Zone1 I'm Afraid That The Left Finally Pushed Me Away From God

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
And I hate that about myself. I used to love and accept the LGBT community even if I didn't agree with their lifestyle, but I got pushed SO much by the woke agenda that I snapped and started despising them and posted a thread about it in the Badlands last night. The worst part is that I actually do have hatred towards them right now and I honestly don't want to.
And I hate that about myself. I used to love and accept the LGBT community even if I didn't agree with their lifestyle, but I got pushed SO much by the woke agenda that I snapped and started despising them and posted a thread about it in the Badlands last night. The worst part is that I actually do have hatred towards them right now and I honestly don't want to.

Don't let that push you away from God.

It is Satan that wants that, not God. And it is Satan's forces that you are allowing to adversely affect you in that direction.

Yes, you are flawed. We all are. We all fall short of God's standard of perfection.

Every time someone lets his own imperfection, or his shame thereat, drive him away from God, that's a victory for Satan.
And I hate that about myself. I used to love and accept the LGBT community even if I didn't agree with their lifestyle, but I got pushed SO much by the woke agenda that I snapped and started despising them and posted a thread about it in the Badlands last night. The worst part is that I actually do have hatred towards them right now and I honestly don't want to.
BS all you can for as long as you can.

It is very clear that you are not telling the truth about your timeline about your feelings towards the LGBTQ community.

Take sometime and either go to church or at your home and think how different they are really from you.

Love thy neighbor. Apparently you do not go for that if they are way too different and cannot understand them.

They do not ask to be understood, only respected.
And left alone.

Respect them. Respect anything you do not understand.

That is a true sign of maturity.
Don't let that push you away from God.

It is Satan that wants that, not God. And it is Satan's forces that you are allowing to adversely affect you in that direction.

Yes, you are flawed. We all are. We all fall short of God's standard of perfection.

Every time someone lets his own imperfection, or his shame thereat, drive him away from God, that's a victory for Satan.

I'm just angry is all. Basically mad at the whole entire woke world and it finally caused me to snap and I allowed hatred into my heart. I obviously feel remorseful though otherwise I wouldn't want to fix my relationship with Him.
Sixties Fan they don't want to be left alone though and they certainly don't want to leave the children alone.
Tell me of a time you have spoken to even ONE of them.

Tell me that you are not getting your ideas about Trans people from right wing sources which incite people like yourself to be afraid of them.

Trans people are not the ones attacking children and you do know that. And do not bring the case of the 14 year old boy, again.
I'm just angry is all. Basically mad at the whole entire woke world and it finally caused me to snap and I allowed hatred into my heart. I obviously feel remorseful though otherwise I wouldn't want to fix my relationship with Him.

Some righteous anger is fine. Consider the cliché, “What would Jesus do?”, but remember this precedent that He set.

And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables;
Some righteous anger is fine. Consider the cliché, “What would Jesus do?”, but remember this precedent that He set.

And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables;

I honestly don't know how Jesus would be able to control Himself with everything the left is doing to innocent children these days.
BS all you can for as long as you can.

It is very clear that you are not telling the truth about your timeline about your feelings towards the LGBTQ community.

Take sometime and either go to church or at your home and think how different they are really from you.

Love thy neighbor. Apparently you do not go for that if they are way too different and cannot understand them.

They do not ask to be understood, only respected.
And left alone.

Respect them. Respect anything you do not understand.

That is a true sign of maturity.
Well said.
Tell me of a time you have spoken to even ONE of them.

Tell me that you are not getting your ideas about Trans people from right wing sources which incite people like yourself to be afraid of them.

Trans people are not the ones attacking children and you do know that. And do not bring the case of the 14 year old boy, again.
All you have to do is watch these weirdos through the very videos they post to YouTube,TikTok etc. it’s all out there in their own words. As well as the LGBT people who want them out of their LGBT movement they are actively trying to take over.
Wouldn’t be nice if people took this to heart:

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
I'm just angry is all. Basically mad at the whole entire woke world and it finally caused me to snap and I allowed hatred into my heart. I obviously feel remorseful though otherwise I wouldn't want to fix my relationship with Him.
It is not woke. There are plenty of Republicans who are LGBTQ.

Or are you actually thinking that only those who call themselves Democrats would be part of that community?

HE = god, made all of us the way we are.

LGBTQ has always been around.

But it took science and medicine until the last few decades to catch up with what god did, and attempt to fix the hell he made the lives of all of these people, now called Transgender, have been suffering for thousands of years.

Once you get to understand that, you may find a way to understand what god did, and why all people should be respected, whether we understand why they are that way, or not.
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All you have to do is watch these weirdos through the very videos they post to YouTube,TikTok etc. it’s all out there in their own words. As well as the LGBT people who want them out of their LGBT movement they are actively trying to take over.
There are weirdos of many kinds. Many heterosexuals are weirdos.

Many men, women are weirdos. And their communities insist in attacking them, and rejecting them and expelling them as well.

That is absolutely nothing new when in comes to human behavior, especially from any majority towards a minority.
I honestly don't know how Jesus would be able to control Himself with everything the left is doing to innocent children these days.

If He was inclined to drive people out with whips, and throw over tables and dump offender's money on the ground, over the events that provoked that, he'd surely not be terribly calm about dealing with childfuckers.

Be careful what you allow to influence you, though. I see Satan's agents already showing up in this thread, to try to lead you astray. Your anger, however justified, may make you more vulnerable to their foul influence.

Stand for what you know is right, no matter how ashamed you may think you are of your shortcomings.
And I hate that about myself. I used to love and accept the LGBT community even if I didn't agree with their lifestyle, but I got pushed SO much by the woke agenda that I snapped and started despising them and posted a thread about it in the Badlands last night. The worst part is that I actually do have hatred towards them right now and I honestly don't want to.
You can't take personal responsibility?
And I hate that about myself. I used to love and accept the LGBT community even if I didn't agree with their lifestyle, but I got pushed SO much by the woke agenda that I snapped and started despising them and posted a thread about it in the Badlands last night. The worst part is that I actually do have hatred towards them right now and I honestly don't want to.
You is what you is.
There are weirdos of many kinds. Many heterosexuals are weirdos.

Many men, women are weirdos. And their communities insist in attacking them, and rejecting them and expelling them as well.

That is absolutely nothing new when in comes to human behavior, especially from any majority towards a minority.
And yet Democrats push the whole LGBTQ +++ movement like it is united and all on board with the trans BS and pushing it on kids and in women’s sports/other safe spaces. They are not.

Many want the crazies ousted.
Wouldn’t be nice if people took this to heart:

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
Oh, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!”

— William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice

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