I'm Gonna Buy My Bottle Tomorrow For My Toast When They Slam The Door On Obamacare

They tried to start trouble with the OWS and it didn't work. The OWS wasn't properly motivated.

All of these angry racists are willing to go to the nines to get even with whitey...so Obama has is army ready, willing, and pissed off like a motherfucker. And those who aren't willing to crack some heads and burn the city to the ground are still in full support of whatever they do.....even when they say it's a a shame and we shouldn't overreact.

It's like dealing with Muslims. Not all of them are violent but most of them secretly agree with the violence.

So Obama supported the Arab Spring and brought down several governments in the process. He must think he's really powerful. He's so full of himself right now. Now the Arab Spring is here hiding behind racism. It's just a matter of naming it.
They tried to start trouble with the OWS and it didn't work. The OWS wasn't properly motivated.

All of these angry racists are willing to go to the nines to get even with whitey...so Obama has is army ready, willing, and pissed off like a motherfucker. And those who aren't willing to crack some heads and burn the city to the ground are still in full support of whatever they do.....even when they say it's a a shame and we shouldn't overreact.

It's like dealing with Muslims. Not all of them are violent but most of them secretly agree with the violence.

So Obama supported the Arab Spring and brought down several governments in the process. He must think he's really powerful. He's so full of himself right now. Now the Arab Spring is here hiding behind racism. It's just a matter of naming it.

Indeed...recognizing it for what it is and the intent. Divide and conquer.
They tried to start trouble with the OWS and it didn't work. The OWS wasn't properly motivated.

All of these angry racists are willing to go to the nines to get even with whitey...so Obama has is army ready, willing, and pissed off like a motherfucker. And those who aren't willing to crack some heads and burn the city to the ground are still in full support of whatever they do.....even when they say it's a a shame and we shouldn't overreact.

It's like dealing with Muslims. Not all of them are violent but most of them secretly agree with the violence.

So Obama supported the Arab Spring and brought down several governments in the process. He must think he's really powerful. He's so full of himself right now. Now the Arab Spring is here hiding behind racism. It's just a matter of naming it.
That tension will go down as arrests are made and people get disgusted with the violent acts of those who ARE stupid enough to attack because of a killing in FL that has little to do with race and more to do with ignorant racists.

The left is forgetting one major MAJOR motivation to turn the American people against you: Disrupt their complacency, threaten the ability to make a living, their ability to go about their lives and feel safe enough for their tastes.

They'll turn on you faster than a rabid dog on speed.
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They tried to start trouble with the OWS and it didn't work. The OWS wasn't properly motivated.

All of these angry racists are willing to go to the nines to get even with whitey...so Obama has is army ready, willing, and pissed off like a motherfucker. And those who aren't willing to crack some heads and burn the city to the ground are still in full support of whatever they do.....even when they say it's a a shame and we shouldn't overreact.

It's like dealing with Muslims. Not all of them are violent but most of them secretly agree with the violence.

So Obama supported the Arab Spring and brought down several governments in the process. He must think he's really powerful. He's so full of himself right now. Now the Arab Spring is here hiding behind racism. It's just a matter of naming it.
That tension will go down as arrests are made and people get disgusted with the violent acts of those who ARE stupid enough to attack because of a killing in FL that has little to do with race and more to do with ignorant racists.
Keep wishing for the demise of your own Liberty...but then airheads as YOU don't need liberty but only to be lead by the nose.

I'm not only wishing for him to win, it's a probability. Your dumb candidates can't even beat each other.

You do realize that, in two posts, you have gone from it being a certainty to a probability. With the American People, it is never wise to decide for them how they will vote. It's not a given - for either side.

I don't want to be too arrogant. It's in the high probability to certain range. You Romney fans are a little touchy aren't ya? :D
I'm not only wishing for him to win, it's a probability. Your dumb candidates can't even beat each other.

You do realize that, in two posts, you have gone from it being a certainty to a probability. With the American People, it is never wise to decide for them how they will vote. It's not a given - for either side.

I don't want to be too arrogant. It's in the high probability to certain range. You Romney fans are a little touchy aren't ya? :D

I think the polls reflect more a large following of "Anybody other than Obama" rather than Romney fans.

I remember when Reagan was shit in the eyes of the people. The press had done a serious number on him. But the guy came through when we needed him. Now he's the most popular POTUS in the last 70 years.
You do realize that, in two posts, you have gone from it being a certainty to a probability. With the American People, it is never wise to decide for them how they will vote. It's not a given - for either side.

I don't want to be too arrogant. It's in the high probability to certain range. You Romney fans are a little touchy aren't ya? :D

I think the polls reflect more a large following of "Anybody other than Obama" rather than Romney fans.

I remember when Reagan was shit in the eyes of the people. The press had done a serious number on him. But the guy came through when we needed him. Now he's the most popular POTUS in the last 70 years.
Election day prediction polls are useless till a candidate has been selected. I don't believe a one.

Secondly, most polls are weighted liberal.

Thirdly, P-BO is not getting NEARLY the same level of support he did in 08 when it was trendy hip to vote for a black man. Now 3+ years in of being disappointed by or shocked by, the bloom is off the rose, and no matter how much he tries to make this another 'Blame Bush' election.... it's not going to happen.

But take heart dear liberals. The Establishment GOP that you have over to your Georgetown Cocktail Parties and New York Galas and up to Martha's Vinyard for summer vacations have a proven trackrecord of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
I don't want to be too arrogant. It's in the high probability to certain range. You Romney fans are a little touchy aren't ya? :D

I think the polls reflect more a large following of "Anybody other than Obama" rather than Romney fans.

I remember when Reagan was shit in the eyes of the people. The press had done a serious number on him. But the guy came through when we needed him. Now he's the most popular POTUS in the last 70 years.
Election day prediction polls are useless till a candidate has been selected. I don't believe a one.

Secondly, most polls are weighted liberal.

Thirdly, P-BO is not getting NEARLY the same level of support he did in 08 when it was trendy hip to vote for a black man. Now 3+ years in of being disappointed by or shocked by, the bloom is off the rose, and no matter how much he tries to make this another 'Blame Bush' election.... it's not going to happen.

But take heart dear liberals. The Establishment GOP that you have over to your Georgetown Cocktail Parties and New York Galas and up to Martha's Vinyard for summer vacations have a proven trackrecord of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

And what has he left to run on? His economic record? Class Warfare? Trumped up War on Women? Racial tensions?

His campaign will be Blame, Minimization, Denial, Obfuscation...worthy of a Community Organizer whom has been uncloaked.
You do realize that, in two posts, you have gone from it being a certainty to a probability. With the American People, it is never wise to decide for them how they will vote. It's not a given - for either side.

I don't want to be too arrogant. It's in the high probability to certain range. You Romney fans are a little touchy aren't ya? :D

I think the polls reflect more a large following of "Anybody other than Obama" rather than Romney fans.

I remember when Reagan was shit in the eyes of the people. The press had done a serious number on him. But the guy came through when we needed him. Now he's the most popular POTUS in the last 70 years.

A lot of conservatives would disagree with you on the Romney/Reagan comparison. Even right now, if you had any kind of other option, Romney wouldn't be in the lead.

Obama is the clear choice for those who have the ability to think things through. Hatred is not enough to win, you have to have better ideas.

Your party has nothing this time. Maybe 2016.
I think the polls reflect more a large following of "Anybody other than Obama" rather than Romney fans.

I remember when Reagan was shit in the eyes of the people. The press had done a serious number on him. But the guy came through when we needed him. Now he's the most popular POTUS in the last 70 years.
Election day prediction polls are useless till a candidate has been selected. I don't believe a one.

Secondly, most polls are weighted liberal.

Thirdly, P-BO is not getting NEARLY the same level of support he did in 08 when it was trendy hip to vote for a black man. Now 3+ years in of being disappointed by or shocked by, the bloom is off the rose, and no matter how much he tries to make this another 'Blame Bush' election.... it's not going to happen.

But take heart dear liberals. The Establishment GOP that you have over to your Georgetown Cocktail Parties and New York Galas and up to Martha's Vinyard for summer vacations have a proven trackrecord of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

And what has he left to run on? His economic record? Class Warfare? Trumped up War on Women? Racial tensions?

His campaign will be Blame, Minimization, Denial, Obfuscation...worthy of a Community Organizer whom has been uncloaked.
Ding, you nailed it. Remember Captain Darling's shocked reaction when guessed.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aECBz2--kUk&feature=related]blackadder battle plan - YouTube[/ame]

Poor General Melchit will not be moving his drinks cabinet 6 inches closer to Berlin.

But please, bolster morale!
I think the polls reflect more a large following of "Anybody other than Obama" rather than Romney fans.

I remember when Reagan was shit in the eyes of the people. The press had done a serious number on him. But the guy came through when we needed him. Now he's the most popular POTUS in the last 70 years.
Election day prediction polls are useless till a candidate has been selected. I don't believe a one.

Secondly, most polls are weighted liberal.

Thirdly, P-BO is not getting NEARLY the same level of support he did in 08 when it was trendy hip to vote for a black man. Now 3+ years in of being disappointed by or shocked by, the bloom is off the rose, and no matter how much he tries to make this another 'Blame Bush' election.... it's not going to happen.

But take heart dear liberals. The Establishment GOP that you have over to your Georgetown Cocktail Parties and New York Galas and up to Martha's Vinyard for summer vacations have a proven trackrecord of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

And what has he left to run on?

3.9M private sector jobs, an economy that has grown consistently since four months after he took office, an end to the war in Iraq as promised, keeping the timeline on Afghanistan as promised, killing Osama Bin Laden and a host of other AQ operatives, ending DADT, passing the most sweeping HC reform in a century, cutting taxes for working Americans....
I think the polls reflect more a large following of "Anybody other than Obama" rather than Romney fans.

I remember when Reagan was shit in the eyes of the people. The press had done a serious number on him. But the guy came through when we needed him. Now he's the most popular POTUS in the last 70 years.
Election day prediction polls are useless till a candidate has been selected. I don't believe a one.

Secondly, most polls are weighted liberal.

Thirdly, P-BO is not getting NEARLY the same level of support he did in 08 when it was trendy hip to vote for a black man. Now 3+ years in of being disappointed by or shocked by, the bloom is off the rose, and no matter how much he tries to make this another 'Blame Bush' election.... it's not going to happen.

But take heart dear liberals. The Establishment GOP that you have over to your Georgetown Cocktail Parties and New York Galas and up to Martha's Vinyard for summer vacations have a proven trackrecord of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

And what has he left to run on? His economic record? Class Warfare? Trumped up War on Women? Racial tensions?

His campaign will be Blame, Minimization, Denial, Obfuscation...worthy of a Community Organizer whom has been uncloaked.

Nobody cares what you see. You are clearly running on hatred for the man, that will not be enough to beat him.

Just sit on your ass all day dreaming up ways that will make it possible for Obama to beat himself. It isn't going to happen.
I'm not only wishing for him to win, it's a probability. Your dumb candidates can't even beat each other.

You do realize that, in two posts, you have gone from it being a certainty to a probability. With the American People, it is never wise to decide for them how they will vote. It's not a given - for either side.

I don't want to be too arrogant. It's in the high probability to certain range. You Romney fans are a little touchy aren't ya? :D

I'm not at all touchy. It is the process that matters... that people understand and vote. Not who they vote for. You think it's all about Romney... it isn't. It's about Obama... for the first time in my life, I'll vote for whoever stands the best chance of beating him. I think he's been an atrocious President.

I don't think either side should take the American People for granted. This country belongs to all of us... not your side, or mine. It is about time that we all understood that - and that our politicians understood it too.
Election day prediction polls are useless till a candidate has been selected. I don't believe a one.

Secondly, most polls are weighted liberal.

Thirdly, P-BO is not getting NEARLY the same level of support he did in 08 when it was trendy hip to vote for a black man. Now 3+ years in of being disappointed by or shocked by, the bloom is off the rose, and no matter how much he tries to make this another 'Blame Bush' election.... it's not going to happen.

But take heart dear liberals. The Establishment GOP that you have over to your Georgetown Cocktail Parties and New York Galas and up to Martha's Vinyard for summer vacations have a proven trackrecord of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

And what has he left to run on? His economic record? Class Warfare? Trumped up War on Women? Racial tensions?

His campaign will be Blame, Minimization, Denial, Obfuscation...worthy of a Community Organizer whom has been uncloaked.

Nobody cares what you see. You are clearly running on hatred for the man, that will not be enough to beat him.

Just sit on your ass all day dreaming up ways that will make it possible for Obama to beat himself. It isn't going to happen.

No. I am commenting on his Fundamental Change...and tying the ribbons on Progressivism/Statism started 100 years ago to destroy the Republic the Founders gave us.

Perhaps you don't value liberty of the individual? Millions of us DO and see him as a danger to it, and will do everything in our power to see him defeated as the dangerous radical Marxist that he is.

Fair enough?

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