Im back on the Trump bandwagon. Let me tell you why.

Good luck with that....
I tried to find a way to vote for the guy.
It's the economy.
It's immigration...
It's the supreme court.....

And I'm on board.

And then Trump opens his mouth...
and his fingers fly on his twitter account....
And then with the talking again....
He's all over the place....
The mouth keeps talking and talking....

And he contradicts what he said only a few days earlier.

He just might be crazy....
What does it take to stay on message....


Ah whatever.....

It's part of the fun. I blame the khan bs on TBD media, just like they made the binders thing for Romney a big deal
I agree with those reasons and others for voting for Trump, but what puzzles me is that Clinton announced at the convention her number one priority is to appoint a liberal justice to the Supreme Court, so how can some prominent Republicans announce they will not support Trump or will even vote for Clinton when they know that if she wins this appointment will wipe out the Republican agenda for perhaps the next twenty years? Have they completely abandoned the Republican agenda?

What IS the "Republican agenda" these days? Trump has said in recent days that "we have to tax the rich" ...this is a term that is simply a false meme the Republicans have fought for the past decade or more. We don't tax wealth in America, we tax incomes. Trump has said he favors increasing the minimum wage to $10/hr. Again, contradicting something Republicans have been fighting for more than a decade. He bows again to the progressive rhetoric... "it may not be the republican thing to say but we have to help people." Those are HIS words. Just months ago, he stood on the debate stage and said he wouldn't favor raising the MW because it would kill jobs. Now-- he is out there making the progressive argument that the republicans don't want to help people and he is here to help people by raising the minimum wage. How is killing their jobs going to help them?

His daughter said he plans to do paid maternity leave... again, something Republicans have fought for years. He said in Iowa he plans to increase ethanol subsidies... the absolute worst corporate welfare program we waste money on. He has said he favors federal land grabs from states... again, contradictory to Republicanism in every way. He sided with the transgenders in NC, chastising them for being wrong and saying transgenders can use any restroom they want to. Finally, he told the NY Times editorial board "the wall" was negotiable... everything is negotiable.

But still... what IS the Republican agenda when our Republican majority Congress basically surrenders the power of the purse and rubber stamps Obamacare and everything else Obama wanted to do the past 4 years? It really seems like Republicans are simply Democrats who are red headed step-children to be kicked around. Why not just be Democrats and be part of the liked crowd? If you're not going to have any principles of your own, you don't really HAVE an agenda.

His plan has lower income and corporate taxes...I agree with it
School choice through vouchers
Increase military spending
Decrease regulation
Build a wall
Bilateral trade agreements that are close to revenue neutral.

Pretty good plans.....opening markets through tough negotiations is apparently not a Republican establishment thing, I don't know why.
Trump is also against more adventurism in ME ala libya and syria and egypt

The notion that Trump is 'for' or a 'against' anything is a joke. He's a salesman who says whatever his 'marks' want to hear.
Think you are confusing him with hilly who has changed position on multiple issues

Indeed. How can we tell them apart?

Hillary is the one who got rich because of politics, trump is the one who earned his success.
Trump was born with a silver foot in his mouth.
His plan has lower income and corporate taxes...I agree with it
School choice through vouchers
Increase military spending
Decrease regulation
Build a wall
Bilateral trade agreements that are close to revenue neutral.

Pretty good plans.....opening markets through tough negotiations is apparently not a Republican establishment thing, I don't know why.

Well like I said, in the beginning, I liked a lot of what he said... I actually had to think about whether to support him or Cruz. I stuck with Cruz because Trump started in Iowa, backing off Conservative principles. Since then, almost everything on your laundry list, he has either totally or partially reneged on or flip-flopped completely.

I'm not an "establishment republican" by any stretch... that's an insult to me. I was standing with Cruz when he filibustered and the establishment left him twisting in the wind. I don't have a problem with "tough negotiations" but his protectionist tariffs will cause a tariff war and cost millions of jobs just like it did for Hoover.
I agree with those reasons and others for voting for Trump, but what puzzles me is that Clinton announced at the convention her number one priority is to appoint a liberal justice to the Supreme Court, so how can some prominent Republicans announce they will not support Trump or will even vote for Clinton when they know that if she wins this appointment will wipe out the Republican agenda for perhaps the next twenty years? Have they completely abandoned the Republican agenda?

What IS the "Republican agenda" these days? Trump has said in recent days that "we have to tax the rich" ...this is a term that is simply a false meme the Republicans have fought for the past decade or more. We don't tax wealth in America, we tax incomes. Trump has said he favors increasing the minimum wage to $10/hr. Again, contradicting something Republicans have been fighting for more than a decade. He bows again to the progressive rhetoric... "it may not be the republican thing to say but we have to help people." Those are HIS words. Just months ago, he stood on the debate stage and said he wouldn't favor raising the MW because it would kill jobs. Now-- he is out there making the progressive argument that the republicans don't want to help people and he is here to help people by raising the minimum wage. How is killing their jobs going to help them?

His daughter said he plans to do paid maternity leave... again, something Republicans have fought for years. He said in Iowa he plans to increase ethanol subsidies... the absolute worst corporate welfare program we waste money on. He has said he favors federal land grabs from states... again, contradictory to Republicanism in every way. He sided with the transgenders in NC, chastising them for being wrong and saying transgenders can use any restroom they want to. Finally, he told the NY Times editorial board "the wall" was negotiable... everything is negotiable.

But still... what IS the Republican agenda when our Republican majority Congress basically surrenders the power of the purse and rubber stamps Obamacare and everything else Obama wanted to do the past 4 years? It really seems like Republicans are simply Democrats who are red headed step-children to be kicked around. Why not just be Democrats and be part of the liked crowd? If you're not going to have any principles of your own, you don't really HAVE an agenda.
Ok, so you'd rather see an activist liberal Court for the next 20 years than support Trump.
I know, I know nobody gives a shit who I decide to vote for. So point taken, but Im starting this thread anyway. Im doing so for two reasons 1) everybody else starts theads annoucing who they are supporting 2) I believe a lot of people that are voting for trump have a similar rational to mine, so maybe this thread can provide some insight as to why a lot of ppl are voting for trump. Anyway I have two reasons why Im voting Trump. Here they are:

1) The first reason is the supreme court. Hillary has stated she wants to put progressives on the SC. While my trust when it comes to Trump isnt very high, i trust that he will make better selections than hillary on this matter.

2) Hillary wants to allow millions of muslim refugees in the country. An action that I am vehemently against. In particularly when the director of the FBI and director of homeland security is tells us our government cannot suficently vet them.

Donald Trump by no means is a perfect candidate. I dont buy into the caricature that the media tries to create though. Hes not stupid, a bigot, or some who hasnt achieved a tremendous amount of succes in buisness. Im not going to lie, Im not confident he will make a good president, but it is concievable that he would. I dont see that possiblity for hillary clinton.
That's why most of us want hillary to win. We don't want another anti abortion anti environment pro citizen united dick on the supreme.

Thanks for pointing out why hillary must win.

Alito and Roberts have sided with corporations 100% of the time. They are corporate cronies

Ummm, I hate to break it to ya, but SO IS hilary you fool!
I agree with those reasons and others for voting for Trump, but what puzzles me is that Clinton announced at the convention her number one priority is to appoint a liberal justice to the Supreme Court, so how can some prominent Republicans announce they will not support Trump or will even vote for Clinton when they know that if she wins this appointment will wipe out the Republican agenda for perhaps the next twenty years? Have they completely abandoned the Republican agenda?

What IS the "Republican agenda" these days? Trump has said in recent days that "we have to tax the rich" ...this is a term that is simply a false meme the Republicans have fought for the past decade or more. We don't tax wealth in America, we tax incomes. Trump has said he favors increasing the minimum wage to $10/hr. Again, contradicting something Republicans have been fighting for more than a decade. He bows again to the progressive rhetoric... "it may not be the republican thing to say but we have to help people." Those are HIS words. Just months ago, he stood on the debate stage and said he wouldn't favor raising the MW because it would kill jobs. Now-- he is out there making the progressive argument that the republicans don't want to help people and he is here to help people by raising the minimum wage. How is killing their jobs going to help them?

His daughter said he plans to do paid maternity leave... again, something Republicans have fought for years. He said in Iowa he plans to increase ethanol subsidies... the absolute worst corporate welfare program we waste money on. He has said he favors federal land grabs from states... again, contradictory to Republicanism in every way. He sided with the transgenders in NC, chastising them for being wrong and saying transgenders can use any restroom they want to. Finally, he told the NY Times editorial board "the wall" was negotiable... everything is negotiable.

But still... what IS the Republican agenda when our Republican majority Congress basically surrenders the power of the purse and rubber stamps Obamacare and everything else Obama wanted to do the past 4 years? It really seems like Republicans are simply Democrats who are red headed step-children to be kicked around. Why not just be Democrats and be part of the liked crowd? If you're not going to have any principles of your own, you don't really HAVE an agenda.
Ok, so you'd rather see an activist liberal Court for the next 20 years than support Trump.

No, I'd rather be able to support Trump. He's making that more difficult the more he runs his mouth and so are his supporters. But it's like I've said before, the SCOTUS is really a non-issue at this point because Trump probably won't nominate anything better than Hillary. Who's going to hold him accountable? You tools?
I like the style of the OP, its "here is where I stand" attitude. I say nice job even though I'm hanging onto that bandwagon by just the fingernails. And I cut my nails extremely short.

Spare me the speech on letting muslims into our is safe. Damn the statistics, its common sense that a lot of these people hate us, and it takes a very small amout to do considerable harm.

Tim mCveigh hated you too...he wasn't a muslim.

There is always that chance that trump will be an epic disaster. Even worse than obama. Thats why its so hard to make the choice to support him.

Obama was nowhere near as bad as Bush. And Trump will be a lot worse than him.
I know, I know nobody gives a shit who I decide to vote for. So point taken, but Im starting this thread anyway. Im doing so for two reasons 1) everybody else starts theads annoucing who they are supporting 2) I believe a lot of people that are voting for trump have a similar rational to mine, so maybe this thread can provide some insight as to why a lot of ppl are voting for trump. Anyway I have two reasons why Im voting Trump. Here they are:

1) The first reason is the supreme court. Hillary has stated she wants to put progressives on the SC. While my trust when it comes to Trump isnt very high, i trust that he will make better selections than hillary on this matter.

2) Hillary wants to allow many more muslim refugees in the country. An action that I am vehemently against. In particularly when the director of the FBI and director of homeland security is tells us our government cannot suficently vet them.

Donald Trump by no means is a perfect candidate. I dont buy into the caricature that the media tries to create though. Hes not stupid, a bigot, or some who hasnt achieved a tremendous amount of succes in buisness. Im not going to lie, Im not confident he will make a good president, but it is concievable that he would. I dont see that possiblity for hillary clinton.
Odd you are jumping on the bandwagon as everyone else is jumping off
I agree with those reasons and others for voting for Trump, but what puzzles me is that Clinton announced at the convention her number one priority is to appoint a liberal justice to the Supreme Court, so how can some prominent Republicans announce they will not support Trump or will even vote for Clinton when they know that if she wins this appointment will wipe out the Republican agenda for perhaps the next twenty years? Have they completely abandoned the Republican agenda?

What IS the "Republican agenda" these days? Trump has said in recent days that "we have to tax the rich" ...this is a term that is simply a false meme the Republicans have fought for the past decade or more. We don't tax wealth in America, we tax incomes. Trump has said he favors increasing the minimum wage to $10/hr. Again, contradicting something Republicans have been fighting for more than a decade. He bows again to the progressive rhetoric... "it may not be the republican thing to say but we have to help people." Those are HIS words. Just months ago, he stood on the debate stage and said he wouldn't favor raising the MW because it would kill jobs. Now-- he is out there making the progressive argument that the republicans don't want to help people and he is here to help people by raising the minimum wage. How is killing their jobs going to help them?

His daughter said he plans to do paid maternity leave... again, something Republicans have fought for years. He said in Iowa he plans to increase ethanol subsidies... the absolute worst corporate welfare program we waste money on. He has said he favors federal land grabs from states... again, contradictory to Republicanism in every way. He sided with the transgenders in NC, chastising them for being wrong and saying transgenders can use any restroom they want to. Finally, he told the NY Times editorial board "the wall" was negotiable... everything is negotiable.

But still... what IS the Republican agenda when our Republican majority Congress basically surrenders the power of the purse and rubber stamps Obamacare and everything else Obama wanted to do the past 4 years? It really seems like Republicans are simply Democrats who are red headed step-children to be kicked around. Why not just be Democrats and be part of the liked crowd? If you're not going to have any principles of your own, you don't really HAVE an agenda.
Ok, so you'd rather see an activist liberal Court for the next 20 years than support Trump.

No, I'd rather be able to support Trump. He's making that more difficult the more he runs his mouth and so are his supporters. But it's like I've said before, the SCOTUS is really a non-issue at this point because Trump probably won't nominate anything better than Hillary. Who's going to hold him accountable? You tools?
I disagree. Trump says he wants to get rid of Obamacare on his website and that will require a number of lawsuits now pending and soon to be brought to win in the Supreme Court, so it is likely he will appoint some one who believes the powers of the federal government should be limited, he will definitely not be some one Clinton would support, but since there are probably only a few people in America who are "conservative" enough to satisfy you, no doubt you will be disappointed.
I agree with those reasons and others for voting for Trump, but what puzzles me is that Clinton announced at the convention her number one priority is to appoint a liberal justice to the Supreme Court, so how can some prominent Republicans announce they will not support Trump or will even vote for Clinton when they know that if she wins this appointment will wipe out the Republican agenda for perhaps the next twenty years? Have they completely abandoned the Republican agenda?

What IS the "Republican agenda" these days? Trump has said in recent days that "we have to tax the rich" ...this is a term that is simply a false meme the Republicans have fought for the past decade or more. We don't tax wealth in America, we tax incomes. Trump has said he favors increasing the minimum wage to $10/hr. Again, contradicting something Republicans have been fighting for more than a decade. He bows again to the progressive rhetoric... "it may not be the republican thing to say but we have to help people." Those are HIS words. Just months ago, he stood on the debate stage and said he wouldn't favor raising the MW because it would kill jobs. Now-- he is out there making the progressive argument that the republicans don't want to help people and he is here to help people by raising the minimum wage. How is killing their jobs going to help them?

His daughter said he plans to do paid maternity leave... again, something Republicans have fought for years. He said in Iowa he plans to increase ethanol subsidies... the absolute worst corporate welfare program we waste money on. He has said he favors federal land grabs from states... again, contradictory to Republicanism in every way. He sided with the transgenders in NC, chastising them for being wrong and saying transgenders can use any restroom they want to. Finally, he told the NY Times editorial board "the wall" was negotiable... everything is negotiable.

But still... what IS the Republican agenda when our Republican majority Congress basically surrenders the power of the purse and rubber stamps Obamacare and everything else Obama wanted to do the past 4 years? It really seems like Republicans are simply Democrats who are red headed step-children to be kicked around. Why not just be Democrats and be part of the liked crowd? If you're not going to have any principles of your own, you don't really HAVE an agenda.
Ok, so you'd rather see an activist liberal Court for the next 20 years than support Trump.

No, I'd rather be able to support Trump. He's making that more difficult the more he runs his mouth and so are his supporters. But it's like I've said before, the SCOTUS is really a non-issue at this point because Trump probably won't nominate anything better than Hillary. Who's going to hold him accountable? You tools?
I disagree. Trump says he wants to get rid of Obamacare on his website and that will require a number of lawsuits now pending and soon to be brought to win in the Supreme Court, so it is likely he will appoint some one who believes the powers of the federal government should be limited, he will definitely not be some one Clinton would support, but since there are probably only a few people in America who are "conservative" enough to satisfy you, no doubt you will be disappointed.
It's going to get real bad for Trump and Republicans come election day

Poll: Clinton leads Trump in Georgia
Good luck with that....
I tried to find a way to vote for the guy.
It's the economy.
It's immigration...
It's the supreme court.....

And I'm on board.

And then Trump opens his mouth...
and his fingers fly on his twitter account....
And then with the talking again....
He's all over the place....
The mouth keeps talking and talking....

And he contradicts what he said only a few days earlier.

He just might be crazy....
What does it take to stay on message....


Ah whatever.....
Donald Trump’s flailing campaign has prompted Democrats to launch a new, broad effort to offer Hillary Clinton as a safe harbor for Republicans who find they can no longer stomach the GOP presidential nominee.

Clinton broadens campaign effort to target wary Republicans
The message is simple: Even if you have never before considered voting for a Democrat, and even if you don’t like Clinton, choosing her this year is a moral and patriotic imperative.

“Duty, honor, country,” is how one person familiar with recent campaign outreach put it.
I agree with those reasons and others for voting for Trump, but what puzzles me is that Clinton announced at the convention her number one priority is to appoint a liberal justice to the Supreme Court, so how can some prominent Republicans announce they will not support Trump or will even vote for Clinton when they know that if she wins this appointment will wipe out the Republican agenda for perhaps the next twenty years? Have they completely abandoned the Republican agenda?

What IS the "Republican agenda" these days? Trump has said in recent days that "we have to tax the rich" ...this is a term that is simply a false meme the Republicans have fought for the past decade or more. We don't tax wealth in America, we tax incomes. Trump has said he favors increasing the minimum wage to $10/hr. Again, contradicting something Republicans have been fighting for more than a decade. He bows again to the progressive rhetoric... "it may not be the republican thing to say but we have to help people." Those are HIS words. Just months ago, he stood on the debate stage and said he wouldn't favor raising the MW because it would kill jobs. Now-- he is out there making the progressive argument that the republicans don't want to help people and he is here to help people by raising the minimum wage. How is killing their jobs going to help them?

His daughter said he plans to do paid maternity leave... again, something Republicans have fought for years. He said in Iowa he plans to increase ethanol subsidies... the absolute worst corporate welfare program we waste money on. He has said he favors federal land grabs from states... again, contradictory to Republicanism in every way. He sided with the transgenders in NC, chastising them for being wrong and saying transgenders can use any restroom they want to. Finally, he told the NY Times editorial board "the wall" was negotiable... everything is negotiable.

But still... what IS the Republican agenda when our Republican majority Congress basically surrenders the power of the purse and rubber stamps Obamacare and everything else Obama wanted to do the past 4 years? It really seems like Republicans are simply Democrats who are red headed step-children to be kicked around. Why not just be Democrats and be part of the liked crowd? If you're not going to have any principles of your own, you don't really HAVE an agenda.
Ok, so you'd rather see an activist liberal Court for the next 20 years than support Trump.

No, I'd rather be able to support Trump. He's making that more difficult the more he runs his mouth and so are his supporters. But it's like I've said before, the SCOTUS is really a non-issue at this point because Trump probably won't nominate anything better than Hillary. Who's going to hold him accountable? You tools?
I disagree. Trump says he wants to get rid of Obamacare on his website and that will require a number of lawsuits now pending and soon to be brought to win in the Supreme Court, so it is likely he will appoint some one who believes the powers of the federal government should be limited, he will definitely not be some one Clinton would support, but since there are probably only a few people in America who are "conservative" enough to satisfy you, no doubt you will be disappointed.
It's going to get real bad for Trump and Republicans come election day

Poll: Clinton leads Trump in Georgia
If that prediction comes true, then it will also be bad for all of America and much of the world.

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