I'm damn proud of the Jan 6 "insurrectionists".....I'll bet Trump is as well....Are there any conservatives who aren't?


Your OP is disgusting - And YOU are disgusting



Read through this thread.

These Trump Humpers are PROUD of what they did on Jan 6
The Left did a great job motivating the Right...they showed them that riots were acceptable and affective. Good job
Sorry. You don't get to blame your actions on anyone but yourselves.

i’m not blaming anybody for anything… I’m thanking the left for showing are right what works. Thank you
They restored my faith in the Right's willingness and ability to protest and engage in real practice activism. They proved the Right hasn't given up, they proved the Right still has the tenacity that's necessary to fight for what's good and right for America. Is there a valid reason Conservatives shouldn't be proud of the January 6th "INSURRECTION"?
Eh? They would have been better off gathering in Atlanta in front of CNN, who has lied to us for how many years now?
They restored my faith in the Right's willingness and ability to protest and engage in real practice activism. They proved the Right hasn't given up, they proved the Right still has the tenacity that's necessary to fight for what's good and right for America. Is there a valid reason Conservatives shouldn't be proud of the January 6th "INSURRECTION"?
January 6th was built on lies. Prove me wrong.
If you like fascism so much, ever think about moving to Romania.
January 6th was built on lies. Prove me wrong.
If you like fascism so much, ever think about moving to Romania.
Prove that. There is plenty of evidence that the Capitol break-in was incited by government plants. There are on-going investigations of voting fraud today. Fascism exists today in the Biden/Fauci power grab.
January 6th was built on lies. Prove me wrong.
If you like fascism so much, ever think about moving to Romania.
Fascism is celebrating the suppression of speech. Fascism is re-writing election guidelines in the 11th hour by circumventing state legislatures and using the guise of "national emergency" to do so. Fascism is Democrats working with media and social media giants to steer elections.
They restored my faith in the Right's willingness and ability to protest and engage in real practice activism. They proved the Right hasn't given up, they proved the Right still has the tenacity that's necessary to fight for what's good and right for America. Is there a valid reason Conservatives shouldn't be proud of the January 6th "INSURRECTION"?

Yes we are all very proud but it was not an insurrection properly.

C'mon now ....give me a break...ok?

They restored my faith in the Right's willingness and ability to protest and engage in real practice activism. They proved the Right hasn't given up, they proved the Right still has the tenacity that's necessary to fight for what's good and right for America. Is there a valid reason Conservatives shouldn't be proud of the January 6th "INSURRECTION"?
Valid reason?
Ummm, maybe the cop with 3 severed fingers?
Maybe the cop who lost an eye?
Maybe the cop--Mike Fanone ---who suffered a heart attack after being maced, tazed and beat?
Maybe that to those insurrection 'conservatives'.......Blue Lives Matter not really at all?
Maybe......ah nah!.......no reason to even discuss if BrokeLoser's flavor of conservativism is all in on the feces on the walls?
'Patriot' Jackassery.....IMHO.


Yup. Pooping in the Capitol and smearing it on the walls.......may be what you like about rightwing conservativism, poster jc456.
Real and loyal Americans? Not so much. Grown up adults? Not so much.

OK, that means the teenage pages in the chambers?
Must mean the young staffers who respond to constituent calls and letters?
Must mean the government cops (Capitol police) who strived to fulfill their oaths?
It must mean that whoever says that government employee in that building should be lynched.......is an undereducated unthinking dolt.
Or a 14 year old on the basement computer.


ALL.....were 'let in'?
None broke down doors and windows and bashed cops to force their way in?


You really sure on that one poster 'lantern'?

Here, do this.......go to that recent thread about he "47 minutes" compilation of videos from January 6th.
Watch it.
Then come back here as an adult......and tell us that ALL invaders were 'let in'.

OK, partner?
Be smart. Don't be a jackass.

January 6th was built on lies. Prove me wrong.
If you like fascism so much, ever think about moving to Romania.
are suggesting that it didn't take two extra days to count the fraudulent ballots in the swing states?
We are throwing an office party tomorrow to celebrate “Insurrection Day”.
Is anyone else starting an annual celebration tomorrow?
Be sure not to invite the insurrectionists who are in jail. It might hurt their feelings.
Be sure not to invite the insurrectionists who are in jail. It might hurt their feelings.
LefTard Logic:

Insurrectionists -


Not Insurrectionists-


Every time you loons use the word “insurrection“ you lose credibility. NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention can take you seriously.
I don't because all they did was fuel the Democrats for years to come and they made us all look bad. That day conservatives handed liberals so much ammunition it was crazy. Now democrats have a blank check for excuse making because of it.

It was a bad idea as evidenced by the media overly focusing on them and painting them as terrorists meanwhile the media ignored BLM and antifa the real terrorists.

The intention of them good. But the execution of their plan was bad.

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