I'm embarressed to l8ve in Missouri

Wasted money. School is for education. Do you know what 2 bass tracker fishing boats cost? I am a fisherman. Ive had two of them as well as other boats. This is a waste of taxpayer dollars.

And if you still dont see the problem witb this then you have NO BUSINESS bitching about the lack of education our children receive.

Some get all bent out of shape when they can't be served pizza anymore but blowing 50k+ on a fucking Saturday morning pass time is okay

There's a strong argument that sports programs significantly increase graduation rates - keeping people in school who would possibly have dropped out in other circumstances.

It's a decision that should be up to the local school boards.

I'm sure there is a term for this syndrome but if you have sports in year one and it is taken away in year two, you feel upset and quit. But if you don't have sports in year one, you don't miss it in year two.

Put another way, there may be an uptick in dropping out right after you get rid of these activities but very soon kids won't know what they are missing so you won't have that as a motive to drop out.
Wasted money. School is for education. Do you know what 2 bass tracker fishing boats cost? I am a fisherman. Ive had two of them as well as other boats. This is a waste of taxpayer dollars.

And if you still dont see the problem witb this then you have NO BUSINESS bitching about the lack of education our children receive.

Some get all bent out of shape when they can't be served pizza anymore but blowing 50k+ on a fucking Saturday morning pass time is okay

There's a strong argument that sports programs significantly increase graduation rates - keeping people in school who would possibly have dropped out in other circumstances.

It's a decision that should be up to the local school boards.

I'm sure there is a term for this syndrome but if you have sports in year one and it is taken away in year two, you feel upset and quit. But if you don't have sports in year one, you don't miss it in year two.

Put another way, there may be an uptick in dropping out right after you get rid of these activities but very soon kids won't know what they are missing so you won't have that as a motive to drop out.

I was a drop out and it had nothing to do with extracurricular activities.

We just had a shooting at a dance here in KC over the weekend. 5 teens were shot most likely by another teen. That didn't happen because volleyball was cut.
Its better than them lying on a couch w/ their eyes locked-onto their 3" screen Eyephone.

Actually no it isn't. Both are useless activities. One costs taxpayer money, the other doesn't.

Schools should get out of extra-curricular activities all together. Football, volleyball, swimming, soccer, basketball, softball, baseball, dancing, theater...all of it.

If you want your kid to play baseball, there are private teams you can get them to join. Take the facilities built with tax money at the school and rent them out to these clubs.

In this day and age, it's a needless expense for facilities, a potentially dangerous activity for the students, a needless costs for coaches and staff that keeps on costing you, equipment, insurance etc...

Private schools can do whatever they want but public schools are about education.
Physical education has been understood to be a vital part of the complete overall development of children into healthy, intelligent citizens and educated, stable adults since the Greeks. A close familiarity with the natural world has been recognized as valuable for just as long.

Emerson certainly understood this:

"Nature never wears a mean appearance. Neither does the wisest man extort her secret, and lose his curiosity by finding out all her perfection. Nature never became a toy to a wise spirit. The flowers, the animals, the mountains, reflected the wisdom of his best hour, as much as they had delighted the simplicity of his childhood."
Der de der der der.....

I gave you a fucking position to argue against and you offer nothing but jibberish. Act like a nonpartisan adult for once and give me your best shot. Or is der der der all your fucking hack brain can come up with.

Try it.... Tell me why my tax dollars should pay for a leisure boat for children who should be in school learning 8x5 is more important than geography... go on tell me.

I bet you most of the rural kids couldn't even find Iraq on a fucking globe.

you are correct & make a good point BUT there are upsides to being encouraged to go outside and turn the electronic gadgets off that a lot of today's youth seem to have. Meet you 1/2 way and say that their grades must be good enough to use the boat perhaps?

There are people who do that. They're called Mom and Dad.
Physical education has been understood to be a vital part of the complete overall development of children into healthy, intelligent citizens and educated, stable adults since the Greeks. A close familiarity with the natural world has been recognized as valuable for just as long.

Emerson certainly understood this:

"Nature never wears a mean appearance. Neither does the wisest man extort her secret, and lose his curiosity by finding out all her perfection. Nature never became a toy to a wise spirit. The flowers, the animals, the mountains, reflected the wisdom of his best hour, as much as they had delighted the simplicity of his childhood."

What sport did he play?
There's a strong argument that sports programs significantly increase graduation rates - keeping people in school who would possibly have dropped out in other circumstances.

It's a decision that should be up to the local school boards.

I'm sure there is a term for this syndrome but if you have sports in year one and it is taken away in year two, you feel upset and quit. But if you don't have sports in year one, you don't miss it in year two.

Put another way, there may be an uptick in dropping out right after you get rid of these activities but very soon kids won't know what they are missing so you won't have that as a motive to drop out.

I was a drop out and it had nothing to do with extracurricular activities.

We just had a shooting at a dance here in KC over the weekend. 5 teens were shot most likely by another teen. That didn't happen because volleyball was cut.

I'm guessing that had the school offered bass fishing, you would have still dropped out even though you are a fisherman.

Also, don't pretend it's going to end here. Once you creek open the door, you'll have wade fishing teams as well; waders in school colors etc...
Missouri considers making bass fishing a high-school sport | PennLive.com

You know you're a redneck when.....

Seriously, our children barely pass with basic math and reading and this is the bullshit they come up with?

What the fuck is wrong with the adults in this country?

Good point.
I'm all for abandoning baseball, football, basketball, etc when it comes to schools.
If people want their kids in competitive sports, let them finance it and keep the schools to academics.
I was a drop out and it had nothing to do with extracurricular activities.

What sport or other extracurricular activity did you excel at?

Basketball and pole volting. I tried long distance track but was unable to keep up with all the drugs in my system. Sitting in a 15000 dollar boat fishing would have done nothing for me. And that price is based on the district being smart enough to buy used.
Physical education has been understood to be a vital part of the complete overall development of children into healthy, intelligent citizens and educated, stable adults since the Greeks. A close familiarity with the natural world has been recognized as valuable for just as long.

Emerson certainly understood this:

"Nature never wears a mean appearance. Neither does the wisest man extort her secret, and lose his curiosity by finding out all her perfection. Nature never became a toy to a wise spirit. The flowers, the animals, the mountains, reflected the wisdom of his best hour, as much as they had delighted the simplicity of his childhood."

What sport did he play?

Boston Latin School and Harvard College have always had a tradition of physical education. He was probably in better shape as a student than you have ever been.
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Its better than them lying on a couch w/ their eyes locked-onto their 3" screen Eyephone.

Actually no it isn't. Both are useless activities. One costs taxpayer money, the other doesn't.

Schools should get out of extra-curricular activities all together. Football, volleyball, swimming, soccer, basketball, softball, baseball, dancing, theater...all of it.

If you want your kid to play baseball, there are private teams you can get them to join. Take the facilities built with tax money at the school and rent them out to these clubs.

In this day and age, it's a needless expense for facilities, a potentially dangerous activity for the students, a needless costs for coaches and staff that keeps on costing you, equipment, insurance etc...

Private schools can do whatever they want but public schools are about education.

What country are you from anyway?
Physical education has been understood to be a vital part of the complete overall development of children into healthy, intelligent citizens and educated, stable adults since the Greeks. A close familiarity with the natural world has been recognized as valuable for just as long.

Emerson certainly understood this:

"Nature never wears a mean appearance. Neither does the wisest man extort her secret, and lose his curiosity by finding out all her perfection. Nature never became a toy to a wise spirit. The flowers, the animals, the mountains, reflected the wisdom of his best hour, as much as they had delighted the simplicity of his childhood."

What sport did he play?

Boston Latin School and Harvard College have always had a tradition of physical education. He was probably in better shape as a student than you are now.

What sport did he play?
Its better than them lying on a couch w/ their eyes locked-onto their 3" screen Eyephone.

Actually no it isn't. Both are useless activities. One costs taxpayer money, the other doesn't.

Schools should get out of extra-curricular activities all together. Football, volleyball, swimming, soccer, basketball, softball, baseball, dancing, theater...all of it.

If you want your kid to play baseball, there are private teams you can get them to join. Take the facilities built with tax money at the school and rent them out to these clubs.

In this day and age, it's a needless expense for facilities, a potentially dangerous activity for the students, a needless costs for coaches and staff that keeps on costing you, equipment, insurance etc...

Private schools can do whatever they want but public schools are about education.

What country are you from anyway?

The United States of America.
Physical education has been understood to be a vital part of the complete overall development of children into healthy, intelligent citizens and educated, stable adults since the Greeks. A close familiarity with the natural world has been recognized as valuable for just as long.

Emerson certainly understood this:

"Nature never wears a mean appearance. Neither does the wisest man extort her secret, and lose his curiosity by finding out all her perfection. Nature never became a toy to a wise spirit. The flowers, the animals, the mountains, reflected the wisdom of his best hour, as much as they had delighted the simplicity of his childhood."

What sport did he play?

Boston Latin School and Harvard College have always had a tradition of physical education. He was probably in better shape as a student than you are now.

I doubt it. Im in better shape now than I was in my troubled years.

On topic our kids need job placement skills. Computers, electrical etc. Instead we're gonna teach them how to put a worm on a hook?
All public school sports should be stopped, and replaced by community sports sponsorship with funding from sources other than tax dollars, like Little League is.There is very little in sports that has anything to do with preparing an individual for a lifetime of productive employment and success. It is a waste of resources, that could be used in so many other ways, including computer labs. Even mechanical trade courses are more productive.

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