Obama Raised Costs On Everything And Now He Wants To Raise MW

No offense, but there are so many false assertions and spelling errors in that that you shouldn't talk about other people's education.

"Intercity schools", "willing tom learn and be successful", "schools make everyone feel special". Have you ever heard of the "grading system"? In American schools, if one student writes a well-documented research paper then that student gets an A, while if another student writes a research paper on a used napkin about Bigfoot's contributions to the space program then that student would get an F, unless it's a creative writing assignment then they would probably get an A.

You did say that education will provide for a better life. That was true. Socrates said the same thing. But failing students know that they are failing, and most of them don't care because they can see the reality of America where the rich get richer and the poor like them get their food stamps and school funds cut by the rich.

The rich get richer......and what is Obama doing about that other than flapping his gums?

Fact is, this is one of the few countries were anyone can become a millionaire. So you want to end that I suppose?
Where do you get "I want to make everyone poor" from "We need to legalize weed again so that the free market can correct the environmental decay caused by the last 300 years of human industry"?

We aren't making it so that no one can become rich. Cannabis was legal for all but 70 years of this country's existence and there have always been rich and poor. This is about replacing monopolized natural resources like fossil fuels with abundant Cannabis hemp. This is about replacing foreign imports with domestic goods. This is about bringing production jobs back to America.

Of course this will hurt OPEC and the oil companies. That's why they continue to lobby Congress, along with large pharmaceutical companies, fertilizer and chemical companies, timber and paper manufacturers, and several law enforcement unions, to keep Cannabis Sativa illegal. If "marihuana" is legalized again and production goes global, the agricultural technology that is available today will make this crop rearrange the entire world market for everything from food to medicine to cheap plastic packaging.
Hemp Facts

Oil companies, pharmaceutical companies, fertilizer companies, chemical companies, and timber companies, along with mean paper manufacturers.

Cliche cliche cliche cliche cliche.
I don't know about the cages, but many Americans drop out because they have other alternatives. They can collect government assistance. Why work? Why get an education? An education isn't a guarantee of employment anyway.
You seem to think that people on unemployment don't want to have a better life. If that is what you believe then you need to seriously rethink your values. No one wants to scrape by on $600/mo of unemployment. Late-20s college students don't want to live with their parents because they can't find a job and everything is too expensive.

Are you blaming poor people for high prices on everything? Do you think that the poor have that much power? How many jobs could we have created with the TRILLIONS of dollars utterly blown on torturing and murdering Iraqis over lies? The poor don't make decisions in this country.

Can't you see that Obama and the Democrats are stifling our future and taking away our hopes and dreams, forcing us to settle for less? Making being worthless acceptable rather than the exception? Close to a 3rd of our population isn't earning a living and consequentially aren't paying payroll taxes. Bottom-line this adds to the deficit.
Can't you see that Republicans did the same thing every time there was a Republican in the White House? This plan has been going on for quite some time. One President even had his head blown off in public for questioning the plan. It isn't about Democrat or Republican. It's about rich vs poor. The rich make the decisions on pricing, jobs, candidates, elections, the media, education and military spending, and war.

THE RICH are making us settle for less. Obama is just a corporate tool like Bush. While you complain about the national deficit, the rich are making even more billions for themselves. They're doing better and better while everyone else struggles. That is where the problem lies. Address the root of that problem, not a symptom like Obama.
Obama Raised Costs On Everything And Now He Wants To Raise MW

For a second there, I thought MW stood for Mud Whistle....my mistake...

The rich get richer......and what is Obama doing about that other than flapping his gums?

Fact is, this is one of the few countries were anyone can become a millionaire. So you want to end that I suppose?
Where do you get "I want to make everyone poor" from "We need to legalize weed again so that the free market can correct the environmental decay caused by the last 300 years of human industry"?

We aren't making it so that no one can become rich. Cannabis was legal for all but 70 years of this country's existence and there have always been rich and poor. This is about replacing monopolized natural resources like fossil fuels with abundant Cannabis hemp. This is about replacing foreign imports with domestic goods. This is about bringing production jobs back to America.

Of course this will hurt OPEC and the oil companies. That's why they continue to lobby Congress, along with large pharmaceutical companies, fertilizer and chemical companies, timber and paper manufacturers, and several law enforcement unions, to keep Cannabis Sativa illegal. If "marihuana" is legalized again and production goes global, the agricultural technology that is available today will make this crop rearrange the entire world market for everything from food to medicine to cheap plastic packaging.
Hemp Facts

Oil companies, pharmaceutical companies, fertilizer companies, chemical companies, and timber companies, along with mean paper manufacturers.

Cliche cliche cliche cliche cliche.
And the law enforcement unions? The cops who want to keep weed illegal because they're a bunch of gung-ho right-wing bully assholes who want to push their egos on teenage stoners and black people and they use marijuana prohibition as an excuse to search whoever for whatever reason, regardless of the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution?

Yeah, it is all very cliche. It's been going on for 70 years now. We were told in 1937 that marijuana was destroying America, then we were told in 1942 that marijuana would save America (and it did), and then we were told that marijuana is destroying America again. The National Cancer Institute says today that marijuana is medicine, while the FDA says that marijuana is not medicine. Which is it? Is marijuana a dangerous narcotic that can't be used as medicine and is destroying America, or is marijuana a safe natural medicine that can help America win World Wars?

Remember that hemp was legal during World War I, as well. If World War III ever starts and imports from Asia are cut off again, do you want to keep spending billions of dollars each year to arrest stoners who could be supporting our troops?
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So the bottom-line is, let's fuck over the working class while continuing the three decade trend of flat wage growth. Typically a bump on the minimum wage as a ripple effect on wages for the working middle class. $15? I believe Obama has proposed a minimum raise increase to $10.10.
It's a fact that other industrial nations have seen wage growth for their middle class. Canada recently passed the US has having the best paid middle class. The US loses another Number 1 ranking while the US middle class sinks to mediocrity.
The tax on fatty food. Being as the US obesity rate is a primary cause for the outrageous increases in healthcare costs, fatty foods dropping in consumption helps the masses. Too bad for those who don't give a shit that their lack of self control are costing Americans billions of dollars annually in healthcare expenses.
And then there are the poor banks that raped millions of Americans through fraud and misrepresentation. Yeah, let's kiss their ass and ask them to do it again and again!
And yes, Obama the Dems should let Keystone move forward, I don't think Keystone is going to create the jobs as advertized, but it's a good step in the right direction.
There, I'm done venting. Now it's time to wander out to the deck and have a couple of beers. It's a beautiful day in Minnesota.


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Inflation is the most pernicious tax - especially when combined with ZIRP, which punishes prudent savers.

As a corollary, I heard on the news yesterday that 1/3 of hospital patients in CA have diabetes, which makes treatment more difficult and expensive. Why is diabetes so prevalent: Big Agri Cronies who colluded with Big Government to promote the Carb Laden food pyramid:


...and flooded markets with cheap crap processed carbs.


ZIRP is NOT an Alien Life Form.


ZIRP = Zero Interest Rate POLICY
No offense, but there are so many false assertions and spelling errors in that that you shouldn't talk about other people's education.

"Intercity schools", "willing tom learn and be successful", "schools make everyone feel special". Have you ever heard of the "grading system"? In American schools, if one student writes a well-documented research paper then that student gets an A, while if another student writes a research paper on a used napkin about Bigfoot's contributions to the space program then that student would get an F, unless it's a creative writing assignment then they would probably get an A.

You did say that education will provide for a better life. That was true. Socrates said the same thing. But failing students know that they are failing, and most of them don't care because they can see the reality of America where the rich get richer and the poor like them get their food stamps and school funds cut by the rich.

The rich get richer......and what is Obama doing about that other than flapping his gums?

Fact is, this is one of the few countries were anyone can become a millionaire. So you want to end that I suppose?
Where do you get "I want to make everyone poor" from "We need to legalize weed again so that the free market can correct the environmental decay caused by the last 300 years of human industry"?

We aren't making it so that no one can become rich. Cannabis was legal for all but 70 years of this country's existence and there have always been rich and poor. This is about replacing monopolized natural resources like fossil fuels with abundant Cannabis hemp. This is about replacing foreign imports with domestic goods. This is about bringing production jobs back to America.

Of course this will hurt OPEC and the oil companies. That's why they continue to lobby Congress, along with large pharmaceutical companies, fertilizer and chemical companies, timber and paper manufacturers, and several law enforcement unions, to keep Cannabis Sativa illegal. If "marihuana" is legalized again and production goes global, the agricultural technology that is available today will make this crop rearrange the entire world market for everything from food to medicine to cheap plastic packaging.
Hemp Facts

OPEC is a conglomerate of foreign oil producers, which Obama helps every time he shuts down another oil rig in the United States or puts another large swath of land off-limits to private mineral rights.

I'm all for legalizing pot, but I don't think politicians in the establishment want that. They're getting kickbacks from drug traffickers. Ever wonder why Obama wants open borders? It's not just to bring in more Mexicans. It's because of drugs.
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So the bottom-line is, let's fuck over the working class while continuing the three decade trend of flat wage growth. Typically a bump on the minimum wage as a ripple effect on wages for the working middle class. $15? I believe Obama has proposed a minimum raise increase to $10.10.
It's a fact that other industrial nations have seen wage growth for their middle class. Canada recently passed the US has having the best paid middle class. The US loses another Number 1 ranking while the US middle class sinks to mediocrity.
The tax on fatty food. Being as the US obesity rate is a primary cause for the outrageous increases in healthcare costs, fatty foods dropping in consumption helps the masses. Too bad for those who don't give a shit that their lack of self control is costing Americans billions of dollars annually in healthcare expenses.
And then there are the poor banks that raped millions of Americans through fraud and misrepresentation. Yeah, let's kiss their ass and ask them to do it again and again!
And yes, Obama the the Dems should let Keystone move forward, I don't think Keystone is going to create the jobs as advertized, but it's a good step in the right direction.
There, I'm done venting. Now it's time to wander out to the deck and have a couple of beers. It's a beautiful day in Minnesota.

That's the typical Marxist/Progressive response. Half-truths being sold as fact.
So the bottom-line is, let's fuck over the working class while continuing the three decade trend of flat wage growth. Typically a bump on the minimum wage as a ripple effect on wages for the working middle class. $15? I believe Obama has proposed a minimum raise increase to $10.10.
It's a fact that other industrial nations have seen wage growth for their middle class. Canada recently passed the US has having the best paid middle class. The US loses another Number 1 ranking while the US middle class sinks to mediocrity.
The tax on fatty food. Being as the US obesity rate is a primary cause for the outrageous increases in healthcare costs, fatty foods dropping in consumption helps the masses. Too bad for those who don't give a shit that their lack of self control is costing Americans billions of dollars annually in healthcare expenses.
And then there are the poor banks that raped millions of Americans through fraud and misrepresentation. Yeah, let's kiss their ass and ask them to do it again and again!
And yes, Obama the the Dems should let Keystone move forward, I don't think Keystone is going to create the jobs as advertized, but it's a good step in the right direction.
There, I'm done venting. Now it's time to wander out to the deck and have a couple of beers. It's a beautiful day in Minnesota.

That's the typical Marxist/Progressive response. Half-truths being sold as fact.

Prove me wrong.
They'll just replace bodies with technology and then the whiners won't have any hope because they have usable skill set that can't be outsourced.
So the bottom-line is, let's fuck over the working class while continuing the three decade trend of flat wage growth. Typically a bump on the minimum wage as a ripple effect on wages for the working middle class. $15? I believe Obama has proposed a minimum raise increase to $10.10.
It's a fact that other industrial nations have seen wage growth for their middle class. Canada recently passed the US has having the best paid middle class. The US loses another Number 1 ranking while the US middle class sinks to mediocrity.
The tax on fatty food. Being as the US obesity rate is a primary cause for the outrageous increases in healthcare costs, fatty foods dropping in consumption helps the masses. Too bad for those who don't give a shit that their lack of self control is costing Americans billions of dollars annually in healthcare expenses.
And then there are the poor banks that raped millions of Americans through fraud and misrepresentation. Yeah, let's kiss their ass and ask them to do it again and again!
And yes, Obama the the Dems should let Keystone move forward, I don't think Keystone is going to create the jobs as advertized, but it's a good step in the right direction.
There, I'm done venting. Now it's time to wander out to the deck and have a couple of beers. It's a beautiful day in Minnesota.

That's the typical Marxist/Progressive response. Half-truths being sold as fact.

Prove me wrong.

Prove me wrong......

Fatty foods aren't the problem. Lack of exercise is. Cutting back on consumption does one thing........destroy jobs.......

Thursday unions in America will stage massive protests in hopes of raising minimum-wage to $15 /hr. This is yet another example of Democrats causing a problem and using a silly Marxist ploy to marginalize the opposition. The fact they have to pay people to protest gives this farce away.

It looks like the UN wants $15 per hour minimum-wage, and now unions are forcing protests at McDonald's restaurants all over the country. They want to double minimum-wage overnight. Imagine the loss of jobs that will cause. Imagine the massive increase of fast food costs in America it will cause.

When Obama first took office times were tough. Higher minimum-wage demands by Democrats started a job loss, coupled with new banking regulations, and caused a massive economic crash beginning in 2006. Now there are calls for another increase in minimum-wage from Democrats just in time for the election. I believe they're setting up another crash for the 2016 election.

The Democrats have convinced millions of voters that they support the poor and the GOP is only for the rich. But there's a problem; Democrats seem to be perpetuating an endless cycle of slight wage increases for the lowest paid workers and ever increasing off the books inflation.

Look at the price of everything today. 5 years ago you could buy a Hostess apple pie for under a dollar. Now not only has Hostess gone out of business, but you can't find an apple pie for less than $1.80. A bag of chips that 5 years ago cost $1.20 now costs $3.69. Gas was $1.59 before Obama and now it's roughly $3.50 per gal. Democrats have slapped massive excise taxes on fast foods and fatty foods with the intention of curbing consumption. We're paying twice as much for food because the Democrats want to keep us from being fat. They're only doing it for our own good. They don't want anyone to recognize that they're doing it by the way. This is a fact now. They use price hikes to curb consumption. They're doing it with food and they fully intend on doing it with energy.

It seems that Democrats either don't care about the side-effects of their policies or they don't completely think out the long-term effects of them. Their media friends have been instrumental in these destructive unintended consequences as well.

If they wanted to get us in shape maybe they should encourage us to do what Germany did in the 60s. Encourage a national program of exercise that will literally melt the pounds off of us. Germans have the opportunity for so much healthy exercise that it won't matter how much they eat. Volksmarching helped Germany's overburdened health care system get on a better footing. Simply walking 6-12 miles every weekend in scheduled events turned their overall health around. How many people do you know could even walk 3 miles today, much less 12?
Another aspect of of our overall health effects our children. All of these stories in the news about shady characters or gun welding nut jobs abducting or killing children has forced scared parents to bring their kids in to play video games indoors or sit on the couch watching TV rather than allow them to run around outside like I did when I was a kid. Bus drivers have to literally drop kids off at their doorstep removing yet another mode of exercise, walking home from school. In a nut-shell, fear generated by the media has made our kids fat, and then Democrats, rather than do something practical about it, raise taxes on our food so we won't eat as much. It's total lunacy, but it makes sense to liberals, and to react to the ever rising costs of living the Democrats keep trying to compensate by proposing another increase in minimum-wage which will only drive of the costs of food once again. It's an endless cycle, and the Dems are trying to take advantage of it.

This problem was caused by Democrats, the media, and the food manufacturers need for profits. They don't design food products that are always good for us. They are mostly concerned with taste and appearance rather than taking the consumer's health into consideration. This all contributes to the problems that have risen from it and once again our politicians are trying to get involved. Their hearts may or may not be in the right place, but the end result is we get screwed out of our money.

Only 1.5 million of us make minimum-wage. Why do Democrats make it sound like it is a large group that this will effect? Because Democrats are deep into hyperbole and deception. The Bush Tax-cuts were all about the tax-cuts for the rich, but in fact everyone that pays taxes got a tax-cut. Democrats feel you won't notice that they've been jacking up our prices. They want to blame it on greed. They have been getting ready to jack up our energy costs by illuminating many of our sources of energy. Destroying the coal industry and decimating the deep-water oil drilling industry has already raised our electrical bills. An electric bill that used to be under $100/mo is now $250. Topping off your gas tank used to cost $29. Now you can't do it for less than $40. All of this adds to the costs of food production. They've been costing us billions of dollars and they think that raising wages for only 1.5 million workers offsets their malfeasance. Just how stupid do they think we are?



Fast-food strike: How strong is the case for a big wage hike? (+video) - CSMonitor.com

It is nonsense to claim that Democrats are responsible for everything in American culture you don't like. You have linked Democrats to everything from inflation to lazy children to scary news stories in something much more like an old man grumbling on his porch than a coherent thought on policy. You've even, without blinking, trotted out the "in my day kids walked X miles from school." (A) What does that have to do with minimum wage, and (B) was it uphill both ways?

And really, you're going to bring up Hostess? The horribly-mismanaged corporate mess which demanded pay cuts of its employees even while its executives were giving themselves dramatic raises right up to their bankruptcy? Who are you even blaming for this, Pops - is it the Marxist workforce, our Socialist president, or kids walking around with loud boomboxes right next to their ears?

Furthermore, your assertion that raising the minimum wage costs jobs is not supported by the majority of studies.


If you don't like this meta-analysis's judgement of other studies' precision, I can take it or leave it. It doesn't change that nearly all studies on the subject find the change in employment due to an increase in minimum wage to be little or none.
In addition to its serious health consequences, obesity has real economic costs that affect all of us. The estimated annual health care costs of obesity-related illness are a staggering $190.2 billion, or nearly 21% of annual medical spending in the United States.
Economic Costs of Obesity | Healthy Communities for a Healthy Future

The U.S. Middle Class Cedes Gold to Canada
According to a survey conducted by the New York Times for its fancy new economic-data Web channel, The Upshot, the richest Americans have been getting richer faster than their brethren in other countries, while the middle and lower-middle classes have been doing worse those in other advanced countries. Since 2000, middle-class incomes have grown 19.7 percent in the U.K., 16.2 percent in Ireland, 13.9 percent in the Netherlands, and 4.1 percent in Spain, according to the Times. Those in the U.S. have not grown at all. After-tax middle-class incomes in Canada, which have also grown 19.7 percent since 2000, now appear to be higher than those in the U.S.
The U.S. Middle Class Cedes Gold to Canada - Businessweek

Billions in Fines, but No Jail Time for Bank of America
The company agreed to $9.5 billion in fines to settle civil lawsuits filed by the Federal Housing Finance Agency on behalf of Fannie Mae (FNMA) and Freddie Mac (FMCC), which claimed that Bank of America had fraudulently misrepresented the quality of $57.5 billion worth of residential mortgage-backed securities leading into the financial crisis. Cash payments of $6.3 billion will be made to Fannie and Freddie, and the bank will buy back $3.2 billion of mortgage securities. This brings the grand total of what the bank has agreed to pay to resolve mortgage claims to more than $50 billion, according to Bloomberg News.

There you go mudwhistle, a little something for you to work with. :eusa_angel:


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