Im back on the Trump bandwagon. Let me tell you why.

Ok, so you'd rather see an activist liberal Court for the next 20 years than support Trump.

No, I'd rather be able to support Trump. He's making that more difficult the more he runs his mouth and so are his supporters. But it's like I've said before, the SCOTUS is really a non-issue at this point because Trump probably won't nominate anything better than Hillary. Who's going to hold him accountable? You tools?
I disagree. Trump says he wants to get rid of Obamacare on his website and that will require a number of lawsuits now pending and soon to be brought to win in the Supreme Court, so it is likely he will appoint some one who believes the powers of the federal government should be limited, he will definitely not be some one Clinton would support, but since there are probably only a few people in America who are "conservative" enough to satisfy you, no doubt you will be disappointed.
It's going to get real bad for Trump and Republicans come election day

Poll: Clinton leads Trump in Georgia
If that prediction comes true, then it will also be bad for all of America and much of the world.
Oh STFU. It was the GOP that caused the Great Recession of 2007. Obama's economy is steady and not broken and you are a joke for even suggesting that if the Democrats win the world is in trouble.

The Democrats got the world out of the GOP's global recession.

Financial crisis of 2007–08 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stop reading conservapedia

Recession of 2008 - Conservapedia
wipipedia? If you have to resort to that you've lost. Rewritting history won't work.

Hillary will continue the same shit with the same dismal results.
Good luck with that....
I tried to find a way to vote for the guy.
It's the economy.
It's immigration...
It's the supreme court.....

And I'm on board.

And then Trump opens his mouth...
and his fingers fly on his twitter account....
And then with the talking again....
He's all over the place....
The mouth keeps talking and talking....

And he contradicts what he said only a few days earlier.

He just might be crazy....
What does it take to stay on message....


Ah whatever.....
So it's no longer the economy, immigration or the Supreme Court with you?
No doubt border security and immigration is a huge issue. I agree with the OP, Trump is the better choice on that. Clinton's policies seem pretty reckless considering the world we're currently living in. If immigration concerns is your number one issue, you'd have to go with Trump.
If you go back to Bush Tom Delay & Dennis (Pedophile) Hastert again yes we will repeat the Bush years all over again. Only this time it's Trump Ryan & Mitch McConnell. Any one of them could be the pedophile.
Booboo, it's always amusing to watch you try to cobble together a coherent thought. Like a gerbil trying to get out of his cage.
No, I'd rather be able to support Trump. He's making that more difficult the more he runs his mouth and so are his supporters. But it's like I've said before, the SCOTUS is really a non-issue at this point because Trump probably won't nominate anything better than Hillary. Who's going to hold him accountable? You tools?
I disagree. Trump says he wants to get rid of Obamacare on his website and that will require a number of lawsuits now pending and soon to be brought to win in the Supreme Court, so it is likely he will appoint some one who believes the powers of the federal government should be limited, he will definitely not be some one Clinton would support, but since there are probably only a few people in America who are "conservative" enough to satisfy you, no doubt you will be disappointed.
It's going to get real bad for Trump and Republicans come election day

Poll: Clinton leads Trump in Georgia
If that prediction comes true, then it will also be bad for all of America and much of the world.
Oh STFU. It was the GOP that caused the Great Recession of 2007. Obama's economy is steady and not broken and you are a joke for even suggesting that if the Democrats win the world is in trouble.

The Democrats got the world out of the GOP's global recession.

Financial crisis of 2007–08 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stop reading conservapedia

Recession of 2008 - Conservapedia
wipipedia? If you have to resort to that you've lost. Rewritting history won't work.

Hillary will continue the same shit with the same dismal results.
So you admit she will be the next POTUS.
So you admit she will be the next POTUS.
She is a POS now, was a POS and will be a POS in the future but no, not POTUS. America isn't in the mood for more of the same. When I leave the city all I see is Trump signs. In town all I see is Bernie signs (still). Your dream will not be realized.
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Clinton on the other hand, despite her many flaws is the most qualified, experienced candidate we've ever had, who won't have to wear training wheels and embarrass the hell out of the country for 4 years like assclow
What experience did Barrack Hussein Obama have? Trump put people to work, the Obama-Clinton regime hasn't. Trump will keep us safe. The Obama-Clinton team is releasing GITMO terrorists who are the worst of the worst.
Obama was nowhere near as bad as Bush.

Put down the Easy-Off and the paper bag, Gump. You've had enough.

And Trump will be a lot worse than him.

Obama has done more damage to the Constitution and civil rights than any President in history.

Hillary will be far worse and will spawn a civil war.

oh please. Anybody who even dreams that Obama was/is worse than Baby Bush is taking a whole tank full of Kool Aid. Only true blue neocon whackjobs think thus.

He has done no such thing. He isn't even in the worst Top 10.

Civil war? The only people who will spark a civil war are racist, misogynistic, Islamophobic, homophobic, fat, old, white Christian men and women. If you fit even one of those categories, it's on you. Not Obama. And not Hillary.
I disagree. Trump says he wants to get rid of Obamacare on his website and that will require a number of lawsuits now pending and soon to be brought to win in the Supreme Court, so it is likely he will appoint some one who believes the powers of the federal government should be limited, he will definitely not be some one Clinton would support, but since there are probably only a few people in America who are "conservative" enough to satisfy you, no doubt you will be disappointed.
It's going to get real bad for Trump and Republicans come election day

Poll: Clinton leads Trump in Georgia
If that prediction comes true, then it will also be bad for all of America and much of the world.
Oh STFU. It was the GOP that caused the Great Recession of 2007. Obama's economy is steady and not broken and you are a joke for even suggesting that if the Democrats win the world is in trouble.

The Democrats got the world out of the GOP's global recession.

Financial crisis of 2007–08 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stop reading conservapedia

Recession of 2008 - Conservapedia

I have consistently said it had many causes and not one party or group is to blame. Here is a partial list from

So who is to blame? There’s plenty of blame to go around, and it doesn’t fasten only on one party or even mainly on what Washington did or didn’t do. As The Economist magazine noted recently, the problem is one of "layered irresponsibility … with hard-working homeowners and billionaire villains each playing a role." Here’s a partial list of those alleged to be at fault:
The Federal Reserve, which slashed interest rates after the dot-com bubble burst, making credit cheap.

Home buyers, who took advantage of easy credit to bid up the prices of homes excessively.

Congress, which continues to support a mortgage tax deduction that gives consumers a tax incentive to buy more expensive houses.

Real estate agents, most of whom work for the sellers rather than the buyers and who earned higher commissions from selling more expensive homes.

The Clinton administration, which pushed for less stringent credit and downpayment requirements for working- and middle-class families.

Mortgage brokers, who offered less-credit-worthy home buyers subprime, adjustable rate loans with low initial payments, but exploding interest rates.

Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, who in 2004, near the peak of the housing bubble, encouraged Americans to take out adjustable rate mortgages.

Wall Street firms, who paid too little attention to the quality of the risky loans that they bundled into Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS), and issued bonds using those securities as collateral.

The Bush administration, which failed to provide needed government oversight of the increasingly dicey mortgage-backed securities market.

An obscure accounting rule called mark-to-market, which can have the paradoxical result of making assets be worth less on paper than they are in reality during times of panic.

Collective delusion, or a belief on the part of all parties that home prices would keep rising forever, no matter how high or how fast they had already gone up.

The U.S. economy is enormously complicated. Screwing it up takes a great deal of cooperation. Claiming that a single piece of legislation was responsible for (or could have averted) the crisis is just political grandstanding. We have no advice to offer on how best to solve the financial crisis. But these sorts of partisan caricatures can only make the task more difficult.
–by Joe Miller and Brooks Jackson

Only partisan whackadoodles believe it was one party or the other party's fault. That is why we are doomed to repeat it, we haven't learned.
If you go back to Bush Tom Delay & Dennis (Pedophile) Hastert again yes we will repeat the Bush years all over again. Only this time it's Trump Ryan & Mitch McConnell. Any one of them could be the pedophile.

Nope, Meathead are wrong, you spin, lie and distort facts to fit your narrative. The facts don't agree with you. You are stuck in a 70's sitcom.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Obama was nowhere near as bad as Bush.

Put down the Easy-Off and the paper bag, Gump. You've had enough.

And Trump will be a lot worse than him.

Obama has done more damage to the Constitution and civil rights than any President in history.

Hillary will be far worse and will spawn a civil war.

oh please. Anybody who even dreams that Obama was/is worse than Baby Bush is taking a whole tank full of Kool Aid. Only true blue neocon whackjobs think thus.

He has done no such thing. He isn't even in the worst Top 10.

Civil war? The only people who will spark a civil war are racist, misogynistic, Islamophobic, homophobic, fat, old, white Christian men and women. If you fit even one of those categories, it's on you. Not Obama. And not Hillary.

You've convinced yourself, and a sizable portion of the population that the other half of the country hates them.

If that is not a good step towards Civil War, then nothing is.
You've convinced yourself, and a sizable portion of the population that the other half of the country hates them.

If that is not a good step towards Civil War, then nothing is.

And whose fault is that?

You are the one spreading lies and hate and fear about your fellow citizens in order to win elections.

So it is yours.
So you admit she will be the next POTUS.
She is a POS now, was a POS and will be a POS in the future but no, not POTUS. America isn't in the mood for more of the same. When I leave the city all I see is Trump signs. In town all I see is Bernie signs (still). Your dream will not be realized.
What state do you live in? And just remember, independents and undecideds and moderates don't put up signs. They just vote. They are the people who decide elections and all indications are Trumps in trouble. He's even lost support from white blue collar. I heard his support with them is now 51% for him and 39% against him. Hillary is even winning those people over.

Democrats are always the lesser of two evils. The only reason Republicans are at all relevant is because those moderates/independents/undecideds don't show up to midterms.
So you admit she will be the next POTUS.
She is a POS now, was a POS and will be a POS in the future but no, not POTUS. America isn't in the mood for more of the same. When I leave the city all I see is Trump signs. In town all I see is Bernie signs (still). Your dream will not be realized.
What state do you live in? And just remember, independents and undecideds and moderates don't put up signs. They just vote. They are the people who decide elections and all indications are Trumps in trouble. He's even lost support from white blue collar. I heard his support with them is now 51% for him and 39% against him. Hillary is even winning those people over.

Democrats are always the lesser of two evils. The only reason Republicans are at all relevant is because those moderates/independents/undecideds don't show up to midterms.
You're full of shit. Adding to your steamy pile doesn't make it smell any sweeter. Independents can swing things one way or another but they don't do it alone. Every indication is that the economy is the primary concern for the average voter. Average, not leftist. Then comes national security/terrorism.

You want to believe Hillary will be best but I see no evidence of it, she has a track record and it isn't good. You are entiltled to your opinion but you don't have the authority to over ride mine so pounding your pudding in victory won't work. Just stick with your bong, thinking isn't for you.
You are the one spreading lies and hate and fear about your fellow citizens in order to win elections.

So it is yours.

What lies and fear am I spreading? I can't stand Trump....

You've convinced yourself, and a sizable portion of the population that the other half of the country hates them.

That's a lie, and it's making a sizable portion of the nation fear the other half.

You lefties are tearing this nation apart.
So you admit she will be the next POTUS.
She is a POS now, was a POS and will be a POS in the future but no, not POTUS. America isn't in the mood for more of the same. When I leave the city all I see is Trump signs. In town all I see is Bernie signs (still). Your dream will not be realized.
What state do you live in? And just remember, independents and undecideds and moderates don't put up signs. They just vote. They are the people who decide elections and all indications are Trumps in trouble. He's even lost support from white blue collar. I heard his support with them is now 51% for him and 39% against him. Hillary is even winning those people over.

Democrats are always the lesser of two evils. The only reason Republicans are at all relevant is because those moderates/independents/undecideds don't show up to midterms.
You're full of shit. Adding to your steamy pile doesn't make it smell any sweeter. Independents can swing things one way or another but they don't do it alone. Every indication is that the economy is the primary concern for the average voter. Average, not leftist. Then comes national security/terrorism.

You want to believe Hillary will be best but I see no evidence of it, she has a track record and it isn't good. You are entiltled to your opinion but you don't have the authority to over ride mine so pounding your pudding in victory won't work. Just stick with your bong, thinking isn't for you.
No evidence? Funny you guys don't see the difference between Bush's Great recession economy and Obama has had something like 80 straight months of job growth. We are getting close to zero unemployment. If you aren't working or aren't making enough, what should you do? Come on! Give them the same advice you gave people in 2008. What advice do you have for an uneducated blue collar worker?

If you forgot you used to tell them to start their own company or go back to school. Now you want to tariff companies so they bring jobs back home? And are you going to make those companies pay well like they used to? Bullshit.
You've convinced yourself, and a sizable portion of the population that the other half of the country hates them.

That's a lie, and it's making a sizable portion of the nation fear the other half.

You lefties are tearing this nation apart.

From the day Obama was elected your guys started this shit. You started the tearing....

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