Im back on the Trump bandwagon. Let me tell you why.

I am not attacking your philosophy, just pointing how irrelevant it is the real events transpiring. You continue to make the argument that if some one is not as true a believer as yourself, then he is a liberal, which is essentially what you are saying when you claim Trump would appoint the same kind of justice as Clinton would. As I have said before, Trump is not an ideological conservative but a pragmatist with no political allegiances who leans right. I am an independent who tends to lean right on national security issues and economic issues but left on social issues. As for broad healthcare coverage by some means, most Americans left or right support it. Hayek, Hume, Locke, Tocqueville, Birch and no doubt the others who inspire you, did not have to deal with the problems of governing a democracy, so it is foolish to think anyone could remain entirely faithful their precepts in the real political world and get anything done.

Like most Americans, Trump believes everyone should have access to healthcare but that Obamacare is the wrong way to do it. Right now there is a federal district court decision that the government cannot provide subsidies if the Congress has not appropriated funds specifically for that purpose. Obama is appealing this decision since it would spell the end of Obamacare and whatever the appeals court says, it is a certainty it will go to the Supreme Court. If Clinton is elected, the Court will strike down the lower court's decision and Obamacare will go on, but if Trump gets to appoint Scalia's replacement, the lower court's decision will be upheld clearing the way for a fresh debate on healthcare. What will happen after that is anyone's guess, but Obamacare will be gone.

Well, sorry, but whenever you put "conservative" in quotes, it is attacking my political philosophy. I am a Conservative and I am consistently a Conservative, every day of day of the week. My Conservative principles don't change with the times or over the "popularity" of a candidate. My viewpoint is very much relevant because it's the viewpoint of our founders and framers of the Constitution.

Hayek, Hume, Locke, Tocqueville and Birch didn't have to deal with governing a democracy and neither do we... The US is not a democracy, it's a republic. We don't have a problem with "access to health care" ...there is no state in the union that doesn't have indigent care law where health care is accessible to anyone regardless of their ability to pay. Trump has said, in so many words, he favors a plan more like that of Hillary Clinton from before Obamacare. That's simply not Conservative and I can't support it.

We can get into a whole entire side-debate about health care but the idea that health care is a "right" has used a weird context of a "right" from the progressives. A "right" is, by nature, something you have that doesn't infringe upon someone else. Like, I can say that I have a right to freely travel... we agree on this, right? It's my right to come and go as I please... that doesn't infringe upon you in any way. But if we interpret my "right to travel" in the same way as progressives articulate the "right to health care" then you should be obligated to pay for my travel expenses. I would suspect, most Americans wouldn't go along with this... they'd say, I have the right to travel but they don't have an obligation to pay for it. The same is true with health care. You have the right to health care, I don't have the obligation to pay for it.

Again, I originally thought that Trump was a non-ideological pragmatist and I was prepared for supporting that in this election over Hillary, who is very clearly a leftist ideologue. But Trump has changed radically from who he was during the primaries and has now come out in favor of many left-wing viewpoints. I can't support that as a Conservative. I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings or if that causes a problem... it's just not something I can do. I may be able to vote for him if he convinces me he will not govern as a liberal ideologue but he's going to have to stop attacking conservatives and contradicting conservative principles. If he doesn't, I can't help it... that's not MY fault... I can't support him and I won't vote for him. If he loses because of that, it's on him... this is his responsibility. He has to win my vote.
Then regardless of your beliefs, you are irrelevant to the real events going on in America.
Hillary has to do is avoid attacking conservatives as a group and the election is in the bag for her!!

Wait--she can't do that. In many ways she has a tin ear.
Then regardless of your beliefs, you are irrelevant to the real events going on in America.

Well okay... there are millions of Americans who share my views. So, how are you going to win in November without their votes? :dunno:

You see, I think we ARE relevant and you don't want to accept that. You somehow think that you can brow-beat us and insult us into supporting Trump for no other reason than he isn't Hillary, and I don't think that is going to work for you. So if you persist in making us irrelevant, you'll get your political clocks cleaned by the most corrupt and crooked person to ever seek public office and we'll be right here to remind you of that for the next 4-8 years.

This is your election to lose and right now, your candidate is tanking in the polls. It's because he continues to insult and alienate huge chunks of his base constituency. He seems to be more intent on attracting Bernie Sanders voters who, frankly, are never going to support him. You can keep on waving the pom-poms for him and when he loses his ass on election night, you can come here and tee off on me and Conservatives for not backing him... but you're still going to have to endure 4-8 years of President Hildabeast. NOW is the time for you people to grow the fuck up and change your game plan. If you wait much longer, it's going to be too late... the election will be over and there will be nothing anyone can do.
Then regardless of your beliefs, you are irrelevant to the real events going on in America.

Well okay... there are millions of Americans who share my views. So, how are you going to win in November without their votes? :dunno:

You see, I think we ARE relevant and you don't want to accept that. You somehow think that you can brow-beat us and insult us into supporting Trump for no other reason than he isn't Hillary, and I don't think that is going to work for you. So if you persist in making us irrelevant, you'll get your political clocks cleaned by the most corrupt and crooked person to ever seek public office and we'll be right here to remind you of that for the next 4-8 years.

This is your election to lose and right now, your candidate is tanking in the polls. It's because he continues to insult and alienate huge chunks of his base constituency. He seems to be more intent on attracting Bernie Sanders voters who, frankly, are never going to support him. You can keep on waving the pom-poms for him and when he loses his ass on election night, you can come here and tee off on me and Conservatives for not backing him... but you're still going to have to endure 4-8 years of President Hildabeast. NOW is the time for you people to grow the fuck up and change your game plan. If you wait much longer, it's going to be too late... the election will be over and there will be nothing anyone can do.
You have made yourself irrelevant by refusing to vote for anyone who isn't as conservative as Cruz. Clearly, you have no interest in anything that will happen as a result of this election and are only interested in arguing arcane points of political philosophy that will never be anything but reasons for not participating in the American political system. Waiting for some one as conservative as you would like before participating is like fantasizing about winning the lottery or screwing a movie star instead of going to work.
Hillary has to do is avoid attacking conservatives as a group and the election is in the bag for her!!

Wait--she can't do that. In many ways she has a tin ear.
It is not clear that she is that far ahead. If you compare the polls of registered voters to the polls of likely voters, the former give her twice the lead the latter does. This suggests that fewer of Clinton's supporter are likely to vote than Trump supporters.
Trump is also against more adventurism in ME ala libya and syria and egypt
Today, but who knows about tomorrow.
Well, we can be certain that Clinton will be just as corrupt and incompetent tomorrow as she has been up to now. Other than that, we will have to wait until her focus groups and image consultants tell her what she should be tomorrow.
Like she needs the consultants. She's been doing this longer that Lyin' Don's been living off his daddy's money.
Good luck with that....
I tried to find a way to vote for the guy.
It's the economy.
It's immigration...
It's the supreme court.....

And I'm on board.

And then Trump opens his mouth...
and his fingers fly on his twitter account....
And then with the talking again....
He's all over the place....
The mouth keeps talking and talking....

And he contradicts what he said only a few days earlier.

He just might be crazy....
What does it take to stay on message....


Ah whatever.....

He is so bat crap crazy that I remember him telling a story about running with his head down dodging sniper fire, with his 16 year old daughter in tow. Then the crazy mofo threaten Iran with complete destruction. If that were not crazy enough he supported NAFTA and gave a speech in favor of the Iraq war on the Senate floor.

The man is crazy he can't be trusted. He might even say something mean about someone if they dish him first. Totally out of control he should allow people to say whatever lie they want about him and not say a word.
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My vote is easy...heard all this crap alrdy when Ventura ran...and he did ok......

Trump isn't Reagan but they said all the same things about Reagan if not more and he turned out to be one of the top 10 presidents.
Trump is also against more adventurism in ME ala libya and syria and egypt
Today, but who knows about tomorrow.
Well, we can be certain that Clinton will be just as corrupt and incompetent tomorrow as she has been up to now. Other than that, we will have to wait until her focus groups and image consultants tell her what she should be tomorrow.
Like she needs the consultants. She's been doing this longer that Lyin' Don's been living off his daddy's money.

She needs consultants to help her when she short circuits or has sleep deprivation.
Trump is also against more adventurism in ME ala libya and syria and egypt
Today, but who knows about tomorrow.
Well, we can be certain that Clinton will be just as corrupt and incompetent tomorrow as she has been up to now. Other than that, we will have to wait until her focus groups and image consultants tell her what she should be tomorrow.
Like she needs the consultants. She's been doing this longer that Lyin' Don's been living off his daddy's money.
She needs consultants like no one else does. When she was First Lady, she was the most hated woman in America until she went to bat for Bill after he got caught with his pants down in the Oval Office. That was the beginning of the creation of the new Hillary Clinton. After she had alienated everyone left and right with her mishandling of Bill's universal healthcare effort, she had forced to take a low profile until she was needed to stand by her man in front of the TV cameras. It was out of gratitude for suffering this humiliation that the Party agree to back her for a run at the Senate, and she almost blew that until Giuliani was forced to drop out of the race when he was diagnosed with cancer. In 2008, despite being far ahead of Obama at the beginning of the race, having huge amounts of money to spend and having he backing of most of the Party leadership, she ran such a disorganized campaign that she was blown out of the water.

This time around she is taking no chances. She has a full time campaign staff of 900 people while Trump's full time staff is less than 100, and she has spent ten times as much on TV advertising so far as Trump has, yet among likely voters, she only has a 4 to 5 point lead, and when you consider how poorly she did in the debates against Sanders and how well Trump did in the debates among the Republican field, it is no wonder Clinton plans to spend 90 times as much as Trump for the rest of the campaign. She needs image consultants because she has learned over the years that no one likes the real Hillary and few people would vote for the real Hillary.
It is not clear that she is that far ahead. If you compare the polls of registered voters to the polls of likely voters, the former give her twice the lead the latter does. This suggests that fewer of Clinton's supporter are likely to vote than Trump supporters.

The GOP candidate should be leading this insufferable bitch by 20 points or more! Fucking Jeb Bush could be beating her brains out right now. Hell... any of them... Mike Huckabee... Rick Santorum... ANY Republican,... I bet Pataki would be beating her!

The fact that you're having to apologize for the polls which you were proudly parading around before the convention, is a testament to how far this candidacy has tanked. This should have been the easiest election in history to win.. instead, you're losing it, in some key states, by double digits... it's not lost yet but if this keeps on, you're going to see a landslide victory for Hillary and we're probably going to lose the Senate too.
I know, I know nobody gives a shit who I decide to vote for. So point taken, but Im starting this thread anyway. Im doing so for two reasons 1) everybody else starts theads annoucing who they are supporting 2) I believe a lot of people that are voting for trump have a similar rational to mine, so maybe this thread can provide some insight as to why a lot of ppl are voting for trump. Anyway I have two reasons why Im voting Trump. Here they are:

1) The first reason is the supreme court. Hillary has stated she wants to put progressives on the SC. While my trust when it comes to Trump isnt very high, i trust that he will make better selections than hillary on this matter.

2) Hillary wants to allow many more muslim refugees in the country. An action that I am vehemently against. In particularly when the director of the FBI and director of homeland security is tells us our government cannot suficently vet them.

Donald Trump by no means is a perfect candidate. I dont buy into the caricature that the media tries to create though. Hes not stupid, a bigot, or some who hasnt achieved a tremendous amount of succes in buisness. Im not going to lie, Im not confident he will make a good president, but it is concievable that he would. I dont see that possiblity for hillary clinton.
Odd you are jumping on the bandwagon as everyone else is jumping off

True. He has not been having a good stretch recently, but we see where he stands when more wikileaks are published.
Exactly. Republicans are hoping for something more to come out because as of right now ya got nothin.

That's why most of us want hillary to win. We don't want another anti abortion anti environment pro citizen united dick on the supreme.

Thanks for pointing out why hillary must win.

Alito and Roberts have sided with corporations 100% of the time. They are corporate cronies

Ooops, typo Silly Bonobo - you mean they sided with the CONSTITUtION 100% of the time, that they are CONSTITUTION cronies.

You democrats are dedicated to putting an end to the constitution, and the Bill of Rights that you so desperately hate.
What the fuck are you talking about? You Republicans cherry pick what you think is and isn't constitutional and you have a warped sense of reality. Give you an example. Texas Republicans tried to pass the most radical voter id laws. Case went to court and it turns out their voter id laws WERE UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Now how is that possible if you are the party of the constitution? Can you understand why we see through your bullshit? Can you understand why you lose elections when people show up to vote? You only win midterms because people don't show up. You've convinced them it doesn't matter. Oh it matters.

Do you think Ron Paul agrees 100% with Mitt Romney on what is and isn't Constitutional? No. So you have to stop with the right wing talking points. Trying to suggest your party is the constitutional party is laughable. You sir are a joke.
Oh STFU. It was the GOP that caused the Great Recession of 2007. Obama's economy is steady and not broken and you are a joke for even suggesting that if the Democrats win the world is in trouble.

The Democrats got the world out of the GOP's global recession.

Financial crisis of 2007–08 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stop reading conservapedia

Recession of 2008 - Conservapedia

Wikipedia doesn't say what you claim monkey boi.

You're just lying again, as democrats do.

Run off and have a banana, Silly Bonobo

Don't believe everything you read on Wiki. LOL.

Oh, and if you go back click on all the links and follow the money and bills that were passed 2000-2006, yes the GOP did cause the great recession. Wasn't anything Clinton did. Wasn't anything Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid did. It was Bush Co. Tom Delay and Dennis Pedophile Hastert.

Don't forget the great recession worked out great for the top 1%. Mission accomplished. They now make more and pay labor less.
I know, I know nobody gives a shit who I decide to vote for. So point taken, but Im starting this thread anyway. Im doing so for two reasons 1) everybody else starts theads annoucing who they are supporting 2) I believe a lot of people that are voting for trump have a similar rational to mine, so maybe this thread can provide some insight as to why a lot of ppl are voting for trump. Anyway I have two reasons why Im voting Trump. Here they are:

1) The first reason is the supreme court. Hillary has stated she wants to put progressives on the SC. While my trust when it comes to Trump isnt very high, i trust that he will make better selections than hillary on this matter.

2) Hillary wants to allow many more muslim refugees in the country. An action that I am vehemently against. In particularly when the director of the FBI and director of homeland security is tells us our government cannot suficently vet them.

Donald Trump by no means is a perfect candidate. I dont buy into the caricature that the media tries to create though. Hes not stupid, a bigot, or some who hasnt achieved a tremendous amount of succes in buisness. Im not going to lie, Im not confident he will make a good president, but it is concievable that he would. I dont see that possiblity for hillary clinton.

1. A retarded monkey would make better court selections than Hillary.

(aside: it is nice to not have to worry about inadvertent racist sounding phrases with a presidential candidate again)

2. Again, the retarded monkey knows to be afraid of danger.
I disagree. Trump says he wants to get rid of Obamacare on his website and that will require a number of lawsuits now pending and soon to be brought to win in the Supreme Court, so it is likely he will appoint some one who believes the powers of the federal government should be limited, he will definitely not be some one Clinton would support, but since there are probably only a few people in America who are "conservative" enough to satisfy you, no doubt you will be disappointed.
It's going to get real bad for Trump and Republicans come election day

Poll: Clinton leads Trump in Georgia
If that prediction comes true, then it will also be bad for all of America and much of the world.
Oh STFU. It was the GOP that caused the Great Recession of 2007. Obama's economy is steady and not broken and you are a joke for even suggesting that if the Democrats win the world is in trouble.

The Democrats got the world out of the GOP's global recession.

Financial crisis of 2007–08 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stop reading conservapedia

Recession of 2008 - Conservapedia
Such unquestioning loyal would be commendable in a pet but not in a voter.

"The partial repeal of Glass-Steagall and the financial crisis: After decades of lobbying and proposed legislation, some of the Glass-Steagall provisions were repealed in 1999, when President Bill Clinton signed the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act."

Economists, especially Democratic economists, point to this bill as laying the foundation for the financial crisis that, due to Obama's slow, timid response, led to the recession. It would be fair to assume Hillary Clinton supported her husband's action since she claims they were partners in his presidency.

thanks for that....i was feeling irony deficient today. :rofl:
So then why don't we do away with lobbyists? Regardless of party, lobbyists are always behind politicians bad behavior.
No, I'd rather be able to support Trump. He's making that more difficult the more he runs his mouth and so are his supporters. But it's like I've said before, the SCOTUS is really a non-issue at this point because Trump probably won't nominate anything better than Hillary. Who's going to hold him accountable? You tools?
I disagree. Trump says he wants to get rid of Obamacare on his website and that will require a number of lawsuits now pending and soon to be brought to win in the Supreme Court, so it is likely he will appoint some one who believes the powers of the federal government should be limited, he will definitely not be some one Clinton would support, but since there are probably only a few people in America who are "conservative" enough to satisfy you, no doubt you will be disappointed.
It's going to get real bad for Trump and Republicans come election day

Poll: Clinton leads Trump in Georgia
If that prediction comes true, then it will also be bad for all of America and much of the world.
Oh STFU. It was the GOP that caused the Great Recession of 2007. Obama's economy is steady and not broken and you are a joke for even suggesting that if the Democrats win the world is in trouble.

The Democrats got the world out of the GOP's global recession.

Financial crisis of 2007–08 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stop reading conservapedia

Recession of 2008 - Conservapedia

I have consistently said it had many causes and not one party or group is to blame. Here is a partial list from

So who is to blame? There’s plenty of blame to go around, and it doesn’t fasten only on one party or even mainly on what Washington did or didn’t do. As The Economist magazine noted recently, the problem is one of "layered irresponsibility … with hard-working homeowners and billionaire villains each playing a role." Here’s a partial list of those alleged to be at fault:
The Federal Reserve, which slashed interest rates after the dot-com bubble burst, making credit cheap.

Home buyers, who took advantage of easy credit to bid up the prices of homes excessively.

Congress, which continues to support a mortgage tax deduction that gives consumers a tax incentive to buy more expensive houses.

Real estate agents, most of whom work for the sellers rather than the buyers and who earned higher commissions from selling more expensive homes.

The Clinton administration, which pushed for less stringent credit and downpayment requirements for working- and middle-class families.

Mortgage brokers, who offered less-credit-worthy home buyers subprime, adjustable rate loans with low initial payments, but exploding interest rates.

Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, who in 2004, near the peak of the housing bubble, encouraged Americans to take out adjustable rate mortgages.

Wall Street firms, who paid too little attention to the quality of the risky loans that they bundled into Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS), and issued bonds using those securities as collateral.

The Bush administration, which failed to provide needed government oversight of the increasingly dicey mortgage-backed securities market.

An obscure accounting rule called mark-to-market, which can have the paradoxical result of making assets be worth less on paper than they are in reality during times of panic.

Collective delusion, or a belief on the part of all parties that home prices would keep rising forever, no matter how high or how fast they had already gone up.

The U.S. economy is enormously complicated. Screwing it up takes a great deal of cooperation. Claiming that a single piece of legislation was responsible for (or could have averted) the crisis is just political grandstanding. We have no advice to offer on how best to solve the financial crisis. But these sorts of partisan caricatures can only make the task more difficult.
–by Joe Miller and Brooks Jackson

Only partisan whackadoodles believe it was one party or the other party's fault. That is why we are doomed to repeat it, we haven't learned.
If you go back to Bush Tom Delay & Dennis (Pedophile) Hastert again yes we will repeat the Bush years all over again. Only this time it's Trump Ryan & Mitch McConnell. Any one of them could be the pedophile.

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