Im back on the Trump bandwagon. Let me tell you why.

I know, I know nobody gives a shit who I decide to vote for. So point taken, but Im starting this thread anyway. Im doing so for two reasons 1) everybody else starts theads annoucing who they are supporting 2) I believe a lot of people that are voting for trump have a similar rational to mine, so maybe this thread can provide some insight as to why a lot of ppl are voting for trump. Anyway I have two reasons why Im voting Trump. Here they are:

1) The first reason is the supreme court. Hillary has stated she wants to put progressives on the SC. While my trust when it comes to Trump isnt very high, i trust that he will make better selections than hillary on this matter.

2) Hillary wants to allow millions of muslim refugees in the country. An action that I am vehemently against. In particularly when the director of the FBI and director of homeland security is tells us our government cannot suficently vet them.

Donald Trump by no means is a perfect candidate. I dont buy into the caricature that the media tries to create though. Hes not stupid, a bigot, or some who hasnt achieved a tremendous amount of succes in buisness. Im not going to lie, Im not confident he will make a good president, but it is concievable that he would. I dont see that possiblity for hillary clinton.

I wouldn't say I am on the bandwagon but I am pretty close to where you are. I don't believe Trump is going to be a great president but I know Hillary will be a total disaster. Trump might be a disaster too.

I think way too much is being made about the Supreme Court... Let's face it, we're not going to get another Antonin Scalia. The court is ostensibly lost already. What happens when Trump picks someone who is fairly reasonable that we can live with and Congress rejects them for being "too conservative?" Will Trump give in to pressure and then pick a liberal? We don't know but we can pretty much be assured Congress is going to test him. He is not giving me much confidence that he will stick to conservative principles. Will he go full-retard liberal once elected? Don't know! Maybe?

It comes down to... we don't really have a choice. It's either going to be the most corrupt and crooked candidate in history, Hillary... OR an unknown quantity in Trump.

One thing that sways me toward Trump more is the VP pick. I have a great deal of respect for Mike Pence and I think Tim Kaine is a fruit loop. So this wouldn't be the first time I voted for president based on his VP pick... I did that with McCain, to be honest. But be clear on this, if I do decide to vote for Trump, it doesn't mean I am on any bandwagon. I am not a pom-pom waver. I will hold him accountable and I will be on his ass like a little pit bull when it comes to the issues. To his little band of cheerleaders out there... I'm not going to shut up. I will be busting your chops every single day. Don't expect me to abandon my principles and don't expect me to forget how you've treated people like Ted Cruz. I don't like your attitudes, I don't like Trump's attitude... I simply don't have another choice because Hillary has to be stopped.

The two-party horseshit is extortion. And every time we give in to it, it gets worse.
I know, I know nobody gives a shit who I decide to vote for. So point taken, but Im starting this thread anyway. Im doing so for two reasons 1) everybody else starts theads annoucing who they are supporting 2) I believe a lot of people that are voting for trump have a similar rational to mine, so maybe this thread can provide some insight as to why a lot of ppl are voting for trump. Anyway I have two reasons why Im voting Trump. Here they are:

1) The first reason is the supreme court. Hillary has stated she wants to put progressives on the SC. While my trust when it comes to Trump isnt very high, i trust that he will make better selections than hillary on this matter.

2) Hillary wants to allow millions of muslim refugees in the country. An action that I am vehemently against. In particularly when the director of the FBI and director of homeland security is tells us our government cannot suficently vet them.

Donald Trump by no means is a perfect candidate. I dont buy into the caricature that the media tries to create though. Hes not stupid, a bigot, or some who hasnt achieved a tremendous amount of succes in buisness. Im not going to lie, Im not confident he will make a good president, but it is concievable that he would. I dont see that possiblity for hillary clinton.

I wouldn't say I am on the bandwagon but I am pretty close to where you are. I don't believe Trump is going to be a great president but I know Hillary will be a total disaster. Trump might be a disaster too.

I think way too much is being made about the Supreme Court... Let's face it, we're not going to get another Antonin Scalia. The court is ostensibly lost already. What happens when Trump picks someone who is fairly reasonable that we can live with and Congress rejects them for being "too conservative?" Will Trump give in to pressure and then pick a liberal? We don't know but we can pretty much be assured Congress is going to test him. He is not giving me much confidence that he will stick to conservative principles. Will he go full-retard liberal once elected? Don't know! Maybe?

It comes down to... we don't really have a choice. It's either going to be the most corrupt and crooked candidate in history, Hillary... OR an unknown quantity in Trump.

One thing that sways me toward Trump more is the VP pick. I have a great deal of respect for Mike Pence and I think Tim Kaine is a fruit loop. So this wouldn't be the first time I voted for president based on his VP pick... I did that with McCain, to be honest. But be clear on this, if I do decide to vote for Trump, it doesn't mean I am on any bandwagon. I am not a pom-pom waver. I will hold him accountable and I will be on his ass like a little pit bull when it comes to the issues. To his little band of cheerleaders out there... I'm not going to shut up. I will be busting your chops every single day. Don't expect me to abandon my principles and don't expect me to forget how you've treated people like Ted Cruz. I don't like your attitudes, I don't like Trump's attitude... I simply don't have another choice because Hillary has to be stopped.

What intially turned me on about trump is he isnt a career politican. Then I started to not like him because I realized he was an arrogant ashole that says a lot of reckless and stupid things. But youre right - hes an unknown, we dont know how he would govern. Hillary we do know will be amost as bad as obama. I was a ted cruz guy as well, so i understanc where youre coming from.

Youre i very good poster btw. I love reading your posts.
Good luck with that....
I tried to find a way to vote for the guy.
It's the economy.
It's immigration...
It's the supreme court.....

And I'm on board.

And then Trump opens his mouth...
and his fingers fly on his twitter account....
And then with the talking again....
He's all over the place....
The mouth keeps talking and talking....

And he contradicts what he said only a few days earlier.

He just might be crazy....
What does it take to stay on message....


Ah whatever.....

I'll bet that if Trump is elected, we won't see thousands of Muslims dancing in the streets of New Jersey anymore!
What intially turned me on about trump is he isnt a career politican. Then I started to not like him because I realized he was an arrogant ashole that says a lot of reckless and stupid things. But youre right - hes an unknown, we dont know how he would govern. Hillary we do know will be amost as bad as obama. I was a ted cruz guy as well, so i understanc where youre coming from.

Youre i very good poster btw. I love reading your posts.

Thank you for the compliment. It's nice to hear that now and then. :D

I would feel a whole lot better about Trump if he were sounding like he did in the beginning. He has just tracked so far left on so many issues and has almost seemed to snub conservatives of late... it makes this very difficult for me.

Trump devoid of conservatism is almost as bad as Hillary... potentially worse. I mean, if all we are getting is a nastier and more obnoxious version of Hillary... what's the fucking point? So I am still hoping, through the debates and the coming weeks, we will start to see Trump return to things he was saying to start with which sounded not half bad to conservatives. Because, right now, he is almost intolerable.
What intially turned me on about trump is he isnt a career politican. Then I started to not like him because I realized he was an arrogant ashole that says a lot of reckless and stupid things. But youre right - hes an unknown, we dont know how he would govern. Hillary we do know will be amost as bad as obama. I was a ted cruz guy as well, so i understanc where youre coming from.

Youre i very good poster btw. I love reading your posts.

Thank you for the compliment. It's nice to hear that now and then. :D

I would feel a whole lot better about Trump if he were sounding like he did in the beginning. He has just tracked so far left on so many issues and has almost seemed to snub conservatives of late... it makes this very difficult for me.

Trump devoid of conservatism is almost as bad as Hillary... potentially worse. I mean, if all we are getting is a nastier and more obnoxious version of Hillary... what's the fucking point? So I am still hoping, through the debates and the coming weeks, we will start to see Trump return to things he was saying to start with which sounded not half bad to conservatives. Because, right now, he is almost intolerable.

There is always that chance that trump will be an epic disaster. Even worse than obama. Thats why its so hard to make the choice to support him.
Trump is a huge wild card, but Hillary is a known quantity...I could never cast a ballot for that corrupt and slimy lying bitch. I hated Obama's policies, but he had likeable qualities that I saw...she makes my fucking skin crawl. My biggest concern, and it's enough to make me overlook a lot of bullshit, is the court and the impact it will have for future generations. Focusing on that makes my vote super easy. Besides, Trump is an old white dude, so if he starts fucking around too much, nobody will ask questions if they take him down...the establishment of his own party would look for the opportunity to jump on board with dems and impeach him if they thought it necessary.:lol:

Good point about taking him down. I could see him getting impeached. Clinton would never get impeached.
Im back on the Trump bandwagon. Let me tell you why.

Its not SCOTUS appointments. Let me tell all of you what's going to happen with Trump SCOTUS nominees, the GOP establishment is going to be a prick about them to get revenge on Trump, mark my words.

Now let me tell you why you are back on the Trump bandwagon, JOBS JOBS JOBS JOBS JOBS and by that I mean trade deals and illegals pouring across the damn border. KABOOOM!!!!!!
What intially turned me on about trump is he isnt a career politican. Then I started to not like him because I realized he was an arrogant ashole that says a lot of reckless and stupid things. But youre right - hes an unknown, we dont know how he would govern. Hillary we do know will be amost as bad as obama. I was a ted cruz guy as well, so i understanc where youre coming from.

Youre i very good poster btw. I love reading your posts.

Thank you for the compliment. It's nice to hear that now and then. :D

I would feel a whole lot better about Trump if he were sounding like he did in the beginning. He has just tracked so far left on so many issues and has almost seemed to snub conservatives of late... it makes this very difficult for me.

Trump devoid of conservatism is almost as bad as Hillary... potentially worse. I mean, if all we are getting is a nastier and more obnoxious version of Hillary... what's the fucking point? So I am still hoping, through the debates and the coming weeks, we will start to see Trump return to things he was saying to start with which sounded not half bad to conservatives. Because, right now, he is almost intolerable.

There is always that chance that trump will be an epic disaster. Even worse than obama. Thats why its so hard to make the choice to support him.

Trump "worse" than Obama? WTF? How's the tequila????
Trump is a huge wild card, but Hillary is a known quantity...I could never cast a ballot for that corrupt and slimy lying bitch. I hated Obama's policies, but he had likeable qualities that I saw...she makes my fucking skin crawl. My biggest concern, and it's enough to make me overlook a lot of bullshit, is the court and the impact it will have for future generations. Focusing on that makes my vote super easy. Besides, Trump is an old white dude, so if he starts fucking around too much, nobody will ask questions if they take him down...the establishment of his own party would look for the opportunity to jump on board with dems and impeach him if they thought it necessary.:lol:

Good point about taking him down. I could see him getting impeached. Clinton would never get impeached.

Nope. Democrats would circle the wagons. Like you always do ...
I know, I know nobody gives a shit who I decide to vote for. So point taken, but Im starting this thread anyway. Im doing so for two reasons 1) everybody else starts theads annoucing who they are supporting 2) I believe a lot of people that are voting for trump have a similar rational to mine, so maybe this thread can provide some insight as to why a lot of ppl are voting for trump. Anyway I have two reasons why Im voting Trump. Here they are:

1) The first reason is the supreme court. Hillary has stated she wants to put progressives on the SC. While my trust when it comes to Trump isnt very high, i trust that he will make better selections than hillary on this matter.

2) Hillary wants to allow millions of muslim refugees in the country. An action that I am vehemently against. In particularly when the director of the FBI and director of homeland security is tells us our government cannot suficently vet them.

Donald Trump by no means is a perfect candidate. I dont buy into the caricature that the media tries to create though. Hes not stupid, a bigot, or some who hasnt achieved a tremendous amount of succes in buisness. Im not going to lie, Im not confident he will make a good president, but it is concievable that he would. I dont see that possiblity for hillary clinton.

You forgot to add that your personal character and integrity are meaningless to you. I do appreciate your honesty in admitting your bigotry as well as your utter ignorance about Trump and Clinton. He IS a caricature - ask anyone successful in New York real estate, where he's considered to be a joke. It's conceivable he would make a good President? Based on WHAT??? He has no experience, has shown complete ignorance about foreign and domestic affairs, has a childish impulsive temperament, stupidly takes ANY bait then looks like a fool, lies whenever he gets flustered (NFL letter one of many), cares far more about himself than our country, has led a largely immoral life void of ethical behavior, openly cheated on his wives, treats women like shit, is openly racist (and don't dare try to refute that - there's far too much evidence), has been sued 3500 times by business associates!!! etc. etc. etc.
Any person who thinks Trump is capable of leading this country needs to seek help, fast.
Clinton on the other hand, despite her many flaws is the most qualified, experienced candidate we've ever had, who won't have to wear training wheels and embarrass the hell out of the country for 4 years like assclown Trump.

I don't see Clinton as you do. I see a dishonest person with no character whatsoever. That would lie no matter what.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
What intially turned me on about trump is he isnt a career politican. Then I started to not like him because I realized he was an arrogant ashole that says a lot of reckless and stupid things. But youre right - hes an unknown, we dont know how he would govern. Hillary we do know will be amost as bad as obama. I was a ted cruz guy as well, so i understanc where youre coming from.

Youre i very good poster btw. I love reading your posts.

Thank you for the compliment. It's nice to hear that now and then. :D

I would feel a whole lot better about Trump if he were sounding like he did in the beginning. He has just tracked so far left on so many issues and has almost seemed to snub conservatives of late... it makes this very difficult for me.

Trump devoid of conservatism is almost as bad as Hillary... potentially worse. I mean, if all we are getting is a nastier and more obnoxious version of Hillary... what's the fucking point? So I am still hoping, through the debates and the coming weeks, we will start to see Trump return to things he was saying to start with which sounded not half bad to conservatives. Because, right now, he is almost intolerable.

There is always that chance that trump will be an epic disaster. Even worse than obama. Thats why its so hard to make the choice to support him.

Trump "worse" than Obama? WTF? How's the tequila????

In the sense that he may be a corupt self serving politican thats in it for personal financial gain. Obama is horrible, but at least hes not a thief. But thdn again even if trump is a crooked theif, hes still probably not going to be worse than obama as predident.
I know, I know nobody gives a shit who I decide to vote for. So point taken, but Im starting this thread anyway. Im doing so for two reasons 1) everybody else starts theads annoucing who they are supporting 2) I believe a lot of people that are voting for trump have a similar rational to mine, so maybe this thread can provide some insight as to why a lot of ppl are voting for trump. Anyway I have two reasons why Im voting Trump. Here they are:

1) The first reason is the supreme court. Hillary has stated she wants to put progressives on the SC. While my trust when it comes to Trump isnt very high, i trust that he will make better selections than hillary on this matter.

2) Hillary wants to allow many more muslim refugees in the country. An action that I am vehemently against. In particularly when the director of the FBI and director of homeland security is tells us our government cannot suficently vet them.

Donald Trump by no means is a perfect candidate. I dont buy into the caricature that the media tries to create though. Hes not stupid, a bigot, or some who hasnt achieved a tremendous amount of succes in buisness. Im not going to lie, Im not confident he will make a good president, but it is concievable that he would. I dont see that possiblity for hillary clinton.
I agree with those reasons and others for voting for Trump, but what puzzles me is that Clinton announced at the convention her number one priority is to appoint a liberal justice to the Supreme Court, so how can some prominent Republicans announce they will not support Trump or will even vote for Clinton when they know that if she wins this appointment will wipe out the Republican agenda for perhaps the next twenty years? Have they completely abandoned the Republican agenda?
I agree with those reasons and others for voting for Trump, but what puzzles me is that Clinton announced at the convention her number one priority is to appoint a liberal justice to the Supreme Court, so how can some prominent Republicans announce they will not support Trump or will even vote for Clinton when they know that if she wins this appointment will wipe out the Republican agenda for perhaps the next twenty years? Have they completely abandoned the Republican agenda?

What IS the "Republican agenda" these days? Trump has said in recent days that "we have to tax the rich" ...this is a term that is simply a false meme the Republicans have fought for the past decade or more. We don't tax wealth in America, we tax incomes. Trump has said he favors increasing the minimum wage to $10/hr. Again, contradicting something Republicans have been fighting for more than a decade. He bows again to the progressive rhetoric... "it may not be the republican thing to say but we have to help people." Those are HIS words. Just months ago, he stood on the debate stage and said he wouldn't favor raising the MW because it would kill jobs. Now-- he is out there making the progressive argument that the republicans don't want to help people and he is here to help people by raising the minimum wage. How is killing their jobs going to help them?

His daughter said he plans to do paid maternity leave... again, something Republicans have fought for years. He said in Iowa he plans to increase ethanol subsidies... the absolute worst corporate welfare program we waste money on. He has said he favors federal land grabs from states... again, contradictory to Republicanism in every way. He sided with the transgenders in NC, chastising them for being wrong and saying transgenders can use any restroom they want to. Finally, he told the NY Times editorial board "the wall" was negotiable... everything is negotiable.

But still... what IS the Republican agenda when our Republican majority Congress basically surrenders the power of the purse and rubber stamps Obamacare and everything else Obama wanted to do the past 4 years? It really seems like Republicans are simply Democrats who are red headed step-children to be kicked around. Why not just be Democrats and be part of the liked crowd? If you're not going to have any principles of your own, you don't really HAVE an agenda.
I know, I know nobody gives a shit who I decide to vote for. So point taken, but Im starting this thread anyway. Im doing so for two reasons 1) everybody else starts theads annoucing who they are supporting 2) I believe a lot of people that are voting for trump have a similar rational to mine, so maybe this thread can provide some insight as to why a lot of ppl are voting for trump. Anyway I have two reasons why Im voting Trump. Here they are:

1) The first reason is the supreme court. Hillary has stated she wants to put progressives on the SC. While my trust when it comes to Trump isnt very high, i trust that he will make better selections than hillary on this matter.

2) Hillary wants to allow many more muslim refugees in the country. An action that I am vehemently against. In particularly when the director of the FBI and director of homeland security is tells us our government cannot suficently vet them.

Donald Trump by no means is a perfect candidate. I dont buy into the caricature that the media tries to create though. Hes not stupid, a bigot, or some who hasnt achieved a tremendous amount of succes in buisness. Im not going to lie, Im not confident he will make a good president, but it is concievable that he would. I dont see that possiblity for hillary clinton.
Just get your own gun and carry it with you and then you will be safe not only from Muslims but also from Negroes, Latinos, and also white x-cons.

The Supreme Court is lost. There is no way to save it now.

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