I'm Finally Ashamed Of My Country

and July 4 is NOT about King 'shit head' Trump
That's funny tard. I didnt hear, "I" or "me" in his speech.

You have him confused with your Kenyan

Even the left wing pro-Obama media had to admit Obama used "I", "me", 'myself" so many times it became embarrassing. More times than any other President or major politician in our lifetime or probably ever. He's still doing it by the way. He's taking full credit for the Trump economy himself. (Once more, I get so tired of everything bad happening under Obama being George W. Bush's fault, and everything good happening in the Trump Administration is Obama's doing. How stupid do people think we are?)

I don't recall a single instance yesterday in which President Trump made any reference to himself or took credit for anything. I don't know if he said it yesterday, but he keeps removing the credit from himself and transferring it to the people saying things like: "I didn't do that. You did it. And that's why we will keep on being the greatest nation in the world."

But they pull one minor misspeak from a really great hour-long speech and I have seen thread after thread started holding that up as all the speech was. How hateful is that?

The 4th of July is to celebrate the Independence of our country from a tyrannical king, won at terrible cost of blood and treasure. It bhttps://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.historicalmaterialism.org%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Fimages%2Fblog%2F2017-02%2F2017-01-28_-_protest_at_JFK_let%2520them%2520in.jpg&f=1egan with the signing of the Declaration of Independence, but was accomplished with fire and fury and muskets and swords. To not acknowledge the role of the military in the independence of the United States of America is as silly as thinking Memorial Day has nothing to do with fallen soldiers.

What happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence?

Five signers were captured by the British as traitors and tortured before they died.

Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned.

Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary Army, another had two sons captured.

Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the Revolutionary War. They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.

John Q. Adams, son of John Adams, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, wrote: “Posterity! You will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedoms. I hope you will make good use of it.”

What kind of men were they?

Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants, nine were farmers and large plantation owners: men of means, well educated. But they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured.

In early September 1776, the British burned the home of Francis Lewis and seized his wife. Held in prison with no bed and no changes of clothing, she was finally released after two years of suffering and her health gone. She died soon after her release.

Thomas McKean was so hounded by the British that he was forced to move his family almost constantly. He served in the
Congress without pay, and his family was kept in hiding. His possessions were taken from him, and poverty was his reward.

John Hart was driven from his wife’s bedside as she was dying. Their 13 children fled for their lives. His fields and his grist-mill were laid to waste. For more than a year he lived in forests and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his children vanished. A few weeks later he died from exhaustion and a broken heart.

Lewis Morris’ New Jersey home was looted and burned and his grist mills destroyed. While he eluded capture by sleeping in caves and forest, his ailing wife died and his 13 children were scattered. His failing health forced him to leave the New Jersey legislature in 1779, and he died less than three years after the Declaration was signed.

Richard Stockton rushed home to Princeton, New Jersey, in 1776 to rescue his family from approaching British troops. He was captured and thrown into prison, where he was repeatedly beaten and kept nhttps://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.historicalmaterialism.org%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Fimages%2Fblog%2F2017-02%2F2017-01-28_-_protest_at_JFK_let%2520them%2520in.jpg&f=1ear starvation. The British also destroyed his home and burned his papers. As a result of mistreatment, he became an invalid and died in 1781.

John Morton was criticized by many of his Pennsylvania neighbors for breaking the tie vote of the Pennsylvania delegation in favor of independence. The criticism depressed him deeply. Early in 1777 he became ill and died.

Philip Livingston’s 150,000 acre estate was seized by the British, but he continued to contribute his dwindling fortune to Congress for the war effort. The strain of the revolutionary struggle also depleted his health, and he died less than two years after signing.

Robert Morris issued over one million dollars of personal credit to finance the war effort, and raised $200,000 to defeat the British at Yorktown. In 1798, his personal finances collapsed. Never reimbursed by the country, he spent three years in debtor’s prison.

Joseph Hewes of North Carolina gave tirelessly of himself to create a navy and help General Washington. Working long hours without adequate food and rest, he lost his health and died in 1779 at age 49.

Philip Livingston’s 150,000 acre estate was seized by the British, but he continued to contribute his dwindling fortune to Congress for the war effort. The strain of the revolutionary struggle also depleted his health, and he died less than two years after signing.

Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his ships sunk or captured by the British Navy. Although he lost his wealth and was forced to sell his land, he continued to serve in the Virginia Legislature. He sold his home and properties to pay his debts and died in poverty.

Thomas Heyward, Jr. served in the army and was taken prisoner. The British raided his plantation while he was in prison and burned his buildings. His wife became ill and died before he was released.

Williams Hooper of North Carolina was hunted by the British. He fled, and they burned his home and lands.

Thomas Nelson, Jr. served as governor of Virginia and distributed large sums of his money to the families of his soldiers. At the Battle of Yorktown, he led 3,000 Virginia militia against the British. Although the British took refuge in homes belonging to Virginians, Nelson’s troops shelled them away. At the battle of Yorktown, he noted that the British General Cornwallis had taken over the Nelson home for his headquarters. He quietly urged General George Washington to open fire. The home was destroyed, and Nelson died bankrupt.
The Personal Cost of Signing The Declaration of Independence

That and the brave men and women who gave their blood and treasure to win the war is what the 4th of July--Independence Day--is all about.

So one more time, this is entirely appropriate for the occasion yesterday and EVERY media organization should have reported it:

Trump takes credit for every positive & blames Democrats for what is not good.

Nice attempt at deflecting from the content of a post. Do you people really sleep well at night? I can't imagine being the kind of person who would post that kind of hatefulness and sleeping well at night.

The President legitimately states how the policies are working and what is being accomplished and what still needs to be done. And he legitimately blames the Democrats for refusing to do their jobs that would help solve a lot of problems. And he legitimately blames the media for refusing to do their jobs and for deliberately misrepresenting the facts. But his speeches are about all of us, everybody. Not about himself.


Trump's policies created the mess at the border & the number of children being held. The conditions there are his reponsibility.

Trump blames Obama.

So shoibe your crap yup your ass you lying fuck

So we should just let anyone stream across our borders and turn a blind eye, huh? Is that it?

That's what the leftists advocate, see that commie fist right there? :


That's not going to work. Pardon the double entendre.
You do realize in the next presidential election military folk will overwhelmingly vote for Trump over any progressive shit stain that you pick...

No they won’t. Trump hasn’t done shit for the military. He hasn’t even appointed a head of the VA. Funding hasn’t increased. More doctors haven’t been hired and wait times are same as they ever were.

Allowing vets to go to private clinics, is little to no help as it drains already scarce resources and funds away from a program which is seriously underfunded in the first place.

The VA was originally created to help returning WWII vets access their service benefits. It was never structured to deal with the physical and emotional damaging inflicted on American service men and women by 18 years of continuous warfare in multiples theatres of operation.

Chronic understaffing and underfunding created today’s problems. It is past time that America stop spending money on dog and pony shows to “honor” service members and started spending money on keeping the promises they made when these people enlisted.

The best way to honor vets is not with parades and fireworks, but with timely care for their injuries. By dealing with the problems of homelessness, suicide, and PTS. By providing supports, education, training, and housing. By keeping the promises you made BEFORE you sent them to war.

I brought this up when others in this thread were saying how all the military guys were saying how they love Trump... they are full of shit because Trump hasn't done 10% of the things he promised the people in the military. They don't care. They can't defend their positions, they just deflect and attack.
No one disrespects military folk more than progressives... fact
We did not vote for a man who cheated his way out of the draft & trashed military vets.
  • If you voted for Bill Clinton (and you did) you voted for a man that cheated his way out of the draft.
  • If you voted for Obumma (and you did) you voted for a man who trashed the military and the vets.
Look you lying assdsfuck,. show me where Obama trashed the military service of anyone. Ypu keep posting it so show us.

Clinton dodged the drafty by going to England.
GW Bush used his Father's influence to hide out in the National Guard.
Trump paid off a doctor to lie to avoid the draft notice he got.

Neither Clinton or Bush trasxhed the military service of anyone.
That's funny tard. I didnt hear, "I" or "me" in his speech.

You have him confused with your Kenyan

Even the left wing pro-Obama media had to admit Obama used "I", "me", 'myself" so many times it became embarrassing. More times than any other President or major politician in our lifetime or probably ever. He's still doing it by the way. He's taking full credit for the Trump economy himself. (Once more, I get so tired of everything bad happening under Obama being George W. Bush's fault, and everything good happening in the Trump Administration is Obama's doing. How stupid do people think we are?)

I don't recall a single instance yesterday in which President Trump made any reference to himself or took credit for anything. I don't know if he said it yesterday, but he keeps removing the credit from himself and transferring it to the people saying things like: "I didn't do that. You did it. And that's why we will keep on being the greatest nation in the world."

But they pull one minor misspeak from a really great hour-long speech and I have seen thread after thread started holding that up as all the speech was. How hateful is that?

The 4th of July is to celebrate the Independence of our country from a tyrannical king, won at terrible cost of blood and treasure. It bhttps://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.historicalmaterialism.org%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Fimages%2Fblog%2F2017-02%2F2017-01-28_-_protest_at_JFK_let%2520them%2520in.jpg&f=1egan with the signing of the Declaration of Independence, but was accomplished with fire and fury and muskets and swords. To not acknowledge the role of the military in the independence of the United States of America is as silly as thinking Memorial Day has nothing to do with fallen soldiers.

What happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence?

Five signers were captured by the British as traitors and tortured before they died.

Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned.

Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary Army, another had two sons captured.

Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the Revolutionary War. They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.

John Q. Adams, son of John Adams, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, wrote: “Posterity! You will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedoms. I hope you will make good use of it.”

What kind of men were they?

Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants, nine were farmers and large plantation owners: men of means, well educated. But they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured.

In early September 1776, the British burned the home of Francis Lewis and seized his wife. Held in prison with no bed and no changes of clothing, she was finally released after two years of suffering and her health gone. She died soon after her release.

Thomas McKean was so hounded by the British that he was forced to move his family almost constantly. He served in the
Congress without pay, and his family was kept in hiding. His possessions were taken from him, and poverty was his reward.

John Hart was driven from his wife’s bedside as she was dying. Their 13 children fled for their lives. His fields and his grist-mill were laid to waste. For more than a year he lived in forests and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his children vanished. A few weeks later he died from exhaustion and a broken heart.

Lewis Morris’ New Jersey home was looted and burned and his grist mills destroyed. While he eluded capture by sleeping in caves and forest, his ailing wife died and his 13 children were scattered. His failing health forced him to leave the New Jersey legislature in 1779, and he died less than three years after the Declaration was signed.

Richard Stockton rushed home to Princeton, New Jersey, in 1776 to rescue his family from approaching British troops. He was captured and thrown into prison, where he was repeatedly beaten and kept nhttps://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.historicalmaterialism.org%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Fimages%2Fblog%2F2017-02%2F2017-01-28_-_protest_at_JFK_let%2520them%2520in.jpg&f=1ear starvation. The British also destroyed his home and burned his papers. As a result of mistreatment, he became an invalid and died in 1781.

John Morton was criticized by many of his Pennsylvania neighbors for breaking the tie vote of the Pennsylvania delegation in favor of independence. The criticism depressed him deeply. Early in 1777 he became ill and died.

Philip Livingston’s 150,000 acre estate was seized by the British, but he continued to contribute his dwindling fortune to Congress for the war effort. The strain of the revolutionary struggle also depleted his health, and he died less than two years after signing.

Robert Morris issued over one million dollars of personal credit to finance the war effort, and raised $200,000 to defeat the British at Yorktown. In 1798, his personal finances collapsed. Never reimbursed by the country, he spent three years in debtor’s prison.

Joseph Hewes of North Carolina gave tirelessly of himself to create a navy and help General Washington. Working long hours without adequate food and rest, he lost his health and died in 1779 at age 49.

Philip Livingston’s 150,000 acre estate was seized by the British, but he continued to contribute his dwindling fortune to Congress for the war effort. The strain of the revolutionary struggle also depleted his health, and he died less than two years after signing.

Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his ships sunk or captured by the British Navy. Although he lost his wealth and was forced to sell his land, he continued to serve in the Virginia Legislature. He sold his home and properties to pay his debts and died in poverty.

Thomas Heyward, Jr. served in the army and was taken prisoner. The British raided his plantation while he was in prison and burned his buildings. His wife became ill and died before he was released.

Williams Hooper of North Carolina was hunted by the British. He fled, and they burned his home and lands.

Thomas Nelson, Jr. served as governor of Virginia and distributed large sums of his money to the families of his soldiers. At the Battle of Yorktown, he led 3,000 Virginia militia against the British. Although the British took refuge in homes belonging to Virginians, Nelson’s troops shelled them away. At the battle of Yorktown, he noted that the British General Cornwallis had taken over the Nelson home for his headquarters. He quietly urged General George Washington to open fire. The home was destroyed, and Nelson died bankrupt.
The Personal Cost of Signing The Declaration of Independence

That and the brave men and women who gave their blood and treasure to win the war is what the 4th of July--Independence Day--is all about.

So one more time, this is entirely appropriate for the occasion yesterday and EVERY media organization should have reported it:

Trump takes credit for every positive & blames Democrats for what is not good.

Nice attempt at deflecting from the content of a post. Do you people really sleep well at night? I can't imagine being the kind of person who would post that kind of hatefulness and sleeping well at night.

The President legitimately states how the policies are working and what is being accomplished and what still needs to be done. And he legitimately blames the Democrats for refusing to do their jobs that would help solve a lot of problems. And he legitimately blames the media for refusing to do their jobs and for deliberately misrepresenting the facts. But his speeches are about all of us, everybody. Not about himself.


Trump's policies created the mess at the border & the number of children being held. The conditions there are his reponsibility.

Trump blames Obama.

So shoibe your crap yup your ass you lying fuck

So we should just let anyone stream across our borders and turn a blind eye, huh? Is that it?

That's what the leftists advocate, see that commie fist right there? :


That's not going to work. Pardon the double entendre.

America under Trump, "Fuck your poor & sick & suffering people".
The Democrats finally did it. They made me ashamed of the United States. They made me ashamed that on the 4th of July celebrating the greatness of America, our many heroes and our magnificent military with not one word about himself or any actual politics:
  • That only one of five network channels in my area even covered it.
  • That every democrat panned the event as "political."
  • That many in the MSM claimed they "hated it."
  • That every Democrat candidate attacked our president for championing the history and greatness of our fine nation and many key historical turning points and battles on its birthday as being "political" and a "threat" or as an "ego trip" while they were actually out politically CAMPAIGNING to be president themselves and using the day for politics!
  • That I have to share my country with so many people filled with so much blind hatred, envy and contempt for a man, that they cannot even stop to celebrate their nation's birthday, put down the partisanship for just 5 minutes to unite as Americans in reveling in the glory of our country.
  • That the partisan Left was so afraid that Trump might actually look good to and score points with the voters holding this glorious event that they would rather lampoon it rather than celebrate it.
Joe Biden says Trump's July 4th event is designed 'to stroke his ego' - CNNPolitics

2020 Democrats use July 4 to storm early contest states

I'm ashamed that I have to breathe the same air as democrats who would effectively try to boycott a celebration of our nation's birthday and its history by its president paying homage to great astronauts, heroes of medicine and our branches of the military as they saluted our jets flying overhead to the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

It was enough to bring a tear to one's eye.

I'm sorry to have to share the same sky with loathsome mongrels who would call a mere 2 Bradley fighting vehicles and tanks almost lost in the crowd a "threat" to their Resistance aimed at "dictatorial suppression."

I'm shocked that on one CNN program, where a guest said he thought it was cool and great to see a showcase of all this great military weaponry as the best of all fireworks, that all he got back from his CNN anchors was cold glares.

I regret having to walk the same soil as a bunch of unpatriotic cowards who would try to spin the many great displays of our finest in the military, marching bands and others. For those who missed it, here are links to Trump's speech, the flyovers, the modest parades and other demonstrations as well as the fireworks later on:

SALUTE TO AMERICA: President Trump HISTORIC Lincoln Memorial speech

These are the terrible events that CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and MSNBC were too ashamed and didn't want you to see because they feared it might score Trump brownie points. The place there was literally PACKED. Not one more person could squeeze in. What a fabulous welcome sight as thousands actually proudly cheered: USA! USA! USA! USA! One of my favorite parts was as the crowd was able to go right up to a Bradley tank and put their hands on it. One fellow had his baby on his shoulders so he could see it.

Donald Trump: A total win.

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While I appreciate your thread and OP, I am not ashamed of my country. Because the bitterly angry, hateful, hyper-partisan/ideological unAmerican jerks who make up most of the leadership of the Democrat party and the media are NOT representative of America. You cannot dismiss the tens of thousands who stood in the pouring rain to celebrate America and all it stands for with President Trump yesterday, or all of us who would have been with them had we been able. And mind you this is in one of the bluest, most fanatically left wing cities in the country.

The haters don't represent the vast majority of us. God forbid that we become like them.

What the alphabet media would not report yesterday:

If you were paying attention, you'd see that most of the vile and hateful posts on usmb are from the right wing including quite a few that pretend to be christians. In the meantime, explain why every republican president in this century went out of their way to not put their time in the military when they had the opportunity and their nation was at war.

I haven't seen that and I do pay attention.

And whether or not anybody served in the military is not the topic of this thread. But President Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, George HW Bush, and George W. Bush all served in the military. Donald Trump did not but then neither did Bill Clinton or Barack Obama. So if you are going to throw stones. . .

We are talking about dodging the draft & then having the nerve to insult the military service of others.

The left have absolutely no right to accuse another of any alledged draft dodging, as they were the very authors of the practice. So it's any means nessesary eh ??
The Democrats finally did it. They made me ashamed of the United States. They made me ashamed that on the 4th of July celebrating the greatness of America, our many heroes and our magnificent military with not one word about himself or any actual politics:
The 4th wasn't about the greatness of America or the military. It was a celebration of Trump, which you'd realize, if you took your blinders off.
Asshole Derp. Admit it, you didn't see one minute of that celebration, Komrad. Nothing about it was about himself. All he did was get up there and lavish praise upon the country. Take your idiot partisan views and stick them up your pipe.
I watched celebrations, but the traditional kind, fireworks, not the self-aggrandizing military show of force that reminds one more of Red Square than Washington.
The Democrats finally did it. They made me ashamed of the United States. They made me ashamed that on the 4th of July celebrating the greatness of America, our many heroes and our magnificent military with not one word about himself or any actual politics:
The 4th wasn't about the greatness of America or the military. It was a celebration of Trump, which you'd realize, if you took your blinders off.
Asshole Derp. Admit it, you didn't see one minute of that celebration, Komrad. Nothing about it was about himself. All he did was get up there and lavish praise upon the country. Take your idiot partisan views and stick them up your pipe.
I watched celebrations, but the traditional kind, fireworks, not the self-aggrandizing military show of force that reminds one more of Red Square than Washington.
So you disrespected our military being celebrated on the 4th because of ??? You see our military as being the same as communist in red square ?? Wake up, you are on some bad smoke having nightmares of your old Soviet block like this.
The Democrats finally did it. They made me ashamed of the United States. They made me ashamed that on the 4th of July celebrating the greatness of America, our many heroes and our magnificent military with not one word about himself or any actual politics:
  • That only one of five network channels in my area even covered it.
  • That every democrat panned the event as "political."
  • That many in the MSM claimed they "hated it."
  • That every Democrat candidate attacked our president for championing the history and greatness of our fine nation and many key historical turning points and battles on its birthday as being "political" and a "threat" or as an "ego trip" while they were actually out politically CAMPAIGNING to be president themselves and using the day for politics!
  • That I have to share my country with so many people filled with so much blind hatred, envy and contempt for a man, that they cannot even stop to celebrate their nation's birthday, put down the partisanship for just 5 minutes to unite as Americans in reveling in the glory of our country.
  • That the partisan Left was so afraid that Trump might actually look good to and score points with the voters holding this glorious event that they would rather lampoon it rather than celebrate it.
Joe Biden says Trump's July 4th event is designed 'to stroke his ego' - CNNPolitics

2020 Democrats use July 4 to storm early contest states

I'm ashamed that I have to breathe the same air as democrats who would effectively try to boycott a celebration of our nation's birthday and its history by its president paying homage to great astronauts, heroes of medicine and our branches of the military as they saluted our jets flying overhead to the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

It was enough to bring a tear to one's eye.

I'm sorry to have to share the same sky with loathsome mongrels who would call a mere 2 Bradley fighting vehicles and tanks almost lost in the crowd a "threat" to their Resistance aimed at "dictatorial suppression."

I'm shocked that on one CNN program, where a guest said he thought it was cool and great to see a showcase of all this great military weaponry as the best of all fireworks, that all he got back from his CNN anchors was cold glares.

I regret having to walk the same soil as a bunch of unpatriotic cowards who would try to spin the many great displays of our finest in the military, marching bands and others. For those who missed it, here are links to Trump's speech, the flyovers, the modest parades and other demonstrations as well as the fireworks later on:

SALUTE TO AMERICA: President Trump HISTORIC Lincoln Memorial speech

These are the terrible events that CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and MSNBC were too ashamed and didn't want you to see because they feared it might score Trump brownie points. The place there was literally PACKED. Not one more person could squeeze in. What a fabulous welcome sight as thousands actually proudly cheered: USA! USA! USA! USA! One of my favorite parts was as the crowd was able to go right up to a Bradley tank and put their hands on it. One fellow had his baby on his shoulders so he could see it.

Donald Trump: A total win.

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a freakish cultist who stands against a lot of what makes our country great.

Do please give us the list of things that made America great that Trump stands against. I can't wait to see that.

1) Having an honest President who does not assault women & use the office to benefit himself
2) Accepting immigrants & helping refugees
3) Not borrowing 1.5 trillion to primarily benefit the wealthy & well off corporations
4) Honoring the military service of those who served
5) Being the world leader
6) Protecting the environment
7) Protecting the working man
8) Protecting the right to vote
9) Standing up for human rights around the world
10) Not supporting tyrants & despots.

How is that?
When I saw the title of this thread, I thought this was Michelle Obama for a second.
Unlike you, no everyone is proud of this country's history on race.

It was the only way to build the country

Blacks were the must have thing, like your cellphone today.

There were lots of OTHER ways to build your country. The North wasn't built on slavery.

Why is the USA the ONLY modern nation built on slavery? No other nation in the world has built their country on the backs of slaves. Canada was settled and built at the same time as the USA and we didn't use slavery.
The Democrats finally did it. They made me ashamed of the United States. They made me ashamed that on the 4th of July celebrating the greatness of America, our many heroes and our magnificent military with not one word about himself or any actual politics:
  • That only one of five network channels in my area even covered it.
  • That every democrat panned the event as "political."
  • That many in the MSM claimed they "hated it."
  • That every Democrat candidate attacked our president for championing the history and greatness of our fine nation and many key historical turning points and battles on its birthday as being "political" and a "threat" or as an "ego trip" while they were actually out politically CAMPAIGNING to be president themselves and using the day for politics!
  • That I have to share my country with so many people filled with so much blind hatred, envy and contempt for a man, that they cannot even stop to celebrate their nation's birthday, put down the partisanship for just 5 minutes to unite as Americans in reveling in the glory of our country.
  • That the partisan Left was so afraid that Trump might actually look good to and score points with the voters holding this glorious event that they would rather lampoon it rather than celebrate it.
Joe Biden says Trump's July 4th event is designed 'to stroke his ego' - CNNPolitics

2020 Democrats use July 4 to storm early contest states

I'm ashamed that I have to breathe the same air as democrats who would effectively try to boycott a celebration of our nation's birthday and its history by its president paying homage to great astronauts, heroes of medicine and our branches of the military as they saluted our jets flying overhead to the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

It was enough to bring a tear to one's eye.

I'm sorry to have to share the same sky with loathsome mongrels who would call a mere 2 Bradley fighting vehicles and tanks almost lost in the crowd a "threat" to their Resistance aimed at "dictatorial suppression."

I'm shocked that on one CNN program, where a guest said he thought it was cool and great to see a showcase of all this great military weaponry as the best of all fireworks, that all he got back from his CNN anchors was cold glares.

I regret having to walk the same soil as a bunch of unpatriotic cowards who would try to spin the many great displays of our finest in the military, marching bands and others. For those who missed it, here are links to Trump's speech, the flyovers, the modest parades and other demonstrations as well as the fireworks later on:

SALUTE TO AMERICA: President Trump HISTORIC Lincoln Memorial speech

These are the terrible events that CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and MSNBC were too ashamed and didn't want you to see because they feared it might score Trump brownie points. The place there was literally PACKED. Not one more person could squeeze in. What a fabulous welcome sight as thousands actually proudly cheered: USA! USA! USA! USA! One of my favorite parts was as the crowd was able to go right up to a Bradley tank and put their hands on it. One fellow had his baby on his shoulders so he could see it.

Donald Trump: A total win.

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View attachment 267841

a freakish cultist who stands against a lot of what makes our country great.

Do please give us the list of things that made America great that Trump stands against. I can't wait to see that.

1) Having an honest President who does not assault women & use the office to benefit himself
2) Accepting immigrants & helping refugees
3) Not borrowing 1.5 trillion to primarily benefit the wealthy & well off corporations
4) Honoring the military service of those who served
5) Being the world leader
6) Protecting the environment
7) Protecting the working man
8) Protecting the right to vote
9) Standing up for human rights around the world
10) Not supporting tyrants & despots.

How is that?

Funny you just cited things that Obama didn't do, but Trump did.
When I saw the title of this thread, I thought this was Michelle Obama for a second.
Unlike you, no everyone is proud of this country's history on race.

It was the only way to build the country

Blacks were the must have thing, like your cellphone today.

There were lots of OTHER ways to build your country. The North wasn't built on slavery.

Why is the USA the ONLY modern nation built on slavery? No other nation in the world has built their country on the backs of slaves. Canada was settled and built at the same time as the USA and we didn't use slavery.

You had a population of like 5 people

When I saw the title of this thread, I thought this was Michelle Obama for a second.
Unlike you, no everyone is proud of this country's history on race.

It was the only way to build the country

Blacks were the must have thing, like your cellphone today.

There were lots of OTHER ways to build your country. The North wasn't built on slavery.

Why is the USA the ONLY modern nation built on slavery? No other nation in the world has built their country on the backs of slaves. Canada was settled and built at the same time as the USA and we didn't use slavery.
The point is America was founded at a time when slavery was practiced throughout the world, going back thousands of years. When Leftist lunatics criticize the Founding Fathers as "slave owners", the ignorant idiots forget that they were born into this system.
When I saw the title of this thread, I thought this was Michelle Obama for a second.
Unlike you, no everyone is proud of this country's history on race.

It was the only way to build the country

Blacks were the must have thing, like your cellphone today.

There were lots of OTHER ways to build your country. The North wasn't built on slavery.

Why is the USA the ONLY modern nation built on slavery? No other nation in the world has built their country on the backs of slaves. Canada was settled and built at the same time as the USA and we didn't use slavery.
The point is America was founded at a time when slavery was practiced throughout the world, going back thousands of years. When Leftist lunatics criticize the Founding Fathers as "slave owners", the ignorant idiots forget that they were born into this system.

Thank you , all these arm chair Quarter backs.
The Democrats finally did it. They made me ashamed of the United States. They made me ashamed that on the 4th of July celebrating the greatness of America, our many heroes and our magnificent military with not one word about himself or any actual politics:
The 4th wasn't about the greatness of America or the military. It was a celebration of Trump, which you'd realize, if you took your blinders off.
Asshole Derp. Admit it, you didn't see one minute of that celebration, Komrad. Nothing about it was about himself. All he did was get up there and lavish praise upon the country. Take your idiot partisan views and stick them up your pipe.
I watched celebrations, but the traditional kind, fireworks, not the self-aggrandizing military show of force that reminds one more of Red Square than Washington.
So you disrespected our military being celebrated on the 4th because of ??? You see our military as being the same as communist in red square ?? Wake up, you are on some bad smoke having nightmares of your old Soviet block like this.
I did not disrespect the military. How Trumpian a lie! I disrespected a president that seems to have more in common with dictators world wide than the average American, despite so many having blinders on and not recognizing that his administration of what Americanism is all about.
The Democrats finally did it. They made me ashamed of the United States. They made me ashamed that on the 4th of July celebrating the greatness of America, our many heroes and our magnificent military with not one word about himself or any actual politics:
  • That only one of five network channels in my area even covered it.
  • That every democrat panned the event as "political."
  • That many in the MSM claimed they "hated it."
  • That every Democrat candidate attacked our president for championing the history and greatness of our fine nation and many key historical turning points and battles on its birthday as being "political" and a "threat" or as an "ego trip" while they were actually out politically CAMPAIGNING to be president themselves and using the day for politics!
  • That I have to share my country with so many people filled with so much blind hatred, envy and contempt for a man, that they cannot even stop to celebrate their nation's birthday, put down the partisanship for just 5 minutes to unite as Americans in reveling in the glory of our country.
  • That the partisan Left was so afraid that Trump might actually look good to and score points with the voters holding this glorious event that they would rather lampoon it rather than celebrate it.
Joe Biden says Trump's July 4th event is designed 'to stroke his ego' - CNNPolitics

2020 Democrats use July 4 to storm early contest states

I'm ashamed that I have to breathe the same air as democrats who would effectively try to boycott a celebration of our nation's birthday and its history by its president paying homage to great astronauts, heroes of medicine and our branches of the military as they saluted our jets flying overhead to the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

It was enough to bring a tear to one's eye.

I'm sorry to have to share the same sky with loathsome mongrels who would call a mere 2 Bradley fighting vehicles and tanks almost lost in the crowd a "threat" to their Resistance aimed at "dictatorial suppression."

I'm shocked that on one CNN program, where a guest said he thought it was cool and great to see a showcase of all this great military weaponry as the best of all fireworks, that all he got back from his CNN anchors was cold glares.

I regret having to walk the same soil as a bunch of unpatriotic cowards who would try to spin the many great displays of our finest in the military, marching bands and others. For those who missed it, here are links to Trump's speech, the flyovers, the modest parades and other demonstrations as well as the fireworks later on:

SALUTE TO AMERICA: President Trump HISTORIC Lincoln Memorial speech

These are the terrible events that CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and MSNBC were too ashamed and didn't want you to see because they feared it might score Trump brownie points. The place there was literally PACKED. Not one more person could squeeze in. What a fabulous welcome sight as thousands actually proudly cheered: USA! USA! USA! USA! One of my favorite parts was as the crowd was able to go right up to a Bradley tank and put their hands on it. One fellow had his baby on his shoulders so he could see it.

Donald Trump: A total win.

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a freakish cultist who stands against a lot of what makes our country great.

Do please give us the list of things that made America great that Trump stands against. I can't wait to see that.

1) Having an honest President who does not assault women & use the office to benefit himself
2) Accepting immigrants & helping refugees
3) Not borrowing 1.5 trillion to primarily benefit the wealthy & well off corporations
4) Honoring the military service of those who served
5) Being the world leader
6) Protecting the environment
7) Protecting the working man
8) Protecting the right to vote
9) Standing up for human rights around the world
10) Not supporting tyrants & despots.

How is that?

1. Have any women filed assault charges against Trump ??? You accuse a person of assault without any charges being filed against them in the past or present ?? So you disrespect our form of justice in this nation ??

2. He accepts legal immigrants, and has alledgedly worked illegals in the past, but he is president of the nation who is representing all here now, so what he did as a business man doesn't work as our President today. He has evolved.

3. Incentivizing business is a huge plus provided that business keeps it's promises in return, and that is to create jobs, and to invest back into America. So far so good.

4. Didn't watch the 4th of July celebration did ya ??

5. Being the world leader is kind of disrespectful to the world leaders wouldn't you say ?? How about us just being a strong leader in the world, where as we inspire the world instead of thinking that we lead the world against it's will ???

6. Not up to him, and him alone. It's up to all to make our grievance's known to our government's whether local, state or federal.

If our environments are going bad, it's our own fault just as much as it is their fault for their inactions on the issues. Instead of worrying about stupid thing's, it's best to focus on things that are more of a priority, but of course there are to many distractions or opportunist who are just using some of the issues in order to hurt or weaken down government on the other issues in which they are worried more about. It's been a tactic used for many centuries.

7. The working men and women protects him or herself through education and skill sets. Once aquire these things no one can abuse or exploit you. If they do, it won't last long enough that it doesn't come back on them in a very negative way. Crooks might try it, but they are short lived in their attempts at it as well. The uneducated and weak are the most vulnerable, and they should be surrounded like a shield by everyone who knows what might happen if they don't protect those who are vulnerable.

Then there are the bad in which their destiny is sealed by their own actions and character in life. These types must be always recognized, and then kept in non-powerful positions in order to limit their abuse upon another or worse entire groups that might be affected by their bullcrap, otherwise if empowering such individuals without regards. Of course people do learn by their negative experiences, and turn from their bad ways, and when this happens the prodical son or daughter should be welcomed back into the circle.

8. Requiring ID for confirmation of citizenship to vote is a no brainer in any soverign country, and to put that question on a census is also a no brainer. Made up bullcrap that suggest these things have some sort of sinister reasoning behind them is ridiculous. The people will instantly know if things go to far, and then you will have the support needed to correct those things when they happen. We ain't no where close yet.

9. We definitely stand up for human rights everywhere, but the border invasion is something different, and yet we are trying all we can to deal properly with that situation in a humanitarian way, and yes without the help of the crats while they sit back and point fingers.

10. We don't support tyrants or despot's, but instead we deal with them in order to keep you safe. Not dealing with them at all is of course not being seen as a strong leader in the world, but instead it is seen by them as that of a coward in the world. Not going to happen.
These simple minded white mf's aren't ashamed of a president that brags about grabbing women's pussy's. Not ashamed that every time this white bastard is on foreign soil, he denegrades our intel community and press, the very press before the clown become the white man's president, he's sell his right nut to be apart of. Not ashamed of a man who has 32 sexual harrasment suits pending, who is equal to baby mama drama like the negro's he hates, not ashamed of the clown dismantling basic norms such as the EPA within a few weeks, not ashamed of him suckin more dictator dick than his wife for a gold card....no, this sorry mf's ashamed because nobody wanted to watch this clown give a history lesson to people who can't even spell the word, let alone understand it, ie his redneck simple minded supporters.....get a fuckin life, fool

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