I'm curious: are repubs dumb enough to think Iran would roll over and do whatever the West wants?

So the alternative to doing something sane and logical is to do what you think. Right. Iran is a modern country that can be brought into submission to a civilized world through sanctions. We don't have to bargin with supporters of terrorism. We have the power to tell them to f..k off and if they don't like it then we will just start taking out their oil fields. If these islamo radical countries want to live in the 15th century so be it but we are not going to allow them to have any influence in a modern world. They have already stated that they will continue to support terrorism and once they get their 120 billion they will go on a military build up. For what reason, if what you say is true they have no enemies that are going to attack them.

If you wish to be a modern Neville Chamberlain then so be it. I perfer not to have to worry about a suitcase nuke.
You don't seem qualified to identify sane and logical actions. This is particularly evidenced by your "taking out their oil fields" comment. Do your parents know you are on the internet?
What do you think his parents should do about his internet usage?
Curb it. Do you let your kids run around in a room full of adults?
My children are far more mature than you.
"I'm curious: are repubs dumb enough to think Iran would roll over and do whatever the West wants?"

They're dumb enough to believe Americans would support another illegal war.
They probably would, many Americans aren't very bright.. Just frame it as "THE EXCEPTIONAL UNITED STATES VS THE TERRORISTS FREEEEDOOOM"
America doesn't hold all the cards here, there are other countries involved.

If they change their stance, there's nothing we can do about it. And it looks as if they have.

SO let them pay the 10 billion a year the UN wants to police Iran
Another great thing about this deal is that the UN wants over 10 billion a year to inspect Iran's nuclear programs and guess who will be paying the brunt of that money.

We will even though no American inspectors will be allowed in Iran
I'm starting to like this deal. Got a link as to payments? As to no US inspectors in the country, that's what you get for putting spies in UNSCOM.
"I'm curious: are repubs dumb enough to think Iran would roll over and do whatever the West wants?"

They're dumb enough to believe Americans would support another illegal war.

Doesn't matter what Americans want anymore around here. Where have you been the last 7 years?

Iran has violated just about every agreement they have entered

What's that saying about insanity again?
Don't think they've violated the Convention against Torture, nor the UN Charter, nor the Geneva Conventions. Pity we can't say the same about others.
"I'm curious: are repubs dumb enough to think Iran would roll over and do whatever the West wants?"

They're dumb enough to believe Americans would support another illegal war.

Doesn't matter what Americans want anymore around here. Where have you been the last 7 years?


Yep, because IF it did. the MAJORITY opposes this deal. but we have Obambam in there so everything is all WHAT HE WANTS
Another great thing about this deal is that the UN wants over 10 billion a year to inspect Iran's nuclear programs and guess who will be paying the brunt of that money.

We will even though no American inspectors will be allowed in Iran
I'm starting to like this deal. Got a link as to payments? As to no US inspectors in the country, that's what you get for putting spies in UNSCOM.

What's to like?

Iran is still going to get the bomb. You think because it might only take a few years longer is a good thing
Another great thing about this deal is that the UN wants over 10 billion a year to inspect Iran's nuclear programs and guess who will be paying the brunt of that money.

We will even though no American inspectors will be allowed in Iran
I'm starting to like this deal. Got a link as to payments? As to no US inspectors in the country, that's what you get for putting spies in UNSCOM.

What's to like?

Iran is still going to get the bomb. You think because it might only take a few years longer is a good thing

Because Obama is a big pussy

Kick the can

So the alternative to doing something sane and logical is to do what you think. Right. Iran is a modern country that can be brought into submission to a civilized world through sanctions. We don't have to bargin with supporters of terrorism. We have the power to tell them to f..k off and if they don't like it then we will just start taking out their oil fields. If these islamo radical countries want to live in the 15th century so be it but we are not going to allow them to have any influence in a modern world. They have already stated that they will continue to support terrorism and once they get their 120 billion they will go on a military build up. For what reason, if what you say is true they have no enemies that are going to attack them.

If you wish to be a modern Neville Chamberlain then so be it. I perfer not to have to worry about a suitcase nuke.
You don't seem qualified to identify sane and logical actions. This is particularly evidenced by your "taking out their oil fields" comment. Do your parents know you are on the internet?
What do you think his parents should do about his internet usage?
Curb it. Do you let your kids run around in a room full of adults?
I do, when they're so much smarter than the adults that they can supervise them.

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