Im confised about our retaliation airstrike...

He probably took out a former translator for US troops.....
It's clear from the past couple of weeks there's no LIE Biden won't tell so I call BS on this. Plus let me get this straight, Biden first tells us there's no terrorists left in Afghanistan, then terrorists attack, then in only hours he's able to identify a specific terrorist and kill him. FFS this is ridiculous.

They say he's an ISISk member but then they say they have no evidence he is linked in any way to the suicide bombings but that he was planning future attacks?
And how did we drone strike him without any other casualties?

I want to say good job Biden but I am very suspicious that this person even exists.

It makes me sad to be at a point where I no longer trust my own governments word.

Not an airstrike. It was a drone strike. Words mean things.
International Disaster *Joe needed something, anything, to make him look strong so this is what the demleftists came up with. It will work on the lemmings and nobody else including the terrorists.
You fucknuts would have preferred...what?

They say he's an ISISk member but then they say they have no evidence he is linked in any way to the suicide bombings but that he was planning future attacks?
And how did we drone strike him without any other casualties?

I want to say good job Biden but I am very suspicious that this person even exists.

It makes me sad to be at a point where I no longer trust my own governments word.

You're generally confused.
When you figure out how to stop all suicide bombers.....let us know, ok? The Israelis would like to know too.
Is that an excuse for Biden's incompetence that got nearly 200 people killed on his watch during his F'ed up Afghanistan withdrawal most of our allies around the world said is a clusterfuck?
Biden surrendered.Why is he attacking again?
Robert E Lee didn't attack the North after he surrendered
The Japanese didn't attack us after they surrendered in World War 2
tRump surrender. Mike Pompeo negotiated it.

You can read it here. It's only 4 pages long.


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