I'm Baaack!


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I just returned from a celebratory vacation and am ready once again to instruct you libtards on the subject of higher order thinking. If you recall, I told you that many trump supporters were withholding their opinions from pollsters, knowing that that this information would aid the Clinton Conspiracy. As a result, Hillary's minions were unable to determine where to spend their "walking around money" to "get out the vote" in states like Pennsylvania and Michigan.

Are you finished with your temper tantrums about Trump's (Constitutional) election victory, or do we have to put up with your "protests" for another couple of months (or years)? By the way, what exactly are you protesting? Is it just being sore losers, or is it because the alternate fantasies you have created are now crumbling under the weight of reality?

Are you heartened by the classless actions of our current President, who is doing everything he can to undermine the new administration? I sincerely hope that the GOP Senate has learned from Harry Reid that any legislative niceties like the filibuster rule only apply to obstructing votes on Republican-sponsored bills. They should eliminate that hoax on Day One and start passing important legislation on immigration, health care and tax reform in their first hundred days, not to mention confirming a Supreme Court Justice who won't amend the Constitution any time he/she feels like it.

In the future, try gathering facts from independent sources and forming your own logical conclusions instead of simply repeating what your media masters have told you.

Class dismissed.

P.S. The Haitian people hate the Clinton's for funneling "relief" money to a few insiders while ignoring their greater needs.
You were gone? Glad you had a good trip.

Thank you. What little news I saw on TV was continuous anti-Trump propaganda from CNN, which seems to have a monopoly outside of the U.S. No wonder the rest of the world has such a distorted view of our country.

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