I'm gonna use this thread to expose the Democrat Party Wikileaks-style!

The Left:

"Don't judge all Muslims by a few terrorists. Not all Muslims are the same"

"All Trump voters are the same. They're all racists"
Democrats became the Party of wealthy, snooty Elites, illegals, & poor folks dependent on government.

They abandoned everyone in the middle
slavery was not a north-south issue, it was a Republican-Democrat issue!

let's recall that northern Democrats like Douglas supported slavery, and southerners didn't own slaves.

75% of the folks fightin on the Confederate side didn't own slaves and didn't care about slavery.

most young folks haven't even heard of REPUBLICAN Frederick Douglass...everyone's heard of MLK!

the scandalous neglect of Douglass and the excessive praise heaped on MLK is part of the progressive whitewash, folks!
it's the left that are the racist ones. They make everything about skin and not character.
Black lives matter is a criminal group. The definition of terrorism is the use of intimidation or violence in pursuit of political gains. These characteristics define the BLM movement. Furthermore, BLM is racist as shit. May I recall the civil rights activist parade where they told white people they needed to go to the back of the parade. Kind of reminds me of a time when they told black people to go the back of the bus. Finally, BLM is based on lies and propaganda. "Hands up don't shoot", first advocated for by a friend of Michael Brown, was later told to be a flat out LIE. BLM is a joke.

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