Im back on the Trump bandwagon. Let me tell you why.

Good luck with that....
I tried to find a way to vote for the guy.
It's the economy.
It's immigration...
It's the supreme court.....

And I'm on board.

And then Trump opens his mouth...
and his fingers fly on his twitter account....
And then with the talking again....
He's all over the place....
The mouth keeps talking and talking....

And he contradicts what he said only a few days earlier.

He just might be crazy....
What does it take to stay on message....


Ah whatever.....
You've convinced yourself, and a sizable portion of the population that the other half of the country hates them.

That's a lie, and it's making a sizable portion of the nation fear the other half.

You lefties are tearing this nation apart.

From the day Obama was elected your guys started this shit. You started the tearing....

No, from the day Obama was elected we guys started normal,if somewhat bitter partisan opposition, as has been the norm for several decades.

You guys decided that this normal partisan opposition was "racism" and "Hatred" and started telling everyone that.

What could have been a step forward, instead turned into a major step backwards.

Note how no one is predicting that this opposition will be less under the White Hillary, if she wins...
oh please. Anybody who even dreams that Obama was/is worse than Baby Bush is taking a whole tank full of Kool Aid. Only true blue neocon whackjob
Anybody who is awake knows Obama is and forever will be the worst president this country ever endured. He also set back race relations 60 years. Black people are being referred to as ******* again. That was not happening prior to Obama winning the election and fucking up our country.
No, from the day Obama was elected we guys started normal,if somewhat bitter partisan opposition, as has been the norm for several decades.
You guys decided that this normal partisan opposition was "racism" and "Hatred" and started telling everyone that.
What could have been a step forward, instead turned into a major step backwards.

Note how no one is predicting that this opposition will be less under the White Hillary, if she wins...

Total utter crap. Go look at the history of this board Nov 5 2008. From Day 1. "He's a community organiser".."he's a Muslim", he's a Kenyan" "he wasn't born here." It's all on here in black and white. The venom from the right has been pathetic. To be honest it all started under Clinton...but it got worse under Bush (from the left), and then stepped up a gear under Obama.
Anybody who is awake knows Obama is and forever will be the worst president this country ever endured. He also set back race relations 60 years. Black people are being referred to as ******* again. That was not happening prior to Obama winning the election and fucking up our country.

Only neocon whackjobs think this and they are slowly but surely become less irrelevant as the past two elections have proven. As will this next one. Most normal people, and the vast majority of us who live in the western world outside of the US, think Bush is the worst president ever. But a country mile. Made the US a laughing stock.

Total crap. Black people have been referring to themselves as ******* as have whiteys (under their breath) forever. Now it's just out in the open. Maybe white cops should stop shooting unarmed black people. Don't get me wrong, there have been instances where the cops had no choice, but I have seen at least two (one where the guy is not only unarmed but running AWAY with his back turned) where I am totally baffled (as an ex LEO) as to why they shot them.
No, from the day Obama was elected we guys started normal,if somewhat bitter partisan opposition, as has been the norm for several decades.
You guys decided that this normal partisan opposition was "racism" and "Hatred" and started telling everyone that.
What could have been a step forward, instead turned into a major step backwards.

Note how no one is predicting that this opposition will be less under the White Hillary, if she wins...

Total utter crap. Go look at the history of this board Nov 5 2008. From Day 1. "He's a community organiser".."he's a Muslim", he's a Kenyan" "he wasn't born here." It's all on here in black and white. The venom from the right has been pathetic. To be honest it all started under Clinton...but it got worse under Bush (from the left), and then stepped up a gear under Obama.
Your idiot in chief published a booklet and said he was born in Kenya. People don't normally lie about such things. So why blame people who took him for his word.
Anybody who is awake knows Obama is and forever will be the worst president this country ever endured. He also set back race relations 60 years. Black people are being referred to as ******* again. That was not happening prior to Obama winning the election and fucking up our country.

Only neocon whackjobs think this and they are slowly but surely become less irrelevant as the past two elections have proven. As will this next one. Most normal people, and the vast majority of us who live in the western world outside of the US, think Bush is the worst president ever. But a country mile. Made the US a laughing stock.

Total crap. Black people have been referring to themselves as ******* as have whiteys (under their breath) forever. Now it's just out in the open. Maybe white cops should stop shooting unarmed black people. Don't get me wrong, there have been instances where the cops had no choice, but I have seen at least two (one where the guy is not only unarmed but running AWAY with his back turned) where I am totally baffled (as an ex LEO) as to why they shot them.
Bush was a good and decent man and President. Much beloved. His only mistake was not calling you people out for the lies told about him. We had Obutthole pegged before he was elected by you morons. All we had to do is read his fucking book and listened to what he said. No, Obama will be the worst president ever and there will never be another black liberal elected President again.
Bush was a good and decent man and President. Much beloved. His only mistake was not calling you people out for the lies told about him. We had Obutthole pegged before he was elected by you morons. All we had to do is read his fucking book and listened to what he said. No, Obama will be the worst president ever and there will never be another black liberal elected President again.

Bush was an man of average intellect and an average president at best. His overall approval rating as president was 49 percent. Obama's has been averaged at 47 percent. Although last year and this year he is averaging about 53 percent. Bush is easily the worst president the US has ever had. His legacy will be leaving behind a much more dangerous world thanks to his two wars of choice.
I know, I know nobody gives a shit who I decide to vote for. So point taken, but Im starting this thread anyway. Im doing so for two reasons 1) everybody else starts theads annoucing who they are supporting 2) I believe a lot of people that are voting for trump have a similar rational to mine, so maybe this thread can provide some insight as to why a lot of ppl are voting for trump. Anyway I have two reasons why Im voting Trump. Here they are:

1) The first reason is the supreme court. Hillary has stated she wants to put progressives on the SC. While my trust when it comes to Trump isnt very high, i trust that he will make better selections than hillary on this matter.

2) Hillary wants to allow millions of muslim refugees in the country. An action that I am vehemently against. In particularly when the director of the FBI and director of homeland security is tells us our government cannot suficently vet them.

Donald Trump by no means is a perfect candidate. I dont buy into the caricature that the media tries to create though. Hes not stupid, a bigot, or some who hasnt achieved a tremendous amount of succes in buisness. Im not going to lie, Im not confident he will make a good president, but it is concievable that he would. I dont see that possiblity for hillary clinton.
That's why most of us want hillary to win. We don't want another anti abortion anti environment pro citizen united dick on the supreme.

Thanks for pointing out why hillary must win.

Alito and Roberts have sided with corporations 100% of the time. They are corporate cronies

Hilary took hundreds of millions of dollars from corporations you twit.......the clinton foundation has been filled with money from every corporation they could get money out of.......and from foriegn countries too......
Bush was a good and decent man and President. Much beloved. His only mistake was not calling you people out for the lies told about him. We had Obutthole pegged before he was elected by you morons. All we had to do is read his fucking book and listened to what he said. No, Obama will be the worst president ever and there will never be another black liberal elected President again.

Bush was an man of average intellect and an average president at best. His overall approval rating as president was 49 percent. Obama's has been averaged at 47 percent. Although last year and this year he is averaging about 53 percent. Bush is easily the worst president the US has ever had. His legacy will be leaving behind a much more dangerous world thanks to his two wars of choice.

Yeah...except for that whole 9/11 thing....

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