren Commission report said so.

Just look at the Magic Bullet theory, that proves it!

Our Gov't would NEVER lie or cover up ANYTHING!
The Gulf of Tonkin incident, which the Govt used as justification to escalate the Vietnam war, happened EXACTLY as the Govt said!

That is until then Sec Def Robert McNamara admitted it was all made up and the North Vietnamese never shot at our Navy.

But see if I mention the facts I'm labeled a "Conspiracy Theorist".
There's no way a bunch of cave dwelling camel fuckers came up with the idea and executed it. It's just not possible.

There's no way that Osama bin Laden was the head of AQ and yet wound up dead and dumped in the ocean. It would be like the Allies capturing Erwin Rommel or Albert Speer during WWII and immediately killing them. Sorry, makes no fucking sense. Makes less sense the more I think about it.

I don't know necessarily that Bush was in on it, maybe. His Dad was one of the most evil people in the history of the USA and I remain convinced was intimately involved in the Reagan Assassination, so maybe the apple and tree thing applies.

frank, you're an idiot
We all know Oswald was the lone shooter too because the 9/11 Commission, excuse me, The Warren Commission report said so.

Just look at the Magic Bullet theory, that proves it!

Our Gov't would NEVER lie or cover up ANYTHING!

There was no magic bullet

Just more misguided conspiracy theory "science"
There's no way a bunch of cave dwelling camel fuckers came up with the idea and executed it. It's just not possible.

There's no way that Osama bin Laden was the head of AQ and yet wound up dead and dumped in the ocean. It would be like the Allies capturing Erwin Rommel or Albert Speer during WWII and immediately killing them. Sorry, makes no fucking sense. Makes less sense the more I think about it.

I don't know necessarily that Bush was in on it, maybe. His Dad was one of the most evil people in the history of the USA and I remain convinced was intimately involved in the Reagan Assassination, so maybe the apple and tree thing applies.

Sorry, w/o a magic bullet or a one armed man, I gotta go with;

You're probably right.
There's no way a bunch of cave dwelling camel fuckers came up with the idea and executed it. It's just not possible.

There's no way that Osama bin Laden was the head of AQ and yet wound up dead and dumped in the ocean. It would be like the Allies capturing Erwin Rommel or Albert Speer during WWII and immediately killing them. Sorry, makes no fucking sense. Makes less sense the more I think about it.

I don't know necessarily that Bush was in on it, maybe. His Dad was one of the most evil people in the history of the USA and I remain convinced was intimately involved in the Reagan Assassination, so maybe the apple and tree thing applies.

frank, you're an idiot

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6cxNR9ML8k]Lighten Up Francis - YouTube[/ame]
We all know Oswald was the lone shooter too because the 9/11 Commission, excuse me, The Warren Commission report said so.

Just look at the Magic Bullet theory, that proves it!

Our Gov't would NEVER lie or cover up ANYTHING!

There was no magic bullet

Just more misguided conspiracy theory "science"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6cxNR9ML8k]Lighten Up Francis - YouTube[/ame]

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