I'm damn proud of the Jan 6 "insurrectionists".....I'll bet Trump is as well....Are there any conservatives who aren't?

I regret that they stormed the capital building

First of all just because it was wrong

but also because it was politically stupid and has energized the libs who want to crush civil fights
Armed officers let them in. All a setup by scum Dems.
trump cultist ignoring reality.
Who said I wasn’t there?
Still…nobody said I wasn’t there
The same “right-thinking” Americans that have had their asses handed to them by the Left for decades because they don’t have the balls to get in the trenches and play hardball?

OK, B.Loser......as long as you continue to dwell on the subject, let us ask directly:
Were you there?
If you were.....why?
And what did you do?
And what did you see?
Did you see .....or did you 'do'....your fantasized "hardball"?

If you weren't there.....well, why not?
You assert you are very proud of those who attacked the Capitol....yet, you sidestep explaining your own actions last January 6th.

My avatar's advice to yours: Quit playing schoolboy games and man up.
Either you were, or you weren't.
Don't be one of those keyboard warriors who lives in his imaginary world of Kevlar, F*ck Biden banners, AR-15's, gay Oathkeepers, and Roger Stone.
Man up, mein freund. Show some gravitas.

"Jan. 6th was a set up by and orchestrated by the bitch pelosi and other scem (sic) Dems. The fuck head Biden camparing (sic) it to pear (sic) harbor and 9-11 just shows (sic) how stupid he is."

"set up by and orchestrated" by Nancy Pelosi?
"set up by and orchestrated by".......other 'scem' Dems?

Good poster Justice Hammer, free advice....and worth it.
Either-----prove your assertions, or
..or......quit your incessant complaining about it.
Your poor avatar is coming across as an ineffective, ne'er-do-well who doesn't 'do'..... just whines.

Trust me, mon ami, it is not a good look for a grown man.
If, in fact, that is what you are.

I think in your heart of hearts you know that but are subsumed in your MAGAHatter world of grievance and conspiracy.
Don't do that.
It really does make your avatar look inadequate to the task you expect it to perform.
I, for one, think you can do better.

Trust me.
And good luck.
OK, B.Loser......as long as you continue to dwell on the subject, let us ask directly:
Were you there?
If you were.....why?
And what did you do?
And what did you see?
Did you see .....or did you 'do'....your fantasized "hardball"?

If you weren't there.....well, why not?
You assert you are very proud of those who attacked the Capitol....yet, you sidestep explaining your own actions last January 6th.

My avatar's advice to yours: Quit playing schoolboy games and man up.
Either you were, or you weren't.
Don't be one of those keyboard warriors who lives in his imaginary world of Kevlar, F*ck Biden banners, AR-15's, gay Oathkeepers, and Roger Stone.
Man up, mein freund. Show some gravitas.

"set up by and orchestrated" by Nancy Pelosi?
"set up by and orchestrated by".......other 'scem' Dems?

Good poster Justice Hammer, free advice....and worth it.
Either-----prove your assertions, or
..or......quit your incessant complaining about it.
Your poor avatar is coming across as an ineffective, ne'er-do-well who doesn't 'do'..... just whines.

Trust me, mon ami, it is not a good look for a grown man.
If, in fact, that is what you are.

I think in your heart of hearts you know that but are subsumed in your MAGAHatter world of grievance and conspiracy.
Don't do that.
It really does make your avatar look inadequate to the task you expect it to perform.
I, for one, think you can do better.

Trust me.
And good luck.
Just proved you can't prove me wrong, thanks.
Wrong again Tard

in·sur·rec·tion -
a violent uprising against an authority or government.

The stated point of the Jan 6th violence was to stop a constitutionally mandated function of the federal gov't. That pretty well fits the description.
"Just proved you can't prove me wrong, thanks."
"can't prove me wrong..."
Ummm, OK, let's go there.

Poster JusticeHammer offers the forum this in post #158:

"Jan. 6th was a set up by and orchestrated by the bitch pelosi and other scem (sic) Dems. The fuck head Biden camparing (sic) it to pear (sic) harbor and 9-11 just shows (sic) how stupid he is."

To which, he was offered some well-meaning, albeit pro bono, advice.
To wit:

Either-----prove your assertions, or......or......quit your incessant complaining about it.
Your poor avatar is coming across as an ineffective, ne'er-do-well who doesn't 'do'..... but just whines.

What the free advice was hinting at poster Justice is ----- you should be able to do better.
Be a better you. Maybe quit acting like the way easy-to-hit mole in a Whack-A-Mole.

Try reflecting on the suggestion that your avatar is not the best representation of who you really are...... you should be better.
Someone your family can be proud of, and, in turn, you are able to feel better about yourself.

Good luck.

But "he" did NOT lose" his" pride, "his" sanity, "his" morality, "his" veracity, nor "his" credibility. That's only because "he" lost all those many years ago and is happy writing them off forever.​

Jonathan Karl:

He lost three separate counts in Georgia

He lost an audit conducted by his allies in Arizona

He lost audits in Michigan

He lost in his multiple efforts to get the Supreme Court to intervene

No candidate ever found more ways to lose an election than Donald Trump.

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