I'm embarressed to l8ve in Missouri

You people have no idea what you are talking about.

Get lost troll

Troll my ass.

You fucking retard.

High School extra curricular activities.......whatever they are......are a valuable component of a good education.

You can opt out of paying taxes for this, you know. But then, you'll have to opt out of the benefits that you get from everyone else paying taxes. You know...like the food that kept you alive while you we're in prison. You lame fuck.

A bass fishing program is as valid as any other extra curricular program. You are just a grumpy old fuck whose fingers are in excruciating pain from trying to hang onto every last dollar.

Troll my ass.

:rofl: this is true. prison costs as much as harvard ;)
All public school sports should be stopped, and replaced by community sports sponsorship with funding from sources other than tax dollars, like Little League is.There is very little in sports that has anything to do with preparing an individual for a lifetime of productive employment and success. It is a waste of resources, that could be used in so many other ways, including computer labs. Even mechanical trade courses are more productive.

I don't think I would go that far. Many under privileged children NEVER get to experience things through personal life that they get to experience through school.

When I grew up I was punished at home for DEFENDING myself in school. Some parents are so disconnected that public schools are the childs life experiences.

Having said that there needs to be reasonable limits.

I would argue that the under privileged children would be served better in the long run by firing the coach of the softball team and replacing her with a shop teacher who could teach these kids a marketable skill like masonry.

And you would fail. The softball coach is often a teacher who does the job for a small stipend. Something like $1500. When you consider that between the months of January and May, these fine public servants work an average of 20 hours per week coaching.....it is a fucking bargain.

And....what is it with people always suggesting that "those people" learn manual labor skills. How about we make it so our underprivileged kids become businessmen, lawyers and doctors?
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On topic our kids need job placement skills. Computers, electrical etc. Instead we're gonna teach them how to put a worm on a hook?

So you:

A) Haven't read a thing I've written?

B) Think the only thing American education needs is vocational training?

This is rural Missouri. I submit to you they dont need schooling in fishing. Inner city program I might give some latitude.

We need to teach country boys to fish like you need to teach me to drink....
Its better than them lying on a couch w/ their eyes locked-onto their 3" screen Eyephone.

Actually no it isn't. Both are useless activities. One costs taxpayer money, the other doesn't.

Schools should get out of extra-curricular activities all together. Football, volleyball, swimming, soccer, basketball, softball, baseball, dancing, theater...all of it.

If you want your kid to play baseball, there are private teams you can get them to join. Take the facilities built with tax money at the school and rent them out to these clubs.

In this day and age, it's a needless expense for facilities, a potentially dangerous activity for the students, a needless costs for coaches and staff that keeps on costing you, equipment, insurance etc...

Private schools can do whatever they want but public schools are about education.

Physical education has been understood to be a vital part of the complete overall development of children into healthy, intelligent citizens and educated, stable adults since the Greeks. A close familiarity with the natural world has been recognized as valuable for just as long.

Emerson certainly understood this:

"Nature never wears a mean appearance. Neither does the wisest man extort her secret, and lose his curiosity by finding out all her perfection. Nature never became a toy to a wise spirit. The flowers, the animals, the mountains, reflected the wisdom of his best hour, as much as they had delighted the simplicity of his childhood."

^ that. You have to have some activities that are NOT tied to pencils, paper, & electronic gadgets so that the education is "rounded". Not all parents are equipped to or give a darn about "the outdoors" for their children so if the schools don't initiate these activities, the kids are SOL. It may depend on the locale though as to its importance. Taking kids salmon fishing in alaska or lobstering in Maine could be considered redundant ;)

Still have PE and a gym. And shop. And home economics. Still have field trips and assemblies. Still have stuff like Close Up. I am a huge proponent of having the feds/state sponsor vocational education programs--there is no shame whatsoever in learning Auto Body over Algebra (Fed/State need to sponsor the programs in poorer districts) My friend had a scratch on her yellow car; took hundreds of dollars to repair.

Just don't pack your teams up and send them across the town, county, state to play. You save money on everything from facilities, to coaches, to gas, to uniforms, etc...
I don't think I would go that far. Many under privileged children NEVER get to experience things through personal life that they get to experience through school.

When I grew up I was punished at home for DEFENDING myself in school. Some parents are so disconnected that public schools are the childs life experiences.

Having said that there needs to be reasonable limits.

I would argue that the under privileged children would be served better in the long run by firing the coach of the softball team and replacing her with a shop teacher who could teach these kids a marketable skill like masonry.

And you would fail. The softball coach is often a teacher who does the job for a small stipend. Something like $1500. When you consider that between the months of January and May, these fine public servants work an average of 20 hours per week coaching.....it is a fucking bargain.

And....what is it with people always suggesting that "those people" learn manual labor skills. How about we make it so our underprivileged kids become businessmen, lawyers and doctors?

"Sports" teacher who feels threatened by this thread.

Your cover is blown and your input irrelevant
Get lost troll

Troll my ass.

You fucking retard.
High School extra curricular activities.......whatever they are......are a valuable component of a good education.

You can opt out of paying taxes for this, you know. But then, you'll have to opt out of the benefits that you get from everyone else paying taxes. You know...like the food that kept you alive while you we're in prison. You lame fuck.

A bass fishing program is as valid as any other extra curricular program. You are just a grumpy old fuck whose fingers are in excruciating pain from trying to hang onto every last dollar.

Troll my ass.

Yes troll. I never said curricular activities were a waste. I said we need limits and YOU had no answer. YOU ARE A TROLL

Get lost

You don't know what a troll is.

You are wrong on this issue. Admit it.
I don't think I would go that far. Many under privileged children NEVER get to experience things through personal life that they get to experience through school.

When I grew up I was punished at home for DEFENDING myself in school. Some parents are so disconnected that public schools are the childs life experiences.

Having said that there needs to be reasonable limits.

I would argue that the under privileged children would be served better in the long run by firing the coach of the softball team and replacing her with a shop teacher who could teach these kids a marketable skill like masonry.

And you would fail. The softball coach is often a teacher who does the job for a small stipend. Something like $1500. When you consider that between the months of January and May, these fine public servants work an average of 20 hours per week coaching.....it is a fucking bargain.

And....what is it with people always suggesting that "those people" learn manual labor skills. How about we make it so our underprivileged kids become businessmen, lawyers and doctors?

Okay, replace the softball coach with someone who is going to teach advanced placement calculus. Happy?
Nah, apparently they can be philosophers who made a few dollars a year; plenty of jobs out there for philosophers like Emerson and Thereau...

Actually, both of them worked in a variety of fields.

Funny how you know their names (even if you can't spell them), but you will be utterly forgotten before the body goes cold.
I would argue that the under privileged children would be served better in the long run by firing the coach of the softball team and replacing her with a shop teacher who could teach these kids a marketable skill like masonry.

And you would fail. The softball coach is often a teacher who does the job for a small stipend. Something like $1500. When you consider that between the months of January and May, these fine public servants work an average of 20 hours per week coaching.....it is a fucking bargain.

And....what is it with people always suggesting that "those people" learn manual labor skills. How about we make it so our underprivileged kids become businessmen, lawyers and doctors?

"Sports" teacher who feels threatened by this thread.

Your cover is blown and your input irrelevant

OK. Lets travel down this road.

Do you think I am a teacher? Do you think I coach high school sports?
I would argue that the under privileged children would be served better in the long run by firing the coach of the softball team and replacing her with a shop teacher who could teach these kids a marketable skill like masonry.

And you would fail. The softball coach is often a teacher who does the job for a small stipend. Something like $1500. When you consider that between the months of January and May, these fine public servants work an average of 20 hours per week coaching.....it is a fucking bargain.

And....what is it with people always suggesting that "those people" learn manual labor skills. How about we make it so our underprivileged kids become businessmen, lawyers and doctors?

Okay, replace the softball coach with someone who is going to teach advanced placement calculus. Happy?

Nope. All re needed.
The mentor in my life that led me to the right path wasn't my dad or mom. It wasn't even my teacher. It was a man who was responsible for detaining me in juvenile prison in YCAT.

I see that now. No amount of fishing or football would have shown me that.

You don't know that. By your own testimony, if you had been more committed to Track you would have done fewer drugs, if any. Too bad you never found out what you could have been shown.
What country are you from anyway?

The United States of America.

And you don't understand the role that sports have always played in American education, including the development and strengthening of individuals and communities? Are you just ignorant of history in general?

I understand that some people attribute the daily rise of the sun to the crowing of the rooster as if one depends upon the other.

The "strengthening of individuals and communities"? Sure, go ahead and give some examples...
Basketball and pole volting. I tried long distance track but was unable to keep up with all the drugs in my system. Sitting in a 15000 dollar boat fishing would have done nothing for me. And that price is based on the district being smart enough to buy used.

How many years were you on the Varsity Basketball team? Won a lot of competitions in Pole Vaulting? It seems that if you had been more committed to Track, maybe had more encouragement and support to excel there, you would not have put all those drugs in your system. Track could have done you a lot of good, but you didn't let it. Just like Math and Science don't do anything for those who choose not to study them well. Too bad.

You're confusing teachers with parents.

You didn't answer my first two questions there.
And you would fail. The softball coach is often a teacher who does the job for a small stipend. Something like $1500. When you consider that between the months of January and May, these fine public servants work an average of 20 hours per week coaching.....it is a fucking bargain.

And....what is it with people always suggesting that "those people" learn manual labor skills. How about we make it so our underprivileged kids become businessmen, lawyers and doctors?

"Sports" teacher who feels threatened by this thread.

Your cover is blown and your input irrelevant

OK. Lets travel down this road.

Do you think I am a teacher? Do you think I coach high school sports?

Honestly I hace no idea but the way you brag about your kids and softball and their good grades I think you live in a bubble where underprivileged children dont exist except where it counts in november.

You dont count. Period
Basketball and pole volting. I tried long distance track but was unable to keep up with all the drugs in my system. Sitting in a 15000 dollar boat fishing would have done nothing for me. And that price is based on the district being smart enough to buy used.

How many years were you on the Varsity Basketball team? Won a lot of competitions in Pole Vaulting? It seems that if you had been more committed to Track, maybe had more encouragement and support to excel there, you would not have put all those drugs in your system. Track could have done you a lot of good, but you didn't let it. Just like Math and Science don't do anything for those who choose not to study them well. Too bad.


If you flunk out of advanced calculus, you have all that you learned up to advanced calculus; algebra, probability, statistics, etc... When you lose in the semi finals of a basketball tourney, you have basically the same skill set of totally unmarketable knowledge, skills, and abilities. That is if you have enhanced your skill set from day one of training. Basketball is a team sport where not every player improves over time.

You are making the mistake of drawing conclusions based on your own personal ignorance of the benefits of sport. I think I have a pretty good idea what kind of kid you were.
Nah, apparently they can be philosophers who made a few dollars a year; plenty of jobs out there for philosophers like Emerson and Thereau...

Actually, both of them worked in a variety of fields.

Funny how you know their names (even if you can't spell them), but you will be utterly forgotten before the body goes cold.

Yes, I also know Magic Johnson, Randy Johnson, Calvin Johnson. Who I don't know are the tens of thousands of other athletes who never made it out of college and now are much poorer for not having a solid history of academic achievement to fall back on.

One more personal insult and you're on ignore. Actually, you're gone now; bye bye <plink>.
How many years were you on the Varsity Basketball team? Won a lot of competitions in Pole Vaulting? It seems that if you had been more committed to Track, maybe had more encouragement and support to excel there, you would not have put all those drugs in your system. Track could have done you a lot of good, but you didn't let it. Just like Math and Science don't do anything for those who choose not to study them well. Too bad.

You're confusing teachers with parents.

You didn't answer my first two questions there.

I was in prison before varsity was ever an option. I thought everyone knew so I didnt answer.
And you would fail. The softball coach is often a teacher who does the job for a small stipend. Something like $1500. When you consider that between the months of January and May, these fine public servants work an average of 20 hours per week coaching.....it is a fucking bargain.

And....what is it with people always suggesting that "those people" learn manual labor skills. How about we make it so our underprivileged kids become businessmen, lawyers and doctors?

Okay, replace the softball coach with someone who is going to teach advanced placement calculus. Happy?

Nope. All re needed.

I guess I should point out that you mis-spelled "are" since that is what we're doing now. LOL.

Sorry, people can get by without learning how to serve or spike a volley ball. Not so much without knowing at least some math, science, literature, history, reading, writing, etc...
Nah, apparently they can be philosophers who made a few dollars a year; plenty of jobs out there for philosophers like Emerson and Thereau...

Actually, both of them worked in a variety of fields.

Funny how you know their names (even if you can't spell them), but you will be utterly forgotten before the body goes cold.

Yes, I also know Magic Johnson, Randy Johnson, Calvin Johnson. Who I don't know are the tens of thousands of other athletes who never made it out of college and now are much poorer for not having a solid history of academic achievement to fall back on.

One more personal insult and you're on ignore. Actually, you're gone now; bye bye <plink>.

Put me on ignore faggot. You're role models are magic johnson?

You got issues and he got lucky otherwise he would be another black statistic

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