McCarthy And McConnell Pivot Slightly On The Jan 6 Commission!

By inciting an insurrection against our government using radical far right groups loyal to him and causing the ransacking of the capitol, Trump is leading the Republican Party into the abyss.

On Tuesday, Trump expressed the hope that Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell are listening to him.

They are. On Tuesday, House Minority Leader McCarthy came out against the bipartisan Jan. 6 commission he okayed in February.

With a series of mischaracterizations, Senate Minority Leader McConnell came out against it.

The Democratically controlled House passed the measure with 35 Republicans voting for it, but, with McConnell's opposition, it faces tough sledding in the Senate where it will require 60 votes for it to pass.

Clearly, Republicans are putting themselves before the country and the Constitution as they want to hide an invasion of our capitol so they can win in 2022.

Clearly, McCarthy and McConnell are trying desperately to protect their asses. Here's why.

“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters. He should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding,” McCarthy said on January 13.

McConnell told us on Feb. 13 that the rioters had been "fed wild falsehoods by the most powerful man on Earth. Because he was angry he'd lost an election."

"Former President Trump's actions that preceded the riot were a disgraceful, disgraceful dereliction of duty," added McConnell. "Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day."

Now they ask, "how high?" when Trump tells them to jump.

Defeat of the commission in the Senate is Trump's want. Once again, we must ask, just how stupid is this man?

"I certainly could call for hearings in the House with a majority of members being Democrats, and full subpoena power, and the agenda being determined by Democrats -- but that’s not the path we have chosen to go," Speaker Pelosi asserted.

Which would be better for Trump and the Republican Party? A bipartisan commission, five members chosen by Democrats, five members chosen by McCarthy, subpoenas approved by all; or an investigation with full subpoena power with Democrats in charge?

Taking into account his own well-being, Trump didn't answer that question well. Apparently, he wants the Democrats to investigate, and that is likely to happen if McConnell and McCarthy have their way after listening to Trump.

Surprisingly, every member of Trump's flock adore him. That's a problem for the GOP. It explains why they are acting so foolishly.
There worry is justified. But the dems response is to spend more on security when we already spend a Yuuuuge amt. It's unfortunate the whole thing is politicized. The Capitol Police were never set up to defend the capital from an angry mob of citizens whipped up into a frenzy by a defeated presidential candidate urging violence to put him in office. Bu there's at least on thread on this already
There worry is justified. But the dems response is to spend more on security when we already spend a Yuuuuge amt. It's unfortunate the whole thing is politicized. The Capitol Police were never set up to defend the capital from an angry mob of citizens whipped up into a frenzy by a defeated presidential candidate urging violence to put him in office. Bu there's at least on thread on this already
MAGA IS CANCER IN THE long as the MAGA crowd is around...our country is at risk.

Is the commission going to name names of who they have picked up for interrogation and thrown into the gulag for months on end without due process?

How about a public proclamation from the president of the United States as to who they are after and picking up on insurrection and traitorous charges?

Will the bodycam and other security footage be made available to the American people soon?

During these interrogations do the interrogators use water boarding or any other "interrogation techniques" on American citizens on United States soil without due process or a lawyer present?

Will Castle Doctrine be written into the United States Constitution soon since shooting unarmed protestors without warning or the use of non-lethal methods is good enough for our congresspersons and should be good enough for all American citizens?

The citizens of the United States of America have a right to know!


There worry is justified. But the dems response is to spend more on security when we already spend a Yuuuuge amt. It's unfortunate the whole thing is politicized. The Capitol Police were never set up to defend the capital from an angry mob of citizens whipped up into a frenzy by a defeated presidential candidate urging violence to put him in office. Bu there's at least on thread on this already
I'd love to see Roger Stone under oath and listen to him explain how it was that the Proud Boys provided him with security at the rally right before the Trump riot.

Then the House committee could place former president Donald Trump under oath, and the American people could watch him lie in response to every question.
There worry is justified. But the dems response is to spend more on security when we already spend a Yuuuuge amt. It's unfortunate the whole thing is politicized. The Capitol Police were never set up to defend the capital from an angry mob of citizens whipped up into a frenzy by a defeated presidential candidate urging violence to put him in office. Bu there's at least on thread on this already
I'd love to see Roger Stone under oath and listen to him explain how it was that the Proud Boys provided him with security at the rally right before the Trump riot.

Then the House committee could place former president Donald Trump under oath, and the American people could watch him lie in response to every question.
That would be MUST SEE TV.
There worry is justified. But the dems response is to spend more on security when we already spend a Yuuuuge amt. It's unfortunate the whole thing is politicized. The Capitol Police were never set up to defend the capital from an angry mob of citizens whipped up into a frenzy by a defeated presidential candidate urging violence to put him in office. Bu there's at least on thread on this already
MAGA IS CANCER IN THE long as the MAGA crowd is around...our country is at risk.
Your solution? Round up all Trump voters and shoot them?
There worry is justified. But the dems response is to spend more on security when we already spend a Yuuuuge amt. It's unfortunate the whole thing is politicized. The Capitol Police were never set up to defend the capital from an angry mob of citizens whipped up into a frenzy by a defeated presidential candidate urging violence to put him in office. Bu there's at least on thread on this already
MAGA IS CANCER IN THE long as the MAGA crowd is around...our country is at risk.
You seem to think we will be united. Never more. You are fortunate that the deplorables are more patriotic then you will ever be. Many are very good with weapons. With many well trained vets with the military also.
What part of NO don't the democrats understand?

The FBI is investigating and making arrests. Anything eklse is just a show trial.
Besides, in 2022 and 2024 the democrats will be up to their asses in bad news from stupid democrat policies.

Really? Only one word response...."BENGHAZI!"
Benghazi where Clinton and obama fed Ambassador stevens and the other 3 to terrorists to be killed? That Benghazi?
House Minority Leader McCarthy and Senate Minority Leader McConnell should tweak their position on the Jan. 6 Commission they should say that they will support the establishment of the Commission if the Attorney General makes a legally binding commitment to not bring any criminal charges against any protestors at the Capitol on Jan. 6th even if they trespassed at the Capitol even if they engaged in physical altercation with the Capitol or DC police unless they either stole property at the Capitol or caused serious bodily injury to such a security officer and the list of security officers that suffered such bodily harm will be publicly disclosed at least to the extent that the location of the assault and the nature of the assault will be disclosed so a protestor will be able to determine if it is safe from a risking prosecution standpoint to come forward and participate with the commission. If President Biden pardons these protestors that were not the worst of the bunch that should suffice as meeting this condition for these Republican leaders. The only other conditions the Republicans should set on changing the current legislation establishing the commission is if there is not the set forth time limits on the commission there should be set forth the time limits as such the subpoena power in the legislation expires on Dec. 31 of this year and the commission has sixty days to write and publish their report any publication after this date is not deemed a legitimate report; the American people don't need this commission working into the midterm election cycle next year that would be too disruptive!

The reason why the country needs to waive criminal liability for a lot of the protestors is that if the Commission is really to serve the American people it needs to get to the truth of what happened at the Capitol on January 6th was it a premeditated plan to hijack the Country's legal mechanism for certifying the Electoral College vote and disregard the legitimate vote and substitute the conspirators' candidate as the winner of the Electoral College vote or was it a massive protest against the official count of the Electoral College because of the belief of fraud involved in specific state elections a protest that morphed into a violent mob that then committed the acts seen widespread on TV and shocked people throughout the world! No lawyer that deserves to hold his or her law license is going to let a protestor talk to the commission or it's staff under the current state of things because such a protestor would be at risk of criminal prosecution based on what they say they could be providing to the government incriminating evidence against themselves. The way things stand right now is that this current bill could pass both chambers by Wednesday of next week and the established commission could make a good faith effort to do a thorough investigation and the nation would be no closer to being exactly sure of what happened on Jan. 6 because the actual protesters don't participate in very significant numbers. To be crass what the nation is looking at right now with the current state of this bill if it passes is that for the next nine months of this commission's life the country is going to be subjected to an exercise of politics on the Jan 6 incident. Democrat appointees and the allies will label the actions as an insurrection that violated the nation's 250 year tradition of a peaceful transfer of power and the Republican appointees and their allies will continually put forth that this incident was a byproduct of a huge portion of the American people that believe that for this election the liberal Democrats stole the election from the Republicans to advance their scary liberal agenda which is going to ultimately raise taxes on everyone, increase interest rates and devalue the dollar leaving America as a second rate country economically! Investigative commissions should be about getting to the bottom of things, about discovering the actual truth of what happened, this bill the insurrection label waving politicians are currently cooking up in Washington actually won't, actually has no chance of success and helping to heal the nation!
Oh....So throw the rule of law out the window for the trump mob?
What part of NO don't the democrats understand?

The FBI is investigating and making arrests. Anything eklse is just a show trial.
Besides, in 2022 and 2024 the democrats will be up to their asses in bad news from stupid democrat policies.
They FBI will not catch the trump and rudy.
What part of NO don't the democrats understand?

The FBI is investigating and making arrests. Anything eklse is just a show trial.
Besides, in 2022 and 2024 the democrats will be up to their asses in bad news from stupid democrat policies.
They FBI will not catch the trump and rudy.
You just answered why the NO is needed.

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